How To Use Humata Ai (PDF datas Manupilation )│Ai Hipe

AI Hipe
5 Oct 202310:45

TLDRThe tutorial introduces Humata AI, a powerful tool that uses artificial intelligence to understand and interact with complex PDF documents. It's particularly useful for tasks like research, analysis, and understanding of educational materials, business documents, and contracts. The video demonstrates how to create an account, import data, and use Humata AI's features to extract key information, answer questions, and generate summaries. It highlights the tool's ability to save time and increase productivity, with a focus on ease of use and accuracy. The tutorial also suggests that Humata AI can be beneficial for students, researchers, and professionals in various fields, including finance and medical research, by helping to analyze large datasets and extract valuable insights.


  • 📚 Humata AI is a powerful tool that uses artificial intelligence to understand and interact with complex PDF documents.
  • 🔍 It can extract key information from various documents, aiding in research, analysis, and understanding of educational materials, contracts, and business documents.
  • 💻 To use Humata AI, one must create an account on their platform, which offers a free basic plan along with paid student, expert, and team plans.
  • 📈 The basic plan provides up to 60 free pages of usage, which is suitable for the tutorial but might require an upgrade for more extensive use.
  • 📋 Users can upload different file types into Humata AI, including PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents for processing and analysis.
  • 🤖 Humata AI can answer specific questions about the content of PDFs, providing exact page numbers for quick reference.
  • ⏱️ It offers the ability to summarize entire PDFs and generate action plans, saving significant time for users dealing with large amounts of text.
  • 📈 For students, it can be particularly helpful for exam preparation by analyzing study notes and predicting performance based on them.
  • 📊 Professionals and experts can utilize Humata AI to extract insights from financial data for better investment decisions and forecasts.
  • 🧪 Medical researchers can use it to analyze patient data sets, identify trends, and generate new hypotheses for drug treatments.
  • 📝 The tool is also beneficial for identifying industry trends and staying up to date with the latest information in a specific field.
  • ❓ Humata AI encourages user interaction by asking questions and providing detailed, accurate responses, enhancing learning and understanding.

Q & A

  • What is Humata AI?

    -Humata AI is a powerful tool that uses artificial intelligence to read and understand complex PDF documents, providing users with various ways to interact with the information for tasks such as research, analysis, and document review.

  • How can Humata AI help with research papers?

    -Humata AI can quickly extract key information from research papers, allowing users to focus on analysis and writing, thus saving time and increasing productivity.

  • What are the different pricing plans offered by Humata AI?

    -Humata AI offers four pricing plans: Basic, Student, Expert, and Team. The Basic plan is free and includes up to 60 free pages of usage, while the Student, Expert, and Team plans are paid with varying features and costs.

  • How does one create an account on Humata AI?

    -To create an account, users need to visit the Humata AI website, click on the sign-up button, enter their email address and create a password, then provide additional information such as full name, organization name, and where they heard about Humata AI before verifying the account through an email link.

  • What file types can be imported into Humata AI?

    -Users can import various file types into Humata AI, including PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.

  • How does Humata AI assist in summarizing documents?

    -Humata AI can summarize entire PDFs and provide action plans based on the content. It can also answer specific questions about the documents, making it easier to find and understand information.

  • What is the benefit of using page numbers in Humata AI?

    -Page numbers in Humata AI allow users to quickly jump to specific pieces of information within a document. This feature saves time and effort by providing direct navigation to the required content.

  • How can Humata AI be used for educational purposes?

    -Humata AI can be a valuable tool for students, helping them understand and analyze study notes, research materials, and educational documents more efficiently, which can be particularly helpful when preparing for exams.

  • What are some potential applications of Humata AI in business?

    -In business, Humata AI can assist with understanding contracts, reports, and other documents, helping to save time and increase productivity. It can also be used to extract insights from financial data for better investment decisions and financial forecasting.

  • How can medical researchers benefit from using Humata AI?

    -Medical researchers can use Humata AI to analyze large datasets of patient records to identify trends, patterns, and potential side effects associated with a drug. This can aid in selecting patients for clinical trials, personalizing treatment plans, and generating new hypotheses for drug mechanisms.

  • What support does Humata AI provide for users facing challenges?

    -Humata AI encourages users to ask questions or report problems in the comments section of their platform. The support team is ready to help users overcome challenges and values feedback for improving the service.



🚀 Introduction to Humata AI: Understanding Complex PDFs

This paragraph introduces the viewer to Humata AI, a tool that uses artificial intelligence to simplify the understanding of complex PDF documents. It outlines the various functionalities of Humata AI, such as extracting key information from research papers, contracts, and business reports, and emphasizes its usefulness across different fields. The video guide will cover the basics of the Humata AI interface and its most useful features for interacting with PDFs. It also encourages viewers to suggest other AI tools for future tutorials and provides a step-by-step guide on creating an account, importing data, and utilizing the basic plan for free up to 60 pages.


📚 Utilizing Humata AI for PDF Analysis and Question Answering

This section demonstrates how to use Humata AI for analyzing and interacting with PDF documents. It explains the process of uploading a document and the tool's ability to process and analyze the content. The viewer is shown how to ask questions and receive summaries, including the page numbers for quick reference. The paragraph also illustrates the tool's capability to summarize entire documents and generate action plans. It discusses the potential of Humata AI for students preparing for exams, professionals extracting insights from financial data, and researchers analyzing patient records for drug response, highlighting its versatility and time-saving benefits.


🌟 Engaging with the Humata AI Community and Seeking Support

The final paragraph focuses on community engagement and support. It encourages viewers to ask questions or share problems in the comments section and promises assistance in overcoming challenges. The video also seeks viewer support through subscriptions, likes, and notifications to stay updated with the channel. It invites viewers to share their interests and topics they'd like to see covered in future videos, emphasizing the creators' openness to new ideas and feedback. The paragraph concludes by expressing gratitude to the community for their participation and looking forward to aiding them in their learning journey.



💡Humata AI

Humata AI is a powerful tool designed to understand and interact with complex PDF documents using artificial intelligence. It processes the content of PDFs to allow users to extract key information, answer questions, and generate summaries. In the video, Humata AI is showcased as a time-saving and productivity-enhancing tool for various tasks such as research, analysis of educational materials, and understanding business documents.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is utilized by Humata AI to read, understand, and provide insights from PDF documents, which would otherwise be time-consuming for a person to do manually.

💡PDF Manipulation

PDF manipulation involves the ability to interact with and modify Portable Document Format (PDF) files. The video discusses how Humata AI enables users to manipulate PDFs by extracting information, summarizing content, and answering specific questions about the documents, which is crucial for efficient data handling and analysis.

💡Key Information Extraction

Key information extraction is the process of identifying and pulling out important details from a larger set of data. Humata AI facilitates this by quickly extracting crucial information from research papers and business documents, allowing users to focus on analysis and decision-making without manually sifting through pages of text.


Summarization is the act of condensing a large piece of text into a shorter version that retains the main points. In the video, Humata AI is used to summarize entire PDF documents, providing users with concise and actionable insights, which is particularly useful for quickly grasping the essence of lengthy documents.

💡Action Plans

Action plans are a set of steps or strategies designed to achieve a specific goal. The video demonstrates how Humata AI can generate action plans based on the content of a PDF, which can be invaluable for users who need to follow up on the information presented in the document.

💡Pricing Plans

Pricing plans refer to the different levels of service offered by a company at various costs. Humata AI offers four plans: Basic, Student, Expert, and Team, each with different features and page limits. The video uses the Basic plan for demonstration, highlighting the need to upgrade for more extensive usage.

💡Data Import

Data import is the process of bringing data from one file or system into another. In the context of the video, users can import various file types into Humata AI, including PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, to leverage its AI capabilities for document analysis.

💡Document Processing

Document processing involves the manipulation and analysis of documents. Humata AI processes uploaded documents, allowing users to interact with them more efficiently. The video script mentions that processing may take a few minutes depending on the document's size and complexity.


A chatbot is an AI program designed to simulate conversation with human users. In the video, Humata AI features a chatbot interface that allows users to ask questions and receive answers directly related to the content of the uploaded PDFs, enhancing interactivity and ease of use.

💡Educational Materials

Educational materials refer to any resources used to support learning, such as textbooks, lectures, and research papers. The video emphasizes Humata AI's utility in quickly understanding and extracting key points from these materials, which can be particularly beneficial for students and educators.


Humata AI is a powerful tool that uses artificial intelligence to read and understand complex PDF documents.

It provides various ways to interact with information, useful for research, analysis, and understanding of educational and business documents.

Humata AI can quickly extract key information from research papers, contracts, and reports.

The platform offers four pricing plans: Basic, Student, Expert, and Team, with the Basic plan being free and including up to 60 free pages of usage.

To use Humata AI, you must create an account on their platform and upload the data file you want to import.

Humata AI can answer questions about the content of PDFs and generate summaries, providing page numbers for quick reference.

It can be particularly beneficial for students, researchers, and professionals looking to save time and increase productivity.

Humata AI can help identify industry trends, company performance, and provide investment insights from financial data.

For medical researchers, Humata AI can analyze patient data to identify trends, side effects, and effectiveness of treatments.

The tool can generate new hypotheses and help develop new biomarkers or drugs by identifying differential gene expression.

Humata AI can be a game-changer for anyone needing to extract insights from data quickly and accurately.

The platform allows users to ask questions and receive answers that would take much longer to find manually.

The Basic free plan allows uploading one file, but for more, a paid plan is necessary.

Humata AI can be used by students to predict performance on future exams based on study notes.

It is recommended for students to try the Student plan for better assistance with exam preparation.

The platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it accessible for a wide range of users.

Humata AI can help users stay up-to-date on the latest trends in their industry by summarizing documents.

The tool is highly recommended for its time-saving capabilities and accuracy in data analysis.