TOUT COMPRENDRE sur PARCOURSUP : Le Tutoriel pas à pas, Vœux, Astuces, Guide 2022

7 Nov 202115:29

TLDRThe video script is a comprehensive guide for students and parents navigating the French higher education platform, Parcoursup. It explains the registration process, the selection of educational tracks and institutions, and the importance of timely responses to admission offers. The video emphasizes the need to confirm choices and complete profiles on the platform, as well as the process for managing multiple acceptances and waitlists. It also advises on the preparation of motivational letters and the importance of being proactive and vigilant in managing communication and applications throughout the process.


  • 📝 The video is an introduction to Parcoursup, a platform for students and parents to understand the higher education application process in France.
  • 🎓 Parcoursup allows students to apply for up to 20 different higher education programs, known as 'voeux', with each program counting as one 'voeu'.
  • 📅 Registration for Parcoursup opens on January 20th, and it is crucial to start early to avoid last-minute issues and platform saturation.
  • 🔍 Students should research their desired programs and institutions, including attending virtual open days due to the pandemic.
  • 📍 The application process involves filling out personal information, such as ID numbers, email, and phone number, to ensure timely communication.
  • 📝 Students must confirm their choices ('voeux') on Parcoursup to be considered for the programs they have selected.
  • 💌 It is important to write motivation letters and include interests and projects that align with the chosen programs.
  • 📊 Parcoursup provides a counter to keep track of the number of 'voeux' and 'sous-voeux', helping students manage their applications.
  • 🏆 There are two types of programs: selective (limited places) and non-selective. Each has different response types from institutions, such as acceptance, waiting list, or rejection.
  • ⏰ Students must respond promptly to the institutions' offers, as there is a limited time to accept or decline.
  • 📍 If a student receives multiple acceptances, they must choose one and forfeit the others. If rejected or on a waiting list, there is a complementary procedure with new program proposals.
  • 🎓 After receiving a positive response on Parcoursup, students must complete the enrollment process directly with the higher education institution.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the video?

    -The purpose of the video is to guide students and parents through the process of using Parcoursup, a platform for higher education applications in France, explaining how to register, choose programs and schools, and manage their applications.

  • What are the first steps in using Parcoursup?

    -The first steps include choosing a study path and specific schools, discussing options with others, and conducting research online. It's also recommended to attend virtual open days due to the pandemic.

  • How does one register on Parcoursup?

    -To register on Parcoursup, one needs to provide their INE number (found on school certificates or report cards), a regularly checked email address, and a mobile phone number to receive important SMS notifications.

  • What is the difference between a 'vœu' and a 'sous-vœu' in the context of Parcoursup?

    -A 'vœu' refers to a choice of educational program, while a 'sous-vœu' is a choice of specific establishment for that program. Students can have up to 10 'vœux de formation' and 20 'sous-vœux' in total.

  • Are there any exceptions to the number of 'sous-vœux' one can have?

    -Yes, for engineering schools grouped in a contest and for medicine with the Pass, one can add an unlimited number of 'sous-vœux' without them counting towards the limit.

  • How does one select and add a formation on Parcoursup?

    -One can select and add a formation via a map feature on Parcoursup, which displays all available programs. Users can click 'add' to include a program and then answer a few questions or select specific schools if it's part of a contest.

  • What are the different types of formations in Parcoursup?

    -There are two main types of formations: selective formations (limited number of places, such as preparatory classes) and non-selective formations (like some university licenses).

  • What are the possible responses from institutions for selective and non-selective formations?

    -For selective formations, institutions can respond with 'yes' (accepted), 'on the waiting list', or 'no' (refused). For non-selective formations, the responses can be 'yes' (accepted if following a complementary path), 'on the waiting list', or 'no' if there are no more places available.

  • What should one do after receiving responses from institutions?

    -One must respond to the offers within a given deadline. If there's only one 'yes', it should be accepted unless there's certainty of another acceptance outside of Parcoursup. If there are multiple 'yes', only one can be kept, and the rest are renounced.

  • What is the complementary procedure if one does not get accepted into any chosen programs?

    -The complementary procedure from June 16th to September 16th offers new program proposals from institutions with vacant places, following a similar process to Parcoursup.

  • What is the final step after receiving a 'yes' on Parcoursup?

    -The final step is to register with the higher education institution that has accepted you. Parcoursup does not handle registration, so it's crucial to follow the institution's instructions to complete the enrollment process.



📚 Introduction to Parcoursup and Registration Process

This paragraph introduces viewers to the video's focus on Parcoursup, a platform for students and parents to understand the enrollment and choice of higher education programs in France. It emphasizes the importance of not panicking during this stressful period and provides a walkthrough of the registration phase on Parcoursup, including sharing the screen to visually guide viewers through the process. The speaker also advises on the first steps of choosing a study track and establishing a profile on the platform.


📋 Filling Out Personal Information and Preferences

The speaker guides viewers on how to complete their personal information on Parcoursup, including their INE number, email address, and phone number. It's emphasized that these details are crucial for receiving important communications. The paragraph also explains the process of expressing preferences for educational programs and institutions, including the distinction between a 'voeu' (wish) and a 'sou-voeu' (sub-wish), and the maximum number of choices allowed on the platform. Exceptions for engineering schools and medical studies are highlighted, and a general overview of the selection process is provided.


🎓 Understanding the Selection Process and Responding to Offers

This section delves into the details of how the selection process works on Parcoursup. It explains the difference between selective and non-selective programs and the types of responses students might receive from institutions. The paragraph outlines the possible outcomes: acceptance, waitlist, or rejection, and the importance of promptly responding to these offers. The speaker also advises on the strategy for handling multiple acceptances and the consequences of not confirming one's choices in time.


📅 Final Steps and Additional Advice for Parcoursup Applicants

The speaker wraps up the video by discussing the final steps in the Parcoursup process, including the need to confirm choices and the potential outcomes of having multiple acceptances. The importance of being vigilant and reactive during the process is stressed, as well as the consequences of not responding to offers in time. The paragraph also touches on the complementary procedure for students who do not secure a place in their initial choices, offering hope and guidance for this scenario.

🙌 Conclusion and Encouragement for Future Steps

In conclusion, the speaker reviews the key points covered in the video and encourages viewers to share the information with others who might find it useful. The video ends with a call to action for viewers to support the 'Nouvelle Classe' YouTube channel and a reminder to stay tuned for more educational content.




Parcoursup is the French online platform for pre-university registration, aiming to manage applications to higher education. The video is centered around explaining how Parcoursup functions, guiding viewers through the registration process, choice of preferences (voeux), and further steps until the final enrollment in a higher education institution. Examples from the script include instructions on how to register, add wishes for courses or institutions, and respond to offers, illustrating Parcoursup's pivotal role in the French higher education application system.


In the context of Parcoursup, 'voeux' refers to the choices or preferences that applicants submit for their desired courses or institutions. The video emphasizes the importance of carefully selecting up to 10 primary choices and a total of 20 sub-choices (sous-voeux), providing a concrete example to distinguish between a main wish (voeu) for a specific type of program and sub-wishes (sous-voeux) for institutions offering that program. This differentiation is crucial for understanding how to prioritize and strategize one's application on Parcoursup.


Inscription, or registration, is the first crucial step in the Parcoursup process. The video guides viewers through the online registration phase on Parcoursup, detailing the information required, such as the INE number, email address, and phone number. This step establishes the applicant's profile on Parcoursup, enabling them to proceed with adding their course preferences and managing their application.

💡Phase d'inscription

The 'phase d'inscription' refers to the initial period when students create their profile on Parcoursup and begin the process of selecting their preferences. The video elaborates on this phase by showing how to fill out the profile details, emphasizing the importance of providing accurate and regularly checked contact information to ensure applicants receive all crucial updates and instructions.

💡Choix des voeux

The 'choix des voeux' phase is a critical step where applicants select their course preferences on Parcoursup. The video details how to add both primary wishes (voeux) and sub-wishes (sous-voeux) for institutions, illustrating the strategic aspect of the application process. It is highlighted as a period requiring careful consideration and research, including attending open days and consulting with others.

💡Formations sélectives

Formations sélectives refer to selective courses with limited places available, such as preparatory classes. The video discusses how Parcoursup handles applications to these competitive programs, outlining the different responses an applicant might receive (acceptance, waitlisted, or rejection) and how to interpret and respond to these.

💡Lettre de motivation

A lettre de motivation, or cover letter, is a document that Parcoursup applicants must prepare for each of their course preferences, especially for selective programs. The video advises on the importance of drafting a well-thought-out letter, suggesting applicants seek feedback from peers and teachers. This personal statement plays a crucial role in the selection process for competitive courses.

💡Procédure complémentaire

The procédure complémentaire is a subsequent phase in the Parcoursup process designed for applicants who did not secure a spot in their initial choices. The video explains this as an opportunity to apply for courses with remaining vacancies from June 16 to September 16, underscoring it as a second chance for those who initially received rejections.

💡Réponse des établissements

Réponse des établissements refers to the responses from higher education institutions to the applicant's choices on Parcoursup. The video clarifies the types of responses (yes, waitlisted, no) and their implications, particularly highlighting the strategy involved in responding to offers and managing waitlisted applications to maximize the chances of acceptance into a desired program.

💡Confirmation des voeux

Confirmation des voeux is a critical action required from applicants, indicating their commitment to the choices they have made on Parcoursup. The video emphasizes the importance of this step, noting that unconfirmed wishes are considered void, and advises on the timeline and procedure for confirming one's preferences to ensure they are considered by institutions.


Introduction to Parcoursup, a platform for students and parents to understand the higher education application process in France.

Explanation of how to register on Parcoursup and the importance of providing accurate personal information such as ID number and email.

Detail on the choice of educational pathways and institutions, emphasizing the need for research and virtual open days due to the pandemic.

Discussion on the difference between a 'vœu' (wish) and a 'sous-vœu' (sub-wish), and how they contribute to the application process.

The maximum number of 'vœux' and 'sous-vœux' that can be submitted through the platform and the exceptions to these rules.

Advice on not waiting until the last minute to apply, as the platform may become saturated with users.

Instructions on how to add a formation (course) to one's profile on Parcoursup, including the use of the interactive map.

The importance of confirming one's 'vœux' to ensure they are counted in the application process.

Information on the types of formations, selective and non-selective, and how they operate within the Parcoursup system.

Explanation of the possible responses from institutions regarding the 'vœux' and the implications of each.

The necessity of being vigilant and reactive in responding to the institutions' replies within the given deadlines.

The process of finalizing one's choice of formation after receiving multiple positive responses and the consequences of not confirming.

The complementary procedure for students who did not secure a place in their initial choices, offering a second chance to find a suitable formation.

The importance of completing one's profile and dossier on Parcoursup, including academic records and motivation letters.

Advice on seeking feedback from teachers and relatives when writing motivation letters to strengthen one's application.

Instructions on how to handle the situation when receiving a positive response from an institution and the steps to officially enroll.

The reminder that even with a positive outcome on Parcoursup, one must still register with the educational institution to secure their place.

The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to share the video with others who might be interested in the information about Parcoursup.