GPT-4o is WAY More Powerful than Open AI is Telling us...

MattVidPro AI
16 May 202428:18

TLDRThe video explores the capabilities of Open AI's GPT-4o, a multimodal AI model that surpasses expectations. GPT-4o, which stands for Omni, can process images, audio, and video, offering real-time responses and generating high-quality content across modalities. From creating images and 3D models to interpreting complex data and languages, GPT-4o demonstrates remarkable speed and accuracy, hinting at a future where AI can be a powerful ally in various tasks. The video also speculates on Open AI's potential lead in AI technology, suggesting a rapid evolution in AI capabilities.


  • 🧠 GPT-4o, the new AI model by Open AI, is a multimodal AI that can understand and generate various types of data including text, images, audio, and video.
  • 🔍 GPT-4o is capable of generating high-quality AI images that are considered the best the speaker has ever seen, with remarkable photorealism and detail.
  • 🚀 The text generation capabilities of GPT-4o are extremely fast, producing output at a rate of two paragraphs per second, while maintaining the quality of leading models.
  • 🎨 GPT-4o can generate images from text prompts with incredible accuracy and consistency, including complex scenes and character designs.
  • 👾 It can also create 3D models and STL files for 3D printing, showcasing its ability to understand and generate three-dimensional structures.
  • 📈 The model is designed to be cost-effective, being half as expensive as GPT-4 Turbo, indicating a trend towards more affordable AI technologies.
  • 👂 GPT-4o has advanced audio capabilities, including the ability to generate human-sounding voices with various emotional styles and potentially even music.
  • 👀 The AI can interpret and transcribe audio with multiple speakers, differentiating between them and understanding the context of conversations.
  • 🎮 GPT-4o can simulate interactive experiences, such as playing a text-based version of Pokémon Red, in real-time.
  • 🔎 It demonstrates strong image recognition abilities, being able to decipher and transcribe various forms of text, including ancient manuscripts.
  • 📹 The model shows promise in video understanding, although it is not yet able to natively process video files, it can interpret video through a series of images.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of GPT-4o being called 'Omni'?

    -The term 'Omni' in GPT-4o signifies that it is the first truly multimodal AI, capable of understanding and generating more than one type of data, such as text, images, audio, and even interpreting video.

  • How does GPT-4o differ from its predecessor, GPT-4 Turbo?

    -GPT-4o is a multimodal AI that natively processes images, understands audio, and interprets video, unlike GPT-4 Turbo which required separate models for certain tasks, such as audio transcription using Whisper V3.

  • What new capabilities does GPT-4o have in terms of audio processing?

    -GPT-4o can understand breathing patterns, tone of voice, and emotions behind words, offering a more human-like interaction compared to GPT-4 Turbo which was limited to transcribing audio into text.

  • How fast is GPT-4o's text generation compared to other models?

    -GPT-4o generates text at an exceptionally fast rate, producing two paragraphs per second, which is multiple times faster than leading models without compromising quality.

  • What is an example of GPT-4o's advanced text generation capabilities?

    -GPT-4o can generate a fully functional Facebook Messenger as a single HTML file in just 6 seconds, showcasing its ability to produce high-quality and functional outputs rapidly.

  • How does GPT-4o handle statistical analysis and chart generation from spreadsheets?

    -GPT-4o can generate fully blown charts and statistical analysis from spreadsheets with a single prompt in less than 30 seconds, a task that previously took much longer using traditional methods like Excel.

  • What is the unique gameplay experience GPT-4o can simulate?

    -GPT-4o can simulate playing Pokémon Red as a text-based game, responding in real-time to user inputs and providing a nostalgic gaming experience through text prompts.

  • How has the cost of running GPT-4o compared to GPT-4 Turbo?

    -GPT-4o is not only faster and as good as GPT-4 Turbo but is also half as cheap, indicating a significant decrease in the cost of running these powerful AI models.

  • What are some of the audio generation capabilities of GPT-4o?

    -GPT-4o can generate high-quality, human-sounding audio in a variety of emotive styles and potentially generate audio for any input image, bringing images to life with sound.

  • How does GPT-4o's image generation differ from previous models?

    -GPT-4o's image generation is exceptionally high-resolution and photorealistic, with the ability to create consistent characters and scenes across multiple prompts, showcasing its advanced multimodal understanding.

  • What is the potential future application of GPT-4o's generative capabilities?

    -GPT-4o's capabilities open up possibilities for creating new games, art styles, and interactive experiences, as well as advancing fields like font creation, 3D modeling, and even video understanding.



🤖 Introduction to Open AI's GPT-4 Omni and Its Multimodal Capabilities

The video script introduces the groundbreaking AI model, GPT-4 Omni, by Open AI. The model, referred to as 'gp4' in the script, is the first truly multimodal AI, capable of processing text, images, audio, and video. It is a significant upgrade from its predecessor, gp4 Turbo, which required separate models for different tasks. GPT-4 Omni can generate high-quality images, understand emotions behind spoken words, and even interpret breathing patterns. The script also mentions the model's lightning-fast text generation, which is a game-changer for AI capabilities.


📊 GPT-4 Omni's Advanced Text and Audio Generation Features

This paragraph delves into GPT-4 Omni's text and audio generation capabilities. It can generate complex charts from spreadsheets and create text-based games like a real-time version of Pokemon Red. The model's audio generation is also highlighted, with the ability to produce human-sounding voices in various emotional styles. The script also mentions the model's potential to generate audio for images, suggesting a wide range of applications in the future.


🗣️ GPT-4 Omni's Audio Understanding and Differentiation Skills

The script discusses GPT-4 Omni's advanced audio understanding, which includes differentiating between multiple speakers in an audio clip and transcribing conversations with speaker labels. This feature is a significant leap from previous models, allowing for more nuanced and natural interactions. The model's ability to summarize lengthy lectures and understand the content is also showcased, highlighting its potential use in various professional settings.


🖼️ Unveiling GPT-4 Omni's Exceptional Image Generation and Manipulation

This section of the script is dedicated to GPT-4 Omni's image generation capabilities. It can create highly detailed and photorealistic images, including complex scenes with text and objects. The model's ability to generate consistent characters and art styles across multiple prompts is emphasized. Additionally, the script mentions the model's potential to create fonts, mockups, and even 3D models, showcasing the breadth of its generative abilities.


🔍 GPT-4 Omni's Image and Video Recognition Capabilities

The script explores GPT-4 Omni's image recognition skills, which are faster and more accurate than previous models. It can decipher undeciphered languages and transcribe 18th-century handwriting with high accuracy. The model's video understanding is also discussed, noting its potential to interpret and understand video content when combined with other models like Sora. This section highlights the model's utility in various real-world applications, from coding assistance to gameplay help.


🚀 GPT-4 Omni's Future Potential and the AI Landscape

The final paragraph of the script contemplates the future potential of GPT-4 Omni and its place in the AI landscape. It questions Open AI's development methodology and how it has managed to create such a powerful and multifaceted AI model. The script also invites viewers to consider the implications of these advancements and the possibilities they open up for AI in the near future.




GPT-4o, also referred to as gp4o in the transcript, stands for 'Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4 Omni'. The 'Omni' in its name signifies that it is the first truly multimodal AI, capable of understanding and generating more than one type of data, such as text, images, audio, and even interpreting video. This model is central to the video's theme, which discusses its advanced capabilities and how it surpasses previous models in terms of speed and quality of output.

💡Multimodal AI

Multimodal AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can process and understand multiple types of data, such as text, images, audio, and video. In the context of the video, GPT-4o is described as the first truly multimodal AI, meaning it can natively process images, understand audio, and interpret video, which sets it apart from previous models that often required separate models for different data types.

💡Real-time companion

The term 'real-time companion' in the video refers to the ability of GPT-4o to interact with users in real time, providing immediate responses and feedback. This is showcased through interactions with a character named 'Bowser' and by demonstrating the model's ability to generate text and understand audio in real time, which is a significant feature of GPT-4o's advanced capabilities.

💡Image generation

Image generation is a capability of GPT-4o that allows it to create images from textual descriptions. The video highlights that GPT-4o's image generation is not only of high quality but also remarkably fast and consistent. Examples from the script include generating images of a robot writing on a chalkboard and creating a caricature from a photo, demonstrating the model's ability to understand and visualize concepts.

💡Audio generation

Audio generation is the ability of GPT-4o to produce human-like voice outputs or other sound effects. The video emphasizes GPT-4o's advanced audio generation capabilities, where it can generate voice in various emotive styles and potentially recreate sounds from images. This feature is showcased through a bedtime story prompt and the model's ability to change its voice to match the story's emotion.

💡Text generation

Text generation is a core function of GPT-4o, where it can create written content based on given prompts. The video script mentions that while GPT-4o's text generation is as good as leading models, it is significantly faster, generating text at a rate of two paragraphs per second. This speed opens up new possibilities for applications that require rapid content creation.

💡Pokemon Red gameplay

The video discusses an impressive example of GPT-4o's capabilities where it simulates a text-based version of the game 'Pokemon Red'. This demonstrates GPT-4o's ability to understand and recreate complex scenarios, such as a full video game, through text-based prompts, showcasing its advanced comprehension and generation skills.


API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. In the video, it is mentioned that people will be able to build innovative applications using GPT-4o's API, indicating that its capabilities can be integrated into various software solutions beyond just chat interactions.

💡3D generation

3D generation is the ability to create three-dimensional models or images. The video script includes an example where GPT-4o is used to generate a 3D model of a table from a text prompt, highlighting the model's potential to extend into creating three-dimensional content, which is a significant advancement in AI capabilities.

💡Video understanding

Video understanding refers to the AI's capability to interpret and make sense of video content. Although GPT-4o is not natively designed to understand video files, the video suggests that its advanced image recognition and ability to process images in sequence could potentially allow it to interpret video content, indicating a step towards more comprehensive multimedia understanding.


GPT-4o, also known as Omni, is a groundbreaking multimodal AI that can understand and generate various types of data beyond just text.

GPT-4o can process images, understand audio natively, and interpret video, unlike its predecessors.

The model can generate high-quality AI images that are considered the best ever seen.

GPT-4o's text generation capabilities are incredibly fast, producing two paragraphs per second while maintaining leading quality.

GPT-4o can create a fully functional Facebook Messenger interface in a single HTML file within seconds.

The model can generate detailed charts and statistical analysis from spreadsheets with remarkable speed and accuracy.

GPT-4o can simulate a text-based version of Pokémon Red in real-time, showcasing its advanced capabilities.

GPT-4o's audio generation is remarkably human-like and can produce a variety of emotive styles.

The model can generate audio for any image input, bringing images to life with sound.

GPT-4o can differentiate between multiple speakers in an audio file, providing a transcription with speaker names.

The model's image generation capabilities include creating photorealistic images with clear, legible text.

GPT-4o can generate consistent character designs and adapt them based on new prompts, maintaining the same art style.

The model can create fonts and mockups for brand advertisements, showcasing its multimodal capabilities.

GPT-4o can generate 3D models and STL files for 3D printing, indicating its advanced understanding of spatial relationships.

The model's image recognition is faster and more accurate than previous models, with the ability to transcribe complex handwriting.

GPT-4o shows promise in video understanding, being able to interpret and provide insights on video content in real-time.