Humanize Your AI Content in Under 5 Minutes

23 Aug 202304:50

TLDRThe video script highlights the importance of adding a personal touch to AI-generated content to enhance authenticity and engagement. It emphasizes that while AI can aid in content creation, it lacks the human elements of emotion and personality. The speaker, Nili from Wordtune, demonstrates how to use AI detection tools to assess the human-like quality of content and provides practical tips on how to humanize a LinkedIn post. By treating the AI-generated content as a draft, adding personal anecdotes, rephrasing for the target audience, and making the language conversational, the content can be transformed to sound more genuine. The video concludes with a successful AI detection test, showing an increased original content score after humanization, and encourages viewers to subscribe for more helpful content.


  • 💁 Google can detect AI-generated content, which may affect SEO rankings.
  • 👋 Adding a personal touch to AI-generated content is crucial for authenticity and brand identity.
  • 🚀 Content generation tools save time, inspire, and help overcome writer's block but often lack a unique human quality.
  • 🙋‍♀‍ The 'human touch' ensures content resonates with audiences and retains brand authenticity.
  • 👨‍💼 AI detection tools are available to assess the human likeness of your content, aiding in avoiding penalties.
  • 🔧 Customizing AI-generated content is essential and can be easily humanized in under 5 minutes.
  • 📖 Treat AI-generated drafts as starting points, requiring further personalization for effectiveness.
  • 💬 Sharing personal stories and experiences adds authenticity and relatability to your content.
  • 📝 Editing for conversational tone, simplicity, and engagement makes content more appealing.
  • 📸 Including visuals in your content can enhance authenticity and engagement.
  • 🔥 Humanizing AI content is simple, quick, and enhances originality, passing AI detection tests.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue with AI-generated content in terms of SEO ranking?

    -AI-generated content can sometimes lack authenticity, personality, and emotion, which may be detected by AI detection tools and potentially affect the SEO ranking negatively.

  • How can you add a personal touch to AI-generated content?

    -To add a personal touch, one should treat the AI-generated content as a draft, modify it with personal anecdotes, rephrase it to match the target audience, and ensure it reflects the brand's voice.

  • Why is it important to run content through AI detection tools?

    -Using AI detection tools helps to ensure the content appears human-like and original, avoiding penalties that may occur from using AI-generated content without humanization.

  • What are some tips for making AI-generated content more engaging and memorable?

    -Adding personal anecdotes, using a conversational tone, and encouraging audience interaction can make the content more engaging and memorable.

  • How can you make AI-generated content more conversational?

    -To make the content more conversational, use simple language, maintain a friendly tone, and engage the audience by asking for their thoughts and experiences.

  • What is the benefit of using visuals with your LinkedIn posts?

    -Visuals can help showcase your personality, values, and unique perspective, adding another layer of authenticity to your posts.

  • How long does it typically take to humanize AI-generated content?

    -The process of humanizing AI-generated content can be quite fast, sometimes taking less than 5 minutes.

  • Why should the human always stay in the driver's seat when creating content with AI?

    -The human touch ensures that the content remains authentic, resonates with the audience, and aligns with the brand's identity, which is crucial for effective communication.

  • What is the recommended approach to editing AI-generated content for a LinkedIn post?

    -The recommended approach includes personalizing the introduction, making the body of the post more relevant and genuine, and adjusting the language and tone to be more conversational.

  • How can you verify if your humanized content passes the AI detection test?

    -After making the necessary edits and personalizations, you can run the content through the AI detection tool again to see if it scores as 100% original content.

  • What are some key characteristics of successful social media personalities like Gary V, Tim Ferriss, and Brene Brown?

    -Successful social media personalities like Gary V, Tim Ferriss, and Brene Brown are loved by their audience because of their authenticity and realness in their communication.



🤖 Enhancing AI-Generated Content with Personal Touch

This paragraph introduces the concept of enhancing AI-generated content to add authenticity, personality, and emotion. It emphasizes the importance of humanizing content to align with the brand's voice and connect with the audience. The speaker, Nili from Wordtune, highlights the existence of AI detection tools that can assess the human-like quality of content, which is crucial to avoid SEO penalties. The paragraph sets the stage for a demonstration where AI-generated content will be humanized to improve its authenticity and pass the AI detection test.



💡AI-generated content

AI-generated content refers to any material or text that is created by artificial intelligence algorithms, rather than by human authors. In the context of the video, it is presented as a useful tool for inspiration and saving time, but it is also noted for its lack of authenticity and personality, which necessitates human intervention to make it more relatable and engaging.

💡SEO ranking

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing web content to improve a website's ranking in search engine results. In the video, it is mentioned that AI-generated content can impact an individual's or brand's SEO ranking if not personalized properly, as search engines like Google can detect content that is not human-written.

💡Personal touch

Adding a personal touch to content refers to the process of infusing it with unique, human characteristics such as emotions, personal experiences, and individual style. In the video, the presenter emphasizes the importance of adding a personal touch to AI-generated content to make it more authentic and relatable to the audience, thereby staying true to one's brand and voice.

💡Writer's block

Writer's block is a term used to describe the inability to produce new written work or the feeling of being mentally blocked when trying to write. In the video, it is mentioned as one of the challenges that content generation can help overcome, providing a starting point or inspiration for those who struggle with this common issue.

💡AI detection tools

AI detection tools are software or services designed to identify content that has been generated by artificial intelligence, as opposed to human authors. The video script discusses using such tools to evaluate the human-like quality of content, ensuring that it does not appear overly automated or robotic, which could negatively impact the content's performance in search engine rankings.

💡Humanizing content

Humanizing content involves the process of transforming AI-generated or impersonal content into something that feels personal, relatable, and carries a human touch. The video provides strategies for humanizing content, such as adding personal anecdotes, using simple and conversational language, and engaging with the audience, to create content that resonates with readers and sounds more like it was written by a human being.


Authenticity in content refers to the quality of being genuine, true to oneself, and honest. In the context of the video, authenticity is crucial for connecting with an audience on a deeper level, as it allows the content creator to share personal experiences and opinions that reflect their true self, rather than relying solely on AI-generated output.

💡Personal anecdotes

Personal anecdotes are short, personal stories that an individual shares to illustrate a point or make a connection with the audience. In the video, the presenter suggests incorporating personal anecdotes into AI-generated content to make it more engaging and memorable, as these stories allow the audience to see the human behind the content and foster a stronger emotional connection.

💡Conversational tone

A conversational tone refers to a style of writing or speaking that mimics the flow and natural rhythm of a casual conversation between friends. The video emphasizes the importance of using a conversational tone in social media content to make it more relatable and less robotic, encouraging audience interaction and engagement.

💡Content personalization

Content personalization is the process of adapting or tailoring content to better suit the preferences, needs, or interests of a specific audience. In the video, the presenter demonstrates content personalization by rephrasing AI-generated tips, removing irrelevant points, and adding personal insights to create a LinkedIn post that feels genuine and resonates with the intended audience.


Visuals refer to images, graphics, or other visual elements that are used to complement and enhance written or spoken content. In the video, the presenter suggests adding visuals to social media posts as a way to further humanize the content and showcase one's personality, values, and unique perspective, thereby adding another layer of authenticity and engagement.


Google can detect AI-generated content which may impact SEO ranking.

AI-generated content has endless benefits such as providing inspiration, saving time, and helping overcome writer's block.

AI-generated content often lacks authenticity, personality, and emotion.

It is crucial to add a human touch to content to maintain brand integrity and audience connection.

AI detection tools can assess the human-like quality of content.

Humanizing content can prevent penalties for using AI-generated text.

Different levels of tweaking and customization are needed based on platform, brand, and audience.

The process of humanizing content is quick and can take less than 5 minutes.

Treat all generated content as a draft to improve and personalize it.

Adding personal anecdotes makes posts more engaging and memorable.

Make content more conversational by using simple language and a friendly tone.

Engage your audience by encouraging them to share their thoughts and experiences.

Edit and personalize content line by line for better flow and coherence.

Utilize visuals like images or memes to add personality and authenticity to your posts.

Humanized content can pass AI detection tests with a high original content score.

Subscribing to channels with helpful videos can provide further insights on humanizing AI-generated content.