Here's how the Microsoft antitrust case compares to big tech today

CNBC Television
5 Jun 201906:38

TLDRThe discussion revolves around the historical case of the Justice Department against Microsoft and its implications on today's tech giants like Amazon, Facebook, and Google. It highlights the evolution in corporate attitudes towards lobbying and political influence, and ponders whether past antitrust actions inadvertently paved the way for these companies' success. The conversation also touches on the current regulatory landscape, with the Department of Justice and FTC taking on different roles in overseeing these firms, and the balance between fostering innovation and preventing market monopolies.


  • 📜 The late 90s saw a significant legal battle between the U.S. Justice Department and Microsoft, which had a long-term impact on the tech industry and regulatory practices.
  • 💡 Microsoft's initial stance was against lobbying and political contributions, viewing itself as a science-based company that did not require such tactics.
  • 🔍 The attitude of tech companies, including Microsoft, has evolved to embrace lobbying and political spending to influence policy and regulation, albeit with an underlying disdain.
  • 🚨 The current scrutiny of tech giants such as Amazon, Facebook, and Google by the Justice Department and FTC raises questions about the need for regulation similar to the Microsoft case.
  • 📈 The historical context of the Microsoft case highlights the tension between the government's desire to break up monopolies and the potential for such actions to inadvertently stifle competition.
  • 🤝 The division of roles between the Justice Department and the FTC in overseeing tech companies reflects a strategic approach to regulation, with each agency focusing on different aspects of potential antitrust issues.
  • 🌐 The rapid pace of technological advancement and the dynamic nature of the market present challenges for regulators in determining the best course of action to promote innovation and competition.
  • 🔎 The success of companies like Google and Amazon may be indirectly attributed to the regulatory actions taken against Microsoft, as they learned from the case and adapted their strategies accordingly.
  • 💼 The Microsoft case serves as a reminder of the potential consequences for tech companies when they become too entrenched in legal battles, diverting resources and focus away from innovation.
  • 🔑 The balance of power between government regulation and the free market is a complex issue, with arguments on both sides about the best way to foster growth and prevent monopolistic practices.

Q & A

  • What was Microsoft's stance on lobbying and political contributions in the late 90s?

    -In the late 90s, Microsoft did not believe in spending money on lobbying and political contributions. They considered it inefficient and focused on being a science-based company instead.

  • How did Bill Gates feel about his deposition during the Microsoft antitrust trial?

    -Bill Gates had contempt for the idea of being questioned during his 20 hours of depositions. He felt he was a good citizen and his company did good things, showing a disdain for the process.

  • How have the attitudes of tech companies towards lobbying and political contributions changed since the Microsoft case?

    -Tech companies, including Microsoft, now invest heavily in lobbying and political contributions, recognizing the importance of influencing policy and regulation.

  • What was the main issue the Justice Department had with Microsoft's practices in the late 90s?

    -The Justice Department's main issue with Microsoft was the abuse of power, particularly in the case of Microsoft bundling Internet Explorer for free and allegedly stifling competition, such as with Netscape.

  • What was the outcome of the Microsoft antitrust case?

    -The district court judge agreed with the Justice Department's position to break up Microsoft, but this decision was overruled by the federal appeals court, and Microsoft was not broken up.

  • How did the Microsoft antitrust case impact the tech industry?

    -The case brought attention to the power of tech companies and arguably paved the way for the rise of other tech giants like Google and Amazon, as it made Microsoft more cautious and less aggressive in its business practices.

  • What challenges did Microsoft face as a result of the antitrust case?

    -Microsoft faced challenges such as difficulty in attracting top talent, making acquisitions, and constantly worrying about government intervention and public perception.

  • How does the current regulatory environment for tech companies like Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and Google differ from the Microsoft case?

    -The current environment involves both the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), each taking on different roles in investigating and potentially regulating these tech companies. The focus is more on whether these companies' policies and practices necessitate regulation.

  • What is the debate regarding the regulation of tech giants like Google and Amazon?

    -The debate centers around whether too much market power will stifle innovation or whether the fast pace of the industry should allow the free market to decide the winners and losers without excessive regulation.

  • What are the potential liabilities for tech companies currently under scrutiny by regulatory bodies?

    -The potential liabilities include the possibility of being broken up or facing significant restrictions on their business practices. However, the main concern is the uncertainty and distraction caused by ongoing investigations and potential legal battles.

  • How do the roles of the Department of Justice and the FTC in regulating tech companies differ?

    -The Department of Justice has more resources for investigation compared to the FTC. The government's decision to split the roles allows for a more focused approach, with each agency taking on different aspects of regulation and oversight.



📜 Microsoft's Past and Present Regulatory Challenges

This paragraph discusses the historical context of Microsoft's legal battles with the Justice Department in the late 90s and early 2000s, drawing parallels and distinctions with current regulatory scrutiny faced by tech giants such as Amazon, Facebook, Google, and potentially others. It highlights Microsoft's initial resistance to lobbying and political contributions, a stance that has since changed as these companies now invest heavily in such activities. The discussion also touches on the impact of the antitrust case on Microsoft's business practices, the company's attitude towards regulation, and the potential effects of such cases on innovation and market competition. The narrative suggests that the antitrust case may have inadvertently paved the way for the rise of companies like Google and Amazon, and it questions whether similar actions are necessary today.


🔍 Dividing Regulatory Oversight Between the DOJ and FTC

The second paragraph focuses on the contemporary division of regulatory oversight between the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), particularly in regards to investigating and potentially regulating tech companies. It explores the strategic decision by the government to split the roles, with the DOJ having more resources for investigation. The paragraph delves into the complexities of balancing the promotion of innovation with the prevention of monopolistic practices, acknowledging the existence of competing perspectives on the matter. It also considers the potential impact of regulatory actions on the behavior of tech companies, including their decision-making and investment in lobbying efforts, and the ongoing debate about the role of market power in driving innovation.




Microsoft is a multinational technology company featured in the video script as a historical example of a company facing antitrust scrutiny. The discussion revolves around the 1990s case where the U.S. Justice Department attempted to break up Microsoft, which is tied to the main theme of the video - the regulation of tech giants and the balance between fostering innovation and preventing monopolistic practices. The script uses Microsoft's past as a point of comparison for current regulatory actions against other tech companies.

💡Justice Department

The Justice Department, or DOJ, is a federal agency in the United States responsible for the enforcement of the law and administration of justice. In the context of the video, the DOJ is highlighted for its historical role in the antitrust case against Microsoft and is compared to its current potential role in regulating other tech companies like Amazon, Facebook, and Google. The script suggests that the DOJ's actions can have significant impacts on the operations and competitive landscapes of tech giants.


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is an independent agency in the United States that aims to prevent unfair and deceptive business practices. In the video, the FTC is mentioned in relation to its possible role in overseeing and investigating tech companies, alongside the Justice Department. The script implies that the division of responsibilities between the DOJ and FTC could influence the effectiveness of regulatory actions against tech giants.

💡Antitrust Law

Antitrust Law is a set of laws aimed at promoting competition and preventing the formation of monopolies or cartels. In the video, the application of antitrust law to Microsoft in the past is contrasted with its potential application to current tech giants. The discussion centers around whether these companies have abused their market power and if the same antitrust measures that were applied to Microsoft are relevant today.


Lobbying refers to the act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in the government, often through communication and the provision of information. In the context of the video, lobbying is discussed as a significant activity that tech companies, including Microsoft, engage in today, in contrast to Microsoft's past stance against it. The script suggests that this shift in attitude reflects a recognition of the importance of political influence in shaping the regulatory environment.


Regulation refers to the rules and restrictions set by a regulatory authority, which in this context is the government, to govern the behavior of companies and ensure fair competition and consumer protection. The video script discusses the potential need for increased regulation of tech giants like Amazon, Facebook, and Google, drawing parallels to the regulatory actions taken against Microsoft in the past.


Competition in a market refers to the rivalry between firms for customers and market share. The video script explores the impact of tech giants on competition, with a historical reference to Microsoft's alleged stifling of competition through its practices. The discussion extends to whether current tech companies are similarly hindering competition and if regulatory actions are necessary to maintain a healthy competitive landscape.

💡Consumer Protection

Consumer protection involves the safeguarding of consumers from unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent practices by businesses. In the video, the focus is on whether the actions of tech giants like Microsoft in the past and companies like Google and Amazon today harm consumers. The script discusses the historical measure of consumer harm as a basis for antitrust cases and ponders if the same metric is applicable in the current regulatory environment.


Innovation refers to the process of introducing new ideas, methods, or products to improve or create new markets and value. The video script touches on the debate around whether the market power of tech giants stifles innovation or if the fast pace of the industry allows for continuous innovation regardless of market concentration. The discussion highlights the balance that needs to be struck between protecting market leaders and encouraging new entrants and innovative practices.

💡Market Power

Market power is the ability of a company to control the price and supply of a product or service in a market, often due to a lack of competition. In the video, the concept of market power is central to the discussion on whether tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook have too much influence over their respective markets. The script debates the implications of such power and the potential need for regulatory oversight to prevent abuse and ensure fair competition.

💡Scarlet Letter

The term 'scarlet letter' is used metaphorically in the script to refer to the negative reputation or stigma that a company might face due to legal or regulatory issues. In the context of Microsoft, it highlights the challenges the company encountered in attracting top talent and making acquisitions during the antitrust case. The metaphor extends to the potential impact on current tech giants if they face similar legal scrutiny.


The Justice Department and FTC's current roles in overseeing tech giants like Amazon, Facebook, and Google are being compared to their past actions against Microsoft.

In the late 90s, Microsoft faced charges from the Justice Department, with a trial starting in 1999 and continuing into 2000.

Microsoft's initial stance was against lobbying and political contributions, viewing it as inefficient for a science-based company.

Bill Gates's deposition showed a lack of understanding towards the need for questioning his company's practices.

Today's tech companies, including Microsoft, invest heavily in lobbying and political contributions, indicating a shift in their approach.

Despite their financial contributions, tech companies may still hold a disdainful attitude towards the necessity of such involvement in politics.

The application of antitrust law to Microsoft two decades ago is being considered in the context of current cases against Google and Amazon.

The government's historical position was to break up Microsoft, which was eventually overruled by the federal appeals court.

The case against Microsoft was based on the abuse of power rather than consumer harm, with Netscape being a key competitor.

In hindsight, the case against Microsoft may not have been necessary, as the company did not strangle competition.

Microsoft's focus on legal battles may have contributed to their loss in the mobile market and a delay in getting back on track.

The success of Google and Amazon may be indirectly attributed to the case against Microsoft, as it forced other companies to adapt.

Microsoft's reputation suffered during the case, making it harder to attract top talent and make acquisitions.

The fear of government intervention may have hindered Microsoft's growth and innovation during the legal proceedings.

The current scrutiny of tech giants raises questions about whether they should be regulated, similar to Microsoft's case.

The government's decision to split the investigation between the Justice Department and FTC is seen as a strategic move.

There is a debate on whether market power stifles innovation or if the free market should decide the winners.

The challenge for regulators is to balance the need for innovation with the potential risks of monopolistic power.