How to design a Brand, using A.I.

Shantanu Kumar
9 Nov 202311:43

TLDRThe video script discusses the transformative impact of A.I. on the design industry, drawing parallels with historical innovations like the printing press. It emphasizes the importance of embracing change and using A.I. as a tool to enhance creativity and streamline design processes. The narrative follows a designer's journey from conceptualizing a Greek god-themed restaurant to executing its brand identity using A.I. tools like chatGPT and Kittl, showcasing how A.I. can expedite and enrich the design process, from brand strategy to visual identity and beyond.


  • 🌐 The design world is continuously shaped by societal shifts and technological advancements, with A.I. being a pivotal force in this evolution.
  • 🔮 A.I. is considered a transformative technology with an impact as significant as fire or electricity, yet its integration is met with skepticism and fear, much like past innovations.
  • 📖 The history of the printing press serves as an example of initial skepticism towards new technologies, which ultimately revolutionized communication and information accessibility.
  • 🧠 Embracing change is crucial for survival and progress, and human intelligence must overcome instinctive resistance to adapt to evolving circumstances.
  • 🛠️ A.I. tools like chatGPT can expedite the creation of a brand strategy, which is essential for guiding the design process and communicating the brand's identity effectively.
  • 🎨 A.I. aids in the design process by generating visual elements, such as logos and patterns, and offers flexibility for designers to refine and enhance these elements.
  • 🔍 Design inspiration can be found on platforms like Pinterest, Dribbble, Behance, and Kittl's A.I. board, showcasing the collaborative potential between A.I. and human creativity.
  • 🖼️ Text-to-image A.I. tools, including Midjourney, Dall-E, and Leonardo, can generate images but may lack editing flexibility, making Kittl's editing capabilities particularly valuable for designers.
  • 🎨 A.I. also assists in selecting colors and fonts for a brand identity, with resources like Colormind, Huemint, and FontJoy offering valuable assistance in these areas.
  • 🌐 Beyond visual identity creation, A.I. aids in implementing the brand's visual language across various platforms, enhancing the brand's online presence and streamlining the branding process.

Q & A

  • How has the world of design evolved over time?

    -The world of design has constantly evolved, driven by societal shifts and technological advancements. Each new technology, from the printing press to electricity, radio, television, the internet, and now AI, has transformed the way we communicate and create, often initially met with skepticism but ultimately leading to better lives and more opportunities for creativity and progress.

  • What was the initial skepticism towards the printing press during the 15th century?

    -When the printing press was first introduced in the 15th century, skeptics questioned its need and argued that it would devalue the work of traditional letterists. They feared that mass production would diminish the importance of skilled artisans, potentially leaving them unemployed, which to some extent, it did.

  • How did the printing press ultimately affect communication and information?

    -Despite initial skepticism, the printing press revolutionized communication and democratized information for the masses. It allowed for the mass production of books at low costs on a wide range of subjects, enabling revolutionary ideas to reach every literate European and significantly increasing the spread of knowledge.

  • What role does AI play in the design process today?

    -AI has started to play a significant role in the design process by automating tasks, making predictions, and even creating art. It acts as a tool to enhance creativity, streamline processes, and unlock new possibilities within the ever-evolving field of design.

  • What is the importance of a brand strategy in the design process?

    -A brand strategy is crucial as it provides direction for the design process. It is a heavily researched document containing aspects like mission and vision statements, target audience, and tone of voice. This document helps designers communicate the principles and feelings they wish to express through their designs and represents ideas within the brand's visual identity.

  • How can AI tools like chatGPT assist in developing a brand strategy?

    -AI tools like chatGPT can greatly assist in developing a brand strategy by generating the entire strategy in minutes, reducing the time that would typically be spent weeks. This allows designers to quickly refine and polish the strategy, focusing on aligning the design process with the brand's core principles and goals.

  • What design inspiration platforms are mentioned in the script?

    -The script mentions Pinterest, Dribbble, and Behance as platforms for design inspiration. Additionally, Kittl's AI board is highlighted as a great place to look for design inspirations.

  • How does the AI tool Kittl enhance the design process?

    -Kittl enhances the design process by offering the ability to generate images from text prompts and an integrated editor that allows designers to instantly edit generated images. This makes it a collaborative tool that does not restrict designers to AI-generated images but encourages them to use their creativity to enhance and refine the designs.

  • What are some AI tools for generating images and vectors?

    -The script mentions several AI tools for generating images and vectors, including Midjourney, Dall-E, Leonardo, and Kittl. These tools offer different functionalities, with Kittl being particularly noted for its editing capabilities and flexibility.

  • How can AI tools help in selecting colors and fonts for a brand identity?

    -AI tools like Colormind, Huemint, and FontJoy can assist in selecting better colors and fonts for a brand identity. They utilize algorithms to suggest color palettes and font pairings that match the brand's desired aesthetic and help designers make more informed decisions quickly.

  • What is the role of AI in the implementation of a brand's visual language?

    -AI extends beyond the generation of logos and visual elements; it aids in implementing the brand's visual language across various platforms. AI tools can help create product mockups, generate entire product photoshoots, repurpose long-form videos into multiple short-form videos for social media, and even assist in web design processes, making the transition from ideation to execution faster and more efficient.

  • What is the final outcome of using AI in the design process?

    -The use of AI in the design process results in a faster, more expansive creative journey. It enables designers to explore new territories of design and imagination, bringing creative visions to life more swiftly and efficiently. AI tools like Kittl, Framer, and Figma, among others, have made significant strides in reducing the gap between ideation and execution, opening up vast opportunities for exploration and innovation.



🚀 The Impact of A.I. on Design and History of Innovation

This paragraph discusses the continuous evolution of the design world, propelled by societal changes and technological advancements. A.I. is considered the most profound technology, with its transformative potential likened to that of fire or electricity. The narrative emphasizes that despite skepticism and fear, historical innovations like the printing press have ultimately improved lives. The printing press's initial skepticism is contrasted with its eventual role in revolutionizing communication and democratizing information. The paragraph highlights the importance of embracing change and innovation, suggesting that A.I. is not a threat to designers but a tool to enhance creativity and streamline processes. It also touches on the application of A.I. in automating tasks, making predictions, and creating art, while questioning its role in building a brand.


🎨 Designing a Brand Identity with A.I. Assistance

The second paragraph delves into the branding process, starting with an idea that is developed into a brand strategy document. This document outlines the brand's mission, vision, target audience, and tone of voice, guiding the creation of visual identity elements like logos and color palettes. The speaker shares their idea of starting a restaurant themed around Greek gods and emphasizes the importance of the brand strategy in designing a visual identity. A.I. tools like chatGPT and Kittl are introduced as time-saving resources for generating brand strategies and designing logos. The paragraph also discusses the limitations of other text-to-image A.I. tools and highlights the functionalities of Kittl, such as image generation, editing, and vectorization. The design process for the Greek gods-themed restaurant is detailed, including the selection of typography, logo design, and the creation of mock-ups for the menu and website. The role of A.I. in enhancing online brand presence through tools like Kittl,, and is also mentioned.


🌟 A.I. as a Catalyst for Creative Exploration

The final paragraph reflects on the transformative power of A.I. in the design process, noting how it has significantly reduced the time from ideation to execution. A.I. is portrayed as a catalyst that opens up new opportunities for designers to explore and bring their creative visions to life more efficiently. The speaker expresses excitement and optimism about the future of A.I. in design, suggesting that it enables designers to venture into uncharted territories of creativity and imagination. The paragraph concludes with a positive outlook on the integration of A.I. as a supportive tool in the creative journey of designers.




Design refers to the process of creating visual and functional solutions to problems, often with the aim of improving user experience or communication. In the context of the video, design is the central theme, emphasizing the role of AI in enhancing and transforming the field. The speaker discusses how AI tools can automate tasks, aid in making predictions, and even create art, thus revolutionizing the design process.


AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. The video highlights AI as a transformative technology that, despite initial skepticism, has the potential to improve various aspects of life, including the field of design. It is portrayed as a tool that can enhance creativity and efficiency, rather than replace human designers.


Branding is the process of creating a unique name, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates a product or service from others in the market. It involves building a strong brand identity that resonates with the target audience. In the video, the branding process is broken down into stages, starting from an idea to a fully-fledged brand strategy, and eventually to the visual identity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of a well-thought-out brand strategy in guiding the design process and communicating the brand's essence effectively.


Innovation refers to the introduction of new ideas, methods, or products that create changes or improvements. The video discusses how innovation, often met with skepticism and fear, has historically led to significant advancements and improvements in society. The speaker draws parallels between past innovations like the printing press and the current impact of AI, emphasizing the importance of embracing change and innovation in the design industry.


Technology refers to the tools, systems, and methods used in the creation, production, and management of goods and services. In the context of the video, technology is the driving force behind the evolution of design, with AI being a key example of a technological advancement that is reshaping the field. The speaker discusses how advancements in technology, such as AI, have the potential to automate tasks, make predictions, and even create art, thus transforming the way designers work.


Change refers to the process of becoming different or altering the status quo. In the video, change is depicted as an inevitable part of progress, often accompanied by discomfort and resistance. The speaker argues that despite our instinctive aversion to change, it is necessary for growth and improvement. They encourage embracing change, especially in the face of technological advancements like AI, to adapt and thrive in the evolving field of design.


Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something new or to find new solutions to problems. In the video, creativity is portrayed as a core aspect of the design process that can be enhanced and amplified by AI. The speaker argues that AI tools do not replace the need for human creativity but instead act as catalysts for progress, enabling designers to explore new possibilities and bring their creative visions to life more efficiently.

💡brand strategy

A brand strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines the goals, values, and messaging intended to guide the development of a brand's identity and its communication with the target audience. In the video, the brand strategy is described as a heavily researched document that includes mission and vision statements, target audience, tone of voice, and other critical aspects. It serves as a roadmap for the design process, ensuring that the visual identity aligns with the brand's core principles and objectives.

💡visual identity

Visual identity refers to the collection of visual elements that represent a brand, such as its logo, typography, color palette, and other design elements. It is a crucial aspect of branding, as it helps create a memorable and consistent image that resonates with the target audience. In the video, the speaker discusses the importance of developing a visual identity that aligns with the brand strategy and effectively communicates the brand's essence. AI tools are presented as aids in this process, enabling designers to generate and refine visual elements more efficiently.

💡AI tools

AI tools are software applications that utilize artificial intelligence to assist with various tasks, such as automating processes, generating content, or providing recommendations. In the context of the video, AI tools like chatGPT, Midjourney, Dall-E, Leonardo, and Kittl are showcased as powerful aids in the design process, enabling designers to quickly generate brand strategies, visual identities, and other design elements. These tools are presented as collaborators that enhance, rather than replace, human creativity.


The world of design is constantly evolving, driven by shifts in society and advancements in technology.

A.I. is considered the most profound technology, with an uncertain but inevitable future.

Innovation is often met with skepticism and fear, as history has shown with past technological advancements.

The internet was initially met with skepticism, but it eventually transformed lives for the better.

The invention of the printing press in the 15th century was initially questioned but later revolutionized communication and democratized information.

Change is uncomfortable, but human intelligence and cognitive abilities can help us overcome inhibitions and embrace it.

The monotype machine was an innovation in the printing press that molded each letter of type separately.

A.I. is not the end for designers; instead, it's a tool to enhance creativity, streamline processes, and unlock new possibilities.

A.I. has started to play a significant role in the world of design, automating tasks, making predictions, and even creating art.

The branding process starts with an idea, which then turns into a brand strategy, a heavily researched document.

A.I. can help generate an entire brand strategy in minutes, refining and polishing it in a few hours.

Kittl's A.I. board is a great place to look for design inspirations, in addition to platforms like Pinterest, Dribbble, and Behance.

Kittl offers the ability to generate images from text prompts and edit them on the spot, acting as a collaborative tool for designers.

A.I. tools like Midjourney, Dall-E, and Leonardo can generate images but may lack flexibility in editing.

A.I. can help with the creation of patterns, which is a time-consuming task for designers, by generating endless patterns with minimal effort.

A.I. can assist in picking better colors and fonts for brand identity with resources like Colormind, Huemint, and FontJoy.

A.I. extends into every aspect of a brand's presence, including product mockups, photoshoots, and web design.

A.I. has reduced the gap between ideation and execution, allowing designers to bring creative visions to life more swiftly and efficiently.

The future of design with A.I. looks promising, enabling designers to explore new territories of design and imagination.