Experts react to April’s PPI report

CNBC Television
14 May 202404:32

TLDRIn a discussion on the April PPI report, experts Peter Earl and Kitty Richards debate the effectiveness of the Federal Reserve's current monetary policy in addressing inflation. Earl, a senior economist, believes the Fed's policy rate is too low and that U.S. monetary policy remains too loose, despite recent price accelerations. He suggests the Fed's estimate is off by several hundred basis points. On the other hand, Richards, a senior fellow, argues that the current interest rates may not be solving the inflation problem but are instead causing hardship for households and exacerbating affordability issues. She points out that while shelter inflation persists, other areas of inflation are under control. Richards proposes reconsidering corporate tax cuts from the Trump era as a means to reduce prices, rather than further burdening families with high-policy interest rates. The conversation also touches on the impact of higher interest rates on small businesses and the broader economy.


  • 📈 Peter Earl believes the Federal Reserve stopped raising rates too early, with the current policy still being too loose.
  • 🎯 The annualized core inflation rate suggests the adjusted rate should be higher, implying a policy that is too tight by 50 to 100 basis points.
  • 📉 Despite higher interest rates, prices continue to rise, indicating that the Federal Reserve's estimates may be off by a few hundred basis points.
  • 🏠 Kitty Richards argues that the current interest rates are causing more harm to households and increasing affordability issues, rather than solving inflation.
  • 💰 She suggests that corporate profits could be reduced to help bring down prices, and proposes reversing the corporate tax cuts from the Trump era.
  • 🚗 Higher interest rates make it more difficult for families to afford mortgages, car loans, and student loan payments.
  • 🛍️ The reason for higher interest rates is to reduce demand in the economy, which is the Federal Reserve's primary tool to control inflation.
  • 📰 A Wall Street Journal article highlights that prices for items like aluminum and cardboard continue to rise, affecting small business owners.
  • 🤔 The debate centers around whether the supply-side issues need to be addressed, and if the current demand-side pain is necessary or excessive.
  • 💡 Richards questions the effectiveness of higher interest rates as a tool to combat inflation, especially if supply issues are the primary cause.
  • 📉 Inflation has dropped significantly from its highs over the past few years, prompting a discussion on whether the current approach is causing more harm than good.

Q & A

  • What was Peter Earl's initial anticipation regarding the PPI numbers?

    -Peter Earl anticipated that the PPI numbers would be hotter than the consensus estimate.

  • What does Peter Earl believe about the Federal Reserve's actions in relation to interest rates?

    -Peter Earl believes that the Federal Reserve stopped raising rates too early and that U.S. monetary policy is still too loose.

  • According to Peter Earl, what is the current Federal Funds Policy Rate and how does it compare to the adjusted rate based on annualized core inflation?

    -The Federal Funds Policy Rate is about 5.3%, but the adjusted rate based on annualized core inflation would be 7.1%, suggesting that policy is too tight.

  • What is Kitty Richards' perspective on the necessity of higher interest rates to control inflation?

    -Kitty Richards questions whether the current policy interest rates are effectively solving the inflation problem or just causing pain for households and increasing the affordability problem.

  • What issue does Kitty Richards identify as persistent in the CPI over the last few months?

    -Kitty Richards identifies a persistent problem in shelter inflation.

  • What alternative solution does Kitty Richards propose to address inflation, other than higher interest rates?

    -Kitty Richards suggests reversing the corporate tax cuts of the Trump era as an alternative to higher interest rates.

  • What is the primary reason for higher interest rates according to the context of the transcript?

    -The primary reason for higher interest rates is to tamp down demand in the economy and slow things down, which is a tool the Federal Reserve uses to rein in inflation.

  • How does Kitty Richards connect corporate profits to the current inflation situation?

    -Kitty Richards suggests that huge corporate profits could be a factor in the current inflation and that there is a discussion to be had about excess profit taxes and the impact of previous corporate tax cuts.

  • What does Peter Earl imply about the effectiveness of the Federal Reserve's tool in controlling inflation?

    -Peter Earl implies that the Federal Reserve's tool of higher interest rates may not be as effective as needed, especially if the inflation problem is more related to supply issues.

  • What is the main concern expressed by the participants about the impact of high-policy interest rates on families?

    -The main concern is that high-policy interest rates make it more difficult for families to afford mortgages, car loans, and student loan payments.

  • What is the debate between Peter Earl and Kitty Richards regarding the Federal Reserve's policy?

    -The debate is centered around whether the Federal Reserve's policy of higher interest rates is the correct approach to inflation, with Peter Earl suggesting it is too loose and Kitty Richards questioning its effectiveness and the need for it.



📉 Monetary Policy Critique and Inflation Concerns

The first paragraph discusses the Federal Reserve's (the Fed) monetary policy and its impact on inflation. Peter Earl, a Senior Economist, argues that the Fed stopped raising rates too early, resulting in a policy that is too loose, despite the Fed Funds policy rate being around 5.3%. He suggests that the actual inflation rate, adjusted for the natural rate of interest, indicates that policy should be tighter. Kitty Richards, a Senior Fellow, offers a contrasting view, focusing on whether the current interest rates are effectively addressing inflation or merely causing economic hardship. She points out persistent issues with shelter inflation and suggests that supply issues might be the underlying problem, not demand, advocating for a reconsideration of corporate tax cuts rather than further increasing the financial burden on families.



💡PPI report

The Producer Price Index (PPI) report is a measure of the average changes in prices received by domestic producers for their output. It's a key economic indicator that reflects the cost of goods and services at earlier stages of production, which can influence consumer prices. In the video, experts are discussing the implications of the latest PPI report on the economy and monetary policy.


The Federal Reserve, often referred to as 'the Fed,' is the central banking system of the United States. It plays a critical role in setting monetary policy, including interest rates, which influence economic activity. In the transcript, the Fed's decision to stop raising interest rates is a point of contention among the experts.

💡Fed Funds Policy Rate

This is the interest rate at which depository institutions (banks and credit unions) lend reserve balances to other depository institutions overnight on the Fed funds market. The rate is used as a benchmark for many other interest rates and can influence economic decisions. Peter Earl suggests that the current rate is too low, implying that monetary policy is too loose.


Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and subsequently, purchasing power is falling. Central banks attempt to limit inflation and avoid deflation to keep the economy running smoothly. In the discussion, the experts debate whether current interest rates are effectively addressing inflation or causing undue hardship for households.

💡Interest Rates

Interest rates are the cost of borrowing money and the return on saving and investing. The central bank can adjust the interest rates to control inflation and promote economic growth. In the video, the debate is about whether higher interest rates are necessary to curb inflation or if they are causing more harm than good.

💡Monetary Policy

Monetary policy refers to the actions of a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve, intended to influence a country's money supply and interest rates. It's a tool used to control inflation and ensure economic stability. The experts are discussing whether the current monetary policy is too loose and its impact on inflation.

💡Supply and Demand

Supply and demand is an economic model of price determination in a market. The discussion in the video touches on whether the current inflation is due to supply-side issues, such as shortages, or if it's being driven by demand-side factors, such as consumer spending.

💡Corporate Profits

Corporate profits refer to the net income of corporations after all expenses have been deducted. In the transcript, Kitty Richards suggests that corporate profits could be reduced to help bring down prices, implying that high profits might be contributing to inflation.

💡Corporate Tax Cuts

Corporate tax cuts refer to reductions in the tax rates that businesses pay on their profits. Richards mentions the corporate tax cuts from the Trump era and suggests reversing them as a potential strategy to address inflation, arguing that they may have contributed to corporate profiteering.

💡Housing Inflation

Housing inflation refers to the increase in the prices of housing, which can be a significant component of overall inflation. In the discussion, housing is highlighted as a persistent problem area for inflation, affecting the cost of living for many households.


The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. It's a key indicator of inflation and is mentioned in the context of whether inflation is under control or still a concern.


Peter Earl believes the Federal Reserve stopped raising rates too early, with the Fed Funds policy rate at about 5.3% and annualized core inflation suggesting a higher adjusted rate.

Earl suggests that U.S. monetary policy is still too loose, and the Fed's estimates may be low by a few hundred basis points.

Kitty Richards argues that higher interest rates may not be necessary to bring down inflation, and questions whether current policy rates are solving the inflation problem or causing pain for households.

Richards points out persistent problems in shelter inflation but notes that inflation is mostly under control.

She questions the need for longer and higher interest rates and suggests that the issue might have been a supply problem all along.

Richards proposes reversing the corporate tax cuts of the Trump era as a way to bring down prices, rather than making it more difficult for families to afford essential items.

The discussion highlights the direct effects of high-policy interest rates on families, such as increased difficulty in buying cars, affording mortgages, and making student loan payments.

The reason for higher interest rates is to tamp down demand in the economy and slow things down, which is the Fed's primary tool to rein in inflation.

The Wall Street Journal reports that prices of aluminum and cardboard continue to rise, along with health insurance and wages, affecting small business owners.

The debate focuses on whether the tool of higher interest rates is effective in bringing down inflation and if the side effects are worth the cure.

Richards discusses the incentive for corporate profiteering and the potential role of excess profit taxes in times of unusual supply restrictions.

She also mentions the corporate profits tax cut that occurred before the pandemic, which may have contributed to corporate profiteering.

The conversation explores the effectiveness of the Fed's limited tools and the potential need for alternative strategies to address inflation.

The experts discuss the balance between the harm caused by the current monetary policy and its intended benefits in controlling inflation.

The transcript emphasizes the complexity of the economic situation, with ongoing debates on the best approach to managing inflation and its impact on households and businesses.