Guy Dates TWO GIRLS At SAME SCHOOL, He Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

Dhar Mann Studios
15 Mar 202220:33

TLDRIn the video titled 'Guy Dates TWO GIRLS At SAME SCHOOL, He Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann', Dallas, a high school student, attempts to date two girls, Sarah and Olivia, from the same school on the same weekend. His plan backfires when Sarah's dog falls ill, causing a change in their schedule, and Olivia arrives early. Dallas's friend tries to help him navigate the situation, but ultimately, Dallas's actions are exposed in a public service announcement made by the girls. The video concludes with Dallas's reputation tarnished, and he is advised to focus on himself and stay single for a while. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of dishonesty and playing with people's feelings.


  • 🚫 Dallas, the protagonist, dates two girls from the same school in one weekend, which leads to complications and regret.
  • 🤔 Friends warn Dallas about the consequences of playing the field and dating multiple people at once, but he dismisses their concerns.
  • 💔 Dallas is still affected by his past relationship with Alyssa, which influences his current behavior.
  • 📱 Social media plays a role in the story, as Dallas and others check each other's profiles for updates on their personal lives.
  • 😳 Sarah initially rejects Dallas's invitation for a date due to rumors about his behavior, but later reconsiders.
  • 🤓 Dallas tries to juggle two dates on the same day, which results in a series of awkward and near-disastrous encounters.
  • 🐀 A fabricated story about a rat in the restaurant is used as a desperate attempt to escape one date and move on to the next.
  • 😲 Dallas's actions are publicly exposed by the girls he dated, leading to his social downfall at school.
  • 💔 Alyssa, Dallas's ex, confronts him after learning about his behavior, leading to the end of any chance of reconciliation.
  • 🏫 Dallas's reputation is tarnished among his peers, and he is advised to focus on self-improvement and stay single for a while.
  • 👕 The story concludes with Dallas considering starting a business with a unique concept, suggesting a potential positive turn in his life.

Q & A

  • What is the main conflict in the story?

    -The main conflict is that Dallas, the protagonist, is trying to date two girls from the same school at the same time, which eventually leads to his reputation being tarnished and the relationships falling apart.

  • Why do the girls at school get upset with Dallas?

    -The girls get upset with Dallas because they find out that he is trying to date multiple girls at the same time, which they perceive as him being a 'player'.

  • What does Dallas initially think about his actions?

    -Dallas initially believes that there is nothing wrong with his actions and that he is just having fun and playing the field.

  • How does Dallas's friend try to convince him to change his behavior?

    -Dallas's friend tries to convince him by pointing out the potential damage to his reputation and the possibility of karma coming back to affect his future relationships.

  • What happens when Dallas tries to juggle two dates on the same day?

    -Dallas's plan to juggle two dates on the same day fails when the girls' schedules change, leading to a situation where both girls are present at the same restaurant, which complicates matters for him.

  • What is the turning point for Dallas in the story?

    -The turning point is when Alyssa, Dallas's ex-girlfriend, confronts him after discovering that he had been dishonest and had been on dates with two other girls in the same weekend.

  • How does the public announcement about Dallas affect his reputation?

    -The public announcement labels Dallas as a 'dirty lying player' and warns other girls not to date him, effectively ruining his reputation at school.

  • What does Dallas's friend suggest he should do after the incident?

    -Dallas's friend suggests that he should focus on himself, work on personal growth, and stay single for a while.

  • Why does Alyssa initially believe she has moved on from Dallas?

    -Alyssa initially believes she has moved on because she posted a photo with a new guy on Instagram, who she later clarifies is her cousin Stephen, not a new romantic interest.

  • What is the final advice given to Dallas regarding his behavior?

    -The final advice given to Dallas is to pursue what he loves and that money will follow, implying that he should be genuine and true to himself rather than playing games in relationships.

  • How does the story end for Dallas?

    -The story ends with Dallas being ostracized by his peers at school, who now view him negatively, and he is left to contemplate his actions and future path.



😒 Dallas's Double Dating Dilemma

The first paragraph introduces Dallas, who is being confronted by friends for his behavior of dating multiple women at the same time. He defends his actions by saying he's just having fun and not being a player. The friends express concern about his change in behavior since his breakup with Alyssa. Dallas dismisses their concerns, claiming Alyssa has moved on and he should too. The paragraph ends with Dallas planning to meet up with Sarah and Olivia, despite the potential for his double dating to be discovered.


🎶 Olivia's Introduction and Dallas's Date Juggling

In this paragraph, Dallas meets Olivia, a new girl at school, and quickly asks her out. He also rekindles his plans with Sarah after she reconsiders her initial refusal due to rumors of his player reputation. The narrative then shifts to Dallas's attempt to manage two dates in one day, which becomes complicated when Sarah's schedule changes due to her dog getting sick. Dallas's friend warns him about the potential consequences of his actions, but Dallas remains determined to keep both dates.


🍰 The Mishaps at Giovanni's Restaurant

This paragraph describes the chaotic events that unfold at Giovanni's restaurant as Dallas tries to juggle his dates with Sarah and Olivia. He uses various excuses to switch between the two, including needing to use the restroom and forgetting to pay the parking meter. The situation escalates when Olivia arrives early and Dallas's friend pretends to see a rat in the kitchen to create a diversion. Despite the complications, Dallas manages to keep both dates separate, at least for the time being.


📣 Public Exposure and Alyssa's Return

The fourth paragraph reveals the consequences of Dallas's actions when a public service announcement exposes him as a 'dirty lying player' who went on dates with both Sarah and Olivia in the same weekend. This leads to Alyssa, his ex-girlfriend, confronting him about his behavior. Dallas tries to explain himself, but Alyssa is disillusioned and leaves, believing she made the right decision in breaking up with him. The paragraph ends with Dallas's reputation tarnished and him being ostracized by the girls at school.


🛍️ A Dream of Entrepreneurship

In the final paragraph, there is a shift in focus from Dallas's dating escapades to a new character who shares their dream of starting a business by taking used clothes, making them 'cute,' and selling them. This character dismisses the idea of shopping at a thrift store and believes that pursuing one's passion will lead to financial success.




A 'player' in the context of the video refers to a person, typically a man, who is known for dating multiple people casually without the intention of forming serious relationships. This term is central to the video's theme as it describes the main character's behavior and the consequences of his actions.


In the script, 'studying' is used as a pretext for the main character to spend time with different girls. It is a recurring theme that highlights the deceitful nature of the character's actions and the superficiality of his interactions.


Reputation is the belief or opinion about someone's character based on past behavior. In the video, the main character's reputation is damaged due to his dishonest dating practices, leading to negative social consequences.


Karma is a concept that suggests one's actions will have consequences, either positive or negative, depending on the nature of those actions. In the narrative, it is implied that the main character's behavior will eventually lead to negative outcomes for him.


Being 'single' refers to not being in a committed romantic relationship. The video suggests that being single can be a time for self-improvement, which contrasts with the main character's approach to dating.


A 'date' is a social outing between two people who are considering a romantic relationship. In the video, the main character attempts to go on multiple dates simultaneously, which is a key plot point and source of conflict.


Giovanni's is a restaurant mentioned in the video where the main character plans to take his dates. It serves as a common location that ties the different storylines together.

💡Public Service Announcement

A 'public service announcement' is a message intended to raise awareness or inform the public about an issue. In the video, it is used as a dramatic device to expose the main character's deceitful behavior to the school.

💡Broken Heart

A 'broken heart' is a metaphor for the emotional pain one feels after a romantic relationship ends, often due to betrayal or loss. The main character uses this as a justification for his behavior, although it is later questioned by other characters.


In the script, the mention of a 'rat' is a ruse used by a friend to help the main character escape an awkward situation with his dates. It serves as a humorous element and a plot device to move the story forward.

💡Thrift Store

A 'thrift store' is a shop where secondhand goods are sold, often at low prices. The video ends with a character expressing a dream to start a business involving used clothes, which is a contrast to the main character's superficial values.


Dallas, a student, is caught dating two girls from the same school on the same weekend.

The girls, upset with Dallas's actions, confront him about his deceitful behavior.

Dallas defends his actions by claiming he is 'just having fun' and not a player.

Friends suggest Dallas is acting out since his breakup with Alyssa.

Dallas denies thinking about Alyssa and mentions she has moved on with someone else.

Sarah, another girl, initially declines to go out with Dallas due to rumors of him being a player.

Dallas plans to meet a new girl, Olivia, who hasn't heard about his reputation yet.

Sarah changes her mind and agrees to go out with Dallas, complicating his plans.

Dallas struggles to manage his dates with Sarah and Olivia, which are scheduled too close together.

A friend advises Dallas to cancel one of the dates to avoid further complications.

Dallas pretends his dog, Mr. Biscuit, is sick to escape one of the dates.

Olivia arrives early for her date with Dallas, forcing him to act quickly to avoid being caught.

Dallas's friend creates a diversion by falsely claiming to see a rat in the restaurant.

Alyssa, Dallas's ex, reaches out to him, expressing that she has been missing him.

Dallas and Alyssa consider getting back together, but his recent actions are about to be exposed.

A public service announcement exposes Dallas's deceit, labeling him as a 'dirty lying player'.

Dallas's reputation is tarnished, and the entire school is aware of his actions.

A friend suggests that Dallas should focus on himself and stay single for a while.

Dallas considers starting a business with a unique idea of upcycling used clothes.