How to use Spinbot to Spin Text and Create Unique Content

Entrepreneurs Toolbox with Jonathan Dunkerley
22 Apr 202007:42

TLDRIn this video, Jonathan from Entrepreneurs Toolbox demonstrates how to create valuable Facebook posts efficiently by repurposing existing content. He suggests using Spinbot to paraphrase articles on personal development, ensuring that the rewritten content is unique and engaging. Jonathan emphasizes the importance of proofreading the spun content to maintain its quality and coherence. He also advises against simply copying and pasting, as it undermines the value of the post. The video offers tips on breaking down long-form text into digestible sections for better readability on social media platforms and encourages viewers to adapt the method to suit their needs, whether it's for marketing, health, or any other niche. Jonathan concludes by inviting viewers to share their own content creation methods in the comments.


  • 📝 Use Facebook for marketing by creating value posts regularly to engage your audience.
  • 🤔 Identify the three types of posts: results, value, and lifestyle, with value posts being the most challenging.
  • 🔍 Search for content ideas using Google, for example, by looking up 'personal development articles'.
  • 📖 Read articles to ensure the content is useful and not just generic quotes that can be easily found elsewhere.
  • 🔄 Use a tool like Spinbot to paraphrase content into a unique version while maintaining its original meaning.
  • ✂️ Break down long-form content into smaller, digestible sections to improve readability on social media.
  • 🧐 Proofread the spun content to ensure it flows well and makes sense in the context it will be used.
  • 📚 Consider sourcing content from books as well as online articles for a wider range of ideas.
  • 📈 Look for top ten lists or similar structured content that can be easily adapted and spun into your own version.
  • 🚫 Avoid being 'spammy' by ensuring the content provides real value and is not just copied and pasted.
  • ✅ Engage your audience by encouraging likes, subscriptions, and notifications for new content uploads.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to create strong value posts for marketing on Facebook using a tool called Spinbot.

  • What are the three types of Facebook posts mentioned in the video?

    -The three types of Facebook posts mentioned are results value, lifestyle, and value posts.

  • Why do people struggle with creating value posts?

    -People struggle with value posts because they often resort to posting generic quotes which are easily found and do not provide unique or substantial value.

  • How does the speaker suggest sourcing content for value posts?

    -The speaker suggests sourcing content for value posts by Googling topics like 'personal development articles' and using the information from these articles.

  • What is Spinbot and how is it used in the process?

    -Spinbot is a website that rewrites text to create a unique version of the original content. It is used to spin the sections of the article to generate unique content for the value posts.

  • Why is it important to proofread the spun text?

    -It is important to proofread the spun text because the rewritten version may contain bad English or awkward phrasing that needs to be corrected to ensure it flows well and makes sense.

  • How can breaking up text into different lines enhance readability?

    -Breaking up text into different lines enhances readability because it makes the content easier to digest, especially on social media platforms like Facebook where users tend to skim through large blocks of text.

  • What is the speaker's advice on maintaining the value of the content while using Spinbot?

    -The speaker advises to ensure that the spun content is not just copied and pasted but is proofread and made original to provide genuine value to the audience.

  • What are some alternative sources of content for value posts apart from Google articles?

    -Alternative sources of content for value posts can include books and other informational materials that can be spun into unique content.

  • Why should one avoid being 'spammy' when posting content on social media?

    -Being 'spammy' by posting unoriginal and poorly spun content can lead to a loss of credibility and audience engagement, as it does not provide genuine value to the readers.

  • What are the speaker's final recommendations for creating effective value posts?

    -The speaker recommends looking for top ten lists or similar structured content, spinning them into your own version, and ensuring that the final posts are well-proofread and provide value to the audience.

  • How can viewers engage with the speaker's content?

    -Viewers can engage with the speaker's content by liking, subscribing, ringing the bell for notifications, and commenting with their own methods or questions.



🚀 Creating Strong Value Posts for Marketing on Facebook

In this first paragraph, Jonathan from Entrepreneurs Toolbox addresses the common challenge of creating valuable content for daily Facebook posts. He explains that while quotes are fine occasionally, it's crucial to provide content that offers real value, such as personal development tips or business-building advice. To overcome the struggle with crafting such posts, Jonathan suggests sourcing articles from the internet, specifically personal development articles, and then using a tool like Spinbot to paraphrase the content into a more personalized and readable format. He emphasizes the importance of proofreading the spun content to ensure it flows well and makes sense, breaking it down into digestible lines to improve readability on Facebook. The goal is to transform the sourced information into a valuable, long-form post that provides actionable advice or insights that cannot be easily found through a simple Google search.


📚 Crafting Valuable Long-Form Posts from Articles and Books

The second paragraph continues with Jonathan's guidance on creating valuable long-form posts. He illustrates how to take blocks of text from articles or books and rephrase them using a text editor and a paraphrasing tool to avoid plagiarism and make the content unique. Jonathan stresses the importance of not just copying and pasting the spun content but also proofreading it to ensure it provides genuine value to the audience. He also suggests looking for top lists or numbered articles as a source of content that can be easily adapted into one's own version. The paragraph concludes with Jonathan's reminder to engage with the content by liking, subscribing, and ringing the bell for notifications, and he invites viewers to share their methods for creating quick articles in the comments section.




Spinbot is an online tool used for paraphrasing text to create unique content. In the video, it is used to rewrite sections of an article to generate original content for social media posts without plagiarizing. The tool helps in saving time and effort by automatically suggesting synonyms and alternative sentence structures.

💡Value Posts

Value posts refer to social media content that provides useful information, insights, or inspiration to the audience. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of creating value posts on Facebook that offer more than just generic quotes, aiming to provide actionable advice or emotional support to the readers.

💡Personal Development

Personal development involves the process of improving one's skills, qualities, and convictions to achieve personal goals. The video script mentions personal development articles as a source of content for value posts, emphasizing the need for content that can emotionally or practically help the audience.


Lifestyle, in the context of social media marketing, refers to content that showcases one's way of living, often including personal stories, experiences, or preferences. It is one of the three types of posts mentioned in the video, alongside results value and lifestyle, that businesses use to engage with their audience.

💡Results Value

Results value in social media content refers to posts that demonstrate the outcomes or successes achieved by individuals or businesses. It serves to inspire and motivate the audience by providing tangible evidence of progress or effectiveness.


Proofreading is the process of reviewing written content to detect and correct errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style. The video emphasizes the importance of proofreading spun content from Spinbot to ensure it is coherent and flows well, maintaining the quality and readability of the posts.

💡Long-Form Content

Long-form content refers to extensive pieces of writing that delve deeply into a topic, often exceeding standard word counts for blog posts or articles. In the video, the speaker discusses the challenge of creating long-form content and how to overcome it by breaking down articles into digestible sections for social media.

💡Human Brain

The human brain is mentioned in the context of how people process information on social media. The video script notes that the human brain tends to skip over large blocks of text, hence the recommendation to break down content into smaller, more readable sections for better engagement.

💡Top Ten Lists

Top ten lists are a popular content format that presents information in a numbered list, often highlighting the ten best or most important items on a particular topic. The video suggests using top ten lists as a source for content creation, which can be spun into an original format for social media posts.


Spamming refers to the practice of posting excessive, irrelevant, or unwanted content, often with the intent of promoting a product or service. The video warns against spamming on social media by copying and pasting content without modification, as it detracts from providing genuine value to the audience.

💡Unique Content

Unique content is original material that has not been previously published or is not widely available elsewhere. The video discusses the creation of unique content through the use of Spinbot to spin existing articles, ensuring that social media posts stand out and are not duplicated across different platforms.


Using Facebook for marketing can be challenging when it comes to creating value posts on a daily basis.

Jonathan from Entrepreneurs Toolbox demonstrates how to create strong value posts quickly and efficiently.

Three common types of Facebook posts include results, value, and lifestyle, with value posts being the most challenging.

Quotes are acceptable occasionally, but value posts should provide unique, non-generic content.

To create value, one can search for articles online, such as personal development articles, and use them as a starting point.

Spinbot is a tool that can be used to rewrite articles into a new, human-readable format.

It's important to proofread the spun text to ensure it flows well and makes sense.

Breaking down text into smaller sections or lines can improve readability on social media platforms like Facebook.

Personal development posts can start with attention to identity, qualities, convictions, and the bigger reason for self-improvement.

Using hooks into different sections, such as a sense of curiosity, can create a structured and engaging post.

Spinning text from books or articles allows for the creation of original content without plagiarizing.

Proofreading is crucial to avoid spammy content and to truly provide value to the audience.

Creating quick articles can be done effectively by spinning top ten lists or other structured content.

Avoid copying and pasting entire articles to prevent spamming and to maintain the quality of the content.

The process of spinning and proofreading content can save time and still result in valuable, original posts.

Engagement with the audience is encouraged by asking for their methods of creating quick articles in the comments.

Subscribing and ringing the bell ensures viewers are notified of new video uploads for continuous learning.