How we Gained 3 Million Users in Just 3 Months! | Gamma CEO Grant Lee & Jon Noronha

15 Sept 202315:39

TLDRGamma, a revolutionary tool for sharing and presenting ideas, was co-founded by Grant Lee and Jon Noronha, aiming to replace traditional slide-based presentations. Starting with identifying a common problem, they emphasized the importance of experimentation and customer feedback in product development. By leveraging AI, Gamma unlocked new levels of creativity and efficiency, leading to rapid user growth and engagement. The founders' vision is to empower individuals to express their ideas effortlessly and transform the way ideas are communicated globally.


  • 🚀 Start with a problem you're passionate about to ensure long-term commitment and success in business.
  • 🌟 Embrace experimentation at every stage of your business to learn from users and improve your product continuously.
  • 🤝 Build a product that resonates with a universal problem, like the struggle with traditional presentation tools.
  • 🛠️ Begin with a basic version and iterate based on user feedback and your own usage to refine the product.
  • 📈 Focus on quantitative analysis and qualitative user research to understand your company's metrics and user experience.
  • 💡 Use AI to enhance creativity and transform the way people express and share their ideas.
  • 🔧 Redesign the product with AI at the core to streamline the creation process and unlock new levels of efficiency.
  • 💸 Consider the high marginal costs of AI and implement a monetization strategy that balances user access with operational sustainability.
  • 🌍 Leverage international growth by making your product accessible and valuable to users outside of your home market.
  • 🎯 Position your product as a tool that simplifies the process of idea expression and empowers users to create high-quality content.

Q & A

  • What is the core problem that Gamma aims to solve?

    -Gamma aims to solve the problem of traditional presentation tools like PowerPoint being inefficient and cumbersome. It seeks to provide a new set of building blocks that simplifies the process of sharing and presenting ideas, making it easier and more delightful for users.

  • How did Grant Lee's background influence his decision to co-found Gamma?

    -Grant Lee's background in consulting and investment banking, as well as his family's entrepreneurial spirit, inspired him to start his own business. His experience at Optimizely, a company going through hypergrowth, taught him valuable lessons about business scaling and the importance of experimentation, which he applied to Gamma.

  • What was Jon Noronha's journey to becoming a co-founder and head of product at Gamma?

    -Jon Noronha initially pursued a career in software engineering but found it unsuitable due to his extroverted nature. He transitioned into product management at Microsoft, where he learned from building a search engine. Later, he moved to Optimizely to be closer to the startup scene, where he met his co-founders and eventually co-founded Gamma.

  • How did Gamma initially validate its product and gather user feedback?

    -Gamma initially validated its product through a private beta, starting with friends and former colleagues. The founders relied on usage patterns and direct feedback from these early users to iterate and improve the product. They also used their own product internally for all company communications, which helped them identify areas for improvement.

  • What was the impact of AI integration on Gamma's product and user experience?

    -Integrating AI into Gamma's product significantly enhanced the user experience by automating design tasks and unlocking new levels of creativity. It transformed the onboarding process, reducing the activation energy required for users to see the benefits of the tool, and made it easier for users to produce high-quality content.

  • How did Gamma handle the monetization of its AI features?

    -Gamma initially provided a limited number of credits for using its AI features. When users exhausted their credits, they expressed a strong willingness to pay for more. This led to the development of a monetization system using credits, which validated the users' willingness to pay and allowed Gamma to scale its AI services.

  • What was the strategy behind Gamma's public beta launch?

    -Gamma's public beta launch was strategic, focusing on showcasing the product's strengths through video demonstrations and refining the messaging and onboarding process. This approach led to a successful launch on Product Hunt, resulting in a significant spike in user sign-ups.

  • How did Gamma's approach to addressing user problems evolve over time?

    -Gamma started by observing and understanding the pain points users experienced with traditional presentation tools. They then iterated on their product based on user feedback and their own use cases. After integrating AI, they continued to refine the product to better serve user needs, focusing on empowering creativity and simplifying the process of idea sharing.

  • What is the ultimate goal of Gamma as a product?

    -The ultimate goal of Gamma is to help people express their ideas easily and effectively. It aims to empower users' creativity and provide a frictionless user experience, allowing anyone to create and share high-quality content with pride.

  • What does the future hold for Gamma in terms of AI and user engagement?

    -Gamma's future with AI is focused on further enhancing user engagement and creativity. The team is excited about the potential of AI to unlock new levels of content creation and to help users move from a creator role to a curator role, simplifying the process of sharing and communicating ideas.

  • How did the international growth of Gamma come about?

    -The international growth of Gamma was driven by users outside the U.S. discovering the product and using it in diverse ways. A significant milestone was reaching 50,000 sign-ups in a single day, which highlighted the global appeal and potential of the tool.



🚀 Starting with Passion: The Genesis of Gamma

The paragraph introduces Grant Lee, CEO and co-founder of Gamma, a company that reimagines the way people share and present ideas. Lee emphasizes the importance of starting with a problem you're passionate about, as it forms the foundation of a long-term business commitment. He shares his personal journey, from being inspired by family members who ran businesses, to his own career in consulting and investment banking, and finally to joining a startup, Optimizely. Lee's experience at Optimizely taught him the value of experimentation and learning from users, which became a guiding principle in creating Gamma. The paragraph highlights the need to understand and solve real user problems before applying new technology.


🛠️ Refining the Product: Iteration and User Feedback

In this paragraph, the focus shifts to the process of product development and refinement at Gamma. The founders started by observing the common pain points associated with creating presentations using traditional tools like PowerPoint. They built a rudimentary text editor as their MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to test their ideas and gather user feedback. The initial product was basic and not yet a complete replacement for existing workflows, but it allowed the team to understand user behavior and make iterative improvements. The founders relied on their own product for all internal communication, which helped them identify issues and improve the product significantly over time. They also conducted a private beta, which led to a gradual increase in user base and provided valuable insights for further product development.


🤖 Integrating AI: Enhancing Creativity and Efficiency

This paragraph discusses the integration of AI into Gamma's product, marking a significant shift in the company's direction. The founders recognized the potential of AI to enhance creativity and unlock new levels of efficiency for users. After redesigning the creation flow with AI at its core, they released it to early users, who provided overwhelmingly positive feedback. The AI capabilities helped users work faster and more creatively, which in turn increased their adoption and engagement with the tool. The paragraph also touches on the challenges of monetizing an AI-driven product, given the high marginal costs associated with running AI models. Gamma's initial approach to monetization involved a credit system, which quickly validated the users' willingness to pay for the enhanced capabilities. This led to the development of a self-serve pricing model, attracting the first 1000 paying customers and demonstrating the potential of AI to drive both user engagement and revenue.


🌟 Gamma's Vision: Empowering Creative Expression

The final paragraph encapsulates Gamma's vision and mission. It reiterates the belief that Gamma can serve as a tool for anyone to create and share ideas with impact. The founders see Gamma as a platform that empowers users to express their ideas easily and effectively, regardless of their design skills. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of deep empathy for users and the desire to make the process of idea expression as seamless and intuitive as possible. It concludes with a broader reflection on the exciting potential of AI in enabling human creativity and shifting the role of individuals from creators to curators, with Gamma being a prime example of this transformative approach.



💡Problem Solving

Problem solving is the process of identifying, analyzing, and finding solutions to a problem. In the context of the video, it is emphasized as the starting point for any business venture. The speakers highlight the importance of starting with a problem you're passionate about, as this will drive the long-term commitment required to build a successful business. For instance, Grant Lee and Jon Noronha founded Gamma to address the inefficiencies and limitations of traditional presentation tools like PowerPoint, aiming to create a more intuitive and creative way for people to share and present their ideas.


Passion refers to a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something. In the video, it is suggested that entrepreneurs should start a business based on a problem or space they are personally passionate about, as this passion will fuel their commitment and drive over the years. The founders' personal stories reflect their passion, which is evident in their desire to create a better solution for presenting ideas, leading to the creation of Gamma.


Innovation is the process of introducing new ideas, methods, or products. It is a key theme in the video, as the speakers discuss how Gamma represents a significant innovation in the way people share and present their ideas, moving away from traditional tools like PowerPoint. The development of Gamma's new building blocks is an example of innovation, aiming to make the process of creating presentations feel new, easier, and more capable of generating previously impossible outputs.

💡Early Adopters

Early adopters are individuals or entities that are among the first to accept and use a new idea, product, or technology. In the video, the concept is discussed in relation to Gamma's user base, particularly in countries like Korea and Japan, where users are eager to embrace new technology and are willing to experiment with new tools to enhance their creative potential. These early adopters are crucial for validating the product's value and for driving its growth and improvement.


Experimentation is the act of trying out new methods or ideas to see if they work or to learn from the results. The video emphasizes the importance of embracing a spirit of experimentation at every stage of a business, from the smallest startups to larger companies. It involves seeking qualitative feedback, understanding pain points, and iterating on products or features based on user experiences. The founders of Gamma applied this principle in their development process, constantly improving their product based on user feedback and their own use of the MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

💡User Feedback

User feedback refers to the comments, suggestions, or criticisms provided by the end-users of a product or service. In the video, user feedback is portrayed as a vital component of the product development process. It helps businesses understand how their product is being used and what can be improved. The founders of Gamma actively sought user feedback, both qualitative and quantitative, to inform their product迭代 and ensure that they were addressing real user needs.

💡Product Iteration

Product iteration involves making successive changes or enhancements to a product based on user feedback, testing, and data analysis. It is a continuous process aimed at improving the product's functionality, user experience, and overall value. In the video, the founders of Gamma discuss their iterative approach to product development, starting with a rudimentary version and progressively refining it to meet user needs and expectations. They emphasize the importance of living with the product and using it in real scenarios to identify areas for improvement.

💡AI Capabilities

AI capabilities refer to the functions and features powered by artificial intelligence that a product or service can offer. In the context of the video, AI capabilities are central to Gamma's value proposition, as they enhance the user's ability to create and design presentations more efficiently and creatively. The integration of AI into Gamma's platform allowed users to work faster and unlock new levels of creativity, transforming the product into a powerful tool that stands out in the market.


Monetization is the process of generating revenue from a product or service. In the video, the founders discuss the challenges and strategies of monetizing a product with high marginal costs, such as those involving AI. They initially offered a limited number of credits for free to gauge user interest and willingness to pay. The strong response to the credit system validated the product's value and led to the development of a self-serve pricing model, marking a shift from focusing on user acquisition to monetization.

💡User Engagement

User engagement refers to the level of interaction and involvement that users have with a product or service. It is a key metric for measuring the success and effectiveness of a product. In the video, the speakers discuss how the integration of AI into Gamma led to a significant increase in user engagement, as it made the tool more powerful and appealing. High levels of user engagement are indicative of a product that is resonating with its audience and fulfilling its purpose.

💡Customer Obsession

Customer obsession is a business philosophy that prioritizes understanding and meeting the needs of customers above all else. In the video, the founders advocate for a customer-obsessed approach to building products, where the focus is on identifying and addressing customer problems rather than simply leveraging technology for its own sake. They believe that the most successful applications of AI will be those that use it to solve real customer issues and improve their experiences.


Start with a problem, not just technology. Find a space you're passionate about to build a successful business.

Gamma aims to redefine the way people share and present their ideas, moving beyond traditional tools like PowerPoint.

The company has seen rapid growth with millions of users worldwide, particularly in countries like Korea and Japan.

Grant Lee, CEO of Gamma, was inspired by family business owners and a career in consulting and investment banking.

Experimentation is crucial at every stage of a business, from learning from users to iterating on products.

John Noronha, co-founder of Gamma, found his passion for product management through internships and working at Microsoft.

Gamma was born out of the founders' own frustration with the inefficiencies of traditional presentation tools.

The initial product was rudimentary, but it allowed the team to refine their vision and gather user feedback.

The founders relied on their own use of the product to identify areas for improvement and iterate continuously.

Gamma's first public beta launch on Product Hunt led to being the number one product and a significant spike in sign-ups.

The team focused on addressing user pain points and expectations through constant iteration and improvement.

Integrating AI into Gamma's platform unlocked a new level of creativity and efficiency for users.

The AI capabilities in Gamma dramatically lowered the activation energy for new users, making the onboarding process more engaging.

Gamma's monetization strategy evolved from offering free credits to users, validating the willingness to pay for the product.

The company has grown to millions of users, with 50,000 people signing up in a single day, showcasing its international appeal.

AI is seen as a partner to unlock human creativity, providing unlimited creativity and patience in the design process.

Gamma's core competency is helping people express ideas easily, empowering creativity and providing a frictionless user experience.

The founders believe in being customer-obsessed and using AI as a tool to address identified customer problems effectively.

Gamma aims to enable users to create and share content they're proud of, transforming the way ideas are communicated.