How to Use ChatGPT Voice to Learn Any Language for FREE

Daragh Walsh
30 Nov 202316:27

TLDRThis video offers 10 ChatGPT voice prompts to facilitate language learning. It highlights the convenience of having a 24/7 'native speaker' at no cost. The voice feature supports over 60 languages, including fictional ones like Klingon and Dothraki. The script covers bilingual dialogues, slang translation, basic greetings, conversation and correction, vocabulary quizzes, sentence translation, role-playing, idiom learning, oral exams, and listening comprehension tests. It emphasizes the tool's accessibility and utility for language learners, encouraging viewers to subscribe and join the ChatGPT insiders community for more tips and examples.


  • 😀 The video introduces 10 Chat GPT prompts to facilitate language learning.
  • 🗣️ Chat GPT's voice feature is available to all free users and can speak over 60 languages.
  • 👂 The first prompt suggests using bilingual dialogue to practice listening skills.
  • 📍 For slang translation, hold down the wide circle to prevent Chat GPT from interrupting.
  • 👋 Basic greetings can be learned by asking Chat GPT for pronunciation tips in different languages.
  • 🤔 Conversation and correction is a valuable prompt to practice speaking and receive immediate feedback.
  • 📚 A vocabulary quiz can be conducted in different languages to expand one's lexicon.
  • 🌐 Basic sentence translation is available in Chat GPT, making it a handy translation tool.
  • 🎭 Roleplaying conversations can simulate real-life scenarios to practice language skills.
  • 🗝️ Learning idioms through Chat GPT can help sound more like a native speaker.
  • 📝 Oral exams can be practiced with Chat GPT by simulating questions and answers.
  • 👂‍💻 Creating a listening comprehension test is another prompt to improve language understanding.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video is to introduce and demonstrate 10 different prompts for using Chat GPT's voice feature to learn any language easily and effectively.

  • How does the Chat GPT voice feature help in language learning?

    -The Chat GPT voice feature acts like a native speaker available 24/7 for free, allowing users to practice listening and speaking in various languages, including those with less common languages like Klingon and Dothraki.

  • What is the first prompt suggested for language learning in the video?

    -The first prompt suggested is bilingual dialogue, where Chat GPT speaks in one language and the user responds in another, helping to practice listening without the pressure of speaking.

  • How can Chat GPT assist with slang translation?

    -Chat GPT can explain the meaning of slang words or filler words in different languages, providing examples of how they are used in conversation to help the user understand and incorporate them into their language learning.

  • What is a good tip for beginners starting from zero in a new language?

    -For beginners, the video suggests learning basic greetings in the target language and asking for pronunciation tips to get started with the language.

  • How does Chat GPT assist with conversation and correction?

    -Chat GPT can engage in a conversation with the user, asking questions and correcting any mistakes made by the user, providing the opportunity to try the sentence again and learn from the errors.

  • What is the purpose of the vocabulary quiz use case?

    -The vocabulary quiz use case helps users learn new words in the target language by guessing the meaning of words provided by Chat GPT, making the learning process interactive and engaging.

  • Why is roleplaying conversations a useful language learning technique?

    -Roleplaying conversations allow users to simulate real-life scenarios in the target language, helping them practice and become comfortable with using the language in various situations.

  • How can Chat GPT help with learning idioms in a language?

    -Chat GPT can teach idioms in the target language and provide examples of how to use them in sentences, helping users to sound more like native speakers.

  • What is the benefit of using Chat GPT for oral exams preparation?

    -Chat GPT can conduct a mock oral exam by asking questions and providing feedback, allowing users to practice and improve their language skills in a structured and focused manner.

  • How can Chat GPT be used to create a listening comprehension test?

    -Chat GPT can write a passage in the target language and ask questions about it to test the user's understanding, helping to improve listening and comprehension skills.



🗣️ Language Learning with Chat GPT Voice Feature

The video introduces 10 prompts for using Chat GPT's voice feature to learn any language easily. It emphasizes the importance of speaking with native speakers and presents the new voice feature as a 24/7 accessible tool that can speak over 60 languages. The first prompt is about bilingual dialogues, where the user practices listening while Chat GPT speaks in the target language. The video demonstrates how to access the voice feature and start a conversation in Spanish. It also shows the conversation transcript on screen, illustrating how this tool can help learners practice without the pressure of speaking.


🌐 Slang Translation and Basic Greetings Learning

The second prompt focuses on slang translation, where the user can hold down the wide circle to prevent Chat GPT from interrupting while they speak. An example is given where the user in Portugal seeks to understand the local slang 'PA'. The third prompt is for beginners starting from scratch, where Chat GPT helps with basic greetings in different languages, such as Korean, along with pronunciation tips. The video provides a practical demonstration of learning to say 'hello' and 'goodbye' in Korean, showcasing the app's ability to assist with pronunciation and offering casual alternatives.


📝 Conversation and Correction for Language Mastery

The fourth prompt is particularly valuable for language learners as it involves conversation and correction. The video suggests a scenario where Chat GPT acts as a conversation partner for a beginner learning English, asking questions and correcting mistakes, then giving the learner a chance to repeat the sentence correctly. This method is highlighted as essential for language learning but often awkward to achieve with real native speakers.


📚 Vocabulary Quizzes and Basic Sentence Translation

The fifth prompt involves a vocabulary quiz in Italian, demonstrating how Chat GPT can help users guess the meanings of words in English, starting with basic vocabulary and progressing to more difficult words. The sixth prompt is for beginners and focuses on basic sentence translation, showing how Chat GPT can translate sentences into the target language and read them out loud, serving as a portable translation tool that can translate over 60 languages in spoken form and almost all languages in written form.

🎭 Roleplaying Conversations for Real-Life Scenarios

The seventh prompt is about roleplaying conversations, where users can simulate real-life scenarios in any language they are learning. The video provides an example of ordering food at a restaurant in English, highlighting the flexibility of the tool to adapt to various situations and languages, thus helping users feel more prepared for actual conversations.

🗨️ Learning Idioms to Sound Like a Native Speaker

Idioms are crucial for sounding like a native or advanced speaker, and the eighth prompt is designed to teach these. The video shows how to use Chat GPT to learn idioms in English, such as 'bite the bullet', and provides an example of how to use the idiom in a sentence. This feature makes learning idioms more accessible and straightforward.

🎤 Practicing for Oral Exams with Chat GPT

For those preparing for oral exams, the ninth prompt offers a way to practice with Chat GPT. The video demonstrates how to conduct a mock oral exam in intermediate Spanish, with Chat GPT asking questions and the user responding, simulating the experience of an actual oral exam.

👂 Creating Listening Comprehension Tests

The final prompt, number ten, is for creating listening comprehension tests. The video suggests using Chat GPT to write a passage in beginner's English, read it out, and then ask questions to test understanding. This method is recommended for formal language study to test and improve listening skills effectively.

📖 Conclusion and Invitation to Chat GPT Insiders Community

The video concludes by summarizing the 10 Chat GPT prompts for easy language learning and encourages viewers to use them. It also invites viewers to like the video, subscribe, and join the Chat GPT Insiders Community for more tips, examples, and prompts, with the link provided in the video description.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT refers to a language model designed to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the context of the video, it is presented as a tool that can facilitate language learning through its voice feature, which is capable of conversing in over 60 languages, including fictional ones like Klingon and Dothraki. The video demonstrates how to use Chat GPT to practice conversational skills, learn slang, and receive corrections, making it an accessible and versatile language learning resource.

💡Voice Feature

The 'voice feature' mentioned in the video script is a new functionality of Chat GPT that allows users to interact with the AI through spoken language. This feature is likened to having a native speaker available 24/7 for language practice, making it an invaluable tool for learners who may not have access to native speakers otherwise. It enhances the interactive experience and makes language learning more dynamic and engaging.

💡Bilingual Dialogue

Bilingual dialogue is a method of language learning where a conversation is carried out in two languages simultaneously. In the video, it is suggested as a prompt to Chat GPT where the AI speaks in one language and the learner responds in another, fostering listening skills without the pressure of speaking. This approach is highlighted as an effective way to start learning a new language and is exemplified with a conversation in Spanish and English.


Slang refers to the informal words and phrases that are commonly used in casual conversation but are often not taught in formal language classes. The video script discusses using Chat GPT to understand slang terms in different languages, such as 'PA' in Portuguese, which serves as a filler or intensifier similar to 'like' or 'you know' in English. This helps learners to grasp the nuances of a language and sound more natural when speaking.

💡Basic Greetings

Basic greetings are fundamental phrases used in social interactions, such as 'hello' and 'goodbye'. The script provides an example of how Chat GPT can assist in learning these essential phrases in languages like Korean, including pronunciation tips. Mastering basic greetings is crucial for beginners as it lays the foundation for further communication in a new language.

💡Conversation and Correction

This concept in the video script refers to the practice of engaging in conversation while receiving immediate corrections on any mistakes made. Chat GPT is positioned as an ideal conversational partner for this purpose, as it can provide corrections without the awkwardness that might be associated with asking native speakers to correct you. An example given is a beginner learning English, where Chat GPT corrects sentence structure and offers the learner the chance to practice the corrected sentence.

💡Vocabulary Quiz

A vocabulary quiz is an educational tool used to test and expand one's knowledge of words in a language. In the context of the video, Chat GPT is used to conduct a vocabulary quiz in Italian, where the AI provides a word and the learner attempts to guess its meaning. This interactive method is shown to be an engaging way to quickly learn and retain new vocabulary.

💡Basic Sentence Translation

Basic sentence translation involves translating simple sentences from one language to another. The video script illustrates how Chat GPT can be used for this purpose, with an example of translating an invitation to go to the beach in Spanish. This feature is particularly useful for beginners who may need assistance in forming sentences and for practicing pronunciation.

💡Roleplaying Conversations

Roleplaying conversations are simulated interactions that mimic real-life scenarios, such as ordering food at a restaurant. The video suggests using Chat GPT to practice such scenarios in different languages, allowing learners to immerse themselves in the language and prepare for actual situations. This method helps to reduce anxiety associated with speaking a new language and improves fluency.


Idioms are expressions that have a figurative meaning, which is often different from the literal interpretation of the words. In the video, Chat GPT is used to teach idioms in English, such as 'bite the bullet', which means to face a difficult situation with courage. Understanding and using idioms is important for sounding like a native speaker and for grasping the subtleties of a language.

💡Oral Exams

Oral exams are assessments where learners are tested on their spoken language skills. The video script describes using Chat GPT to simulate an oral exam environment, such as an intermediate Spanish exam, where the AI asks questions and the learner responds. This practice is beneficial for preparing for actual language proficiency tests and for building confidence in speaking abilities.

💡Listening Comprehension Test

A listening comprehension test is designed to evaluate a learner's ability to understand spoken language. The video demonstrates creating such a test using Chat GPT, where the AI reads a passage and asks questions about it. This method helps learners to improve their listening skills and to practice taking notes and answering questions based on audio input, which is crucial for language acquisition.


Chat GPT's new voice feature allows users to practice language learning through a bilingual dialogue.

The feature is accessible to all free users and is available 24/7.

Chat GPT can speak over 60 languages, including fictional ones like Klingon and Dothraki.

To access Chat GPT voice, open the app and click on the headphones icon.

The bilingual dialogue method helps users practice listening without the pressure of speaking.

Chat GPT can be used for slang translation, enhancing understanding of colloquial terms.

For beginners, Chat GPT offers basic greetings and pronunciation tips.

Conversation and correction feature helps learners by providing immediate feedback on mistakes.

Vocabulary quizzes can be conducted in different languages to expand a user's lexicon.

Basic sentence translation is available, making Chat GPT a powerful translation tool.

Role-playing conversations simulate real-life scenarios to improve conversational skills.

Learning idioms through Chat GPT can help users sound more like native speakers.

Oral exams can be practiced using Chat GPT, which can ask questions and provide a structured format.

Listening comprehension tests can be created to gauge a user's understanding of spoken language.

Chat GPT voice is a free tool that can significantly aid in language acquisition.

The app provides a transcript of conversations, aiding in learning and review.

Users can simulate various scenarios, such as job interviews, for language practice.

Chat GPT insiders community offers more tips, examples, and prompts for language learning.