I Stole my Friend's Voice With Ai

Corridor Crew
6 Mar 202219:59

TLDRIn a fascinating exploration of AI's capabilities, the video documents the process of recreating a friend's voice using artificial intelligence without their consent. The creator, aware of the ethical implications, manipulates existing podcast recordings to trick an AI voice synthesis service into thinking it has received verbal consent. The result is a realistic AI voice that can mimic speech patterns, even reciting tongue twisters and singing a song dedicated to friends. The video humorously addresses the potential of AI in reducing workload and enhancing team building, but also highlights the importance of obtaining genuine consent. After a tense confrontation, the friend eventually agrees to the use of his AI voice, paving the way for future ethical collaborations.


  • 🎭 The video is about using AI to recreate a friend's voice without their initial consent, then seeking retroactive approval.
  • 🧐 The creator, Sam, chose Jake as the subject due to his significant workload and the potential for AI to help manage it.
  • 🤖 Sam experimented with various AI voice services, finding many lacking in quality, until he found a satisfactory one called Dscript.
  • 🎙️ To create a realistic AI voice, Sam recorded himself for 15 minutes, providing a voice dataset for the AI to learn from.
  • 📝 The process of creating an AI voice involves agreeing to terms of service, which includes a verbal consent recorded by the user.
  • 🔍 Sam manipulated the system by piecing together words and phrases from existing podcast recordings to fake Jake's verbal consent.
  • 🎼 Sam created an AI-generated song dedicated to their friends Peter and Ren, showcasing the AI's ability to mimic human expression.
  • 📈 Jake's increased responsibilities made him an ideal candidate for AI assistance, but his fear of new technology posed a challenge.
  • 🏢 The team used the AI voice to create a mock company culture video, aiming to demonstrate the AI's utility to Jake.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ Sam admitted to the ethical implications of his actions, acknowledging the immorality of creating an AI voice without consent.
  • 📑 In the end, Jake gave his consent for the video after hearing the AI voice and its potential benefits for the team.
  • 🔄 The video concludes with a commitment to seek consent for future uses of the AI voice technology.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video transcript?

    -The main topic of the video transcript is the process of recreating a friend's voice using AI technology without their initial consent and the ethical considerations surrounding it.

  • Who is the person whose voice is being recreated in the video?

    -The person whose voice is being recreated in the video is Jake Watson.

  • What AI technology is used to recreate the voice?

    -The AI technology used to recreate the voice is an algorithm called Lyrebird, which has been integrated into a transcribing software by a company called Descript.

  • Why does the creator believe Jake is the perfect candidate for voice recreation with AI?

    -The creator believes Jake is the perfect candidate because he handles a lot of tasks that require his vocal presence, and the AI could potentially alleviate some of his workload.

  • What is the ethical dilemma faced by the creator in the process of recreating Jake's voice?

    -The ethical dilemma faced by the creator is that he has to obtain Jake's consent to use his voice, but he goes ahead to recreate the voice without it, raising concerns about privacy, consent, and the potential misuse of AI technology.

  • How does the creator attempt to get around the need for Jake's consent?

    -The creator attempts to get around the need for Jake's consent by piecing together words and sentences from existing podcast recordings to mimic a consent form, which is a deceptive and unethical approach.

  • What is the final outcome of the video regarding Jake's consent?

    -In the end, Jake gives his consent for the video after hearing the AI voice and understanding its potential uses, but it is made clear that future uses of his AI voice will require his consent.

  • What is the role of the AI voice in the team building presentation?

    -The AI voice is used to deliver an inspirational team building presentation, which is meant to motivate and bring the team together.

  • How does the creator describe the process of recording the voice dataset for the AI?

    -The creator describes the process as recording himself for about 15 minutes, reading a book, and then providing this data to the AI for voice synthesis.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'easier to ask for forgiveness than permission' in the context of the video?

    -The phrase signifies the creator's approach to using Jake's voice without consent, implying that he is willing to deal with the consequences after the fact rather than seeking permission beforehand.

  • What are the potential applications of the AI voice mentioned in the video?

    -The potential applications mentioned include automating tasks that require Jake's vocal presence, creating branded segments, and potentially other content creation where Jake's voice could be used.



🤖 AI Voice Recreation and Consent

The paragraph discusses the process of recreating someone's voice with AI, specifically mentioning Jake as the subject. It touches on the ethical considerations and legal requirements for obtaining consent before using someone's voice. The speaker explores different AI voice services, the limitations of current technology, and the potential of using AI to alleviate workload. The narrative also includes a humorous approach to 'manufacturing consent' by piecing together words to mimic a consent form, which raises moral and privacy concerns.


🎧 The Ethics of AI Voice Duplication

This paragraph delves into the ethical implications of creating an AI voice without the subject's permission. It highlights the need for consent when using a person's voice and the challenges faced when the subject, Jake, is skeptical of new technology. The speaker contemplates the idea of 'manufacturing' consent by using AI to generate a voicemail that sounds like Jake's agreement. The paragraph also discusses the potential uses of AI voice technology, such as inspirational messages and public service announcements, and the importance of the subject's ultimate consent to use the technology ethically.


📈 Team Building with AI Voice

The focus of this paragraph is on the strategic use of Jake's AI voice for team building within the company. It outlines a plan to present the AI voice to the team as part of a company culture video, with the hope that the positive impact on the team will persuade Jake to give his consent. The paragraph includes a detailed, albeit fictional, script for an inspirational speech that incorporates elements of Texan culture and the importance of being a team player. It emphasizes the potential benefits of using AI voice technology for business and team motivation.


🔓 Gaining Consent and Future Use of AI Voice

In the final paragraph, the speaker reveals to Jake that the AI voice was created without his permission and discusses the potential consequences of not having his consent. Jake is asked for his consent to use the AI voice in the video, with the assurance that it will not be used maliciously. The paragraph concludes with Jake giving his consent, allowing for the future use of his AI voice in brand integrations and other applications. The narrative ends on a positive note, with the team's appreciation of the AI voice's potential and a call to action for more innovative uses of technology in their work.




AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the video, AI is used to recreate a person's voice, which is a central theme as it raises ethical questions about consent and privacy.

💡Deep Fakes

Deep fakes are synthetic media in which a person's likeness and voice are replaced with someone else's using AI. In the script, the creator discusses using deep fakes to recreate someone's likeness but notes the missing element is the voice, which they aim to replicate with AI.


Consent in this context means permission granted by a person for their voice to be recorded and used by an AI system. The video script explores the ethical dilemma of creating an AI voice without consent and then seeking retroactive approval, which is a significant plot point.

💡Voice Synthesis

Voice synthesis is the artificial production of human-like speech. It involves using AI to create a voice that sounds like a specific person. In the video, the creator uses a service called D-Script and an algorithm called Lyrebird to synthesize a friend's voice without their consent.

💡Terms of Service

Terms of Service are the legal agreements between a service provider and its users. The script mentions that users often click 'I agree' without fully understanding that they are consenting to their voice being recorded and used by the service, which becomes a point of contention in the video.

💡Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters are phrases that are designed to be difficult to articulate properly. They are used in the script as a challenge for the AI voice to mimic human speech accurately, showcasing the AI's capabilities.

💡Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes are sayings intended to motivate or uplift the spirit. In the video, the AI voice is used to deliver an inspirational message to demonstrate its potential for positive impact, which becomes a persuasive tool to gain consent.

💡Team Building

Team building refers to activities or exercises that aim to improve relationships and collaboration within a team. The video suggests using the AI voice for a team-building presentation to inspire and motivate the team.


GPT-3 is a language model AI developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text based on given prompts. In the script, GPT-3 is used to create a script for an AI voice presentation, demonstrating the power of AI in content creation.

💡Brand Integrations

Brand integrations refer to the inclusion of branded content or products within media, such as videos. The script mentions using the AI voice for brand integrations, suggesting the potential commercial applications of AI voice technology.

💡Ethical Dilemma

An ethical dilemma is a situation that requires a choice between options that may be considered equally unfavorable or wrong. The video presents an ethical dilemma regarding the use of AI to replicate a person's voice without their consent and the implications of seeking consent after the fact.


Sam uses AI to recreate his friend Jake's voice without his consent, raising ethical concerns about AI voice replication.

The process involves using existing voice samples and AI technology to generate a synthetic voice that mimics the original.

Sam discusses the limitations of current AI voice generation, noting they often sound robotic.

Dscript's integration of Lyrebird's algorithm is praised for its high-quality voice synthesis.

To train the AI, Sam records himself for 15 minutes, reading a book to create a voice dataset.

The AI voice requires a verbal consent statement for ethical and legal use, which Sam circumvents by piecing together words from existing recordings.

Sam expresses the immorality of creating an AI voice without consent, but justifies it by believing Jake will eventually agree.

A tongue twister is used to demonstrate the AI's ability to replicate complex speech patterns.

The AI voice is used to create a song dedicated to their friends Peter and Ren, showcasing emotional expression.

Jake's workload and responsibilities are discussed as a reason to use AI to alleviate tasks requiring his voice.

Sam debates the ethics of using AI technology without consent, comparing it to unauthorized filming.

A fake consent form is created by piecing together Jake's words from podcast transcriptions.

The AI voice is tested by sending a voicemail from Jake about an announcement, without his knowledge.

Sam plans to use Jake's AI voice for an inspirational team-building presentation to demonstrate its potential benefits.

A script is generated using GPT-3 to create a speech in Jake's voice about team building and business success.

The team is deceived into thinking they are watching a genuine video from Jake, which is actually AI-generated.

After the presentation, Jake is asked for his consent to use the AI voice, which he reluctantly gives for the video.

Sam acknowledges the ethical dilemma and promises to seek consent for future uses of the AI voice.