How to Run Llama 3 Locally on your Computer (Ollama, LM Studio)

Mervin Praison
21 Apr 202404:33

TLDRThis video tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to run Llama 3 locally on your computer using Olllama, LM Studio, and Jan AI. By running Llama 3 locally, users can maintain data privacy while leveraging AI's capabilities. The video demonstrates downloading Olllama, using it to download the Llama 3 model, and querying it for tasks like generating a meal plan. It also covers installing LM Studio and using it to interact with the Llama 3 model. Furthermore, the tutorial includes instructions for installing Jan AI, using its chat section, and accessing the Llama 3 model through its API. The presenter also shows how to use Olllama's API to load Llama 3 in a terminal and execute a query. Lastly, the video guides on using LM Studio and Jan AI's local server for API integration. The host expresses excitement about creating more similar content and encourages viewers to subscribe for updates.


  • 📘 **Local AI Usage**: The video demonstrates how to run Llama 3 locally on your computer, which allows you to keep your data private and leverage AI's capabilities.
  • 💻 **Ollama Installation**: Download Ollama from for Mac, Linux, or Windows, and run it in your terminal to automatically download the Llama 3 model.
  • 🚀 **Speed and Efficiency**: The video showcases the impressive speed of Llama 3 when generating responses, even on a Mac M2.
  • 🌐 **LM Studio Integration**: LM Studio offers a user interface to search for and download Llama 3, with a straightforward process to start using the model for AI chats.
  • 🍲 **Practical Application**: The script provides an example of generating a meal plan using Llama 3, highlighting its practical utility.
  • 🔍 **Jan AI Local Installation**: Jan AI can be installed locally, and Llama 3 can be searched and installed within the platform for further AI interactions.
  • 🔗 **API Usage**: The video explains how to use the Ollama API to load Llama 3 in your terminal and interact with it programmatically.
  • 💡 **Code Snippets**: It provides code examples for using the Ollama API, including how to ask questions and receive responses.
  • 📈 **LM Studio Server**: The video guides on starting a local server in LM Studio for more advanced usage and integration with other systems.
  • 🔧 **Jan AI Endpoint**: Jan AI can be used locally with the Local Host 1337 endpoint, allowing for API integration.
  • 📹 **Continuing Education**: The presenter plans to create more videos on similar topics, encouraging viewers to subscribe for updates.

Q & A

  • What is the main advantage of running Llama 3 locally on your computer?

    -Running Llama 3 locally allows you to keep your data private and utilize the power of AI without the need for an internet connection.

  • What are the different platforms on which Olllama is available?

    -Olllama is available for Mac, Linux, and Windows platforms.

  • How do you download and run Llama 3 using Olllama?

    -After downloading Olllama for your platform, you run Llama 3 in your terminal by typing 'ollama run llama 3', which will automatically download the Llama 3 model.

  • What is LM Studio and how does it relate to Llama 3?

    -LM Studio is a software interface where you can search for and download different versions of AI models, including Llama 3. It allows you to interact with the models through a chat interface.

  • How can you obtain a meal plan using Llama 3 through LM Studio?

    -In LM Studio, after selecting the Llama 3 model, you can ask for a meal plan, and it will generate a response with ingredients and instructions.

  • What is Jan AI and how does it differ from Olllama and LM Studio?

    -Jan AI is another platform where you can install and run Llama 3 locally. It provides a chat section where you can interact with the installed models, similar to LM Studio.

  • How can you use Olllama API to interact with Llama 3 in your terminal?

    -You can use the Olllama API by first installing it using 'pip install ollama', then in a Python file, you import 'ollama' and use the '' function to interact with the Llama 3 model.

  • What is the process to start a local server in LM Studio?

    -In LM Studio, you can start a local server by clicking on the local server icon, which will run the server at a specified endpoint.

  • How can you integrate Jan AI with your API using a local endpoint?

    -You can use the local endpoint 'Local Host 1337' to integrate Jan AI with your API, allowing for seamless communication between your application and the AI model.

  • What programming language is used in the example code to interact with Llama 3?

    -The example code provided in the transcript is written in Python.

  • What is the significance of running AI models like Llama 3 locally?

    -Running AI models locally is significant because it provides faster response times, ensures data privacy, and allows for offline use of AI capabilities.

  • How can you ensure that you stay updated with new content related to AI?

    -You can stay updated by subscribing to the YouTube channel mentioned in the transcript, clicking the Bell icon to receive notifications, and liking the videos.



🚀 Running LLaMA 3 Locally: A Comprehensive Guide

This video introduces viewers to the benefits of running LLaMA 3 locally on different operating systems, ensuring data privacy and utilizing AI effectively. The host, excited about AI, encourages viewers to subscribe for more related content. The guide covers the step-by-step process of downloading and setting up LLaMA 3 using three platforms: Olama, LM Studio, and Jan AI. For each platform, specific instructions are given on how to download, install, and interact with LLaMA 3, including generating responses to queries like meal plans, which showcase the speed and efficiency of the model on a Mac M2. The video also touches on using the Olama API to integrate LLaMA 3 within a terminal and provides examples of how to operate and interact with the model through scripted code in Python.



💡Llama 3

Llama 3 refers to a specific version of an AI model with 8 billion parameters. It is a core component of the video as it is the AI model that the user is shown how to run locally on their computer. This is significant as it allows for the utilization of AI capabilities while maintaining data privacy.


Running something 'locally' means executing it on one's own computer rather than on a remote server. In the context of this video, running Llama 3 locally is emphasized for its privacy benefits, as it keeps the user's data secure and under their control.


Ollama is a software tool mentioned in the video that allows users to run the Llama 3 model directly from their terminal. It is a key part of the process demonstrated in the video, as it facilitates the local execution of the AI model.

💡LM Studio

LM Studio is a graphical interface that enables users to interact with AI models, including Llama 3. It is highlighted in the video as a way to visually select and download AI models, as well as to chat with the AI using the selected model.

💡Jan AI

Jan AI is another platform introduced in the video for running AI models like Llama 3 locally. It is presented as an alternative method to Olllama and LM Studio, offering users a different interface for utilizing the AI model.

💡Data Privacy

Data privacy is a central theme in the video, as it underscores the importance of running AI models like Llama 3 locally to prevent personal data from being shared with third-party servers. This is a key benefit highlighted when explaining the use of local AI model execution.

💡AI Chat

AI chat is a functionality provided by both LM Studio and Jan AI platforms, allowing users to communicate with the AI model. In the video, AI chat is demonstrated as a way to request a meal plan from the Llama 3 model, showcasing the practical applications of AI.


An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allows software applications to communicate with each other. In the context of the video, the Olllama API is used to load the Llama 3 model in the terminal, demonstrating how developers can integrate AI models into their applications.

💡Parameter Model

A parameter model in AI refers to a model that has a specific number of parameters, which are the internal variables that the model uses to learn from data. The Llama 3 model has 8 billion parameters, indicating its complexity and the amount of information it can process.

💡Meal Plan

In the video, a meal plan is used as an example of the type of request that can be made to the Llama 3 AI model. The model generates a meal plan, complete with ingredients and instructions, demonstrating its ability to provide useful and actionable information.


The terminal, also known as the command line interface, is a text-based interface for interacting with a computer's operating system. In the video, the terminal is used to download and run the Llama 3 model using Olllama, showcasing a more technical method of utilizing AI.


Run Llama 3 locally to keep your data private and utilize AI's power.

Ollama, LM Studio, and Jan AI are the tools used to run Llama 3 locally.

Download Olllama from for Mac, Linux, or Windows.

After downloading Olllama, run Llama 3 to automatically download the 8 billion parameter model.

LM Studio provides an interface to search and download Llama 3 models.

Jan AI allows for local installation and usage of Llama 3 models.

Llama 3 can generate meal plans quickly, as demonstrated in the video.

LM Studio's AI chat icon enables model selection and interaction.

Jan AI's chat section allows choosing a model and asking questions.

Ollama API can be used to load Llama 3 in the terminal with a few lines of code.

LM Studio's local server can be started for API integration.

Jan AI can be integrated with a Local Host 1337 endpoint for API usage.

The video demonstrates how to install and use Olllama, LM Studio, and Jan AI for Llama 3.

The presenter is impressed with the speed and performance of Llama 3 on a Mac M2.

Llama 3's 8 billion parameter model is ready for use once downloaded.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on running Llama 3 locally.

Subscribe to the presenter's YouTube channel for more AI-related content.

Llama 3's capabilities are showcased through generating a meal plan and explaining why the sky is blue.

The presenter will create more videos on similar topics, encouraging viewers to stay tuned.