2022 Pro Ultimate Frisbee Marques Brownlee highlights
TLDRفي هذا النص المكتوب للفيديو، نشهد مباراة مثيرة من السلة الدوارة حيث يحاول راندولف تحدياً حياةه بنفسه، بينما يحقق روان ستروف خطأ. يأتي مايك دروست في النهاية بضربة ثانية لـ نيويورك. تظهر الأداء الرائع لـ ماركيز، الذي يحظى بضربة قوية. يحقق ماركيز برانلي استغلالًا مذهلا من السلة، بينما يحقق لويس المساعدة اللازمة. يُشير إلى أن ماركيز يبدو متأملًا بعد الأداء المدهش. يُشير إلى نقص عمق الدفاع في نيويورك، مع عدم وجود ريان دروست و مايك دروست، الذين يتمتعون بسجل ممتاز في المنع. يحقق ماركيز النجاح في النهاية، ويحصل على الدعم من لويس. يُشير إلى الأداء الرائع لـ بين كاتز، الذي يحقق هدفًا وثلاث مساعدات. يُشير إلى استمرار ال替換 والاستراحة كعناصر مفيدة في اللعبة. يُشير إلى الأداء الناجم لـ جو إيك ويلز، الذي يحقق هدفًا في النهاية.
- 🏈 **迈克·德罗斯特(Mike D'Rozt)**:这位老将为纽约队在终区得分,这是他当天的第二次突破。
- 🔄 **快速转换**:游戏节奏变化迅速,特别是当有像马奎斯(Marquez)这样的动态投手时。
- 🚫 **防守成功**:紧密的防守奏效,马奎斯成功地进行了一次重要的拦截。
- 🎾 **蒙特利尔皇家队**:他们在东部分区以3-0领先,正在寻求季后赛资格。
- 🍿 **马奎斯·布朗利(Marquez Brownlee)**:他展示了出色的接盘技巧,从空中抓取飞盘。
- 🤩 **不可思议的玩法**:MKBHD的一次精彩表现,以及纽约队在防守上的机会。
- 📢 **团队沟通**:马奎斯与队友之间的交流,以及他们如何协调防守。
- 🚨 **纽约队缺少深度**:今晚纽约队的D线缺少了一些深度,没有Ryan Dross和Mike D'Rozt。
- 🏅 **本·卡茨(Ben Katz)**:他为帝国队贡献了另一个突破,帮助球队领先。
- 🤝 **团队合作**:Sudok Brownlee在得分后与马奎斯庆祝,展现了团队精神。
- 📈 **比分变化**:比赛的最后比分是25比12,帝国队领先。
Q & A
Rowan Strow在视频中的表现如何?
-Rowan Strow在视频中的表现似乎有失水准,他的尝试没有成功,但具体是哪种尝试视频并未明确说明。
Mike drost在视频中取得了什么样的成就?
-Mike drost是视频中提到的一位经验丰富的选手,他在比赛的某个关键时刻在End Zone取得了第二次突破,为纽约队赢得了分数。
Montreal Royale在东部分区的排名和目标是什么?
-Montreal Royale在东部分区的排名是3-0,并且正在寻求进入季后赛的资格。
Marquez Brownlee在视频中有哪些精彩表现?
-Marquez Brownlee在视频中有几个亮点,包括成功地从对手那里抢到飞盘,以及在一次防守中阻止了对手的得分。
Ben Katz在视频中的表现如何?
-Ben Katz在视频中表现出色,他为Empire队取得了一次突破,帮助球队以10-8领先。
视频中提到的Joe White有什么特别之处?
-Joe White在视频中特别提到了一次失误,他丢失了飞盘,这成为了比赛中的一个关键时刻。
Jack Williams在视频中扮演了什么角色?
-Jack Williams在视频中被提及为Chicago队的一员,他在一次进攻中成功接到了飞盘,并在End Zone得分。
视频中提到的Kevin Quinlan有什么特别之处?
-Kevin Quinlan在视频中被提及为在Empire队历史上的第一个得分点中参与的球员之一,这表明他对该队有着特别的意义。
🏈 Dynamic Play and Breakthroughs in Ultimate Frisbee
The paragraph describes an intense game of Ultimate Frisbee, highlighting the strategic plays and individual performances. Randolph's attempts to disrupt the game are mentioned, followed by Rowan Strow's quick counter-attacks. Mike Drost, a veteran player, scores a significant break for New York Lightning. The narrative emphasizes the importance of a tight defense and the impact of a dynamic thrower like Marquez. Marquez's defensive play is praised, and the Montreal Royale's strong performance in the East Division is noted, with a focus on Marquez Brownlee's impressive catches. The paragraph also discusses the New York team's defensive strategies, the importance of timeouts, and the individual contributions of players like Marquez, Ben Katz, and Mike Drost. The summary concludes with a mention of a disastrous play for Chicago and a successful score for New York, showcasing the fast-paced and unpredictable nature of the game.
💡Mike Drost
💡New York Lightning
💡Montreal Royale
Randolph's attempt to make life difficult for himself
Rowan Strow's inaccurate throw
Mike Drost scores the second break of the day for New York
Marquez's dynamic throw changes the game's momentum
Tight defense leads to Marquez getting a big paw in the play
Montreal Royale's 3-0 record in the East Division
Marquez Brownlee's impressive catch of the disc
Arsenal's great game and setting up a nice play
MKBHD's ridiculous play on defense
New York's strategic timeout call
Bernard's pass to Leno and Marquez Brownlee's subsequent play
Marquez's double team play and subsequent turnover
Davis's omnipresence in the middle of the field
Marquez's reaction to Brownlee's unexpected play
New York's missing depth in the d-line with no Ryan Dross and Mike Drost
Marquez's successful throw to Lewis with a little thumbs up
Ben Katz's break for the Empire, increasing their lead
Brownlee's tracking down of the disc and subsequent score
Marquez's horizontal play and easy score
Kevin Quinlan's play in the very first point in Empire history
Ben Yacht's first goal of the night and three assists
Substitutions and timeouts showcasing the strategic aspect of the game
Joe White's drop and the subsequent successful play by Williams and Yacht
Jack Williams' collation leading to a disaster for Chicago
Randolph trying to make light life
difficult for him
Rowan Strow was off the mark not sure if
he was trying to get it to Nissan or
malx quickly countering to the other end
and it's the veteran Mike drost In The
End Zone with the second break of the
day for New York
lightning quick your Forge can really
change in this game especially when you
get a dynamic thrower like Marquez the
tight defense pays off Marquez gets a
big paw in there
and then why not
finish and oh the the Side Story to that
is the Montreal Royale or 3-0 in the
East Division 3-0 and looking for that
playoff spot Marquez Brownlee
look at those snacks that disc out of
the air
Stone House on this near side Paula's
it's gonna thread it that's gonna be
dangerous and brownlee's just gonna
scoop it up
Arsenal there man we were just talking
about laces it up to colic colic playing
a great game looking for too good and
finds him
too good set that cut up nice oh and
Marquez Brownlee sneaks it on the under
ridiculous play from MKBHD
and now a chance for New York to get a
break here on defense and they're gonna
call it timeout
that's a great time out calling and
there's some talk between Marquez and
the guy he was on
this is Vishal Janae Janae back to
Bernard now Berna to Leno Lennar puts it
up and Marquez Brown lead that wasn't
why we made in the player to watch but
now immediately against the double team
unfortunately Marquez turns it away
whether it's a stall out or turnover
there and Davis has been
just everywhere in the middle of the
field this one is gonna hang a bit
Marquez tries to read it but come here
yeah I thought Camary wrote it read it
better but instead it's brown Lee I
don't know how he came up with that one
and you know what looking at Marquez
seems a bit aplopectic yeah that smile
says I didn't know too much about it
a New York d-line is missing some of its
depth tonight no Ryan dross no Mike
drost all those two guys have done are
one and two all-time and blocks cable
looking for sudok brownlee's there Soto
can't get it
first thing sadok does is congratulate
Marquez on getting
I mean short for they have to score it
from here it's 20 25 yards
there it is
yes and Marquez is able to tow that line
with Lewis coming with the help over the
top and a little
thumbs up
Mike dross the nice layout
known for his block sure but
it's got a few things left in those 32
year old legs and now Ben Katz that's
another break for the Empire they go up
by two 10-8 Brownlee Horton
said looks for Marquez Brownlee he'll
track it down well look like he was
gonna track it down indeed he does
and then inform Mike draw so I think
everybody was disc watching as one does
and Marquez goes horizontal
Marquez picks up the easiest system Mike
Kevin Quinlan so Kevin Quinlan also
played in the very first point in Empire
history along with Matt Cat Stevens in a
four minute Long Point and then Mike
dross played the second on the d-line of
course as Jabron getting an easy block
here I'm gonna call that a block call
that a drop
a little bit of both as Ben yacht
getting on the score sheet here had to
earn it and I feel like for Ben yacht
everything comes so easy through him his
teammates his teammates discus yeah his
teammates made him earn his first goal
of the night and three assists to go
along with that goal for the big man
25 to 12 and
why substitutions on timeouts are still
Fantastic look at all the great players
on the field right now A Drop from Joe
White and look who picks up the disc
Williams to yacht with 15. to Brownlee
with 13.
to Williams in the back of the end zone
for the score
utter disaster for Chicago
Jack Williams
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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