Open AI New GPT-4o Powerful Demo That Can Change The Learn Experience

Krish Naik
13 May 202408:45

TLDRIn this video, Krishak introduces a groundbreaking new model from Open AI called GPT-4o, which is designed to work with audio, vision, and text in real-time. The video showcases a demo where GPT-4o tutors a student through a math problem on Khan Academy, guiding him to understand the concepts rather than providing direct answers. The model's ability to combine text, vision, and audio inputs and outputs through a single neural network is highlighted as a significant advancement over previous models, which required a pipeline of separate models and resulted in latency and loss of information. The potential applications of GPT-4o in enhancing learning experiences across various subjects and technical fields are discussed, emphasizing its real-time capabilities and personalized tutoring approach. The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to share their excitement and anticipation for the model's API release.


  • 😀 OpenAI has introduced a new model called GPT-4, which integrates audio, vision, and text processing in real time.
  • 🤖 The demo compares favorably with Google's Gemini Pro, highlighting that GPT-4's capabilities are real-time, unlike Gemini's frame-by-frame video creation.
  • 🎓 A significant demo featured is a tutoring session using Khan Academy's platform to help understand a math problem, demonstrating potential educational impacts.
  • 🧠 The new model could drastically improve learning experiences by providing interactive, immediate feedback and instructions in educational settings.
  • 🔍 The GPT-4 model represents a shift towards more integrated processing of different inputs like text, vision, and audio, using a single neural network.
  • 🎉 The demo showcases how GPT-4 can interactively tutor in mathematics, asking questions and guiding students towards solutions without providing direct answers.
  • 🌐 Compared to previous models, GPT-4 reduces latency significantly in voice interactions, enhancing the real-time interaction capability.
  • 🚀 The video emphasizes how GPT-4 could be transformative for various applications beyond education, including job interviews and technical training.
  • 📊 Performance metrics such as error rates and language tokenization are improved in GPT-4, highlighting its enhanced accuracy and versatility across multiple languages.
  • 👀 Future developments are anticipated as OpenAI continues to explore and expand the capabilities of GPT-4, suggesting ongoing improvements and new applications.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the new model introduced by Open AI?

    -The new model introduced by Open AI is called GPT 4.

  • What are the capabilities of GPT 4 in terms of processing different types of data?

    -GPT 4 is capable of working with audio, vision, and text in real-time.

  • How does the GPT 4 model differ from its predecessors in terms of latency?

    -GPT 4 has reduced latency compared to its predecessors, with an average latency of 2.8 seconds, compared to 5.4 seconds in GPT 3.5.

  • What is the significance of GPT 4 being able to process all inputs and outputs through the same neural network?

    -This allows GPT 4 to retain more information, observe tone, multiple speakers, background noises, and express emotions, which were limitations in the previous models.

  • What is the potential impact of GPT 4 on the learning experience?

    -GPT 4 has the potential to revolutionize the learning experience by providing personalized tutoring, guidance, and support in real-time across various subjects and technical fields.

  • How does the GPT 4 model handle voice mode conversations?

    -GPT 4 processes voice mode conversations through a pipeline of three separate models: one that transcribes audio to text, GPT 3.5 or GPT 4 that takes input and outputs text, and a third model that converts text back to audio.

  • What is the role of Khan Academy in the demo?

    -In the demo, Khan Academy is used as a platform for GPT 4 to tutor a student in math, with the aim of helping the student understand the problem rather than just providing the answer.

  • How does GPT 4 assist in solving a math problem in the demo?

    -GPT 4 assists by asking questions and guiding the student towards the solution, ensuring the student understands the process rather than just memorizing the answer.

  • What are some of the performance metrics used to evaluate GPT 4?

    -GPT 4 is evaluated based on text, audio ASR performance in different languages, audio translation performance, vision understanding, and language tokenization capabilities.

  • What is the current status of GPT 4 in terms of availability for public use?

    -As of the time of the video, GPT 4 is not yet publicly available but is being showcased in demos and playgrounds for users to explore its capabilities.

  • What is the potential application of GPT 4 in professional settings such as interviews and job assessments?

    -GPT 4 can be used to provide comprehensive guidance, support, and preparation for interviews and job assessments, potentially improving the candidate's performance and understanding of the subject matter.

  • How does the creator of the video perceive the GPT 4 demo?

    -The creator of the video is highly impressed with the GPT 4 demo, describing it as the most powerful and exciting demo they have seen from any model, and they are eagerly awaiting its public availability.



🚀 Introduction to GPT 4 and its Impact on Learning

Krishak introduces the audience to GPT 4, a new model by OpenAI that works with audio, vision, and text in real-time. He mentions the model's potential to revolutionize learning experiences. The video includes a demo where OpenAI's technology is used to tutor a student on Khan Academy, emphasizing the interactive and educational capabilities of the model.


📈 GPT 4's Evolution and Future Applications

The second paragraph discusses the evolution of OpenAI's models, from the latency issues in GPT 3.5 to the real-time capabilities of GPT 4. Krishak explains that GPT 4 uses a single neural network to process all inputs and outputs across text, vision, and audio, which is a significant advancement. He also touches on model evaluation, comparing its performance in different languages and its potential applications in various fields, such as interviews and job preparation.




GPT-4 refers to the fourth generation of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a type of artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI. It is designed to work with audio, vision, and text in real-time, which is a significant advancement from its predecessors. In the video, GPT-4 is highlighted for its potential to revolutionize the learning experience by providing interactive and real-time tutoring, as demonstrated in the Khan Academy math problem scenario.


Real-time, in the context of the video, refers to the immediate and concurrent processing of information without significant delay. This is a crucial feature of GPT-4, as it allows for dynamic and interactive learning experiences. For instance, the demo shows GPT-4 providing tutoring assistance on a math problem without any noticeable lag, which is essential for effective communication and learning.

💡Audio Vision and Text

Audio vision and text are the three primary input modalities that GPT-4 is capable of processing simultaneously. This multimodal capability is a significant upgrade from earlier models, which could only handle text. The video emphasizes how GPT-4 can integrate these different types of data to create a more comprehensive and interactive learning environment, such as by interpreting visual elements of a math problem and responding through text and audio.

💡Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a well-known online learning platform that offers free educational resources, including video lessons and practice exercises. In the video, Khan Academy is used as an example to demonstrate how GPT-4 can be integrated into existing educational platforms to enhance the learning experience. The demo shows GPT-4 tutoring a student through a math problem on Khan Academy, highlighting its potential to personalize and improve online education.


Tutoring, as depicted in the video, involves one-on-one instruction aimed at helping a student understand a particular subject or solve a problem. GPT-4's tutoring capabilities are showcased through its interaction with the student Imran, where it guides him through identifying the sides of a triangle and applying a mathematical formula. This demonstrates the model's ability to provide personalized feedback and support, which is a key aspect of effective tutoring.

💡Right Triangle

A right triangle is a type of triangle that has one angle measuring 90 degrees. In the video, a right triangle is used as the basis for the math problem that GPT-4 tutors Imran on. The problem involves identifying the sides of the triangle relative to an angle (opposite, adjacent, and hypotenuse) and applying the sine formula to find the angle's measure. This example is used to illustrate the practical application of mathematical concepts and GPT-4's ability to facilitate this learning process.

💡Sine Formula

The sine formula is a mathematical relationship used in trigonometry to find the ratio of the length of the side opposite an angle to the length of the hypotenuse in a right triangle. In the video, the sine formula is applied to find the measure of angle Alpha. GPT-4 guides Imran through this process, which involves identifying the correct sides of the triangle and then using the formula sin(Alpha) = opposite/hypotenuse to calculate the angle's measure.

💡Model Evaluation

Model evaluation refers to the process of assessing the performance and accuracy of a machine learning model, such as GPT-4, across various metrics and tasks. In the video, model evaluation is mentioned in the context of testing GPT-4's abilities in text, audio, and vision processing. The evaluation helps to determine the model's strengths and limitations, which is crucial for understanding how it can be effectively utilized in applications like tutoring and learning.


Latency in the context of the video refers to the delay between the input of a query and the model's response. Reducing latency is important for real-time interactions, such as tutoring sessions. The video discusses how GPT-4 has significantly reduced latency compared to previous models, which enables more fluid and interactive learning experiences. For example, GPT-4's average latency is mentioned as being better than that of GPT 3.5, allowing for more effective real-time tutoring.

💡Neural Network

A neural network is a type of machine learning model inspired by the human brain, consisting of interconnected nodes or neurons that process information. GPT-4 is described as being the first model to combine text, vision, and audio processing within a single neural network. This allows for more efficient and integrated processing of different types of data, which is essential for the model's advanced capabilities, such as real-time tutoring and understanding complex inputs.


API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a set of protocols and tools that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. In the video, the presenter expresses anticipation for the release of GPT-4's API, which would make the model's capabilities accessible to developers and allow for integration into various applications. The availability of an API is significant because it would enable widespread use of GPT-4's advanced features in educational and other domains.


Open AI has introduced a new model called GPT 4o that works with audio, vision, and text in real-time.

GPT 4o is expected to revolutionize the learning experience by providing interactive tutoring in subjects like math.

The GPT 4o model is designed to ask questions and guide students to understand concepts rather than providing direct answers.

GPT 4o can identify sides of a triangle and apply mathematical formulas in a tutoring scenario.

The model can be used for various purposes including revision, interviews, and job applications, offering comprehensive guidance.

GPT 4o is a significant improvement over previous models, providing faster response times and real-time interaction.

GPT 4o combines text, vision, and audio processing in a single neural network, enhancing its capabilities.

The model is still in its early stages, with much potential for future development and application.

GPT 4o has been evaluated on various performance metrics including text, audio, and vision understanding.

The model demonstrates a low error rate in audio translation performance compared to other models like Whisper.

GPT 4o's language tokenization capabilities allow it to understand and process multiple languages.

The model has limitations, but the demo showcases its potential for providing an enhanced learning and tutoring experience.

The GPT 4o demo is considered one of the most powerful and exciting demonstrations of AI's potential in education.

The presenter is eagerly awaiting the release of the GPT 4o API for wider accessibility and application.

The GPT 4o technology has been tested and demonstrated through interactive sessions on platforms like Khan Academy.

The model's ability to understand context and provide guidance in real-time is seen as a game-changer in educational technology.

GPT 4o's end-to-end training across different modalities allows for a more integrated and efficient learning process.

The potential applications of GPT 4o extend beyond education to various professional and personal development areas.

The presenter encourages viewers to share their excitement and thoughts about the GPT 4o demo in the comments section.