I made 60fps Flipbooks using A.I.

22 Apr 202208:04

TLDRIn this video, the creator explores the impact of using AI frame interpolation software to enhance the frame rate of flipbooks from 12 frames per second (fps) to 60 fps. The experiment involves running the flipbooks through AI motion smoothing to observe how the animation quality changes. The creator expresses initial skepticism about artificial motion smoothing, preferring the original 12 fps animation for its authenticity and impact. Despite the AI-generated version appearing smoother, it introduces some odd frames and loses the crispness of the original, making the movements feel wobbly. The creator concludes that while the technology is interesting, they still prefer the original animation and believe that motion smoothing cannot replicate the animator's original intent. The video ends with an invitation for viewers to share their opinions on the matter.


  • 🎬 The experiment involves using AI frame interpolation software to increase the frame rate of a flipbook from 12fps to 60fps.
  • 🤖 AI motion smoothing can create a smoother animation but often at the cost of appearing artificial and losing the original's authenticity.
  • 📹 The video demonstrates the process of using software named Rife to interpolate frames in a flipbook animation.
  • 🚫 The creator expresses a personal dislike for artificial motion smoothing on TVs, as it can look fake and unappealing.
  • 🔍 To achieve better results, a clean video without blur or duplicate frames is necessary for the AI to work effectively.
  • 📈 Interpolating from 12fps to 60fps involves creating four artificial frames for every one real frame, resulting in 80% of the final animation being AI-generated.
  • 🎭 The AI-generated animation can show some weirdness and a loss of the original crispness due to the excessive smoothing.
  • 🌟 The most successful AI interpolation was with the balloon flipbook, which appeared cleaner and less affected by the smoothing process.
  • 📽 The creator prefers the original animation and believes that motion smoothing cannot replicate the original animator's intent.
  • 🤔 The video invites viewers to share their opinions on whether they prefer the original or AI-smoothed versions of the animations.
  • 📢 The creator encourages viewers to stay creative and to look forward to the next video, fostering engagement with the audience.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the experiment described in the transcript?

    -The purpose of the experiment is to see if a flipbook, which originally flips at about 12 frames per second, can be enhanced using AI frame interpolation software to increase it to 60 frames per second, thus making it smoother.

  • What is the creator's personal opinion on artificial motion smoothing on TVs?

    -The creator is not a fan of artificial motion smoothing on TVs, stating that it looks fake and terrible, and is the first feature they turn off on their TV.

  • What is the challenge when trying to interpolate frames from a flipbook that was originally 12 frames per second to 60 frames per second?

    -The challenge is that it requires a significant amount of interpolation, as there would be one real frame and then the AI would need to fill in four artificial frames in between, resulting in 80 percent of the final animation being fake.

  • What is the issue with the initial video of the flipbook when trying to apply AI frame interpolation?

    -The issue is that the video of the flipbook, despite being 12 frames per second, has redundant frames due to being filmed at 24 frames per second, and also contains blur from the pages moving, which is not suitable for clean frame interpolation.

  • How does the creator address the issue of blur and redundant frames in the video?

    -The creator re-films the flipbook, flipping slowly and using a high shutter speed to keep every frame crisp. They then load the new footage into editing software, remove any blurred or duplicate frames, and proceed with a clean video at 12 frames per second.

  • What is the creator's opinion on the final result of the AI-generated 60fps flipbook?

    -The creator finds some frames to be weird and the AI-generated version to have lost the crispness of the original animation. They prefer the original and feel that the smoothed versions lose the snap and impact, altering the timing of the movements.

  • What is the creator's conclusion about the effectiveness of AI frame interpolation for flipbooks?

    -The creator concludes that while the technology is interesting, it is not as effective as the original animation created by the animator. They believe that AI-generated motion smoothing cannot match the original intention and often results in a less satisfactory outcome.

  • What was the most successful AI frame interpolation in the creator's experiment?

    -The most successful AI frame interpolation was the one with the balloon flipbook, which was described as being pretty clean.

  • What is the creator's final recommendation regarding the use of AI frame interpolation for flipbooks?

    -The creator recommends staying true to the original animation and suggests that AI frame interpolation, while a cool technology, is not a preferred method for enhancing flipbooks.

  • What is the creator's stance on the authenticity of the AI-generated frames?

    -The creator emphasizes that 80 percent of the frames in the AI-generated animation are fake and were never part of the original creation, which raises questions about the authenticity of the final product.

  • What is the creator's advice for viewers who may have a different opinion on AI frame interpolation?

    -The creator encourages viewers to share their opinions in the comments and to stay creative, indicating an open dialogue and respect for differing perspectives.

  • What is the significance of the title 'I made 60fps Flipbooks using A.I.' in the context of the video?

    -The title signifies the creator's experiment with using AI to enhance the frame rate of flipbooks from 12fps to 60fps, aiming to explore the capabilities and limitations of AI in the context of animation.



📚 Experimenting with AI Frame Interpolation on Flip Books

The video script introduces an experiment where the creator aims to use AI frame interpolation software to increase the frame rate of a flip book from 12 frames per second (fps) to 60 fps. The creator expresses skepticism about artificial motion smoothing, which they typically disable on their TV due to its unnatural appearance. They describe the process of using software named Rife to interpolate frames, noting the challenge of starting with a clean video without blur or duplicate frames. After refining the video by removing blurs and duplicates, they run it through AI to observe the results, which include some 'jiggly' and 'weird' frames, and a loss of the original animation's crispness.


🎥 AI Motion Smoothing: A Closer Look and Personal Opinion

The video continues with the creator sharing their results after running several stop-motion versions of their flip books through AI-generated 60fps software. They note that upon close inspection, the AI versions reveal some oddities, but also find it fascinating that 80% of the frames are artificially generated. The creator identifies themselves as a purist, preferring the original animations and criticizing motion smoothing for removing the animator's intended 'snap' and 'impact', as well as disrupting the timing and overall feel of the movements. They mention that the most successful AI-smoothed flip book was the one featuring a balloon, which came out cleaner. The video concludes with the creator inviting viewers to share their opinions on motion smoothing in the comments and encouraging them to stay creative.




A flipbook is a simple form of animation that consists of a series of images, usually drawings, arranged on the pages of a small book. When the pages are turned rapidly, the images create the illusion of motion. In the video, the creator uses flipbooks as a starting point to explore the effects of AI frame interpolation on the animation.

💡Frame Interpolation

Frame interpolation is a technique used to increase the frame rate of a video or animation by generating intermediate frames that did not originally exist. This process can make the motion appear smoother but can also introduce artifacts or a sense of 'fakeness'. The video script discusses the use of AI to interpolate frames from 12 to 60 frames per second.

💡Artificial Motion Smoothing

Artificial motion smoothing is a feature on some TVs that uses algorithms to create additional frames between existing ones, aiming to make motion appear smoother. The video's creator expresses a personal dislike for this feature, finding it to look fake and detracting from the original animation's intent.

💡AI Software

AI software, specifically mentioned as 'Rife' in the script, is used to perform frame interpolation. It is a tool that can analyze and process video frames to generate new frames, effectively increasing the frame rate. The video explores the effects of using such software on flipbook animations.

💡Frames per Second (FPS)

Frames per second (FPS) is a measure of how many images (frames) are displayed in one second of video or animation. Higher FPS values generally result in smoother motion. The video script discusses increasing the FPS from 12 to 60 to see the effect on the flipbook animations.

💡Blur Frames

Blur frames are frames in a video or animation that contain motion blur, which is a visual effect caused by rapid movement. The video's creator mentions the need to remove these from the original flipbook footage to ensure a clean input for the AI frame interpolation process.

💡Stop Motion

Stop motion is a type of animation that physically manipulates objects to create the illusion of movement. The video's creator considers shooting the flipbook pages one at a time as a stop motion to create a clean video input for the AI frame interpolation.

💡High Shutter Speed

High shutter speed in video or photography is a setting that allows for a faster capture of individual frames, reducing or eliminating motion blur. The creator uses a high shutter speed to film the flipbook being flipped slowly, ensuring each frame is crisp and clear.

💡Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro is a professional video editing software used by the video's creator to edit the video of the flipbook. It is mentioned in the context of chopping up the video into individual frames and removing any with blur or duplication to create a clean 12 FPS video.


A purist is someone who prefers things to be true to their original form or style. The video's creator identifies as a purist, preferring the original 12 FPS flipbook animations over the AI-smoothed versions, which they feel lose the original intent and timing of the animations.

💡Snap and Impact

Snap and impact refer to the sharpness and forcefulness of movement in an animation. The video's creator feels that the AI-smoothed animations lose this quality, making the movements feel less impactful and more like 'wobbly Jello'.

💡Creative Experiment

A creative experiment is a process of trying out new methods or ideas to see what results they yield. The video is described as an experiment with AI frame interpolation on flipbook animations, aiming to explore the possibilities and limitations of this technology in enhancing animation.


The experiment involves using AI frame interpolation software to increase the frame rate of flipbooks from 12fps to 60fps.

AI motion smoothing is used to artificially increase the frame rate of animations or footage.

The creator is not a fan of artificial motion smoothing on TVs, as it can look fake and terrible.

Interpolating from 12fps to 60fps means creating four artificial frames for every one real frame, resulting in 80% of the final animation being fake.

The pencil flipbook is the first to be tested with frame interpolation software called Rife.

The process reveals that the video of the flipbook at 24fps has redundant frames and blur, which complicates the interpolation.

To achieve better results, the flipbook is re-filmed slowly with a high shutter speed to eliminate blur.

After removing blurred or duplicate frames, a clean video at 12fps is obtained for AI processing.

The AI software requires a decent video card to run efficiently, as it can be very slow otherwise.

The final AI-processed animation shows some weirdness and loss of crispness compared to the original.

The creator prefers the original animation and believes that motion smoothing cannot replicate the animator's original intention.

Motion smoothing is thought to disrupt the timing and impact of the original animation.

A clean, flat stop-motion version of the flipbook is used for the next tests to ensure a better starting point for AI interpolation.

The balloon flipbook shows the most successful result after AI processing, appearing clean and less affected by the smoothing.

Despite the interesting results, the creator remains critical of motion smoothing and encourages viewers to share their opinions.

The experiment concludes that while AI technology is fascinating, it does not necessarily improve the original artistry of animations.

The video ends with an invitation for viewers to stay creative and engage in the discussion about AI in animation.