Europe’s deepest mine transformed into a GIANT underground battery

The Electric Viking
30 Mar 202406:14

TLDRThe former deepest mine in Europe, located in Finland and owned by First Quantum Minerals, is being transformed into a gravity battery by UK-based Gravitricity. This innovative energy storage solution utilizes the mine's depth to store renewable energy and supply it on-demand. The project, which repurposes existing infrastructure, offers a cost-effective and efficient alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries, with the potential to provide power for millions and create new opportunities in remote areas.


  • 🌐 The deepest mine in Europe, previously a zinc and copper production hub, is being converted into a gravity battery in the UK.
  • 🔋 This gravity battery project is set to become one of the largest batteries ever constructed, storing renewable energy for on-demand supply to the grid.
  • 📍 The mine, located approximately 280 miles north of Helsinki, Finland, is owned by Canadian firm First Quantum Minerals.
  • 🏗️ Conversion work has begun, marking a transformation from a traditional mining site to a cutting-edge energy storage facility.
  • 💡 The local community and a development company, Calo, see this as an opportunity to leverage the region's electricity grid and energy market transformations.
  • 🔄 Edinburgh-based Gravitricity has developed the gravity-based system, 'Gravitricity Store', to store excess energy from renewable sources.
  • ⚙️ The system works by raising and lowering weights in mine shafts to store and release energy, effectively using the mine's existing infrastructure.
  • 🔋 Gravity batteries are presented as a cheaper, more efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries.
  • 🌡️ Unlike lithium-ion batteries, gravity batteries are not affected by cold or heat, and do not suffer from energy loss during non-use.
  • 🔄 They offer an unlimited number of cycles for energy storage, unlike lithium-ion batteries which have a finite number of charge-discharge cycles.
  • 🌍 The full-scale project aims to pave the way for commercial projects globally, offering a potential future for mines approaching the end of their operational life.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the conversion of the deepest mine in Europe into a gravity battery, which will be one of the largest batteries ever constructed.

  • Who is the speaker in the video?

    -The speaker in the video is Sam Evans, the host of the Electric Viking channel.

  • Which company is responsible for converting the mine into a gravity battery?

    -The company responsible for the conversion is Gravitricity, based in Edinburgh.

  • What was the former purpose of the mine?

    -The mine, located in Finland and owned by Canadian firm First Quantum Minerals, was previously a production hub for zinc and copper.

  • How deep is the mine that is being converted into a gravity battery?

    -The mine is 1,444 meters deep.

  • What is the significance of repurposing the mine as a gravity battery?

    -Repurposing the mine as a gravity battery provides a new use for the site, helps to utilize the region's electricity grid, offers employment opportunities, and contributes to energy storage solutions without the environmental impact of traditional batteries.

  • How does a gravity battery work?

    -A gravity battery works by raising weights in defunct mine shafts to store energy. During high demand, the weights are lowered to release energy, with shaft winches serving as power generators.

  • What are some advantages of gravity batteries over traditional lithium-ion batteries?

    -Gravity batteries are cheaper to deploy and operate, not limited by finite number of cycles, unaffected by temperature extremes, and can provide rapid response to energy demand.

  • Where else is Gravitricity looking to develop gravity battery projects?

    -Gravitricity is exploring opportunities in other countries such as the Czech Republic, Germany, and India.

  • What is the potential capacity of the gravity battery being developed in the former European deepest mine?

    -The full-scale project will provide a pathway to commercial projects, with Gravitricity planning to use a 1700 ft (530 m) auxiliary shaft to build a 2-megawatt prototype.

  • How does the gravity battery project contribute to sustainable energy solutions?

    -The gravity battery project contributes to sustainable energy by offering a renewable energy storage solution that is efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly, transforming a decommissioned mine into a valuable asset for energy storage and supply.



🔌 Transforming Europe's Deepest Mine into a Groundbreaking Gravity Battery

This paragraph introduces the ambitious project of converting Europe's deepest mine, located in Finland and formerly operated for zinc and copper extraction, into a massive gravity battery. The initiative is led by a UK company aiming to repurpose the mine's infrastructure to store renewable energy and supply it on-demand to the grid. The mine, previously a significant employer in Finland, ceased production in August 2022, prompting the community to seek innovative uses for the land. The project capitalizes on the region's electricity grid and evolving energy market, with the mine's location offering strategic advantages for energy-intensive industries and proximity to the energy-hungry city of Helsinki. The technology involves raising weights in defunct mine shafts to store energy, which can then be released by lowering the weights during periods of high demand, turning the shaft winches into power generators. The paragraph highlights the novelty and potential of this approach, contrasting it with traditional lithium-ion batteries and emphasizing its rapid response time, scalability, and the opportunity to create new employment in remote areas.


💡 Advantages of Gravity-Based Energy Storage Over Lithium Batteries

This paragraph delves into the benefits of gravity-based energy storage systems, positioning them as a cost-effective and efficient alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries. It explains that these systems are not subject to energy loss due to temperature fluctuations and have an unlimited number of cycles, unlike lithium batteries which have a finite lifespan. The full-scale project aims to pave the way for commercial applications and integrate the solution into mine decommissioning processes, offering a sustainable future for retired mines and the potential to power millions of people worldwide. The paragraph emphasizes the innovative nature of this technology and invites viewers to share their thoughts on the development.



💡Europe's deepest mine

This refers to the deepest mine ever constructed in Europe, which was historically a production hub for zinc and copper. The mine, located in Finland and owned by Canadian firm First Quantum Minerals, is notable for its depth of 1,444 meters and its previous role as a major employer in Finland. In the context of the video, this mine is set to be repurposed into a gravity battery, marking a significant transformation from a traditional mining operation to a cutting-edge energy storage facility.

💡Gravity battery

A gravity battery is an innovative energy storage system that utilizes the force of gravity to store and release energy. This technology involves raising and lowering weights in defunct mine shafts to store and generate electricity as needed. Unlike traditional chemical batteries, gravity batteries offer advantages such as long lifespan, resistance to environmental conditions, and potentially lower costs. The video highlights a project by the company Gravitricity to convert Europe's deepest mine into a gravity battery, which would be the first of its kind in the region.

💡Renewable energy

Renewable energy refers to power generated from natural resources that can be replenished continuously, such as sunlight, wind, and water. The emphasis on renewable energy in the video underscores the importance of sustainable and environmentally friendly power sources. The gravity battery project aims to store energy from renewable sources like solar panels and wind turbines, ensuring that this clean energy can be supplied to the grid on demand, even when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing.

💡Energy storage

Energy storage involves the capture and holding of energy for later use, which is essential for managing the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. In the context of the video, energy storage is achieved through the gravity battery system, allowing for the efficient use of renewable energy even when production exceeds demand. This technology helps stabilize the grid and ensures a reliable supply of electricity.

💡Sustainable development

Sustainable development refers to economic, social, and environmental development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The conversion of the deepest mine in Europe into a gravity battery exemplifies sustainable development by repurposing an existing infrastructure for a new, environmentally friendly use. This not only extends the life of the mine but also contributes to the global shift towards cleaner energy sources.

💡Grid supply

Grid supply refers to the distribution of electricity from power plants or other energy sources to homes, businesses, and industries through a network of transmission and distribution lines. In the context of the video, the gravity battery system will supply energy to the grid on demand, helping to balance the variability of renewable energy sources and ensuring a consistent supply of power. This is crucial for maintaining the stability and reliability of the electrical grid.

💡Logistical location

The logistical location refers to the geographic placement of a facility or infrastructure that affects its ability to efficiently transport goods or services. In the video, the mine's proximity to the city of Helsinki is highlighted as a strategic logistical location for the gravity battery, as it allows for the effective distribution of stored energy to the city's power-hungry infrastructure.

💡Modular system

A modular system is one that is composed of smaller, independent but interconnected units or components that can be easily adjusted or reconfigured to meet changing needs or conditions. In the context of the video, the gravity battery is described as modular, meaning its capacity can be scaled up or down based on local energy requirements and conditions. This flexibility allows for customization of the energy storage solution to fit specific scenarios.


Efficiency in this context refers to the effectiveness with which a system or device produces desired output with minimal waste of resources, such as energy. The gravity battery system mentioned in the video is said to be more efficient than lithium-ion batteries, with better energy retention and fewer energy losses, especially in cold conditions. This high efficiency is a significant advantage, as it means more of the stored energy is available for use when needed.

💡Energy cycles

Energy cycles refer to the number of times a battery can store and release energy before its performance significantly declines. The gravity battery system highlighted in the video is said to have an unlimited number of cycles, unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries that have a finite lifespan. This means that the gravity battery can continue to store and release energy indefinitely without a significant drop in performance, making it a more durable and cost-effective solution over time.

💡Commercial projects

Commercial projects are initiatives aimed at generating profit or serving business purposes. In the context of the video, the full-scale gravity battery project is intended to pave the way for other commercial endeavors, indicating that its success could lead to the widespread adoption of this technology in various locations. The transformation of the mine into a gravity battery is not just an environmental or technological achievement but also a potentially profitable business venture.


The deepest mine in Europe is being converted into a giant battery, marking a significant technological advancement.

This initiative represents the transformation of a defunct mine into one of the largest batteries ever seen, showcasing the potential of repurposing old infrastructures.

The United Kingdom-based company behind this project is revolutionizing the energy storage landscape with its innovative gravity battery concept.

The mine, previously a production hub for zinc and copper, is located in Finland and is now set to store renewable energy.

The project is spearheaded by Calo, a local development company, and aims to supply energy on-demand to the grid, enhancing the reliability of renewable energy sources.

The mine's location, approximately 280 miles north of Helsinki, offers a strategic advantage due to its proximity to the city and the region's robust electricity grid.

The concept of gravity-based batteries is not new, but its application at this scale in Europe is groundbreaking, offering a sustainable solution for energy storage.

Edinburgh-based Gravitricity has developed the gravity-based system, 'Gravitricity Store', which utilizes the mine's defunct shafts to store energy.

During periods of high renewable energy production, Gravitricity Store raises weights to store energy, which can then be released during high demand.

The weights are lowered using shaft winches that act as power generators, converting potential energy into electricity when needed.

Unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries, gravity batteries do not suffer from energy loss due to inactivity or extreme temperatures, making them more efficient.

The technology is modular, allowing for the adjustment of battery capacity based on local conditions and energy requirements.

Gravitricity is also exploring opportunities to implement this technology in mines in other countries, including the Czech Republic, Germany, and India.

Gravity-based batteries offer a cheaper alternative to lithium-ion batteries in terms of deployment and operation, with virtually unlimited cycles.

This project not only creates new employment opportunities in remote areas but also provides a sustainable energy storage solution for millions of people globally.

The full-scale project will pave the way for commercial projects and integrate the solution into mine decommissioning activities, transforming old mines into valuable energy storage facilities.

This innovative approach to energy storage is a testament to the potential of combining technological advancements with sustainable development practices.