How To Make $100k With Instagram Reels In 2024

Josh Ryan
2 Jan 202412:57

TLDRThe video script outlines a strategy for leveraging Instagram to significantly boost business revenue by focusing on creating a valuable offer, crafting a strong call to action, utilizing automated direct messages through Mini Chat Pro, and consistently posting relevant 'Reels' content. The approach emphasizes the importance of an email list for audience growth and the potential to double or quadruple lead generation. The script also suggests engaging with the target audience by commenting on relevant posts and using a simple yet effective Instagram ad strategy to accelerate growth.


  • 🎯 Set a clear goal for your Instagram strategy, focusing on generating leads and sales for your business.
  • 🛠️ Ensure you have an attractive offer to sell, which could be a product, service, or affiliate deal, and continually improve its value.
  • 🔥 Create a compelling call to action that encourages your audience to engage with your content and move towards your offer.
  • 📧 Collect email addresses by offering valuable freebies, such as e-books or free consultations, to build your owned audience and nurture leads.
  • 🚀 Utilize tools like Mini Chat Pro to automate direct messages (DMs) based on specific triggers, such as comments or keywords, to increase lead generation.
  • 📊 Reverse engineer your content strategy by identifying your dream customer's struggles and creating relevant, educational content to address those issues.
  • 🎥 Produce a variety of Instagram Reels, including face-to-camera, text-only, or AI-generated content, to consistently provide value and attract your target audience.
  • 🔄 Be consistent with your posting schedule, aiming for multiple posts per week to maximize visibility and engagement over time.
  • 📈 Analyze data to identify trends in content performance and adjust your strategy accordingly, focusing on both reach and lead generation.
  • 💡 Engage with your target audience on other pages by turning on post notifications, commenting early, and strategically boosting your content to accelerate growth.
  • 🎓 Continuously learn and adapt your approach based on insights gained from your content's performance and the evolving preferences of your audience.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of the Instagram strategy discussed in the transcript?

    -The main goal of the strategy is to generate more leads, income, and sales for your business by effectively using Instagram and its features.

  • What is the first step in the strategy to improve your business's offer?

    -The first step is to ensure you have an awesome product or service to sell, which could be an affiliate deal, your own service, an online course, a physical product, or a local business service.

  • How does the transcript suggest improving your business offer?

    -It suggests improving the offer by using Alex Homo's $100 million offer framework, which makes the offer more valuable and allows you to make more money with the same amount of reach.

  • What is the importance of a strong call to action (CTA) in the Instagram strategy?

    -A strong CTA is crucial as it effectively transitions people from merely consuming your content to engaging with it and moving towards your offer, thereby increasing the chances of lead generation and conversion.

  • What is the suggested method for collecting email addresses for future nurturing?

    -The method suggested is by offering something of high value to the dream customer for free in exchange for their email, allowing you to build your email list and send them more value in the future.

  • How can the Mini Chat Pro tool enhance lead generation on Instagram?

    -Mini Chat Pro allows for the setup of automated direct messages (DMs) that get triggered when people comment or DM certain keywords, thus automating lead generation efforts and increasing engagement.

  • What is the significance of posting Reels in the Instagram strategy?

    -Posting Reels is important as it helps to get your content in front of a wider audience, especially the dream customer, by addressing their struggles and providing valuable information related to your offer.

  • How can you generate more content ideas for your Reels?

    -You can generate more content ideas by identifying the struggles of your dream customer related to your offer, breaking them down into subcategories, and creating both negative and positive hooks for each idea.

  • What is the role of consistency in the Instagram strategy?

    -Consistency plays a key role in the strategy as it helps in steadily growing your reach, engagement, and lead generation over time, leading to a significant impact on your business's growth and income.

  • What are some ways to speed up the growth and reach of your Instagram content?

    -Ways to speed up growth include engaging with content from pages your target audience follows, leaving early and relevant comments, and boosting your content to your target audience using a simple setup.

  • How should you adjust your content strategy based on the data you receive?

    -You should adjust your content strategy by focusing on trends that not only increase reach but also lead generation, ensuring that the content serves your audience and aligns with your business goals.



🚀 Instagram Growth and Sales Strategy for 2024

This paragraph introduces a plan to boost Instagram engagement and sales, emphasizing the importance of having a strong offer and a clear call to action. It suggests starting with defining the end goal, which is generating leads and income for the business. The speaker shares their experience and recommends improving the offer to maximize its value. The paragraph also highlights the significance of a strong call to action that can convert followers into leads and the importance of collecting emails to build an owned audience.


🎯 Enhancing Lead Generation with Mini Chat Pro

The second paragraph focuses on the use of Mini Chat Pro to automate direct message (DM) responses on Instagram, thereby increasing lead generation. The speaker explains how to set up the tool with specific keywords to trigger automated responses, enhancing engagement and converting more followers into leads. The paragraph provides a step-by-step guide on setting up the automated DMs and emphasizes the effectiveness of this strategy in doubling or even quadrupling the number of email opt-ins from Instagram stories.


📈 Content Creation and Consistency for Audience Engagement

This paragraph discusses the importance of creating valuable and relevant content to attract and engage the target audience. It suggests identifying the dream customer and addressing their struggles related to the business offer. The speaker provides an example of a personal trainer and breaks down potential content ideas into categories such as diet, training, recovery, and mindset. The paragraph also touches on the idea of creating both negative and positive hooks for content to double the number of ideas. The importance of consistency in posting and the potential reach of even a small number of daily views over time is emphasized.




Instagram is a social media platform where users can share photos and videos. In the context of the video, it is used as a tool for business growth, lead generation, and sales. The speaker discusses strategies to maximize Instagram's potential for business, such as creating engaging content and leveraging its features for marketing purposes.


A funnel, in the context of marketing, refers to a series of steps that guide potential customers through the purchasing process, from initial awareness to the final sale. The video emphasizes the importance of structuring Instagram content as a funnel to attract attention, nurture it, and convert it into sales.


Leads are potential customers who have shown interest in a product or service. In the video, the speaker focuses on generating leads through Instagram by offering valuable content or services and capturing user information, such as email addresses, to nurture them into becoming paying customers.


An offer refers to a product, service, or deal that a business provides to its customers. The video emphasizes the importance of having an attractive and valuable offer to sell, which can be an affiliate deal, a personal service, an online course, or a physical product.

💡Call to Action (CTA)

A call to action is a prompt that encourages users to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or engaging with content. In the video, the CTA is crucial for directing Instagram users from passive consumption to active engagement with the business's offerings.

💡Email List

An email list is a collection of contact information for potential or existing customers. It is used for direct communication and marketing purposes. The video highlights the importance of building an email list as a way to own one's audience and maintain control over customer reach, as opposed to relying solely on social media platforms.

💡Mini Chat Pro

Mini Chat Pro is a tool that enables automated direct messaging on Instagram, triggered by specific words in comments or DMs. This tool is mentioned in the video as a way to streamline lead generation by sending automated responses to users who engage with the content.


Reels are a feature on Instagram that allows users to create and share short, engaging video content. In the video, Reels are discussed as a content format that can be used to provide value to the audience and attract them into the top of the sales funnel, ultimately leading to lead generation and sales.


Consistency refers to the regular and persistent effort in performing a task or action. In the context of the video, consistency is emphasized as crucial for growing a business on Instagram, by regularly posting valuable content and engaging with the audience.


Engagement on social media refers to the interactions and involvement of users with content, such as likes, comments, shares, and clicks. The video highlights the need to drive engagement on Instagram to increase reach, build relationships with the audience, and ultimately convert them into leads or customers.

💡Content Ideas

Content ideas are the concepts or topics that are used to create material for social media posts, videos, articles, etc. In the video, the speaker provides strategies for generating content ideas tailored to the target audience's interests and struggles, which can be used to create engaging and valuable Reels on Instagram.


The strategy shared helps in generating sales and growing businesses on Instagram.

Instead of relying on Instagram bonuses, a reliable and predictable way of making sales is presented.

The importance of having an awesome product or service to sell is emphasized as the first step.

Improving the value of your offer is crucial, and a training link is provided for further guidance.

A strong call to action is necessary to transition viewers from content to your ecosystem.

Offering a valuable freebie in exchange for an email is a strategy to grow your owned audience.

The suggestion to create a free month-long trial of a tool to automate DMs is given.

The tool allows for automated responses to comments or DMs with specific words, enhancing lead generation.

A step-by-step guide on setting up the tool for automated DMs is provided.

The importance of posting Reels to attract viewers and generate leads is discussed.

Identifying and addressing the struggles of your dream customer is key to creating relevant content.

Consistency in posting content is highlighted as crucial for organic growth.

The potential of generating a significant amount of leads and sales with consistent posting is explained.

Engaging with other posts with relevant comments can help increase visibility and growth.

Boosting content to the target audience can speed up growth and lead generation.

Adjusting content based on data and focusing on lead generation rather than just views is advised.