Qasidah Al Burdah - Mesut Kurtis | قصيدة البردة في مدح الرسول ﷺ - مسعود كرتس
TLDRLe script décrit avec émotion la vénération et l'amour profond pour le Prophète Muhammad, considéré comme le meilleur de toute la création. Il évoque la douleur et la passion d'amour, les défis de la vie et la quête spirituelle. Le texte insiste sur l'importance de la foi et de la dévotion, et sur la puissance de la prière et des bonnes œuvres. Il célèbre également la noblesse et l'influence du Prophète Muhammad sur l'humanité, soulignant son rôle unique en tant qu'émetteur de la vérité divine. Le poème exprime un désir ardent de bénédiction et de paix pour le Prophète, ainsi que pour ceux qui le suivent avec sincérité.
- 🕊️ La paix et les bénédictions de Dieu sont envoyées à perpétuité sur le Prophète, considéré comme le meilleur de toute la création.
- 😔 L'amour et la passion peuvent causer des larmes et de la détresse, même si l'on essaie de les cacher.
- 💔 L'amour est puissant et peut laisser des marques durables sur ceux qui en sont touchés.
- 🧘♂️ Le contrôle de soi et la maîtrise de ses passions sont essentielles pour éviter de tomber dans le mal.
- 🌿 L'Égo est comparé à un enfant qui grandit en désirant toujours plus si on ne le laisse pas mûrir.
- ⚖️ Il est important de rester vigilant face aux tentations et de ne pas céder aux désirs vains.
- 🤲 Il est crucial d'obéir à Dieu et de se garder de l'influence du Maître et du Démon.
- 🕊️ Le Prophète est présenté comme un guide et un intercesseur pour les croyants, offrant espoir et protection.
- ✡️ La stature et l'importance du Prophète dans le monde spirituel sont soulignées, avec une reconnaissance de sa perfection et de sa beauté.
- 📜 Les miracles et les signes divins associés au Prophète sont mentionnés, montrant son lien avec le divin.
- 🌱 L'influence positive et la générosité du Prophète sont reconnues, ainsi que son impact sur les autres et sur la nature.
Q & A
Quelle est la répétition qui apparaît fréquemment dans le texte et quel est son importance?
-La phrase 'My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever, Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation' se répète à plusieurs reprises. Elle souligne le thème de la bénédiction et de la vénération envers le Maître, qui est le Prophète Muhammad dans le contexte islamique.
Comment le texte décrit-il l'amour et ses effets sur ceux qui l'expriment?
-Le texte décrit l'amour comme une force qui cause des larmes et de la distraction, et qui peut être à la fois douloureuse et opposée aux plaisirs. Il utilise l'imagerie de l'amour comme une maladie (lovesickness) qui laisse des marques visibles sur le visage et l'âme de la personne.
Quels conseils sont donnés pour maîtriser le désir et l'ego?
-Le texte suggère de ne pas satisfaire les désirs illégitimes car cela augmentera les appétits, de divertir les désirs vains et de les contrôler, car ils peuvent polluer ou détruire ce qu'ils dominent. Il recommande également de se méfier des conseils du soi et du diable.
Comment le texte aborde-t-il le thème de la sincérité et de l'hypocrisie dans la pratique religieuse?
-Le texte critique ceux qui attribuent de la descendance à un homme stérile, ce qui est une métaphore pour les actes religieux qui sont accomplis sans un cœur sincère. Il met en garde contre l'hypocrisie et souligne l'importance de la pratique religieuse sincère.
Quels sont les éléments qui soulignent l'importance de la patience et du sacrifice dans le texte?
-Le texte fait référence à des actes de patience et de sacrifice tels que la prière jusqu'à ce que les pieds soient douloureux et l'utilisation d'un pierre pour réduire les douleurs de la faim. Ces éléments illustrent la détermination et la résignation face à l'adversité.
Comment le texte évoque la nature unique et la perfection du Prophète Muhammad?
-Le texte évoque la nature unique et la perfection du Prophète Muhammad en le décrivant comme le 'best of the whole of creation' et en soulignant ses qualités extraordinaires, comme sa beauté, sa générosité, sa persévérance et sa noblesse.
Quels miracles sont attribués au Prophète Muhammad dans le texte?
-Le texte mentionne plusieurs miracles attribués au Prophète Muhammad, y compris la guérison des malades et des fous, l'obtention de pluies abondantes pendant une année de sécheresse, et la révélation divine dans ses rêves.
Comment le texte utilise la nature et les éléments de la nature pour faire des analogies?
-Le texte utilise fréquemment des éléments de la nature pour faire des analogies, comme les arbres qui se prosternent, les nuages qui les protègent, et les épées qui sont comparées à des plumes. Ces analogies servent à illustrer la grandeur et la pureté du Prophète.
Quels sont les termes qui décrivent la relation entre le Prophète Muhammad et ses compagnons?
-Le texte décrit la relation entre le Prophète Muhammad et ses compagnons comme étant celle de maître et d'esclaves, montrant le respect et la loyauté qu'ils ont pour lui. Il est également décrit comme le guide qui a conduit ses compagnons à la victoire et à la gloire.
Comment le texte aborde le thème de la résignation et de la soumission à l'autorité divine?
-Le texte encourage la soumission à l'autorité divine et la résignation face aux épreuves. Il souligne l'importance de la foi et de la confiance en Dieu, même dans les moments de doute et de confusion.
Quels sont les éléments qui montrent la grandeur et l'impact historique du Prophète Muhammad?
-Le texte mentionne des éléments qui montrent la grandeur et l'impact historique du Prophète Muhammad, y compris son influence sur les générations futures, sa victoire sur les ennemis de l'Islam, et son rôle comme le plus noble des messagers de Dieu.
😀 La solitude et la nostalgie de l'amour
Le premier paragraphe décrit la solitude et la nostalgie provoquées par l'amour. Il évoque l'idée que les larmes et la maladie sont des témoins de la vérité de l'amour, et que l'on ne peut les nier. L'auteur exprime également le désir de paix et de bénédictions pour le 'Maître', qui est présenté comme le meilleur de toute la création. La souffrance de l'amour est comparée à une maladie qui ne peut être cachée, et l'auteur reconnaît l'inutilité de cacher ses sentiments.
😌 Le contrôle des désirs et la sagesse de l'âme
Dans le deuxième paragraphe, l'auteur aborde la lutte contre les désirs illégitimes et la manière de les maîtriser. Il compare l'ego à un enfant qui grandit en négligence et devient avide de satisfaction, mais qui peut être éduqué et contrôlé. L'auteur insiste sur la nécessité de garder l'âme en surveillance et de ne pas laisser ses désirs vains la corrompre. Il appelle à la prudence et à la vigilance face aux tentations et conclut en répétant les souhaits de paix et de bénédictions pour le 'Maître'.
🙏 L'ascèse et la dévotion envers le prophète
Le troisième paragraphe célèbre l'ascèse et la dévotion envers le prophète Muhammad, décrit comme le maître des deux abodes et le guide pour tous les humains. L'auteur évoque les qualités et les miracles du prophète, ainsi que son intercession auprès d'Allah. Il insiste sur la supériorité du prophète sur tous les autres et sur la manière dont il a éclairé le monde avec sa lumière. La section se termine avec une nouvelle invocation pour la paix et les bénédictions.
🌟 La beauté et la noblesse du prophète
Le quatrième paragraphe décrit la beauté et la noblesse du prophète Muhammad, comparant sa présence à celle d'une armée et soulignant sa générosité et sa persévérance. L'auteur célèbre la naissance du prophète et son influence sur le monde, y compris les signes qui ont accompagné son arrivée et les événements qui ont marqué sa vie. Il insiste sur la pureté de son lignage et sur la manière dont sa venue a influencé le monde entier.
🌳 La nature obéissante et les miracles
Dans le cinquième paragraphe, l'auteur décrit les miracles qui accompagnent le prophète, y compris les arbres qui se prosternent devant lui et les nuages qui le protègent. Il évoque la nuit où le prophète a été révélé et la manière dont la vérité a été manifestée. L'auteur insiste sur la sagesse et la connaissance du prophète, ainsi que sur la manière dont il a été choisi par Allah. Il conclut en répétant les souhaits de paix et de bénédictions.
🌈 Les signes et les miracles de la foi
Le sixième paragraphe parle des signes et des miracles qui accompagnent la foi en Islam. L'auteur décrit les versets révélés qui sont à la fois éloquents et beaux, et qui surpassent les miracles des autres prophètes. Il évoque la manière dont ces versets ont influencé les croyants et ont été une source de lumière dans les ténèbres. Il insiste sur la nécessité de se hold à ces enseignements et de les utiliser pour éclairer le chemin.
🕊️ L'ascension nocturne et la prééminence du prophète
Le septième paragraphe décrit la nuit de l'ascension du prophète, où il a parcouru les sept cieux et a été honoré par tous les autres prophètes. L'auteur célèbre la manière dont le prophète a été choisi comme le guide et le leader de tous les croyants, et la manière dont il a surpassé tous les autres en vertu et en sagesse. Il insiste sur la gloire et l'honneur qui ont été accordés au prophète et sur la manière dont il a été le soutien de la nation musulmane.
⚔️ La victoire et la protection de la foi
Le huitième paragraphe évoque la force et la détermination des compagnons du prophète qui ont défendu la foi d'Islam sur le champ de bataille. L'auteur décrit les combats et les victoires remportées, ainsi que la manière dont la foi a été répandue et protégée. Il célèbre la bravoure et le courage des combattants et insiste sur la manière dont ils ont été un exemple pour tous les croyants.
📜 Le repentir et l'espoir de pardon
Le neuvième paragraphe exprime le regret et le désir de pardon de l'auteur pour les fautes qu'il a commises dans sa vie. Il reconnaît les conséquences de ses actions passées et exprime son espoir que le prophète intercédera en sa faveur. L'auteur insiste sur la loyauté et la fidélité du prophète aux promesses et espère que son nom, étant similaire à celui du prophète, lui garantira sa protection.
🙏 La prière pour la bienveillance divine
Le dixième paragraphe est une prière pour la bienveillance et la miséricorde divine. L'auteur exprime son espoir que la miséricorde d'Allah sera accordée en fonction de ses péchés et qu'il sera traité avec douceur dans cette vie et l'autre. Il demande la bienveillance pour les compagnons et les familles du prophète, ainsi que pour tous les musulmans. Il conclut en répétant les souhaits de paix et de bénédictions pour le 'Maître', le prophète Muhammad.
💡Paix et bénédictions
💡Amour lointain
💡Maladie d'amour
💡Désirs illégitimes
💡Jugement dernier
The poem is a eulogy to Prophet Muhammad, expressing deep love, reverence and blessings towards him.
The poet describes Muhammad as the best of all creation and prays for his peace and blessings.
The poem speaks of the emotional turmoil and tears shed by those remembering Muhammad, symbolizing their deep love and longing for him.
The poet questions how love for Muhammad can be hidden, as it manifests in tears and a burning heart.
The poem highlights the transformative power of love, as it can cause physical and emotional changes like tears and sickness.
The poet pleads for forgiveness and understanding from those who blame him for his chaste love for Muhammad.
The poem emphasizes the importance of controlling one's ego and desires to attain spiritual growth and closeness to God.
The poet acknowledges his shortcomings and sins, seeking Allah's forgiveness for his words without deeds.
The poem describes the miraculous signs and events that accompanied Muhammad's birth and life.
The poet praises Muhammad's noble qualities like generosity, wisdom, and beauty, which surpass all others.
The poem emphasizes the superiority of Muhammad over all other prophets and messengers in terms of knowledge, nobility and virtues.
The poet speaks of the profound impact of Muhammad's message on the world, leading to the rise of Islam and the defeat of his enemies.
The poem highlights the eternal relevance and beauty of the Quranic verses revealed to Muhammad, which continue to inspire and guide.
The poet describes the miraculous Night Journey and Ascension of Muhammad, during which he was honored by all the previous prophets.
The poem speaks of the bravery and heroism of Muhammad's companions, who fought valiantly to spread the message of Islam.
The poet seeks refuge and protection in Muhammad during times of hardship and tribulation.
The poem concludes with a plea for Allah's mercy and forgiveness, and a prayer for the continued success and prosperity of the Muslim community.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Is it from remembering neighbours at Dhū Salam
That you shed tears admixed with blood from your eyes?
Or because wind has blown from the direction of Kāẓima
And lightning has flashed in the dark of Iḍam?
So what ails your eyes that when you tell them ‘stop’, they continue to weep still more?
And what ails your heart that when you bid it awake, it wanders further in distraction?
Does the lovelorn man think that love can be hidden
Behind a torrent from his [eyes], or a heart’s raging fire?
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
But for passion, you would not shed tears at an abandoned camp,
Or lie awake at night recalling the fragrant willow or the mountain;
So how can you deny this love when tears and sickness,
truthful witnesses, have testified to it against you?
Lovesickness has etched two lines, of tears and gauntness,
Upon your cheeks, like yellow spice and red ʿanam
Yes, my beloved’s apparition came to me and denied me sleep,
For love always opposes pleasures with pain!
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
O you who blame me for this chaste love, pardon me!
But had you judged fairly, you would not have blamed me.
May you be spared my condition! My secret cannot be concealed
From detractors, nor is there any cure for my ailment!
You have given me sincere advice, but I cannot hear it;
A lover’s ears are deaf to the reproaches of critics.
I hold suspect even the advice of my own grey hairs,
Even though their advice is far from deception.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Because of its ignorance, my ill-commanding ego has paid no heed
To the warner of grey hair and approaching old age;
Nor has it prepared good deeds in welcome
For an unannounced guest who has settled on my head.
Had I realised, I would not have honoured it;
I would have used [black] katam-dye to hide what it showed
Who will help me restrain my bolting ego from its wilfulness
As a rebellious horse may be restrained with reins?
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Do not try to thwart unlawful desires by satisfying them,
For food only increases a glutton’s desires.
The ego is like a child: neglect it and it will grow up loving
To suckle; but if you wean it, it will be weaned.
Divert its vain desires and beware of giving it power,
For vain desires pollute or destroy whatever they control.
Guard it as it grazes in the field of actions;
And should it find the grazing sweet, do not let it roam.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
How often it has found delight in something fatal,
For [one] cannot tell that there is poison in the fat!
Beware of the snares of hunger and of satiety,
being hungry at times can be worse than gorging oneself!
Empty out the tears from an eye that has filled itself up
with forbidden sights. Maintain a strict diet of remorse.
Oppose the self and Satan and disobey them;
If they offer you advice, be suspicious of them.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Obey neither of them, whether they oppose or give judgment,
For you know the wiles of opponent and judge.
I seek Allah’s forgiveness for words bereft of deeds,
As by them I attributed progeny to a sterile man.
I enjoined goodness upon you while failing to heed the same.
I was not upright, so what use is my enjoining uprightness?
I have not gathered provisions of voluntary prayers before death,
or prayed and fasted beyond what is obligatory.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
I have wronged the Sunna of him who enlivened the dark nights
By praying till his feet complained of painful swelling.
He placed a stone over his belly and soft skin,
Tightening a belt over it to diminish the hunger pangs.
Lofty mountains tried, to tempt him with turning to gold,
But he showed them the height of his own loftiness!
His dire neediness only strengthened his detachment;
neediness like his never leads to transgression.
How could need tempt him with worldliness, when but for him
The world would not have emerged from non-existence?
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Muhammad is the master of both abodes, of both kinds,
And both classes [of people]: Arabs and non-Arabs.
Our Prophet, who commands and who forbids;
None is more true than him in saying “yes” or “no”.
He is the Beloved whose intercession is hoped for,
Victorious over every terror and disaster.
He called [people] to Allah, so those who hold fast to him
Are holding fast to a rope that never shall break.
He excelled the other Prophets in form and qualities;
Their knowledge and nobility did not come near his.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
They all seek something from Allah’s Emissary –
handfuls from the sea, or small sips of drizzle.
They all stand before him, observing their limits;
Dots to his knowledge, or vowel-marks to his wisdom.
It is he whose meaning and form attained perfection
Then the Maker of Souls chose him for His beloved.
Exalted above having a rival in his perfections;
In him is the undivided essence of beauty.
Eschew the claim Christians have made for their Prophet.
Then say in his praise what you will, but wisely!
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Ascribe whatever honour you will to his essence,
And ascribe what greatness you will to his worth;
For the worth of Allah’s Emissary has no limit
That could be expressed by a human mouth.
If his miracles were commensurate with his greatness,
The mere mention of his name would give life to dry bones.
He did not try us with things that confound the mind
Out of concern for us, so we neither doubted nor strayed.
Man’s mind is exhausted trying to understand his meaning;
All of them, near or far, appear as if dumbstruck.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
He is like the sun: small to the eye when seen from afar,
But dazzling to the sight when seen close up.
How can his reality be grasped in this world
By sleeping folk, distracted from him by dreams?
The extent of our knowledge is that he is a mortal –
And that he is the best of Allah’s creation!
Every miracle produced by the noble Emissaries
Came to them by virtue of his light alone
For he is the sun of virtue, and they are its planets;
They display its lights to mankind in the darkness.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
How noble the qualities of a Prophet beautified by such traits:
Full of beauty, and marked by smiles and good cheer!
Like flowers in delicate beauty, like the full moon in honour;
like the sea in generosity, like time in persistence.
So majestic was his presence that even when alone
he appeared surrounded by a large army and retinue.
It is as if precious hidden pearls, sparkling from their shells,
came from the treasure-mine of his speech and smile.
No perfume can match the ground that holds his bones.
Blessed are those who breathe in its fragrance or kiss it!
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
His birth made the purity of his pedigree evident;
O how pure were his beginning and his end!
On that day the Persians intuited that they
Had been warned of looming misery and retribution.
That night the throne room of Khusraw became cracked,
Khusraw’s people, too, crumbled, never to be restored.
The sacred fire, grief-stricken, breathed its last,
And the river [Euphrates] dried up out of worry.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Sāʾa was saddened by its lake drying up;
the thirsty who went to drink there came back in a rage!
As if the fire, from sorrow, took on the water’s wetness
And water assumed the fire’s quality of blazing.
There were jinn calling out, and dazzling lights
As truth was manifested in both word and reality.
They were blind and deaf, so the glad tidings proclaimed
Went unheard, and the warning lightning-flash was not seen.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Even after the soothsayers had informed their peoples
That their crooked religion would not endure,
And even after their eyes saw meteors on the horizon
Plunging downwards, as idols were toppled on earth;
Until devils, routed, from the path of revelation,
Fled in the wake of those who had been overpowered.
Fleeing like the brave warriors of Abraha
Or the army pelted by pebbles thrown by his hand,
Cast by him after glorifying Allah in the palm of his hand,
As he who glorified his Lord was cast from the whale.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Trees came prostrating to him when he called,
Walking towards him on trunks without feet
As though they had inscribed lines of splendid calligraphy
With their branches along the path.
Like the cloud that hovered over him wherever he went,
Shielding him from the intense oven of the midday heat.
I swear by the [Lord of the] moon that was split in two
a true oath: it has truly a connection with his heart.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
And by the goodness and nobility contained in the cave
While the disbelievers’ every glance was blind to him.
Truthfulness and the True One in the cave wavered not
While they said ‘No one who breathes is in the cave!’
They supposed that a dove would never perch,
Or a spider would spin its web, for the Best of Creation
Their protection by Allah absolved them of need
for additional armour or for lofty fortresses.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Never, when fate oppressed me, have I sought refuge in him
but that I found sanctuary with him and was oppressed no more.
And never have I sought wealth in both worlds from his hand
Without receiving largesse from the best of givers.
Do not deny the revelations he received in his dreams;
For though his eyes slept, he had a heart that slept not.
That was when he attained his Prophetic status;
the night dreams of mature men cannot be denied!
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Blessed is Allah! Revelation is not something acquired!
Nor can a Prophet’s knowledge of the Unseen be deemed suspect.
How many sick people were healed by the touch of his hand;
how many released from the tight knots of madness!
His supplication brought life to a grey year [of drought] –
Marked it out from dark years like [a horse’s] white blaze.
With generous rainclouds, so much that you would have thought
That the valleys flowed with sea water or the flood of ʿArim.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Let me describe to you the signs that were manifested for him,
Visible like the village beacons lit atop hills at night.
Though a pearl is more lovely when strung [with others],
Its value is not diminished when alone and unstrung.
To what hope can the giver of praise aspire
Of doing justice to his noble qualities and traits?
Signs of truth from the All-Merciful—revealed within time
Yet pre-eternal; the attribute of Him who is pre-eternal.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
They are not connected with time, yet they inform us
About the Resurrection, and about ʿĪd and Iram.
They remained with us, thus surpassing every miracle
Of the other Prophets, which came but did not last.
Unequivocal verses leaving no doubt to remain
in dissenters, and requiring no arbiter.
No implacable foe has attacked them
But that he retreated from battle and sued for peace.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Their sheer eloquence refutes the claim of their opponent,
As a jealous man wards off an assailant’s hand from his wife.
They contain meanings like the sea’s bountiful waves,
And surpass the sea’s jewels in beauty and value.
Their marvels can neither be counted nor numbered,
And frequent repetition never gives rise to tedium.
They delighted the one who recited them, so I told him,
‘You have the Rope of Allah, so hold fast to it!’
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
If you recite them out of fear of a blazing fire’s heat
from their cool wells they will quench the blazing heat
Like the Pool, they brighten the faces of the sinful,
Though they had come to it as black as charcoal.
Like the Traverse and like Scales in justice;
True justice amongst men cannot be upheld from any other source.
Do not be amazed at an envious person who denies them
Feigning ignorance, though he has perception and understanding.
For the eye, when inflamed, may be averse to the sun’s light;
And the mouth, when ailing, may loathe water’s taste.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
O best of those to whose courtyard seekers turn to
Hastening on foot or the backs of strong camels!
O Greatest Sign for those who contemplate!
O Supreme Grace for those who seek to gain!
You journeyed by night, from Sanctuary to Sanctuary
as the full moon travels through the pitch black sky.
That night you ascended till you reached a station
Of Two Bows’ Length—one never attained or hoped for!
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
There all the Prophets and Emissaries gave you precedence,
As a master is given precedence by those who serve him.
You traversed the seven heavens with them [behind you]
In a procession wherein you were the standard-bearer.
Until your proximity left no space for the avid seeker,
Nor any higher summit for one seeking elevation.
You surpassed all other stations in comparison
When acclaimed on high as ‘The Matchless and Eminent’–
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
So that you might triumph through a tryst hidden
From sight. How hidden a secret that was!
So you received every glory without rival
And gained every station alone, unbeset.
How glorious is the worth of the ranks you were given
How difficult it is to grasp the graces conferred!
Glad tidings for us, O people of Islam,
For we have an indestructible pillar of divine care.
When Allah named the one who called us to obey Him
The Noblest of Emissaries, we became the noblest of nations!
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
The news of his being sent had cast fear into the hearts of foes
as heedless sheep are startled by sudden noise.
He continued to meet them on every battleground
Until spears cut them, like meat on a butcher’s block.
They longed to flee, almost jealous of
The dead flesh carried off by hawks and vultures.
The nights passed with them unaware of their number,
Apart from the nights of the Sacred Months.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
As if the religion were a guest that had arrived at their courtyard,
With every honoured chieftain eager for the flesh of their foes.
Bringing forth a sea of soldiers on swift steeds,
Tossing wave upon wave of onrushing heroes.
All responding to Allah’s call and anticipating reward,
Boldly charging on, and uprooting disbelief.
Until the religion of Islam was, through them,
Reunited in kinship after being in exile.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Forever protected from [foes] by the best of fathers and husbands,
So that she was no longer an orphan or a widow.
They were mountains! Ask those who came to blows with them
What they saw from them on every field of battle.
Ask Ḥunayn, ask Badr, ask Uḥud—
Seasons of death, more disastrous for them than the plague!
White swords returned, dripping red after taking drink
From beneath the black heads of all their enemies.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Like scribes with wielded spears for pens,
Leaving no letter of a body unmarked with dots.
Well-armed, they were distinguished by a clear sign,
as a rose differs from an acacia tree in its features.
The winds of victory bring you their scent as a gift;
You would think each armed hero a flower in bud!
As if, riding their steeds, they were flowers on a hill-top
Held firm not by strong stirrups, but by strength of resolve.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Their forceful onslaught so put their foes’ hearts to flight
that you could not have told a herd from a warrior.
For the one whose help comes from the Emissary of Allah
Even lions finding him in their dens will be loth to face him.
You will not see one saint who is not victorious through him;
Or a single foe of his who is not dealt mortal blows.
He gave his nation sanctuary in the stronghold of his faith,
As a lion settles in with its cubs in a thicket.
How often have Allah’s words felled his opponents,
And how often the Qur’an has defeated its enemies!
The erudition of an unlettered one is miracle enough
in an Age of Ignorance, as is an orphan’s education.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
By this eulogy I have served him, seeking absolution
For the sins of a life spent in poetry and patronage.
For these two have yoked me, with consequences I fear;
as if I were, on their account, a ritual lamb for slaughter.
In both I obeyed the reckless folly of youth,
And gained nothing except sins and regrets.
Alas, what abject loss for a soul in its transaction!
It did not buy the Next World at the price of this – or even try to!
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Anyone who sells the Hereafter for the ephemeral
Will be cheated in their present and future transactions.
I have sinned, yet my pledge to the Prophet is unbroken;
Nor has the rope binding me to him been severed.
For I have a protective covenant with him owing to my name—
Muḥammad—and he is the most loyal of mankind to covenants.
If, in the Hereafter, he does not take me by the hand
From pure grace, what a terrible slip of the foot!
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Far be it for him to deprive one hopeful of his generous gifts,
Or for a neighbour to turn back without being honoured by him!
Ever since I have focused my thoughts on his praises,
I have found him the one most committed to my salvation.
His wealth will not overlook a dusty, needy hand;
For showers cause flowers to bloom on hill-tops.
I sought not the flowers of this world
Which Zuhayr picked for his praise of Harim.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
O Noblest of Creation, whose protection can I seek
But yours, when the Universal Event comes to pass?
O Emissary of Allah, your rank will not be diminished
By me when the Generous One appears, named as the Avenger.
For this world and its companion the Next come from your bounty,
And part of what you know is knowledge of the Tablet and Pen.
O soul, despair not over a fault that is immense;
Enormities, with divine forgiveness, are like minor errors.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
Perchance my Lord’s mercy, when He apportions it,
Will be distributed in accordance with the measure of sins.
O my Lord, let not my hope in You be overturned
And do not make my account devoid of value.
Be gentle with Your servant in this life and the Next;
For his patience flees when he is visited by terrors.
And may clouds of Your blessings rain down constantly
Upon the Prophet, pouring down in abundance.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
For as long as the east wind stirs the branches of willows,
And camel-drivers bring joy to their camels with melody.
Then extend Your good-pleasure to Abū Bakr and to ʿUmar
And to ‘Ali, and to ʿUthmān, the generous
And to the Family and the Companions, and then the Followers—the people of Godfearingness,
purity, forbearance and generosity.
O Lord, by the Chosen One, allow us to attain our hopes
And forgive us for what has gone past, O Vastly Generous.
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
And forgive, O God, all of the Muslims, by virtue
Of what they recite in the Furthest Mosque [al-Aqṣā] and the Sacrosanct Mosque [al-Ḥaram]
By the rank of him whose house is a sanctum in Ṭayba [Medina]
And whose name is an oath—from the greatest of oaths!
This Burda Ode of the Chosen One is thus complete
And all praise is due to Allah in its beginning and its end.
Its couplets—numbering one hundred and sixty—have come;
Relieve us our difficulties by them, O Vastly Generous!
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
My Master send your peace and blessings always and forever
Upon Your Beloved, the best of the whole of creation
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