How To Explore AI Generated Coloring Pages On Midjourney

17 Oct 202212:10

TLDRThe video provides a comprehensive guide on how to explore and utilize AI-generated coloring pages on the Midjourney platform. It begins with instructions on connecting to the Midjourney website through Discord and navigating the website's interface, highlighting various features such as the Community Feed, personal feed, bookmarks, tools, and settings. The host then demonstrates how to search for coloring pages within the Community Feed and suggests using the search bar for specific keywords. The video also covers the process of following creators and viewing their creations in the personal feed, which is beneficial for those looking to be inspired or improve their own creations. Additionally, it advises viewers to avoid using copyrighted material like Spider-Man for creating and selling coloring pages. The host briefly touches on the potential for profit from AI art, such as selling on platforms like Etsy and Creative Market, and concludes by inviting viewers to request more information on monetizing AI art.


  • 🌐 To explore AI-generated coloring pages, first connect your Discord account to the Midjourney website app by signing in with Discord on
  • 🔍 Use the search bar to find specific types of creations, such as 'coloring page', to view all related creations on the platform.
  • 📈 You can switch between viewing only upscaled creations or all creations to see a wider variety of designs.
  • 📄 The Community Feed displays all public creations, unless you have a private subscription, which costs an additional fee.
  • 📁 Bookmarks and the archive are useful tools for organizing and quickly accessing your own creations.
  • 🎨 The dictionary and styles section can help users who are unsure about how to phrase their prompts for AI-generated designs.
  • 📊 The ranking tool allows you to see how your creations are performing in comparison to others on the platform.
  • 📱 Following creators allows you to create a personalized feed, making it easier to see new creations from artists you admire.
  • 🚫 Be cautious about creating and selling coloring pages with copyrighted characters, such as Spider-Man, to avoid legal issues.
  • 🌟 Midjourney also facilitates the creation of digital wallpapers and seamless patterns, which can be profitable on platforms like Etsy and Creative Market.
  • 📈 The ability to follow creators and have a personalized feed makes it easier to stay updated with the latest creations from your favorite artists.
  • 📚 The tutorial also suggests that there are many ways to profit from AI art, hinting at potential opportunities for creators in the digital art space.

Q & A

  • What is the first step to connect to the Midjourney website app if you already have the Midjourney Bots on Discord?

    -The first step is to go to, sign in with Discord, and then authorize the connection.

  • How can you navigate through different options on the Midjourney website?

    -You can navigate through different options by clicking on the little arrow on the left-hand side of the website, which will present you with various options like Home, Community Feed, your personal feed, bookmarks, tools, and settings.

  • What is the purpose of the Community Feed on Midjourney?

    -The Community Feed is a place where all public creations made within Midjourney are displayed for everyone to explore, including coloring pages and other designs.

  • How can you find specific creations like coloring pages on the Midjourney website?

    -You can use the search bar at the top of the Community Feed to type in keywords such as 'coloring page' to find all creations that include those keywords in their prompts.

  • What does the 'private' visibility mode mean for your creations on Midjourney?

    -When you switch to 'private' visibility mode, your creations will not be publicly visible in the Community Feed, and they will only be accessible to you.

  • How can you follow a creator on Midjourney to see their creations in your personal feed?

    -To follow a creator, you can click on the 'follow' button on their profile or next to one of their creations. Once followed, their creations will appear in your personal feed.

  • What are some considerations to keep in mind when creating and selling coloring pages using Midjourney?

    -When creating coloring pages for sale, it is important to avoid using copyrighted or trademarked material, such as characters from Disney or Marvel, to prevent legal issues.

  • How can you use the personal feed to improve your creations?

    -The personal feed allows you to see the creations of the people you follow. You can observe their prompts and keywords, and use this information to inspire and improve your own creations.

  • What is the benefit of the 'dash-dash tile' feature in Midjourney?

    -The 'dash-dash tile' feature allows users to create seamless patterns, which can be particularly useful for designing digital wallpapers and other pattern-based creations.

  • What are some platforms where you can sell AI-generated art like digital wallpapers?

    -You can sell AI-generated art on platforms such as Etsy, Creative Fabrica, and Creative Market.

  • How can you view more creations and find inspiration on Midjourney?

    -You can view more creations by changing the view from 'upscale' to 'all' and scrolling through the Community Feed. Following creators and checking your personal feed can also provide continuous inspiration.

  • What does the video transcript guide viewers to do in terms of exploring and utilizing the Midjourney app?

    -The video transcript guides viewers on how to connect to the Midjourney app, navigate through its features, search for specific creations like coloring pages, follow creators, and manage their personal feed to enhance their experience and creativity on the platform.



🌐 Navigating Mid-Journey: Connecting and Exploring

The video begins with a tutorial on how to connect to Mid-Journey's website using Discord credentials, focusing on the interface and navigation features. It explains various options such as the home page, community feed, personal feed, and additional tools like bookmarks, maps, and style directories. The guide also covers subscription management and profile settings, emphasizing the importance of privacy settings to control the visibility of user creations.


🔍 Discovering Coloring Pages: Tips and Techniques

The video explores how to utilize the search function within Mid-Journey's community feed to find specific types of content like coloring pages. It shows how to alter search settings to view more creations and suggests copying successful commands from other users to refine one's own creative prompts. The narrative shifts to personal feeds, demonstrating how to follow other creators and customize content visibility, concluding with warnings about avoiding copyrighted material when planning to sell artwork.


🎨 Leveraging AI Art for Commercial Use

This segment provides insights on turning AI-generated art into commercial products, suggesting platforms like Etsy and Creative Fabrica for selling creations. The discussion highlights various content types, including wallpapers and digital patterns, emphasizing Mid-Journey's capabilities to create seamless designs. The presenter expresses interest in sharing more about monetizing AI art and encourages viewer interaction and feedback for future content.




Midjourney is an online platform where users can create and explore AI-generated art. In the video, it serves as the central theme where the host guides viewers on how to navigate and utilize the platform to find and create coloring pages. The term is used to describe the website and its associated app, which is the primary tool for the activities discussed.


Discord is a communication platform that the video mentions as a prerequisite for accessing Midjourney's features. It is used to sign in to Midjourney, indicating that an account with Discord is necessary to connect and use the Midjourney website app.

💡Community Feed

The Community Feed is a feature within Midjourney that displays creations made by the community. It is a public space where users can view and find AI-generated coloring pages and other designs. The video emphasizes its use for exploring coloring pages created by others.

💡Personal Feed

A Personal Feed is a section on Midjourney where users can see creations from the people they follow. It is a curated list of designs based on a user's interests and the creators they choose to follow, which is highlighted in the video as a way to personalize the Midjourney experience.


Bookmarks in the context of Midjourney is a feature that allows users to save or mark certain creations for easy access later. Although the host mentions they haven't used this feature, it's presented as a valuable tool for users to organize their favorite designs.



Styles refer to the different artistic styles that can be applied to AI-generated creations on Midjourney. The video suggests that users can explore and select styles to influence the look of their coloring pages or other designs, making it a key aspect of the creative process.


A subscription in Midjourney allows users to access premium features, such as private visibility mode for creations. The video touches on the subscription as a way to manage the privacy of one's designs and suggests that a private account offers additional benefits.

💡Search Bar

The Search Bar is a tool within Midjourney that enables users to find specific types of creations, like coloring pages, by entering keywords. It is demonstrated in the video as a way to filter and discover designs that match user interests.


Upscale in the context of the video refers to the process of enhancing the resolution or quality of an AI-generated image. The host discusses toggling between upscaled versions and all versions of creations to view more options.


Copyright is a legal term that refers to the rights held by creators over their work. The video advises users to avoid creating and selling coloring pages that infringe on trademarks or copyrighted material, emphasizing the importance of respecting intellectual property rights.


Etsy is an online marketplace where creators can sell handmade and unique items. The video suggests that AI-generated coloring pages and other designs can be sold on platforms like Etsy, indicating it as a potential revenue stream for users of Midjourney.


Exploring AI-generated coloring pages on Midjourney through the Midjourney website app.

To connect to the website, sign in with Discord and authorize the connection.

The home page displays all your designs made within Midjourney.

The Community Feed is where you can explore coloring pages created by others.

Personal feed shows creations from people you follow on Midjourney.

Use the search bar to find specific creations, like 'coloring page'.

You can view and copy prompts from other users' coloring pages to use in your own creations.

Changing the view from 'upscale' to 'all' shows more creations.

Following creators allows you to see their new creations in your personal feed.

The dictionary feature helps users understand different styles for their prompts.

Managing your subscription and accessing help are available through the tools section.

Settings and logout options are found under the three dots menu.

Using the search function to find specific types of coloring pages, like 'black and white'.

Avoid using copyrighted material like Spider-Man for selling your coloring pages.

The potential to profit from AI art by selling on platforms like Etsy and Creative Market.

Midjourney allows creating seamless patterns with the '--tile' command for wallpapers.

Following different creators provides a personalized feed of diverse creations.

The video concludes with a demonstration of how to follow creators and create a personal feed on Midjourney.