Using Schedulers and CFG Scale - Advanced Generation Settings (Invoke - Getting Started Series #4)

6 Feb 202409:35

TLDRThe video discusses advanced generation settings in AI image generation, focusing on schedulers and CFG scale. It explains that these settings allow for customization of the denoising process and image generation, with different schedulers being better suited for various applications. The importance of testing different settings to find the optimal balance between quality and efficiency is emphasized, as well as the need to adjust the CFG scale to achieve a desired balance between adherence to the prompt and creative freedom.


  • 🔧 Advanced generation settings are powerful tools used to control AI image generation, though they require experience and experimentation to master.
  • 🎨 The process of generating an image from noise involves a series of mathematical operations controlled by a sampler or scheduler, with different settings affecting the denoising process and image quality.
  • 🛠️ Schedulers have various options, each suitable for different creative purposes like illustrations, photography, and e-commerce, and testing different schedulers is recommended to find the best fit for your workflow.
  • 🔎 The number of steps in the scheduling process can impact the quality and detail of the generated images, but increasing steps may lead to diminishing returns and reduced efficiency.
  • 📈 There's a balance between the number of steps used in the generation process and the quality of the final image, with a tradeoff between efficiency and detail.
  • 🌟 Different schedulers excel in different areas, such as capturing fine details like skin pores in photographic generations or generating vector art styles.
  • ⚙️ The CFG scale setting affects how strictly the AI adheres to the prompt, with lower values allowing more room for interpretation and higher values potentially over-indexing on terms.
  • 📊 Experimenting with CFG scale values is necessary, as the optimal setting can vary depending on the model and the desired balance between prompt adherence and creative freedom.
  • 🎯 Advanced tools like schedulers and CFG scale provide granular control over the generation process, enabling the creation of customized pipelines optimized for specific creative needs.
  • 🤖 The video encourages users to explore these advanced settings and share their experiences and creations within the community.

Q & A

  • What are the advanced generation settings discussed in the video?

    -The advanced generation settings discussed in the video include schedulers, model steps, and CFG scale. These settings are used to control the image generation process, specifically the denoising process and how the AI model coordinates the mathematical operations to produce an image that matches the user's prompt.

  • Why is it important to have experience and experimentation with these advanced settings?

    -These advanced settings require a lot of experimentation because they directly impact the quality and detail of the generated images. Each workflow and team may find different settings more effective, and the optimal configuration often varies depending on the type of content being generated, such as illustrations, photography, or vector art.

  • What is a sampler or scheduler in AI image generation?

    -A sampler or scheduler in AI image generation refers to the approach that controls the series of mathematical operations that take place over a number of steps to transform an initial set of noise into an image that matches the user's prompt. The sampler or scheduler determines how the denoising process is coordinated and the mechanisms by which the image is generated.

  • How do different schedulers affect the quality and detail of generated images?

    -Different schedulers have varying numbers of steps to reach the final image quality. Some schedulers might be better at producing certain details, like skin pores in photographic generations or Vector art styles. Testing different schedulers can help users find the one that best suits their specific needs and desired image outcomes.

  • What are the diminishing returns in increasing the number of steps in the scheduler?

    -While increasing the number of steps in the scheduler can improve the detail and quality of the generated images, there are diminishing returns. This means that after a certain point, the improvements in quality are marginal, and the tradeoff is typically a decrease in efficiency and an increase in generation time.

  • What is the role of the CFG scale setting in AI image generation?

    -The CFG scale setting adjusts how strictly the AI adheres to the terms in the user's prompt during the image generation process. A lower CFG scale allows for more interpretation and flexibility, while a higher CFG scale can cause the AI to over emphasize individual terms, potentially leading to an image that is too intense or doesn't match the overall intent of the prompt.

  • How does the CFG scale affect the interpretation of the prompt?

    -The CFG scale influences the strictness with which the AI interprets the prompt. A lower CFG scale gives the AI more room for interpretation, potentially leading to more creative or unexpected results. Conversely, a higher CFG scale makes the AI adhere more closely to the terms in the prompt, which can result in a more literal representation of the prompt.

  • What are the recommended starting points for experimenting with the CFG scale?

    -The recommended starting points for experimenting with the CFG scale are around 5 to 7.5. These values provide a balance between adhering to the prompt and allowing the AI the freedom to incorporate other necessary concepts to create the desired image.

  • How do different CFG scale values impact the generated image?

    -Different CFG scale values impact the generated image by altering how much the AI focuses on the specific terms in the prompt. Lower values result in a more general interpretation, potentially leading to images that are less specific to the prompt. Higher values increase the emphasis on prompt terms, which can lead to more detailed and accurate representations of the prompt, but also the risk of over-indexing on individual terms.

  • What is the significance of finding a balance between scheduler steps and CFG scale?

    -Finding a balance between scheduler steps and CFG scale is crucial for optimizing the image generation process. It allows for the creation of high-quality images that are both detailed and efficient, while also ensuring that the AI has enough flexibility to incorporate necessary concepts without being overly constrained by the prompt.

  • How can users determine the best settings for their specific needs?

    -Users can determine the best settings for their specific needs by conducting tests and experiments with different schedulers, steps, and CFG scale values. By observing the outcomes and comparing the quality and relevance of the generated images to their prompts, users can identify the most effective settings for their particular creative pipeline and goals.



🎨 Understanding Advanced Generation Settings

This paragraph introduces the concept of Advanced generation settings in AI image generation, acknowledging the debate over their classification as 'Advanced' due to frequent use by users. It emphasizes the technical nature of these settings and the need for experience and experimentation to determine the best configuration for individual workflows. The paragraph explains that these settings control the denoising process and image generation through a series of mathematical operations, and that different schedulers or samplers can be chosen based on the desired outcome, such as detailed artwork or photographic realism. It suggests testing various schedulers with different types of content to find the best fit for a specific creative pipeline, and notes that while more steps can improve image quality, there are diminishing returns in terms of efficiency.


🚦 Balancing Quality and Efficiency with Scheduler Steps

This paragraph delves into the specifics of scheduler steps in the AI image generation process. It describes how adding more steps can improve image quality but also increases generation time. The speaker demonstrates this by generating two images with different numbers of steps, highlighting the noticeable difference in quality and detail. The paragraph also discusses the importance of finding a balance between quality and efficiency, and mentions that there are recommended steps for each scheduler in the documentation. It reinforces the idea that the best approach is to experiment with different schedulers and steps to determine what works best for each user's unique requirements.

🔄 Fine-Tuning the CFG Scale for Creative Flexibility

The paragraph discusses the CFG scale setting, which is often misunderstood as a control for how closely an image should adhere to the input prompt. It clarifies that the CFG scale actually affects the strictness with which terms in the prompt guide the generation process. Lowering the CFG scale allows for more interpretation, while higher values can lead to an overemphasis on specific terms, potentially degrading image quality. The speaker recommends experimenting with CFG scale values between 5 and 7.5, and demonstrates the effects of different settings by generating images with varying levels of the Jesters' features. The paragraph concludes by emphasizing the subjective nature of creative work and the importance of using these advanced tools to develop a customized pipeline that meets the user's needs.



💡Advanced Generation Settings

Advanced Generation Settings refer to a set of options in AI image generation that allows users to fine-tune the process of creating images based on their specific needs. These settings are considered 'advanced' due to their technical nature and the need for users to have a good understanding of their workflow to effectively utilize them. In the video, the speaker discusses how these settings can control the generation process to produce images that match the user's prompt more accurately.


Schedulers are a crucial component in AI image generation that dictate how the denoising process is coordinated and the mathematical mechanisms by which an image is generated. They control the steps taken to transform an initial set of noise into an image that matches the user's prompt. Different schedulers offer varying levels of detail and quality in the final image, and the video emphasizes the importance of testing different schedulers to find the one that best suits the user's creative pipeline.

💡CFG Scale

CFG Scale, or Context Free Generation Scale, is a setting that influences how strictly the AI adheres to the terms provided in the prompt during the image generation process. Lowering the CFG scale allows for more interpretation and flexibility, while increasing it can lead to over-indexing on specific terms, potentially resulting in an image that is too intense or not representative of the intended concept. The video suggests that finding the right balance with the CFG scale is crucial for generating images that effectively incorporate the prompt's concepts without being overly constrained.


Denoising is the process in AI image generation where the initial set of noise, or random data, is refined and transformed into a coherent image that corresponds to the user's prompt. This process is controlled by the scheduler and involves a series of mathematical operations that progressively improve the quality of the image. The video explains that the number of steps taken during denoising can impact the level of detail and quality in the final image.


Quality in the context of AI image generation refers to the clarity, detail, and overall visual appeal of the generated images. The video emphasizes the importance of balancing quality with the number of steps taken in the generation process, as more steps can lead to higher quality but also longer generation times. Users are encouraged to find a sweet spot that maintains quality while keeping the process efficient.


Efficiency in AI image generation is the measure of how well the process can produce high-quality images with minimal time and resources. The video discusses the tradeoff between efficiency and quality, where increasing the number of steps in the generation process can improve quality but at the cost of longer generation times. Users are encouraged to find a balance that works for their specific needs and workflow.

💡Creative Pipeline

A creative pipeline refers to the series of steps or processes involved in creating content, such as artwork or photography, using AI image generation tools. The video emphasizes the importance of testing different advanced generation settings to find the best combination that works for an individual's or a team's creative pipeline. This involves understanding how different settings affect the output and adjusting them to achieve the desired results.


Subjectivity in AI image generation refers to the personal preferences and interpretations that come into play when deciding which settings or schedulers are most effective. The video acknowledges that there is no one-size-fits-all answer and that what works best for one user or project may not work as well for another. This subjectivity is a key aspect of the creative process in AI image generation.


Customization in the context of AI image generation involves adjusting the advanced generation settings to create a tailored pipeline that is optimized for the specific needs of the user or project. The video highlights that these advanced tools allow for a high level of control in developing a pipeline that can produce high-quality, customized images for creative work.

💡Jester Hat

In the context of the video, the 'Jester Hat' serves as an example to illustrate the effects of the CFG scale setting on the AI image generation process. As the CFG scale increases, the image of the jester hat becomes more detailed and closely aligned with the prompt's concepts, such as the gesture and facial features. This example demonstrates how the CFG scale can influence the interpretation of the prompt and the final image's appearance.


Advanced generation settings are discussed, which are essential for controlling AI image generations.

These settings require experimentation to find what works best for your specific workflow.

The process of image generation begins with an initial set of noise, which is refined over a series of steps.

Schedulers and samplers are the mechanisms that control the denoising process and image generation.

Different schedulers can produce varying levels of detail and quality in the generated images.

Testing various schedulers with your specific content can help determine the most effective one for your needs.

Each scheduler has a different number of steps to achieve high-quality images, with diminishing returns for additional steps.

The DPM Plus+ scheduler can sample information to produce detailed photographic generations, like skin pores.

Adjusting the number of steps in the scheduler can balance quality and efficiency in image generation.

The CFG scale setting affects how strictly the AI adheres to the terms in the prompt, allowing for more or less interpretation.

A higher CFG scale can over emphasize certain terms, potentially leading to less desirable image outcomes.

The ideal CFG scale setting can vary depending on the model and the specific creative goals.

Experimenting with CFG scale can help incorporate the right amount of prompt guidance and creative freedom.

Advanced tools like schedulers and CFG scale enable the creation of a customized and optimized creative pipeline.

These tools offer a high level of control for generating images tailored to specific creative requirements.

The community is encouraged to explore these advanced settings and share their experiences and creations.