How WallStreetBets Trader Roaring Kitty Made $50k into $50MM on GameStop (GME) Call Options & Stock

Alexander Nicholas
7 Feb 202114:55

TLDRThe video chronicles the remarkable journey of 'Roaring Kitty,' a Wall Street Bets trader who turned a $50,000 investment in GameStop call options and stock into $50 million at its peak. It details his 17-month strategy, starting from September 2019, through the ups and downs, to the eventual short squeeze in January 2021, highlighting key decisions, market dynamics, and the impact of social media on investment trends.


  • 🚀 Roaring Kitty, a Wall Street Bets trader, turned an initial $50,000 investment into $50 million by investing in GameStop call options and stock.
  • 📈 His investment journey spanned 17 months, from September 2019 to February 2021, and involved frequent updates to the Wall Street Bets forum.
  • 🤝 Roaring Kitty's initial interest in GameStop was piqued by investor Michael Burry's significant stake in the company and predictions of its potential growth.
  • 📉 Despite early portfolio fluctuations and criticism from other investors, Roaring Kitty held onto his position, believing in the undervaluation of GameStop.
  • 🎮 The release of next-generation gaming consoles and increased interest in gaming due to the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to GameStop's eventual surge.
  • 💡 Roaring Kitty's strategic adjustments to his portfolio, including selling some contracts and purchasing others, allowed him to maximize returns and manage risk.
  • 💸 The potential for a short squeeze in GameStop, where hedge funds would be forced to buy back shares at higher prices, was a key factor in the stock's explosive growth.
  • 🏆 Roaring Kitty's success story includes a combination of patience, research, and a willingness to take calculated risks in the market.
  • 📊 The peak of Roaring Kitty's portfolio value coincided with major events such as the announcement of an activist investor joining GameStop's board and the trading platforms' restrictions.
  • 🔍 Following the GameStop surge, Roaring Kitty faced scrutiny from federal and state regulators, highlighting the intense interest and controversy surrounding his trading activities.

Q & A

  • Who is the main subject of the video and what was their investment journey?

    -The main subject of the video is Roaring Kitty, also known as Alexander, who managed to turn his original $50,000 investment into $50 million by purchasing GameStop call options and stock.

  • When did Roaring Kitty initially invest in GameStop?

    -Roaring Kitty initially invested in GameStop in September 2019, 16 months before the short squeeze in January 2021.

  • What event prompted Roaring Kitty to make his first post on the WallStreetBets subreddit?

    -Roaring Kitty made his first post on the WallStreetBets subreddit after Dr. Michael Burry, an investor known for predicting the 2008 housing market collapse, revealed his significant stake in GameStop, which caused a temporary jump in the company's activity.

  • What was Roaring Kitty's initial investment strategy in GameStop?

    -Roaring Kitty initially spent $54,000 on GameStop call options that expired in January 2021, with an eight-dollar strike price, indicating his belief that the stock price would at least double over the next 16 months.

  • How did the WallStreetBets community initially react to Roaring Kitty's investment?

    -The initial reactions to Roaring Kitty's investment in the WallStreetBets community were largely critical, with some users advising him to sell his position and others doubting his ability to make significant gains.

  • What was the impact of the release of the next-generation Xbox and PlayStation gaming consoles on GameStop's stock price?

    -The release of the next-generation Xbox and PlayStation gaming consoles generated interest in GameStop, as it was expected to boost the company's sales and potentially its stock price.

  • How did Roaring Kitty adjust his investment strategy over time?

    -Roaring Kitty adjusted his investment strategy by selling some of his earlier expiration date call contracts and purchasing additional contracts with later expiration dates, such as the April 2021 calls, to extend his time horizon and maximize potential returns.

  • What is a short squeeze and how did it play a role in GameStop's stock price surge?

    -A short squeeze occurs when a heavily shorted stock experiences a rapid increase in price, forcing hedge funds that bet against the stock to buy shares to cover their positions, which in turn drives the price even higher. This phenomenon played a significant role in GameStop's stock price surge in January 2021.

  • What event in January 2021 acted as a catalyst for GameStop's major stock price increase?

    -The announcement on January 11th, 2021, that activist investor and co-founder of Chewy, Ryan Cohen, was joining GameStop's board to help transition the company into e-commerce, acted as a catalyst for the stock's major increase.

  • How did Roaring Kitty manage his portfolio during the peak of GameStop's stock price surge?

    -During the peak of GameStop's stock price surge, Roaring Kitty sold some of his call contracts to build his cash position, demonstrating a risk management strategy to secure some of his gains.

  • What was the final outcome of Roaring Kitty's investment in GameStop?

    -By the end of February 2021, Roaring Kitty's portfolio was worth around $23 million, down from a peak of $50 million, as the stock price of GameStop declined after reaching its highest point.

  • What regulatory actions are being taken against Roaring Kitty following the GameStop saga?

    -Federal and state regulators are scrutinizing Roaring Kitty's posts on Reddit and YouTube to investigate if there is any actionable wrongdoing that could be attributed to him in relation to the GameStop stock market events.



🚀 Roaring Kitty's Early Investments and Strategies

This paragraph introduces the journey of Roaring Kitty, an investor who turned a $50,000 investment into $50 million by trading GameStop stocks and options. It outlines his initial entry into the market in September 2019, 16 months before the stock surge in January 2021. The paragraph details his early investments, including purchasing GameStop call options and stock, and the skepticism he faced from the community. It also discusses the influence of investor Michael Burry and his stake in GameStop, which initially drove up the stock's activity. Despite initial losses and critical comments, Roaring Kitty remained committed to his investment, believing in the undervaluation of GameStop and the potential for a market shift towards online gaming sales.


📈 Portfolio Fluctuations and Strategic Adjustments

The second paragraph delves into the ups and downs of Roaring Kitty's portfolio throughout 2020. It highlights his strategic adjustments, such as purchasing additional contracts and selling others to optimize his position. The paragraph also discusses the impact of external factors like the COVID-19 pandemic and the anticipation of the new gaming consoles on GameStop's stock performance. Roaring Kitty's foresight in adjusting his investment strategy, including his speculation on a potential short squeeze, is emphasized. It also notes the importance of risk management and profit-taking, as evidenced by his sale of some contracts after significant gains.


💸 GameStop Surge and its Aftermath

The final paragraph covers the dramatic rise and subsequent fall of Roaring Kitty's portfolio during the GameStop stock surge in early 2021. It outlines the catalysts for the stock's increase, including the involvement of activist investors and the potential for a short squeeze. The paragraph details the rapid growth of Roaring Kitty's portfolio, reaching a peak of $48 million. It also discusses the impact of trading restrictions on GameStop's stock price and Roaring Kitty's eventual profit realization. The paragraph concludes with a note on the scrutiny faced by Roaring Kitty from regulators, highlighting the challenges faced by individual investors in the wake of such market events.



💡Roaring Kitty

Roaring Kitty is the pseudonym of an individual investor, Alexander, who gained significant attention and success by investing in GameStop call options and stock. His journey from a $50,000 investment to a peak of $50 million is the central narrative of the video, illustrating the power of individual retail investors and the potential for high returns in the stock market, particularly during events like short squeezes.


GameStop is a video game and consumer electronics retail chain that became the center of a financial storm in early 2021. The company's stock was heavily shorted by institutional investors, leading to a short squeeze when retail investors, including Roaring Kitty, began buying up shares and call options. This caused a rapid increase in the stock's price, which is detailed in the video as a key element of Roaring Kitty's investment strategy.

💡Short Squeeze

A short squeeze occurs when a stock with a high level of short interest experiences a rapid increase in price. This forces short sellers, who have bet against the stock, to buy shares to cover their positions, leading to a further increase in the stock price. In the context of the video, the potential for a short squeeze was one of the factors that Roaring Kitty considered in his investment in GameStop.

💡Call Options

Call options are financial instruments that give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to purchase a stock at a specified price, known as the strike price, before a certain expiration date. Roaring Kitty's initial investment in GameStop involved purchasing call options, which allowed him to potentially profit from an increase in the stock's price without actually owning the shares at the time of purchase.

💡Investment Portfolio

An investment portfolio refers to the collection of financial assets owned by an individual or an institution. In the context of the video, Roaring Kitty's portfolio includes his investments in GameStop call options and stock, which he managed and adjusted over time. The fluctuations in the value of his portfolio are central to the video's narrative, illustrating the risks and potential rewards of investing in the stock market.


Reddit is a social media platform where users can post, discuss, and vote on content. In the video, Reddit's WallStreetBets subreddit is highlighted as a key forum where retail investors shared information and strategies related to GameStop, contributing to the increased interest and buying activity that led to the short squeeze and the rise in the stock's price.

💡Michael Burry

Michael Burry is an investor known for his successful prediction of the 2008 housing market collapse and subsequent profit from shorting the market. In the context of the video, Burry's investment in GameStop, taking a significant stake in the company, is mentioned as one of the factors that caught Roaring Kitty's attention and contributed to his decision to invest in GameStop.


E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods or services over the internet. In the video, the potential for GameStop to transition into e-commerce is mentioned as a catalyst for the company's stock price increase. The involvement of an activist investor and co-founder of an online pet food store in GameStop's board was seen as a move to help the company better adapt to the e-commerce landscape.

💡Risk Management

Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks followed by coordinating and implementing appropriate actions to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of unfortunate events. In the context of the video, Roaring Kitty's actions to sell some of his positions and increase his cash holdings demonstrate a form of risk management, aiming to secure profits and reduce potential losses as the value of his investment fluctuated.

💡Regulatory Scrutiny

Regulatory scrutiny refers to the examination or investigation by regulatory authorities into the actions of individuals or entities to ensure compliance with laws and regulations. In the video, it is mentioned that Roaring Kitty is facing scrutiny from federal and state regulators who are looking into his posts and activities on platforms like Reddit and YouTube to determine if there was any wrongdoing related to the GameStop event.


Roaring Kitty's journey from a $50,000 investment to a peak of $50 million by trading GameStop call options and stock.

Initial investment in GameStop made in September 2019, 16 months before the short squeeze.

Roaring Kitty's first post on the WallStreetBets subreddit in September 2019, discussing his GameStop call options.

Dr. Michael Burry's influence on Roaring Kitty's early investment due to his 4% stake in GameStop.

Roaring Kitty's belief in GameStop being undervalued and the potential for a catalyst to correct this.

Criticism and skepticism from the community in the early stages of Roaring Kitty's investment.

Portfolio adjustments and strategy shifts throughout the 17-month investment period.

The impact of the release of next-generation gaming consoles on GameStop's stock price.

The role of the WallStreetBets subreddit in the increased interest in GameStop.

The concept of a short squeeze and its potential impact on GameStop's stock price.

Roaring Kitty's portfolio growth to $3 million by the end of 2020.

The announcement of Chewy's co-founder joining GameStop's board as a catalyst for the stock's major upswing.

The peak of Roaring Kitty's portfolio at $48 million during the GameStop surge in late January 2021.

Regulatory scrutiny faced by Roaring Kitty following the GameStop trading frenzy.

The importance of risk management and profit-taking in investment strategies, as demonstrated by Roaring Kitty's sell-offs during the peak.

The rapid decline of GameStop's stock price in early February 2021 and its impact on investor portfolios.