Getting Started With DreamStudio Website Beta, Part Three: CFG Scale, Steps, and Seeds

21 Aug 202204:54

TLDRIn part three of the DreamStudio website beta explainer series, Cal Yuga discusses CFG scale, steps, and seeds. The CFG scale adjusts how closely the output image matches the input text, with higher values providing more detail. Steps determine the number of iterations used to generate the image, affecting both quality and resource usage. Seeds allow for consistent image generation from a specific prompt, and can be varied with different prompts for unique results. Experimentation with these settings can lead to optimized and creative outcomes in image generation.


  • 🔧 The CFG scale adjusts how closely the output image matches the input text, with higher values providing more detailed results.
  • 🚶 Steps refer to the number of iterations used to generate or diffuse an image, with the default being 50, which is generally sufficient for most prompts.
  • ⏳ Increasing both CFG scale and steps enhances image quality but also increases computation time and resource usage.
  • 🔒 Locking the seed allows for the generation of the same image repeatedly from a specific prompt, providing a consistent basis for testing different settings.
  • 📈 Experimenting with CFG scale and steps is encouraged to find a balance that works best for the complexity of the prompt.
  • 🌟 Higher CFG scale values can introduce more detail, but setting it too high may result in pixelated or 'deep-fried' images.
  • 🎨 Changing the prompt slightly while keeping the seed locked can produce variations of the same image structure with altered colors and shapes.
  • 🔄 The combination of different CFG scales and steps can create a wide range of visual outcomes from the same base image.
  • 💡 It's important to be strategic when adjusting settings to avoid unnecessary resource consumption and long wait times.
  • 🌐 The video provides insights on how to use DreamStudio's features effectively to create beautiful and intricate images.
  • 🎨 DreamStudio and stable diffusion offer endless possibilities for creative expression and the generation of unique visual content.

Q & A

  • What is the primary function of the CFG scale in the context of the DreamStudio website beta?

    -The CFG scale controls how closely the output image matches the model's interpretation of the input text. A higher CFG scale results in an image that more closely resembles the text prompt.

  • What is the default value for CFG scale in DreamStudio, and is it suitable for most cases?

    -The default value for CFG scale is 7, which is considered suitable for most situations. However, for more detailed or complicated prompts, it might be beneficial to increase the value.

  • How do steps influence the image generation process in DreamStudio?

    -Steps refer to the number of iterations used to generate or diffuse the image. The default is 50 steps, which is generally good for initial idea refinement. More steps can lead to more detailed images but also increase computation time and resources used.

  • What happens when both CFG scale and steps are increased?

    -Increasing both CFG scale and steps enhances the detail and sharpness of the output image. However, it also increases the generation time and computational resources required, potentially leading to artifacts if the values are set too high.

  • What is a seed in the context of image generation on the DreamStudio platform?

    -A seed is a unique value that, when combined with a specific prompt, generates a consistent image. It allows users to recreate the same image multiple times with the same underlying structure.

  • How can locking a seed be beneficial when experimenting with advanced settings?

    -Locking a seed provides a consistent image to reference as settings like CFG scale and steps are adjusted. This helps in understanding how these changes impact the final image output without altering the basic structure of the image.

  • What kind of artifacts can result from an overly high CFG scale or too few steps?

    -An excessively high CFG scale or too few steps can result in pixelation and the appearance of unusual, blue, nebulous blobs in the image, which indicates that the settings need to be tweaked.

  • How can changing the prompt while keeping the seed locked affect the image output?

    -Changing the prompt while the seed is locked allows for variations on the same image structure but with slightly different wording, colors, and shapes, creating a different vibe or theme while maintaining the same underlying image pattern.

  • What is the recommended CFG scale range for more complicated prompts according to Cal Yuga?

    -Cal Yuga suggests a CFG scale range of about 10 to 14 for more complicated prompts, with 11 being a good starting point for the example prompt discussed in the video.

  • What are the consequences of setting the CFG scale to 20 in the given example?

    -Setting the CFG scale to 20 results in an over-saturated image with pixelation at the edges and an overall 'deep-fried' appearance, which is not desirable and indicates that the value is too high.

  • What is the significance of the title 'DreamStudio Website Beta, Part Three' in the context of this video?

    -The title indicates that this video is the third part of a series explaining the DreamStudio website beta. It suggests that the content builds upon information from previous videos and is part of a larger educational effort.



🎥 Introduction to Dream Studio and CFG Scale

The video begins with Cal Yuga introducing part three of the Dream Studio website beta series, focusing on explainer videos. The main topics discussed are the CFG scale, which controls the closeness of the output image to the input text, and the concept of seeds, including locking seeds and changing prompts while the seed is locked. The default CFG scale is noted to be effective for most tasks, but it can be adjusted for more detailed or complicated prompts. The video aims to explore how CFG scale and steps impact the final image output.



💡DreamStudio Website Beta

DreamStudio Website Beta refers to a developmental version of a web-based platform designed for content creation, presumably using AI technology. In the context of the video, it is the main subject being discussed, with the creator providing insights and tutorials on its various features and functionalities.

💡CFG Scale

CFG Scale, or Context Free Grammar Scale, is a parameter that controls the degree to which the generated output image aligns with the input text provided by the user. A higher CFG Scale value results in closer adherence to the textual description, potentially adding more detail and accuracy to the image. It is an important aspect of fine-tuning the output to match the user's expectations.


Steps refer to the number of iterations or stages the AI goes through to generate or diffuse an image. Increasing the number of steps can enhance the quality and detail of the image, but it also increases the computational resources required and the time taken for generation.


Seeds in the context of AI-generated images are unique identifiers that determine the base structure or pattern of the generated content. By locking a seed and changing the prompt, users can generate variations of an image while maintaining the same underlying structure, allowing for creative exploration without completely altering the initial concept.

💡Locking Seeds

Locking seeds in AI-generated imagery ensures that the same image can be regenerated consistently by using the same seed value with a specific prompt. This provides a stable foundation for making incremental adjustments to the prompt or other parameters without losing the original image structure.

💡Changing Prompts

Changing prompts involves altering the textual input provided to the AI system to generate different images or variations of an image. This is a creative process that allows users to explore different themes, styles, or details by modifying the language used in the prompt.

💡Resource Usage

Resource usage refers to the computational power and memory required to run the AI model for generating images. Higher CFG Scale values and increased number of steps lead to higher resource usage, which can slow down the generation process and demand more from the system's hardware.

💡Deep Fried Image

The term 'deep fried image' is used to describe an overprocessed AI-generated image where excessive detail or contrast has been added, often resulting in a pixelated or artifact-ridden appearance. This can occur when the CFG Scale is set too high or when there are too many steps in the generation process.


Artifacts in the context of AI-generated images are visual anomalies or errors that appear in the final output, often as a result of incorrect or excessive processing parameters. These can manifest as unusual colors, shapes, or patterns that were not intended as part of the original image.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a term that likely refers to a specific AI model or technique used for generating images. It is mentioned in the context of using seeds to generate consistent images with varying prompts, suggesting that this model or technique allows for a high degree of control and experimentation in image generation.


CFG Scale controls the match between output image and input text.

Default CFG Scale is good for most things, but can be adjusted for detailed prompts.

Experiment with CFG Scale to find a system that works for you.

Steps refer to how many steps are spent generating or diffusing the image.

Default steps is 50, which is good for refining ideas without wasting compute.

Increasing both CFG Scale and Steps will increase generation time and resource usage.

Locking the seed allows for consistent image generation for a specific prompt.

With a locked seed, changing the prompt slightly yields variations on the same image structure.

Bumping up steps to 100 with the same seed results in a similar image structure but with more detail.

Higher CFG Scale brings out more detail and sharper relief in the image.

Overdoing CFG Scale can result in a pixelated or 'deep-fried' image.

Reducing steps can exacerbate the 'deep-fried' effect and introduce artifacts.

Weird blue nebulous blobs indicate a need to tweak CFG Scale or Steps.

Changing the prompt with a locked seed produces different vibes and styles from the same structure.

Dream Studio and Stable Diffusion offer limitless possibilities for creation.

The video explores advanced settings and their impact on image output.

Strategic settings can optimize image generation time and resource usage.