How I Code Faster - GitHub Copilot

Luke Barousse
3 Feb 202410:49

TLDRThe video discusses the use of GitHub Copilot to enhance Python coding efficiency. The speaker shares their experience using the tool over a year, highlighting its benefits for less experienced coders and its integration within popular code editors like VS Code. They recount building a Python web app with Copilot's assistance, overcoming challenges in database integration due to scant documentation. Studies are cited, showing that users of such tools complete more tasks in less time, with a noted increase in job satisfaction. However, concerns are raised about potential declines in code quality due to over-reliance on AI assistance. The speaker also covers the costs associated with using Copilot, its installation process, and provides a step-by-step demonstration of building a data analytics project using the tool. Despite encountering errors and needing to manually troubleshoot, the video concludes with a successful project completion, emphasizing the tool's utility in speeding up workflows and aiding in error resolution, despite some frustrations with error fixing capabilities.


  • 🚀 **GitHub Copilot Efficiency**: The speaker has used GitHub Copilot to significantly speed up their Python coding workflow over the past year.
  • 💡 **Integration with Code Editors**: GitHub Copilot is integrated within popular code editors like VS Code, providing coding recommendations directly in the editor.
  • 📚 **Learning Aid**: It's particularly useful for average or below-average coders, as it eliminates the need for a separate window to seek assistance.
  • 🛠️ **Error Fixing**: The tool can suggest fixes for coding errors, although it may not always be perfect and sometimes requires manual intervention from a programmer.
  • 📈 **Productivity and Fulfillment**: Studies show that users of AI coding assistance complete more tasks in less time and report higher levels of fulfillment.
  • ⚠️ **Code Quality Concerns**: There's a noted potential for a decrease in code quality due to over-reliance on AI assistance, with an increase in code that needs to be reverted or updated.
  • 📊 **Data Analytics Project**: The video demonstrates building a data analytics project from scratch using GitHub Copilot, including generating a dataset, a Python notebook, and a README file.
  • 💰 **Subscription Costs**: GitHub Copilot requires a yearly subscription, with a student discount available, and additional options for business accounts.
  • 🔍 **Contextual Understanding**: Copilot's suggestions are influenced by the data in the editor, prompts provided, and open tabs, which can improve its accuracy.
  • 📝 **Code Explanation**: Users can get explanations for the generated code by using the 'explain' command, which is helpful for those new to programming.
  • 🔄 **Model Version Confusion**: There's some frustration expressed regarding the use of different models (GPT-3.5 vs. GPT-4) within Copilot, which may affect the consistency of results.
  • 🏆 **Market Leader**: Despite its drawbacks, GitHub Copilot is recognized as a market leader in AI coding assistance, with many users switching to it from other options.

Q & A

  • What is GitHub Copilot and where can it be found?

    -GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered coding assistant that integrates directly into popular code editors like Visual Studio Code (VS Code). It provides coding recommendations and can help speed up the coding workflow by generating code snippets and assisting with error fixing.

  • How does GitHub Copilot assist with coding tasks?

    -GitHub Copilot assists by generating code snippets, providing coding recommendations, and offering a chat interface for asking questions related to coding. It can also help with tasks like integrating apps with live SQL databases and performing exploratory data analysis.

  • What are some potential drawbacks of using GitHub Copilot?

    -One major drawback is the potential decrease in code quality due to over-reliance on AI assistance. There's evidence suggesting an increase in code churn, where lines of code are reverted or updated shortly after being authored. This could lead to developers becoming complacent and not fully understanding the code they write.

  • How can GitHub Copilot be installed and set up for use?

    -To use GitHub Copilot, one needs to set up an account, which may require a subscription. For VS Code, users install two extensions: one for using GitHub Copilot within the text editor and another for the chat interface. After installation, the extensions guide the user through the account setup process.

  • What are the costs associated with using GitHub Copilot?

    -There is a yearly subscription fee of $100 for using GitHub Copilot. However, it is free for students. For professional use, especially with secure data, a business account with enterprise-grade security and privacy is recommended.

  • How does GitHub Copilot handle errors in code?

    -GitHub Copilot can attempt to fix errors by using a 'fix' command, which may involve providing a description of the issue. It can also regenerate code to address the error. However, it may not always be successful, and sometimes manual intervention from a programmer is necessary.

  • What is the role of context in GitHub Copilot's functionality?

    -Context is crucial for GitHub Copilot. It uses the data in the editor, any prompts provided by the user, and open tabs to inform the suggestions it makes. Keeping relevant information like datasets open while coding can improve the accuracy of its recommendations.

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  • How can GitHub Copilot be used to explain code to someone new to programming?

    -GitHub Copilot can be used to explain code by selecting any part of the code and using the 'explain' command. It provides background information on the steps taken and the reasoning behind them, which can be helpful for beginners.

  • What are the limitations of GitHub Copilot when it comes to error troubleshooting?

    -While GitHub Copilot can assist with some errors, it may not always be effective in troubleshooting more complex issues. It might revert to using older models like GPT 3.5 instead of the more advanced GPT 4, which can lead to incorrect fixes.

  • How does GitHub Copilot compare to other AI coding assistants in terms of popularity?

    -GitHub Copilot is the leading AI coding assistant according to the 2023 developer survey, with TabNine and Code Whisperers being the next closest options. Many users are switching to Copilot from these alternatives.

  • What is the process of generating a README file using GitHub Copilot?

    -To generate a README file, one can prompt GitHub Copilot with a request to generate text for a README, detailing the contents of a specific project, such as a Python notebook. Copilot then provides a draft that includes information about the project's contents, requirements, and usage.

  • What is the speaker's overall impression of GitHub Copilot after using it for a year?

    -The speaker has mixed feelings about GitHub Copilot. While it has significantly sped up their workflow and helped with troubleshooting, they also experienced frustrations with error fixing and the tool's inconsistency in using the latest AI models. Despite these issues, they acknowledge Copilot's leadership in the AI coding assistant space.



🤖 GitHub Copilot: Enhancing Python Coding Workflow

The speaker has been utilizing GitHub Copilot for a year to expedite their Python coding process. They discuss the tool's integration within popular code editors like Visual Studio Code (VS Code), which provides coding suggestions directly within the editor. This is particularly beneficial for less experienced coders, as it eliminates the need for a separate GPT window. The speaker shares their experience building a Python web app with the assistance of Copilot, especially during the integration with a live SQL database, where the tool proved invaluable due to a lack of documentation. They also mention a study showing that users of such AI tools complete more tasks in less time and feel a greater sense of fulfillment. However, they caution about potential drawbacks, such as a decrease in code quality due to over-reliance on AI assistance, with an increase in code that needs to be reverted or updated shortly after being authored. The speaker also promotes their YouTube course for data analytics and provides a step-by-step guide on setting up and using GitHub Copilot, including troubleshooting and generating a Python notebook for data analysis.


📊 Data Analysis with GitHub Copilot: Triumphs and Challenges

The speaker describes their process of building a data analytics project using GitHub Copilot. They mention the need for a dataset, a Python notebook for analysis, and a README to summarize results. They use their own dataset about data analyst job postings across the US and demonstrate how to generate a new notebook with exploratory data analysis using Copilot. The speaker encounters an error during the cleaning process, which they attempt to fix using various methods provided by Copilot, including the 'fix using Copilot' command. They discuss the limitations they've found with Copilot, particularly in error troubleshooting, and share insights on how to improve its effectiveness by providing more context, such as having the dataset open in a separate tab. Despite the frustrations, they present the successful generation of visualizations and the analysis of job titles using Copilot. They also touch upon the importance of citing sources when using others' code and the speaker's personal experience with the tool, highlighting that most of their coding time is spent fixing errors. They express concerns about GitHub's claim of using the GPT-4 model, as they've noticed the tool sometimes reverts to GPT-3.5 turbo. The speaker concludes by analyzing job titles within the dataset and generating a README file to detail the project's contents, requirements, and usage.


🚀 Rapid Project Completion with GitHub Copilot

The speaker reflects on the efficiency of using GitHub Copilot, noting that they were able to build a complete project in under 10 minutes. They express a wish to have had the tool when they first started coding to enhance their workflow and assist with troubleshooting. The speaker encourages viewers to like the video if they found it valuable and teases the next video in the series.



💡GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered coding assistant that integrates directly into popular code editors like Visual Studio Code (VS Code). It provides coding recommendations and can help speed up the coding process by generating code snippets and assisting with troubleshooting. In the video, the speaker discusses their experience using GitHub Copilot to build a Python web app and emphasizes its utility for both novice and experienced programmers.

💡VS Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a highly popular source code editor developed by Microsoft. It includes support for debugging, Git control, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring. The video's narrator uses VS Code as their preferred code editor and explains how to install and use GitHub Copilot within it.

💡AI coding assistance

AI coding assistance refers to the use of artificial intelligence to aid in the process of writing code. This can include generating code snippets, identifying errors, and providing suggestions for code improvements. The video discusses the impact of AI coding assistance on code quality and productivity, noting a potential downside of reduced learning due to reliance on AI.

💡Data analytics

Data analytics is the process of examining raw data with the goal of drawing insights, making informed decisions, and solving problems. In the context of the video, the speaker is building a data analytics project from scratch using GitHub Copilot to analyze job postings for data analysts in the US.

💡Python notebook

A Python notebook is an interactive document that allows users to write and execute Python code, display the results, and include narrative text, equations, and images. The video demonstrates the creation of a Python notebook for exploratory data analysis, showcasing how GitHub Copilot can assist in this process.

💡Exploratory data analysis (EDA)

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an approach to analyzing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often using visual methods. EDA provides an initial understanding of the data and can help guide further analysis and hypothesis testing. The video script describes using EDA to understand the dataset of job postings.

💡Code quality

Code quality refers to the level of excellence of source code in terms of its readability, efficiency, maintainability, and overall effectiveness at achieving its purpose. The video mentions a study that suggests AI coding assistance might be leading to a decrease in code quality due to an increase in code that is reverted or updated shortly after being written.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is a reference to a chat interface powered by GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), which is a type of AI model that can generate human-like text based on given prompts. In the video, the speaker mentions that GitHub Copilot comes with a chat interface for asking questions and receiving answers related to coding.

💡Error troubleshooting

Error troubleshooting is the process of identifying, analyzing, and resolving the cause of a problem or error in a software program. The video script discusses the challenges the speaker faced when using GitHub Copilot to troubleshoot errors in their code, noting that sometimes manual intervention is necessary.

💡Readme file

A Readme file is a text file that provides information about other files in a software or a software project. It often contains details about the project's purpose, how to set it up, and how to use it. In the video, the speaker uses GitHub Copilot to generate a Readme file that summarizes the contents, requirements, and usage of their job analysis Python notebook.

💡Large language model

A large language model refers to an AI model that has been trained on a vast amount of text data and can generate or understand human language at a high level. The video mentions that GitHub Copilot is powered by such a model, which helps it suggest code and answer questions. However, the speaker also points out that the model may sometimes generate incorrect information.


GitHub Copilot is used to speed up Python coding workflow.

Copilot provides coding recommendations within popular code editors like VS Code.

AI tool assists below-average coders by eliminating the need for a separate chat GPT window.

GitHub Copilot includes a chat interface for developers to ask questions.

The tool was instrumental in building a Python web app from scratch.

Integration issues with live SQL databases were resolved with Copilot's assistance.

Study found users of Copilot complete more tasks in less than half the time.

Three out of four programmers find more fulfillment using GitHub Copilot.

There's a potential downside to AI coding assistance, leading to decreased code quality.

White paper analysis shows an increase in code churn with AI assistance.

GitHub Copilot is free for students and has a business account option for secure data use.

The video is not sponsored but supported by course purchases and notes.

GitHub Copilot can generate a new notebook and outline steps for data analysis.

The tool can fix errors in code by using the 'fix' command.

Keeping the dataset open can improve Copilot's accuracy in generating code.

GitHub Copilot uses both GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 models, sometimes reverting to the latter.

Despite some frustrations, Copilot is the leading AI coding assistant according to the 2023 developer survey.

The video demonstrates building a data analytics project from scratch using Copilot in under 10 minutes.

GitHub Copilot can generate a README file detailing the contents and usage of a project.

The author wishes they had Copilot when they first started coding to speed up their workflow.