Learn ANY language easily with these ChatGPT prompts

Bri Does AI
14 Jun 202309:53

TLDRThe video discusses the use of ChatGPT as a language learning tool, emphasizing its effectiveness in creating structured learning plans, providing immersive resources, and facilitating vocabulary and grammar practice. The speaker shares personal experiences of using ChatGPT to learn Spanish, highlighting features such as conversation practice, role-playing, and interactive exercises. The video also promotes Brilliant.org for math and science learning, offering a sponsored link for a free trial and a discount for the first 200 users.


  • 📝 Use ChatGPT to create a structured language learning plan based on your skill level and desired study duration.
  • 🔍 Apply the Pareto Principle to focus on the most common words and phrases to accelerate learning efficiency.
  • 📚 Immerse yourself in the language with resources like music, movies, TV shows, and articles recommended by ChatGPT.
  • 📈 Learn the 1000 most common words by setting a goal to memorize a certain number of words daily and using flashcards for practice.
  • 💬 Engage in conversation practice with ChatGPT to improve your speaking and comprehension skills on various topics.
  • 🎭 Use unique prompts with ChatGPT to role play scenarios and practice using the language in different situations.
  • 📊 Ask ChatGPT for a grammar roadmap to guide your learning and provide exercises to solidify your understanding.
  • 🎲 Utilize ChatGPT to make language learning fun by having it write stories, songs, or play games in the target language.
  • ✍️ Test your language knowledge with ChatGPT by creating tests, exercises, or translation challenges to track your progress.
  • 💡 Remember that while ChatGPT can facilitate and enrich your language learning experience, consistent effort and practice are essential for success.

Q & A

  • What was the individual's initial challenge with learning a second language?

    -The individual's initial challenge was a lack of motivation and getting bored easily, which led to them quitting their previous attempts at learning a second language.

  • How has using ChatGPT as a language learning tool impacted the individual's experience?

    -Using ChatGPT has made the language learning process more enjoyable and faster for the individual, as compared to their previous attempts.

  • What is the Pareto Principle as it applies to language learning?

    -In the context of language learning, the Pareto Principle suggests that approximately 80% of everyday speech in a language is made up of just 20% of its vocabulary.

  • How does the individual plan to utilize the Pareto Principle in their language learning?

    -The individual plans to focus on learning the most common words, phrases, and basic grammar, as these will cover a significant portion of everyday speech in the target language.

  • What type of resources does the individual seek from ChatGPT to immerse themselves in the language?

    -The individual seeks resources such as music, movies, TV shows, YouTube channels, and articles to improve their reading and listening skills in the target language.

  • How does the individual intend to memorize the 1000 most common words in the language?

    -The individual plans to learn 10 new words every day and use a flashcard app to memorize these words.

  • What role does conversation practice play in the individual's language learning strategy?

    -Conversation practice is crucial as it allows the individual to have dialogues on various topics and scenarios, enhancing their understanding and usage of the language.

  • How does the individual plan to use ChatGPT for grammar learning?

    -The individual plans to create a grammar roadmap with ChatGPT, learn specific grammar rules, and practice them through exercises provided by ChatGPT.

  • What are some creative ways the individual uses ChatGPT to make language learning more engaging?

    -The individual uses ChatGPT to write stories, songs, jokes, poems, and play games in the target language as a way to make learning more fun and interactive.

  • How does the individual plan to track their progress in language learning using ChatGPT?

    -The individual plans to use ChatGPT to create tests and exercises to assess their knowledge and progress in the language they are learning.



🌟 Language Learning Journey and Chat GPT

The speaker shares their lifelong dream of learning a second language, which they have struggled with due to lack of motivation and boredom. They have recently found inspiration to learn Spanish using a new tool, Chat GPT, which has significantly improved their learning experience by making it more enjoyable and efficient. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a structured plan when starting a new goal and explains how they utilized Chat GPT to create a learning plan based on the Pareto Principle, focusing on the most common words and basic grammar. They also discuss the value of having a variety of resources for immersion and how Chat GPT can assist in generating a list of the most common words and phrases, as well as providing conversation practice and role-playing scenarios to enhance language skills.


📚 Utilizing Chat GPT and Resources for Language Learning

In this paragraph, the speaker delves deeper into the strategies they use to learn Spanish with the help of Chat GPT. They discuss the creation of a grammar roadmap, which serves as a guide for learning the language's grammatical structure. The speaker also highlights the importance of practicing grammar through exercises provided by Chat GPT. To keep the learning process from becoming monotonous, they explore various engaging activities such as having Chat GPT write stories, songs, jokes, and poems in the target language, and even playing games to reinforce language skills. The speaker also mentions the use of Chat GPT for testing their language knowledge through different formats like multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises, and correcting grammatically incorrect sentences. They conclude by acknowledging the limitations of Chat GPT in practicing speaking skills and emphasize the need for consistent effort and patience in language learning.



💡Language Learning

Language learning refers to the process of acquiring proficiency in a language other than one's native language or the first language. In the context of the video, the speaker shares their personal journey of learning a second language and the challenges they've faced, such as lack of motivation and boredom. The main theme revolves around utilizing ChatGPT as a tool to enhance and simplify the language learning experience, making it more enjoyable and effective.


Motivation is the drive or desire that pushes individuals to pursue a goal or a task. In the video, the speaker mentions that their motivation for learning a second language would often run out, leading to the abandonment of their language learning efforts. However, with the introduction of ChatGPT, the speaker has found renewed motivation, as the tool helps to make the learning process more engaging and less tedious.

💡Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. In the context of language learning, as explained in the video, this principle suggests that 80% of everyday spoken language is constituted by 20% of the vocabulary. By focusing on learning these common words and phrases first, the speaker has been able to accelerate their language acquisition process.


Immersion refers to the practice of surrounding oneself with the language one is trying to learn, typically by engaging with media and cultural content in that language. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of immersion by seeking resources such as music, movies, TV shows, and YouTube channels in the target language to improve their listening and reading skills, thereby creating a more authentic and comprehensive learning experience.


Flashcards are a learning tool that typically consists of a card with a question, problem, or item on one side and the answer or explanation on the other. In the script, the speaker uses flashcards to memorize new vocabulary by copying and pasting the 1000 most common words in the target language, as provided by ChatGPT, into a flashcard app to aid in memorization and recall.

💡Conversation Practice

Conversation practice involves engaging in dialogue in the target language to improve speaking and listening skills. The speaker in the video uses ChatGPT to simulate conversations on various topics, which allows them to practice speaking and understanding the language in a more interactive and dynamic way, mimicking real-life conversation scenarios.

💡Grammar Roadmap

A grammar roadmap is a structured guide or plan that outlines the sequence and scope of grammatical concepts to be learned. In the video, the speaker uses ChatGPT to create a grammar roadmap for their language learning, which helps them to systematically learn and master the grammatical rules of the new language, ensuring a solid foundation for their language skills.

💡Interactive Lessons

Interactive lessons are educational sessions that involve the learner in activities such as problem-solving, simulations, or other hands-on tasks, as opposed to passive learning methods like watching lectures. The speaker in the video praises interactive lessons, mentioning that they keep learners engaged and make building a daily learning habit easier, which is beneficial for long-term retention and understanding of the material.

💡Language Games

Language games are activities designed to teach and reinforce language skills in a fun and engaging way. In the video, the speaker describes using ChatGPT to create language games, such as co-writing a story in the target language, as a way to make the learning process more enjoyable and to reinforce their language skills in a less formal and more creative setting.

💡Knowledge Testing

Knowledge testing involves assessing one's understanding and proficiency in a subject, in this case, a new language. The speaker in the video uses ChatGPT to generate tests and exercises that challenge their knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and other language aspects, helping them to evaluate their progress and identify areas for improvement.

💡Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for personal or professional reasons. The speaker in the video embodies the concept of lifelong learning by continuously seeking to expand their skills and knowledge, not only in language learning but also in other areas such as math and science, through platforms like Brilliant.org, which offers interactive lessons to facilitate this process.


The speaker has always dreamed of speaking another language.

In the past, the speaker struggled to maintain motivation and interest in learning a second language.

The speaker has recently been inspired to try learning a second language again with the help of ChatGPT.

ChatGPT has significantly improved the speaker's enjoyment and speed of learning Spanish.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a structured plan when learning a new language.

ChatGPT can create a personalized learning plan based on the Pareto Principle, focusing on the most common words and phrases.

ChatGPT can recommend resources such as music, movies, TV shows, and articles for language immersion.

The speaker uses ChatGPT to generate a list of the 1000 most common words in Spanish and memorizes them using a flashcard app.

ChatGPT can be used for conversation practice, discussing any topic in the target language.

ChatGPT can describe random situations for the user to respond to in the target language, enhancing conversational skills.

ChatGPT can help improve math and science skills through Brilliant.org, a platform with interactive lessons.

ChatGPT can provide a grammar roadmap and exercises to solidify the knowledge of language rules.

Learning a language with ChatGPT is more engaging and fun, with resources and activities to avoid boredom.

ChatGPT can write stories, songs, jokes, and poems in the target language for additional learning material.

The speaker plays games with ChatGPT, such as co-writing stories in Spanish, to enhance language learning.

ChatGPT can create tests or exercises to assess the user's knowledge and progress in the language.

While ChatGPT is a valuable tool, learning a language requires patience, consistent effort, and should not rely solely on it for speaking practice.

The speaker invites viewers to join a Discord server for lifelong learners and AI enthusiasts.