JE ME SUIS RÉINSCRITE SUR PARCOURSUP (bye le droit, update et vérité)

maëlys GR
12 May 202325:32

TLDRThe video script narrates the personal journey of a student grappling with her decision to study law. Initially motivated by external expectations, she soon realizes that law is not her passion and contemplates reorientation. Despite fears of judgment and the pressure to conform, she decides to pursue her interest in communication. The narrative highlights the importance of self-discovery, the value of professional experience, and the liberating choice to follow one's true calling, even when it means changing paths.


  • 🎓 The speaker began law studies but realized it was not their passion and decided to reorient their career path.
  • 🤔 The process of reorientation involved self-reflection and seeking advice from family, friends, and orientation counselors.
  • 🏫 The speaker struggled with the academic pressure and the fear of not meeting expectations, which is a common feeling among first-year law students.
  • 📚 The speaker found the first year of law school to be challenging, with a significant dropout rate and a competitive environment.
  • 👩‍🎓 The speaker appreciated the more interactive and supportive teaching style in the second semester compared to the first.
  • 📈 The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and listening to one's own feelings and desires when making career decisions.
  • 🚀 The speaker decided to pursue a BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) in Communication, which offers a mix of academic and professional experience.
  • 💼 The speaker highlights the value of professional experience and the opportunity to earn a salary while studying, which can be gained through apprenticeships.
  • 🤝 The speaker encourages others to visit different faculties and talk to people in the field to get a clear understanding of what suits them best.
  • 🌟 The speaker stresses that it's never too late to change paths and that everyone has the right to reorient their career, regardless of their current situation.
  • 🛑 The speaker warns against the fear of change and the impact of others' opinions, which can hinder personal growth and fulfillment.

Q & A

  • Why did the speaker feel apprehensive about creating the video?

    -The speaker felt apprehensive about creating the video because the topic of discussion was very sensitive and personal. They had been dreading to talk about it since October or November but decided to share their experience by the end of the year as promised.

  • What was the speaker's initial motivation for choosing law studies?

    -The speaker initially chose law studies as a pathway to integrate a journalism school. In France, to enter journalism schools which are 'Bac +3', the speaker was advised that a degree in Law, History, or Infocom would be accepted due to the competitive nature of these fields.

  • How did the speaker's perspective on their law studies change over time?

    -The speaker's perspective changed significantly over time. Initially, they were excited about the new chapter of their life. However, as the year progressed, they became lost and started questioning their choice of studying law. By the end of the year, they decided not to continue with law studies and instead chose to pursue a different path.

  • What was the speaker's experience with the academic structure of law studies?

    -The speaker described the academic structure as challenging. They mentioned 'TD' (Travaux Dirigés or Directed Works) which are similar to small group classes with a professor, and 'CM' (Cours Magistraux or Lecture Courses) which are larger, less personal classes. The speaker found it difficult to keep up with the fast-paced lectures and the amount of work required.

  • How did the speaker deal with the pressure of others' expectations?

    -The speaker felt a significant amount of pressure due to the expectations of others. They mentioned that the fear of disappointing others and the 'regard des gens' (regard of others) had a strong impact on them. However, they eventually decided to listen to themselves and make a change that aligned with their personal interests and well-being.

  • What steps did the speaker take to reconsider their career path?

    -The speaker took several steps to reconsider their career path. They sought advice from their parents and close friends, visited a guidance counselor at a local orientation center, and explored various options such as finding a job, doing civil service, or continuing their studies in a different field.

  • What was the speaker's experience with their first year of law studies?

    -The speaker's first year of law studies was challenging. They felt lost, faced a significant workload, and struggled with the fast-paced nature of the lectures. Despite these difficulties, they managed to pass their first-year exams and gained a new perspective on their situation by the end of the year.

  • What motivated the speaker to share their experience with their audience?

    -The speaker was motivated to share their experience to provide insight into the process of reorientation and self-discovery. They wanted to help others who might be going through a similar situation and to encourage them to listen to their own feelings and desires when making career choices.

  • What new direction did the speaker choose after deciding to leave law studies?

    -After deciding to leave law studies, the speaker chose to pursue a BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) in Communication. They opted for this path due to their interest in communication and the desire to gain professional experience through the apprenticeship system.

  • How did the speaker prepare for their transition to a new field of study?

    -The speaker prepared for their transition by attending open days at different schools, researching about the BTS in Communication, and reflecting on their true interests and goals. They also sought advice from a guidance counselor and had conversations with people who were already in the field they were interested in.

  • What advice does the speaker give to those who are unsure about their studies?

    -The speaker advises individuals who are unsure about their studies to listen to themselves and not be afraid to change their path. They emphasize the importance of testing different fields to understand what one truly enjoys and to seek guidance and information to make informed decisions.



🎓 Initial Struggles and Uncertainties in Law Studies

The speaker begins by expressing their apprehension about making a video discussing their first year of law studies. They recount their initial excitement and subsequent doubts about choosing law as their field of study, influenced by the challenging reputation of the subject and the expectations of others. The speaker also shares their initial motivation for studying law, which was to prepare for a career in journalism, and their struggle with the pressure to succeed in a competitive and demanding academic environment.


🤔 Confronting the Reality of Law Studies and the Decision to Reorient

The speaker delves into their experience during the first semester of law school, highlighting the contrast between their initial enthusiasm and the reality of the challenging coursework. They discuss the various options they considered, such as taking a gap year, finding a job, or doing military service, and their fear of disappointing others with their decision to potentially leave law studies. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and seeking guidance from career counselors and others who have undergone reorientation in their academic or professional paths.


📚 Balancing Academic and Personal Life During Law Studies

The speaker shares their strategies for managing the workload of law studies while maintaining a balance with their personal life, including their YouTube channel and social activities. They discuss the importance of setting clear goals, organizing their time effectively, and staying motivated by engaging with classmates and participating in debates and discussions. The speaker also talks about their experience with different law subjects, sharing their preferences and the challenges they faced in understanding and enjoying the material.


🌟 Finding Motivation and Overcoming the Fear of Change

The speaker describes their journey of self-discovery and acceptance of their decision to leave law studies. They recount the process of reorienting their academic path, including attending open days at different faculties and ultimately choosing to pursue a BTS in Communication. The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to one's own desires and interests, rather than being swayed by external expectations, and the liberating feeling of choosing a path that aligns with their passion and goals.


🚀 Embracing a New Direction and the Lessons Learned

The speaker concludes by reflecting on the lessons they learned throughout their year of law studies and their subsequent reorientation. They share their newfound clarity and motivation in pursuing a career in communication, expressing gratitude for the support and guidance they received during their journey. The speaker encourages viewers to trust their instincts, be open to change, and pursue their true interests and passions, regardless of societal expectations or the perceived 'normal' path.




The term 'réorientation' refers to the process of changing one's academic or professional direction. In the context of the video, it is about the speaker's decision to shift from studying law to pursuing a different field that aligns more closely with their interests and strengths. The speaker discusses their personal experience with réorientation, highlighting the challenges and the support they received during this transition.

💡Études de droit

Études de droit refers to the study of law, which is the academic discipline focused on legal systems, principles, and practices. In the video, the speaker shares their journey through the first year of law studies, including the challenges they faced, their feelings of being out of place, and the eventual decision to leave the program.

💡Bac +3

Bac +3 is a term used in the French education system to denote a level of higher education that requires three years of study beyond the baccalaureate (the French high school diploma). This typically corresponds to the completion of undergraduate studies or the achievement of a bachelor's degree. In the context of the video, the speaker initially pursued law studies to meet this level of education to apply for journalism schools in France.

💡Formation en alternance

Formation en alternance, or 'alternance' in French, refers to a vocational training system where students alternate between classroom-based learning and work experience in a company. This allows students to gain practical skills and earn a salary while studying. The speaker in the video decides to enroll in a BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) program in Communication, which offers an 'alternance' option, providing them with the opportunity to work in a professional setting while continuing their education.

💡Service civique

Service civique, or civic service, is a program in France that allows young people to engage in community service projects instead of pursuing traditional academic or professional paths for a period of time. In the video, the speaker mentions considering civic service as one of the alternatives to continuing law studies, highlighting it as an option that could provide valuable experience and contribute positively to their personal development.


Parcoursup is the name of the platform and process used in France for higher education applications, similar to a university and college application system. It allows students to apply to multiple higher education programs based on their preferences and qualifications. The speaker discusses using Parcoursup to explore different educational paths and how it played a role in their decision-making process regarding their academic future.


A diploma, or 'diplôme' in French, is an academic award conferred by an educational institution upon completion of a course of study. In the context of the video, the speaker reflects on their desire to obtain a diploma in a field that genuinely interests them, rather than pursuing one simply for the prestige or expectations of others. The decision to leave law studies and pursue a BTS in Communication is driven by the wish to earn a diploma that aligns with their passion and career goals.

💡Travail d'équipe

Teamwork, or 'travail d'équipe' in French, involves collaborating with others to achieve a common goal. The speaker mentions the importance of working in groups during their studies and how joining groups on social media platforms helped motivate them to attend classes. This concept is crucial in the video as it demonstrates the value of peer support and collaboration in overcoming academic challenges.


The term 'bilan' refers to an assessment or evaluation, often used in the context of reviewing progress or performance. In the video, the speaker conducts a personal 'bilan' of their year in law studies, reflecting on their experiences, challenges, and the ultimate decision to change their academic path. This self-evaluation process is essential for personal growth and making informed decisions about one's future.


Medicine, or 'médecine' in French, is a field of study and practice focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. In the video, the speaker uses the example of medicine to illustrate the importance of choosing a career path that aligns with one's interests and goals. They mention that if someone's objective is to become a doctor, they would pursue medicine rather than law, emphasizing the need to match one's studies with their desired career.


Motivation refers to the drive or desire to engage in activities and achieve goals. In the video, the speaker discusses the importance of staying motivated in their academic journey, especially when facing challenges and doubts. They share how they found the motivation to continue attending classes and eventually pass their exams, despite their initial lack of interest in law studies.

💡Expérience professionnelle

Professional experience refers to the practical knowledge and skills gained through working in a particular field or industry. In the video, the speaker values the opportunity to gain professional experience through internships offered by the BTS program they chose. They emphasize that such experience is not only beneficial for personal development but also makes one more attractive to future employers.


The speaker begins the video by expressing their apprehension about discussing a sensitive topic, their experience during their first year of law studies.

The speaker mentions their initial motivation for choosing law studies, which was to integrate a journalism school, highlighting the importance of having a clear goal.

The speaker discusses the pressure and fear they faced during their law studies, particularly from the perspective of others who doubted their ability to handle the workload.

The speaker shares their experience of questioning their choice of law studies during the fall break, indicating a significant turning point in their academic journey.

The speaker talks about seeking advice and guidance from a career counselor, which provided them with multiple options to consider, showcasing the importance of seeking help during challenging times.

The speaker describes their decision to continue attending law classes despite their doubts, demonstrating their commitment to exploring their options thoroughly.

The speaker reflects on the differences between the first and second semesters of law studies, noting the change in their mindset and the professors' attitudes.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and listening to one's own feelings when making decisions about academic and career paths.

The speaker shares their experience of creating a balanced schedule during their first year, including studying, working out, spending time with their boyfriend, and maintaining their YouTube channel.

The speaker discusses the various subjects they studied during their first year, providing insight into the curriculum and their personal preferences.

The speaker talks about their realization that law studies were not for them and their decision to reorient their career path, illustrating the process of self-discovery and change.

The speaker shares their experience of attending open days at different faculties, which helped them to clarify their interests and goals.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of testing and trying out different paths to truly understand one's likes and dislikes.

The speaker discusses the statistics of students who continue or reorient their studies in law, highlighting that it is a common occurrence and nothing to be ashamed of.

The speaker shares their final decision to pursue a BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) in Communication, showing their determination to follow their passion.

The speaker talks about the process of finding a school and an enterprise for their BTS, emphasizing the importance of listening to oneself and making decisions that align with personal interests and goals.

The speaker concludes the video by encouraging viewers to believe in themselves and to be open to change, underlining the non-linear nature of life paths.