I learned a system for remembering everything

Matt D'Avella
17 Aug 202210:49

TLDRThe video explores techniques to improve memory recall and retention from reading, highlighting the importance of taking notes and organizing information. The host interviews Ryan Holiday, a prolific author known for his impressive memory recall, who shares his analog note-taking system. The video emphasizes the value of engaging deeply with material and the benefits of a systematic approach to learning and remembering.


  • 📚 The desire to improve memory and recall of information from books is a common goal.
  • 🧠 Our memory abilities vary greatly, with some people having exceptional recall and others struggling more.
  • 🌟 Ryan Holiday, an international bestselling author, has a system for remembering information from the books he reads.
  • 📖 Holiday's system involves taking notes, highlighting, and organizing thoughts and stories on note cards by theme.
  • 📝 Note-taking and organizing information can help us retain more of what we read and prioritize important insights.
  • 💡 The process of learning and memory retention is enhanced by engaging deeply with the material and taking time to process it.
  • 🔍 It's important to be kind to oneself and recognize that remembering a few impactful ideas from a book can be valuable.
  • 📚 Reading should be a pleasurable and thoughtful activity, not a race to finish quickly.
  • 🎯 Starting with an imperfect system is better than not starting at all; systems can evolve and improve over time.
  • 🌐 The exploration of memory and learning techniques is ongoing, with future videos discussing the concept of building a 'second brain'.

Q & A

  • What is the main challenge the speaker faces with their reading habit?

    -The speaker struggles with retaining information from the books they read, often forgetting most of the content shortly after reading.

  • What is the significance of the superpower memory recall mentioned in the script?

    -The superpower memory recall is used to illustrate the ideal ability to absorb and retain information from reading, which the speaker lacks and aspires to achieve.

  • Who is Ryan Holiday and what is his contribution to the discussion?

    -Ryan Holiday is an international bestselling author known for books like 'The Obstacle Is the Way' and 'Ego Is the Enemy'. He shares his effective note-taking system for better remembering and applying what he reads.

  • What are the three main parts of Ryan Holiday's note-taking system?

    -The three main parts are: taking notes while reading, revisiting and revising notes after finishing the book, and categorizing and filing the notes.

  • How does the speaker plan to apply Ryan Holiday's system?

    -The speaker plans to apply the system by taking notes while reading, transferring key points to note cards, and organizing these note cards by theme, effectively creating an 'external brain'.

  • What does the heuristic memory processing refer to in the context of the script?

    -Heuristic memory processing refers to the brain's method of sorting and prioritizing information based on its frequent use, recent use, or relevance to decision-making for retaining it in explicit memory.

  • Why does Ryan Holiday prefer analog methods for reading and note-taking?

    -Ryan Holiday believes that analog methods, such as physical note-taking and organizing notes on paper, help in better recall and engagement with the material, as it allows for a deeper and more focused interaction with the content.

  • What is the main message Ryan Holiday conveys about the purpose of reading?

    -Ryan Holiday emphasizes that reading should be a pleasurable activity focused on engaging with the material and learning from it, rather than rushing through or trying to memorize everything.

  • How does the speaker feel about the slow and methodical process of taking notes?

    -The speaker acknowledges that the process is slow and can cause impatience, but also recognizes its value in allowing time for digestion, critical thinking, and application of the learned information.

  • What is the speaker's conclusion about the note-taking system?

    -The speaker concludes that while the system may not make them a superhuman memorizer, it has taught them the importance of organizing information outside the brain and the value of enjoying the learning process.

  • What is the next topic the speaker will explore in relation to memory and learning?

    -The speaker will explore the concept of building a 'second brain' by organizing the information consumed into an intelligent digital system in their upcoming video.



📚 The Quest for Enhanced Memory and Learning

This paragraph discusses the desire for a superpower-like memory recall and introduces the reality that some individuals possess exceptional memory skills. The speaker admits to having a poor memory and expresses a desire to understand and adopt the methods used by highly intelligent people to remember information. The speaker's journey begins with an exploration of how the average memory works and the variability in people's memory capabilities. The speaker interviews Ryan Holiday, a best-selling author known for his exceptional memory recall, to uncover his strategies for effective learning and information retention.


📖 Ryan Holiday's System for Remembering What You Read

In this paragraph, Ryan Holiday shares his method for improving memory and learning from the books he reads. He emphasizes the importance of being kind to oneself and appreciating the value of retaining even a few key insights from a book. Holiday's approach involves actively engaging with the text by folding pages, highlighting, and making notes. He then transfers these highlights onto note cards, organizing them by theme to create an 'external brain.' The speaker tests this system by applying it to Holiday's own book, 'Courage Is Calling,' and discusses the slow and methodical nature of this process. The paragraph also touches on the benefits of analog reading and note-taking over digital alternatives.


🔍 Reflecting on the Note-Taking Experiment and Future Directions

The speaker concludes the video by reflecting on the note-taking experiment and its impact on their learning process. Despite the time-consuming nature of the task, the speaker finds value in digesting information and engaging critically with the content. The speaker acknowledges that perfect recall may not be achievable but emphasizes the importance of organizing and storing knowledge outside the brain. The video ends with a teaser for a future video on building a 'second brain' through an intelligent digital system, hinting at an upcoming exploration of managing information across a range of apps.



💡Memory Recall

Memory recall refers to the ability to remember and retrieve information from our past experiences or learning. In the video, the concept is central to the discussion about improving one's ability to retain information from books. The speaker expresses a desire to enhance their memory recall to better absorb and apply insights from non-fiction books, highlighting the importance of this skill in personal development and learning.

💡Information Retention

Information retention is the process by which the brain stores and keeps information for future use. The video emphasizes the challenge of retaining information from reading, especially when it comes to non-fiction books aimed at personal growth. The speaker's exploration of techniques to improve information retention is a key part of the video's message, as it seeks to provide solutions for better learning and applying knowledge.


Note-taking is the act of recording information in a written or digital format while listening to a lecture, reading a book, or engaging with other forms of content. In the context of the video, note-taking is presented as a crucial strategy for improving memory recall and information retention. The speaker learns and adopts a note-taking system from Ryan Holiday, an author who has demonstrated impressive recall abilities.

💡Personal Development

Personal development refers to the process of improving one's character, skills, and knowledge to reach one's maximum potential. In the video, the speaker's quest to improve their memory recall is framed as a part of their personal development journey. The goal is to become better at absorbing and implementing insights from non-fiction books, which is seen as an essential step towards self-improvement.

💡Heuristic Memory Processing

Heuristic memory processing is a cognitive process that helps us prioritize and retain information based on its relevance, frequency of use, and the likelihood of future need. This concept is introduced in the video to explain why some information is retained in our long-term memory while other details may be forgotten. The video suggests that understanding this process can help us become better learners by consciously applying it to our note-taking and review practices.

💡Analog Learning

Analog learning refers to traditional, non-digital methods of education and information processing, such as reading physical books and taking handwritten notes. In the video, the speaker discusses the potential benefits of analog learning methods, like reading physical books and using note cards, as opposed to digital alternatives like audiobooks and eBooks. The argument is that engaging with learning material in an analog way can enhance memory recall and understanding.


Categorization is the process of organizing items or concepts into defined groups based on shared characteristics. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of categorizing notes and information after reading a book. This systematic organization helps in better retention and recall of the material, as it creates a structured 'external brain' that can be easily referenced and reviewed.


Squarespace is a web publishing platform that provides tools to create and manage websites. In the video, it is used as an example of a tool that can help bring ideas to life, specifically for creating a website aimed at teaching people how to improve their memory. The platform's ease of use, design templates, and additional features like analytics and e-commerce capabilities are highlighted to illustrate how it can support personal and business growth.

💡Learning System

A learning system refers to a structured and organized method or approach to acquiring knowledge and retaining information. The video discusses the importance of developing a personal learning system, such as the note-taking and categorization method shared by Ryan Holiday, to enhance memory recall and the application of learned information. The concept underscores the idea that effective learning is not just about consuming content but also about actively engaging with it and organizing it in a way that supports long-term retention.

💡Digital System

A digital system refers to the use of electronic devices and software to store, organize, and manage information. In the video, the concept is contrasted with analog learning methods, with the speaker noting that while they enjoy digital formats like audiobooks and eBooks, there might be benefits to a more tactile, analog approach to learning and memory retention. However, the video also teases an upcoming exploration into building a 'second brain' using a digital system, suggesting that both analog and digital methods can be effective when used appropriately.


Imagine the ability to remember almost everything from a book, which is a skill some people possess.

The average memory is messy and unreliable, but there are ways to improve it.

Ryan Holiday, an international bestselling author, has read over 3,000 books and has a unique method for remembering what he reads.

When reading, Ryan Holiday folds pages, makes notes, and highlights important parts.

After finishing a book, Ryan transfers key ideas onto note cards and sorts them by theme, creating an 'external brain'.

This method of note-taking helps us retain more of what we read by aligning with how our brain processes information.

Heuristic memory processing prioritizes information that is frequently used, recently used, or needed for decision-making.

Ryan Holiday suggests that analog reading and note-taking can lead to better recall than digital methods.

The process of taking notes and organizing them is slow and methodical, but it helps in digesting and understanding the information.

According to Ryan, it's not about speed-reading but enjoying the conversation with the author through the book.

The key to memory improvement is not trying to remember everything, but rather storing important information outside of the brain.

Ryan Holiday has seven boxes of note cards, one for each book he's written, showing his commitment to the note-taking system.

Starting an imperfect system is better than being paralyzed by the pursuit of perfection.

The importance of enjoying the reading process and not just focusing on the quantity of books read.

The video explores the idea of building a 'second brain' by organizing the information we consume into a digital system.