I Disagree With Asmongold...

27 Jan 202415:02

TLDRIn this video, the speaker, Mudahar, addresses the controversy surrounding AI in the creative industry, specifically in the context of the game 'Palor'. He discusses the debate ignited by popular streamer Asmongold, who stated that artists' opinions on AI's role in game design are irrelevant if the end product is enjoyable. Mudahar disagrees, emphasizing the importance of considering the artists' perspective when using AI tools. He also touches on the ethical concerns of AI training on artists' work without consent. The video explores the potential benefits of AI in enhancing creative processes, while acknowledging the need for regulation and fair compensation for artists whose styles are replicated by AI. Mudahar concludes by acknowledging the inevitability of AI's integration into various industries and calls for a balanced approach that respects both technological progress and the rights of creative professionals.


  • 🎨 The debate around AI art is polarized, with some excited about its potential and others concerned about its impact on creative fields.
  • 💥 Asmongold, a popular streamer, sparked controversy with his comments on AI in art, suggesting that artists' opinions on the tools used may not matter as much as consumer enjoyment.
  • 🤖 The game 'Palor' is at the center of the discussion due to allegations of plagiarism and the use of AI in its design, though no definitive evidence of AI use has been presented.
  • 🚀 AI has been positively received by some for its potential to assist in creative tasks, such as generating additional lines of dialogue or background elements in games.
  • 📉 There are concerns that AI could replace human jobs, particularly if it can replicate an artist's unique style to the point where consumers prefer the AI version.
  • 🤝 The speaker believes the artist's opinion matters in the creation process and disagrees with Asmongold's dismissal of their importance.
  • 🌐 AI training often uses data from the web without the consent of the original artists, raising ethical and legal questions about the use of this data.
  • 📉 The potential for AI to take over certain creative tasks could be a double-edged sword, offering efficiency but also threatening jobs.
  • 🛠️ AI tools, like those in Photoshop, can assist artists by automating mundane tasks and allowing them to focus on more complex and visible aspects of their work.
  • 📱 Consumers generally prioritize the quality and enjoyment of a product over the ethical considerations of how it was made, which may drive the adoption of AI in various industries.
  • ⚖️ The legal and ethical landscape around AI is still developing, and with ongoing debates and potential lawsuits, the future of AI in creative fields remains uncertain.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video script?

    -The main topic of the video script is the debate surrounding the use of artificial intelligence in the creation of art and video games, particularly in the context of the game 'Palor' and the opinions of streamer Asmongold.

  • What are the three big allegations against the game 'Palor'?

    -The three big allegations against 'Palor' are plagiarism, the use of AI art to help design the game assets, and the general controversy it has generated within the artistic community.

  • What is Asmongold's stance on the use of AI in creating art?

    -Asmongold's stance is that he does not consider the use of AI in creating art to be a substantial difference and is okay with it if the end product is enjoyable. He believes that the opinions of artists on this matter do not matter as much as the opinion of the consumers who enjoy the product.

  • Why does the speaker disagree with Asmongold's opinion on artists' opinions not mattering?

    -The speaker disagrees because they believe that the opinion of the artist does matter when it comes to the tools being used to create the art, especially in the context of AI's potential to replicate an artist's style and possibly displace them in the market.

  • What is the controversy regarding AI and its use in video games?

    -The controversy is centered around whether AI-generated content can replace human artists, the ethical considerations of using AI that is trained on artists' works without their consent, and the potential impact on jobs within the creative industry.

  • How does the speaker suggest the AI controversy in the art industry should be addressed?

    -The speaker suggests that it's important to attribute artists whose work has been used in training AI systems, apply proper credit, and possibly find ways to compensate them for their contribution to AI-generated products.

  • What is the speaker's view on the future of AI in video game development?

    -The speaker believes that AI is not going anywhere and will continue to be integrated into video game development. They suggest that the focus should be on regulating AI use in a way that respects and credits the original artists.

  • Why does the speaker mention the scraping of websites by AI services?

    -The speaker mentions website scraping to illustrate how AI services gather data to train their models, which can lead to legal and ethical issues, especially when the data includes artists' works without their consent.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the use of AI tools in assisting artists?

    -The speaker is in favor of using AI tools to assist artists with tasks such as generating ideas or handling repetitive work, allowing artists to focus on more significant aspects of their craft.

  • How does the speaker describe the current state of AI technology in relation to its integration into various industries?

    -The speaker describes the current state as inevitable, with AI technology already being integrated into gaming, movie production, and writing. They emphasize that the 'genie is out of the bottle' and that the focus should be on ethical use and regulation.

  • What is the speaker's final call to action regarding AI in the creative industry?

    -The speaker calls for a focus on empathy for the people building creative products, proper attribution of artists, and the development of laws and regulations to ensure fair use and compensation for artists' contributions to AI systems.



🎨 AI and Art Controversy

The first paragraph discusses the contentious nature of AI-generated art, referencing the polarizing opinions surrounding it. It mentions the case of a popular streamer, Asmin Gold, who made comments that upset many in the artistic community. The paragraph also touches on the controversy surrounding the game 'Palor,' which is accused of plagiarism and using AI to design assets. The speaker disagrees with Asmin Gold's stance that the use of AI in art is acceptable if the end product is enjoyable, arguing that the opinion of the artist matters, especially when it comes to the tools used to create art.


🤖 AI in Game Development and Its Impact

The second paragraph delves into the practical aspects of AI in game development. It suggests that while AI could potentially replace human workers, leading to cost savings and increased profits for game companies, it could also be used to assist artists in their creative process. The speaker argues that AI could be particularly useful for generating non-essential game elements, freeing up artists to focus on more important aspects of game design. However, there is concern that AI could replicate an artist's style so well that it could put them out of work. The paragraph also raises the issue of AI being trained on data without the consent of the original artists, suggesting that there may be legal and ethical questions to address.


📚 AI, Ethics, and the Future of Creativity

The third paragraph addresses the inevitability of AI and the challenges of regulating it. It acknowledges that AI has already become an integral part of various industries, including gaming and film. The speaker suggests that instead of trying to halt the progress of AI, society should focus on ethical considerations, such as giving proper credit to artists whose work is used to train AI systems. The paragraph also touches on the broader ethical implications of technology, using the example of smartphones and computers that may have been produced through unethical means. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the need for empathy for those affected by AI and the importance of finding ways to regulate its use in a manner that respects the contributions of human artists.



💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can create new content, such as images, music, or text. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses the use of generative AI in creating art and its implications for the artistic community. The video mentions how AI can generate images like 'Peter Griffin and Pikachu,' indicating its creative capabilities.


Asmongold is a popular streamer who has commented on the use of AI in game design, specifically in the context of the game 'Pelor.' His views have sparked controversy and discussion within the artistic and gaming communities. The speaker in the video disagrees with Asmongold's stance that artists' opinions on AI in their field do not matter.


Pelor is an independent game that has been surrounded by controversy, including allegations of plagiarism and the use of AI in its design process. The game is likened to 'Pokemon with guns,' and the debate centers around whether AI was used to generate its assets, which is a point of contention in the video.

💡AI Art Controversy

The AI art controversy revolves around the ethical and creative implications of using AI to generate art. The video discusses how some people are excited about the possibilities of AI-generated art, while others are concerned about it taking over creative fields. This controversy is central to the video's theme, as it explores differing opinions on the role of AI in art creation.

💡Artistic Sentiment

Artistic sentiment refers to the feelings and opinions of artists regarding the use of AI in their field. The video mentions a divide in sentiment, with some artists being positive about AI's potential to assist in creative processes, while others fear it could replace human creativity and effort. This sentiment is a key factor in the debate over AI's role in art.

💡Consumer Perspective

The consumer perspective is the viewpoint of the end-users or players of games, who may not care about the methods used to create a game as long as the final product is enjoyable. Asmongold's stance, as discussed in the video, is that from a consumer perspective, the use of AI in game design is acceptable if it results in a fun game.

💡AI and Jobs

The relationship between AI and jobs is a contentious issue. The video explores the idea that while AI can assist artists by automating repetitive tasks, it also has the potential to displace human workers. The concern is that if AI can replicate an artist's style accurately, it could lead to fewer commissions for the artist, impacting their livelihood.

💡Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subset of AI that involves training algorithms on large datasets to recognize patterns and make predictions or generate content. In the context of the video, AI art generators use machine learning to create images based on text descriptions, raising questions about the originality and ethical use of such technology.

💡Ethical Sourcing

Ethical sourcing refers to the practice of ensuring that the materials and data used in a product are obtained in a way that is socially and environmentally responsible. The video touches on the ethical implications of AI training on data that may have been sourced without the consent of the original artists, suggesting a need for regulation and proper attribution.

💡Regulation of AI

The regulation of AI involves creating laws and guidelines to govern the use of AI technologies, particularly concerning issues like data privacy, intellectual property, and the impact on jobs. The video suggests that as AI becomes more prevalent, there is a need for proper regulation to protect artists and ensure fair use of their work in AI systems.

💡AI Tools in Content Creation

AI tools in content creation refer to the use of AI to assist in the production of various forms of media, such as video, music, and writing. The video discusses how AI can be used to automate certain aspects of content creation, like generating voiceovers or background removal in images, potentially saving time and effort for human creators.


The debate around AI art and its impact on creative fields is contentious, with some welcoming the technology and others fearing its takeover.

Streamer Asmongold's comments on AI art in gaming have sparked anger among artists.

Controversies surrounding the game 'Palor' include allegations of plagiarism and the use of AI in design.

Asmongold's perspective is that the use of AI in art does not significantly differ from human inspiration and is acceptable if the end product is enjoyable.

The lead developer of 'Palor' has been positive about AI, but there's no definitive evidence that the game used AI.

AI in gaming could potentially replace human workforce, leading to maximized profits for game developers.

AI can assist artists by handling repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on more significant aspects of their work.

Mudahar disagrees with Asmongold, asserting that an artist's opinion on the tools used in their craft matters.

AI's training process involves using data from artists without their consent, raising ethical and legal concerns.

The use of AI in creative industries may lead to artists being replaced if their style can be perfectly replicated by AI.

There's a need for laws to ensure artists are credited and compensated for their work used in AI training.

AI technology is here to stay, and the focus should be on regulating it properly rather than resisting its use.

Consumers ultimately decide the success of a game, regardless of the ethical considerations in its production.

The sentiment towards AI in art is mixed, with some seeing it as a threat to jobs and others as a tool for assistance.

AI's role in gaming and creative industries is likely to expand as the technology becomes more sophisticated.

The debate on AI in art is far from over, with ongoing discussions about its ethical and legal implications.

Mudahar calls for empathy towards those affected by AI in the creative process and for a focus on proper attribution and potential compensation for artists.