How to Install ComfyUI in 2023 - Ideal for SDXL!

Nerdy Rodent
3 Aug 202314:09

TLDRThe video script introduces Comfy UI as an efficient alternative to the Automatic 1111 web interface for using the sdxl 1.0 model. It highlights Comfy UI's lower resource usage, improved refiner integration, and better performance on low-end systems. The script provides detailed installation instructions for various platforms and offers a step-by-step guide on setting up and running Comfy UI, including downloading necessary model files. It also showcases example workflows and advanced configurations, emphasizing the flexibility and customization options available to users, as well as the potential for upscaling images with additional models.


  • 🔧 The automatic 1111 web interface has issues such as memory leaks and poor handling of the refiner, leading to system slowdowns or crashes.
  • 🚀 Comfy UI is a more efficient alternative to automatic 1111, offering better resource management and an integrated refiner for improved performance.
  • 📈 Comfy UI significantly reduces RAM and VRAM usage compared to the automatic 1111, making it suitable even for low-end graphics cards.
  • 🌐 The user interface of Comfy UI can be overwhelming with its complex node structure and small text, but it offers examples for users to follow.
  • 💡 Despite its complexity, Comfy UI provides better resource usage management, with RAM usage around 24 GB and VRAM usage at 6 GB for the refiner.
  • 🔧 Installation of Comfy UI is straightforward, with options for both novice and experienced users, including portable versions and detailed Python installation instructions.
  • 💻 Users can run Comfy UI on different platforms like Windows, Linux, and even Google Colab, with specific installation instructions for each.
  • 📂 Users need to download the required model files from sources like Hugging Face and place them in the appropriate Comfy UI directories.
  • 🛠 Comfy UI provides a variety of options for users to customize their workflows, including different ports, model paths, and step controls for the refiner.
  • 🎨 The Comfy UI GitHub page offers example workflows and images that users can load directly into the application for easier understanding and use.
  • 📈 Advanced workflows in Comfy UI allow for features like upscaling and aesthetic score adjustments, giving users more control over the final output.

Q & A

  • What are the main issues with the automatic 1111 web interface in terms of performance?

    -The automatic 1111 web interface has problems with memory leakage when swapping models, which can lead to low RAM, system slowdowns, or even crashes. Additionally, there isn't a user-friendly way to utilize the refiner.

  • How does Comfy UI compare to the automatic 1111 web interface in terms of resource usage?

    -Comfy UI is more efficient in terms of resource usage. For a 1024 by 1024 image, it uses just under 16 GB of RAM and around 12 GB of VRAM when using the high VRAM option, compared to over 32 GB of RAM and sometimes significantly more with the low VRAM option in the automatic interface.

  • What are some of the challenges users might face with Comfy UI's user interface?

    -Comfy UI's interface can be overwhelming with its spaghetti nodes and small text that requires zooming in to read. It also assumes users have some understanding of what they are doing when making changes.

  • How can novice computer users install Comfy UI on Windows?

    -Novice users can opt for the portable standalone build provided by Comfy UI. They need to be familiar with downloading and unzipping files, and should have 7-Zip software installed to reduce the file size and unzip the file. They then place the portable directory on their computer and run Comfy UI with an Nvidia GPU.

  • What are the installation options for different operating systems and GPUs?

    -Comfy UI offers installation options for Windows, Linux, and even Google Colab. There are separate instructions for AMD GPUs on Linux and direct ML for AMD cards on Windows. For Mac users with Apple Silicon, there are also specific installation instructions.

  • How does one set up a new environment for Comfy UI using Anaconda?

    -First, download and install Anaconda. Then, open the Anaconda prompt and create a new environment with the command 'conda create -n '. Activate the new environment and proceed to install Comfy UI by cloning the repository and following the applicable instructions for your GPU type.

  • Where can users find the required model files for Comfy UI?

    -Users can find the required model files on Hugging Face. They need to download the base and offset models for SDXL, as well as the refiner, and place them in the 'models' and 'checkpoints' directories of their Comfy UI installation.

  • What is the purpose of the 'minus-minus help' option when running Comfy UI?

    -The 'minus-minus help' option provides a list of advanced options that can be configured when running Comfy UI. These options are mostly for debugging and allow users to set different ports, model path configs, and other parameters.

  • How does the Comfy UI workflow function?

    -The Comfy UI workflow functions from left to right, with the base model loading the SDXL base and refiner, followed by text prompts. The prompts and latent settings go through conditioning and into the sampler, which generates the final image.

  • What are the additional features in the advanced Saitan SDXL Comfy UI configuration file?

    -The advanced Saitan SDXL Comfy UI configuration file includes two positive prompts, a linguistic positive, supporting terms, and options for upscaling and contrast fixing. It also allows for adjusting aesthetic scores and offers different sampler options.

  • What is the recommended number of refiner steps for generating an image?

    -The recommended number of refiner steps is no more than 10 for generating an image, but this can vary based on the user's desired output.



🚀 Introduction to Comfy UI and its Benefits

This paragraph introduces Comfy UI as an alternative to the automatic 1111 web interface for using the sdxl 1.0 model. It highlights the issues with the automatic interface, such as memory leaks and system slowdowns, and presents Comfy UI as a solution that offers better resource management and the ability to use the refiner more effectively. The paragraph also discusses the installation process for Comfy UI, including options for different user levels and operating systems, and provides a brief overview of the resource usage comparison between the two interfaces.


📚 Navigating Comfy UI and its Workflows

The second paragraph delves into the user experience of Comfy UI, acknowledging the initially overwhelming interface with its numerous nodes and tiny text. It emphasizes the availability of examples from experienced users to help newcomers. The paragraph also covers the process of downloading and setting up the required model files for Comfy UI, and provides a step-by-step guide on how to run the software using Python. Additionally, it introduces the various options and configurations available within Comfy UI, such as setting ports and model paths, and the auto launch feature for convenience.


🎨 Customizing and Experimenting with Comfy UI Workflows

This paragraph focuses on the customization and experimentation aspects of Comfy UI. It guides users on how to interact with the interface, including the use of text prompts and the step controls for the base and refiner models. The paragraph also discusses the inclusion of upscaling and contrast fixing options in more advanced workflows, and encourages users to play with the settings to get accustomed to the interface. Furthermore, it introduces the concept of using a configuration file for a more streamlined workflow experience, highlighting the benefits of using Comfy UI for both beginners and experienced users.



💡Nerdy Rodent

The term 'Nerdy Rodent' is likely a playful and creative way to refer to the subject matter of the video, which involves technology and possibly AI, given the context of 'geekery' and 'sdxl 1.0'. It suggests an interest in technology and a lighthearted approach to discussing complex topics.


Geekery refers to the activities, interests, or behaviors associated with individuals who are highly knowledgeable and enthusiastic about specific topics, often technology, science fiction, or computing. In the context of the video, it implies that the content will cater to an audience with a deep interest in these areas.

💡sdxl 1.0

sdxl 1.0 seems to be a specific version or iteration of a software, tool, or technology being discussed in the video. It is likely related to AI or machine learning, given the context of refinement and model swapping mentioned in the script.

💡Memory Leaks

Memory leaks in computing refer to the situation where a program fails to release memory that is no longer needed, leading to excessive and inefficient use of system resources. In the context of the video, this term is used to describe a problem with the automatic web interface of sdxl 1.0, where swapping models causes the system to consume more memory than necessary, potentially leading to slowdowns or crashes.


In the context of the video, 'refiner' likely refers to a component or feature of the sdxl 1.0 technology that is used to enhance or improve the output of the models. It is a process that can be resource-intensive and, when not properly managed, can lead to performance issues.

💡Comfy UI

Comfy UI appears to be an alternative user interface or platform for using the sdxl 1.0 technology. It is presented as a solution to the issues found in the automatic web interface, offering better resource management and a more efficient way to utilize the refiner.


RAM stands for Random Access Memory, which is a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly for reading and writing data. It is a crucial component of any computer system and is temporarily used to store data that a program is actively using. In the context of the video, RAM is discussed in relation to the system resource usage of sdxl 1.0 and Comfy UI.


VRAM stands for Video RAM, which is a type of memory specifically used to store image data that is being processed by the graphics processing unit (GPU). It is important for rendering images, videos, and graphics-intensive applications. In the video, VRAM usage is discussed as part of the performance comparison between different interfaces for using sdxl 1.0.


Installation in this context refers to the process of setting up and preparing software, like Comfy UI, for use on a computer. It involves following a series of steps to ensure that all necessary components are in place and the software can function correctly.


Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its readability and ease of use. It is widely used for various applications, including web development, data analysis, and scientific computing. In the context of the video, Python is likely the programming language used for the Comfy UI and related tools.


GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control and collaboration that allows developers to store and manage their code repositories, track changes, and collaborate with other developers. In the video, GitHub is mentioned as a platform where users can find examples and workflows related to Comfy UI and sdxl 1.0.


Introducing Comfy UI as an alternative to the Automatic 1111 web interface for using SDXL models.

Addressing issues with the Automatic 1111 interface, such as memory leaks and system slowdowns.

Comparing the resource usage of Comfy UI and Automatic 1111, with Comfy UI using significantly less RAM and VRAM.

The inclusion of a refiner in Comfy UI, which is used for image improvement and is more efficient than a separate process in Automatic 1111.

The ease of installation for Comfy UI, with options for novice computer users and different operating systems including Windows, Linux, and Google Colab.

Providing a step-by-step guide for installing Comfy UI, including the use of 7-Zip software and the creation of a new environment in Anaconda.

Instructions on downloading and using SDXL model files and the refiner, emphasizing their importance for the proper functioning of Comfy UI.

Demonstrating how to run Comfy UI with various command-line options for customization and debugging.

Exploring the user interface of Comfy UI, including nodes and text prompts, and providing tips for navigating and understanding the layout.

Showcasing an example workflow in Comfy UI, from base model and refiner prompts to the final image generation.

Discussing the use of positive and negative prompts in the workflow, and how they contribute to the final image output.

Introducing advanced features in Comfy UI, such as upscaling models and contrast fixing options for enhanced image quality.

Providing a detailed guide on using the Comfy UI configuration file for a more customized workflow.

Recommending experimentation with the basic workflow before moving on to more advanced configurations.

Offering additional resources and examples on the Comfy UI GitHub page for users to learn from and apply to their own projects.

Encouraging users to explore and play with the various settings and options in Comfy UI to achieve desired output.

Concluding with a suggestion to check out further content for more in-depth exploration of Comfy UI and related technologies.