How ChatGPT Works Technically For Beginners

4 Feb 202333:11

TLDRThe video script provides an insightful overview of Chat GPT, a conversational AI that has revolutionized the way we interact with technology. It explains how Chat GPT works, from its ability to understand and generate human-like responses to its training process, which involves both unsupervised and supervised learning. The script also compares the capabilities and limitations of AI to the human brain, highlighting the energy efficiency and adaptability of human intelligence. It concludes by encouraging viewers, especially young computer scientists, to delve deeper into the field of AI and contribute to its ongoing development.


  • 🤖 Chat GPT is a conversational AI that can carry out intelligent conversations with humans, transforming the way people work by generating code and automating repetitive tasks.
  • 🚀 AI research has been around for about 80 years, but conversational AI has been particularly challenging due to the nuances and complexities of natural language.
  • 🧠 Scientists modeled AI after the human brain, simulating its neural connections and electrical signals to process and understand language.
  • ⚡ The AI operates reactively, waiting for user input, processing the text, and generating a response based on its training.
  • 🐦 The success of AI in image recognition demonstrated the potential of neural networks, which are also fundamental to how Chat GPT understands and generates responses.
  • 🤹‍♂️ Training AI involves a process similar to how humans learn, starting with unsupervised learning to find patterns and then supervised learning for fine-tuning with human guidance.
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Chat GPT uses two primary neural networks: one for understanding context and another for generating responses, with the latter being trained with human supervision to ensure ethical and moral responses.
  • 📈 Training Chat GPT's neural network for understanding context takes about a year, while the response generation part, with human judges, takes about six months.
  • ⏳ Once a version of Chat GPT is released, its neural network is fixed until the next version is released, unlike the human brain which continuously evolves and adapts.
  • 🔋 AI requires significant computational power and electricity to run and train, contrasting with the human brain's efficiency and low energy consumption.
  • 🌱 The human brain is self-organizing and can restructure itself, even in cases of significant damage, showcasing a level of adaptability and resilience not yet replicable in AI.

Q & A

  • What is the primary function of Chat GPT?

    -Chat GPT is a conversational AI designed to carry out intelligent conversations with humans, simulating human-like interactions.

  • How has the use of AI code generation tools impacted the speaker's daily work?

    -The speaker, a software programmer, has found that 80% of their daily coding work is now generated by AI code generation tools, particularly Chat GPT, which has transformed their workflow by automating repetitive tasks.

  • Why is natural language processing considered difficult?

    -Natural language processing is difficult because languages like English are full of nuances and are not as precise as mathematics. The same word can have different meanings based on context, making it challenging to interpret without understanding the whole conversation.

  • How does Chat GPT learn and improve its responses?

    -Chat GPT learns and improves through a training process involving large datasets. Initially, the neural network may provide incorrect answers, but with each mistake, the network adjusts its activation behavior, gradually improving its responses over time.

  • What is the difference between unsupervised and supervised learning in the context of Chat GPT?

    -Unsupervised learning involves the neural network finding patterns in vast amounts of data without human guidance, similar to how a child learns language naturally. Supervised learning, on the other hand, involves human judges evaluating the AI's responses and providing feedback to refine its answers, akin to formal education in a school setting.

  • How does the neural network model used in Chat GPT mimic the human brain?

    -The neural network in Chat GPT mimics the human brain by simulating the connections between neurons. It uses complex patterns of neuron networking, some of which are inspired by the observed structures and connections in the biological brain.

  • What are the limitations of current AI systems like Chat GPT?

    -Current AI systems like Chat GPT are rigid and fixed once trained. They require massive amounts of electricity and computational resources to operate and train. Unlike the human brain, they cannot autonomously make necessary changes to their neural networks without a new training cycle or version release.

  • How long does it take to train a version of Chat GPT?

    -It takes approximately 1.5 years to train a version of Chat GPT. This includes one year for the unsupervised learning phase where the neural network understands the input, and about six months for the supervised learning phase where human judges refine the response generation.

  • What is the energy efficiency comparison between the human brain and AI like Chat GPT?

    -The human brain is highly energy efficient, capable of making intelligent decisions with minimal energy input from organic sources like food. In contrast, AI systems like Chat GPT consume significantly more energy, requiring large servers and GPUs for operation and training.

  • How does the speaker's perspective on AI evolve throughout their experience with Chat GPT?

    -The speaker initially feels excited and relieved by the efficiency gains from using Chat GPT but also experiences fear due to the AI's capability to outperform human coding at times. As they learn more about how Chat GPT works, they gain a better understanding of its limitations and capabilities, which helps manage their initial emotions.

  • What is the future outlook for AI like Chat GPT?

    -The future of AI like Chat GPT involves more sophisticated versions with increased numbers of neurons and connections, potentially leading to smarter and more adaptive AI. Research is ongoing to make AI less rigid and more capable of autonomous learning and adaptation.



😀 Discovering Chat GPT: A Software Programmer's Perspective

The speaker, a software programmer, shares their experience using Chat GPT for two months, noting that 80% of their daily coding work is now generated by AI. They express a mix of excitement and fear, as AI sometimes outperforms them in coding tasks. The speaker's journey of understanding Chat GPT's functionality and construction leads them to create a beginner's guide to explain how the technology works, from research to development and release.


🧠 Mimicking the Human Brain: The Birth of Conversational AI

The speaker describes how scientists, unable to manually model human conversation with mathematics, turned to simulating the human brain's workings in computers. They explain the process of input and output in AI, and how the study of the brain's structure and neuron connections led to the development of neural networks. The speaker also touches on the complexity of natural language processing and the historical context of AI research.


📈 Simplifying the Neuron: From Brain to Basic Model

The speaker simplifies the concept of a neuron and its activation, demonstrating how multiple inputs can lead to various outputs through a network of interconnected neurons. They discuss the success of AI in image recognition and the use of neural networks, emphasizing the training process where AI learns from incorrect responses and adjusts its behavior accordingly.


🔄 Neural Network Innovations: Beyond Basic Patterns

The speaker explains how Google scientists innovated beyond basic neural network patterns, allowing for more complex and effective models that can even feedback into earlier layers. They highlight the importance of these patterns, which are inspired by our biological brain, for creating intelligent AI capable of tasks like natural language processing.


🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Learning Like a Baby: Unsupervised and Supervised Learning

The speaker compares the learning process of human babies to the training of AI, emphasizing the stages of unsupervised and supervised learning. They describe how AI, like a child, learns from exposure to vast amounts of data and human feedback, gradually refining its responses to be more human-like and ethical.


🚀 Training Chat GPT: A Time and Resource Intensive Process

The speaker details the training process of Chat GPT, explaining the time and resources required to train the neural networks for both understanding context and generating responses. They also discuss the current state of Chat GPT, noting that once a version is released, it remains fixed until the next update, and the ongoing research into making AI more adaptable.


🌍 Comparing AI and Humans: Limitations and Capabilities

The speaker contrasts the rigidity and energy consumption of current AI systems with the adaptability and efficiency of the human brain. They highlight the potential for future AI advancements, while also encouraging young computer scientists to delve deeper into the field of neural networks and AI to continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is a conversational AI developed by OpenAI that is capable of engaging in intelligent conversations with humans. It is designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives. In the video, the speaker discusses their experience using Chat GPT for coding, highlighting its ability to transform the way they work by generating code and, at times, even outperforming them in certain tasks.

💡AI Code Generation Tools

AI code generation tools are software applications that use artificial intelligence to assist in the creation of code. These tools can automate repetitive coding tasks, making the programmer's job more efficient. The script mentions that the speaker incorporates Chat GPT with other AI code generation tools, emphasizing the synergy between different AI technologies to enhance productivity.

💡Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of AI that focuses on the interaction between computers and human languages. It involves understanding, interpreting, and generating human language in a way that computers can comprehend. The video script discusses the challenges of NLP, such as the nuances and context-dependent meanings of words, which Chat GPT has been successful in handling.

💡Neural Networks

Neural networks are computational models inspired by the human brain. They consist of interconnected nodes, or neurons, that process information through a series of connections. In the context of the video, neural networks are the foundational technology behind Chat GPT, simulating the way our brain works to understand and generate responses to text inputs.

💡Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning where the algorithm identifies patterns in data without explicit guidance or labeled outcomes. In the video, the speaker describes how the neural network of Chat GPT undergoes unsupervised learning by analyzing vast amounts of text from the internet to find patterns and context.

💡Supervised Learning

Supervised learning is a form of machine learning where an algorithm is trained on labeled data, receiving feedback to make adjustments and improve its accuracy. The script explains that a separate neural network within Chat GPT is trained using supervised learning, where human judges evaluate the AI's responses and provide corrections to refine its performance.

💡Training Data Set

A training data set is a collection of data used to train machine learning models. It typically includes various examples and their corresponding outcomes. In the video, the speaker refers to the training data set as the collection of images used to train neural networks for image recognition, and the text data from the internet used to train Chat GPT's neural network.

💡Electrical Signals

Electrical signals are the means by which neurons communicate in the brain. They are also the basis for how neural networks in AI models, like Chat GPT, transmit and process information. The video script uses the analogy of electrical signals to describe how information flows through the simulated neurons in an AI system.

💡Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency refers to the measure of how well a system uses energy to perform its intended function. The script contrasts the energy efficiency of the human brain, which operates on a low-energy diet, with the high energy consumption of AI systems like Chat GPT, which require significant computational power and electricity to function.

💡GPUs (Graphics Processing Units)

GPUs are specialized electronic components originally designed for rendering images and videos. They have become crucial in AI and machine learning for their ability to perform parallel computations quickly, which is essential for training neural networks. The video mentions the use of GPUs in training the neural networks that power Chat GPT.

💡Ethics and Morals

Ethics and morals are principles that guide behavior and decision-making, often involving considerations of right and wrong. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses how the response-generating neural network in Chat GPT is trained with human supervision to adhere to ethical standards and avoid generating inappropriate responses.


Chat GPT has transformed the way software programmers work by generating code, leading to feelings of excitement and fear due to its capabilities.

Chat GPT is a conversational AI that can carry out intelligent conversations with humans, similar to the AI assistant Jarvis in the Iron Man movies.

AI research has been around for about 80 years, but conversational AI has proven to be an incredibly difficult task due to the nuances of natural language.

The development of Chat GPT involved mimicking the human brain's structure and function, using neural networks to simulate brain activity.

Neural networks are trained through a process similar to how human children learn language, starting with unsupervised learning and then fine-tuned with supervised learning.

Training Chat GPT involves feeding it vast amounts of text data from the internet, allowing it to find patterns and understand context.

The AI's response generation is judged and scored by humans, teaching it ethics and morals, and refining its responses over time.

Chat GPT's neural networks are complex and require significant computational power and energy to train, contrasting with the efficiency of the human brain.

Once trained, Chat GPT's neural networks are fixed until the next version is released, unlike the human brain which is adaptable and changes continuously.

The current state of AI is rigid and requires a lot of energy, but research is ongoing to make AI more flexible and efficient.

Chat GPT's training process takes about 1.5 years, which is significantly less than the 25 years it takes for a human brain to fully develop.

The limitations of Chat GPT include its fixed nature and high energy consumption, which are being addressed by ongoing research and development.

The future versions of Chat GPT, like GPT-4, are expected to have more neurons and connections, making them more sophisticated.

The creator of the video aims to simplify the understanding of Chat GPT for beginners and encourage further learning about AI and neural networks.

The video serves as a beginner's guide to the technical workings of Chat GPT, from its research and development to its release and impact on society.

The speaker shares their personal journey with Chat GPT, expressing a mix of relief and concern over the AI's ability to outperform human coding abilities.

The video explains the high-level functioning of Chat GPT in layman's terms, avoiding complex mathematics and technical jargon.

The development of conversational AI like Chat GPT is a significant milestone in AI research, demonstrating the potential for AI to understand and generate human-like responses.