MAGA Supporters Finally ABANDON Newsmax Over Stunning Trump Truth

The Damage Report
7 Apr 202406:24

TLDRThe video script discusses the backlash against Newsmax, a right-wing news outlet, for accurately reporting on Donald Trump's controversial language regarding migrants. It highlights the importance of factual reporting and criticizes Newsmax for backing down from their initial stance under pressure, editing their article to align with their business model. The speaker also touches on the broader issue of media outlets prioritizing audience and ideological purity over truth, and the impact this has on public perception.


  • 🚨 Donald Trump faced criticism for dehumanizing migrants by referring to them as animals.
  • 📰 Newsmax, a right-wing news outlet, initially reported on Trump's derogatory language but later backed off.
  • 🔍 The article by Newsmax included fact-checking of Trump's claims about crime rates and migrant-related violence, which contradicted his statements.
  • 💭 The backlash against Newsmax for presenting the facts was swift and harsh from their usual audience.
  • 🤝 The incident highlighted the tension between journalistic integrity and ideological purity in media outlets.
  • 📉 Newsmax's response to the backlash involved editing the article, removing some fact-checking, and changing social media captions.
  • 🏢 The modification of the article suggested possible pressure from higher-ups or a desire to protect their business model.
  • 🤔 The speaker expressed a wish for a saying to encapsulate the gap between facts and feelings in the context of rhetoric.
  • 🎥 Fox News was also criticized for hypocrisy in their coverage of Trans Visibility Day compared to previous years.
  • 🚫 The speaker emphasized the importance of confronting and challenging misleading narratives in the media.
  • 🔒 The mention of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and potential blacklisting for low-level staff who may not agree with the company's direction.

Q & A

  • What was the main criticism directed at Donald Trump in the transcript?

    -The main criticism directed at Donald Trump was his use of dehumanizing language, referring to migrants as animals, which was seen as derogatory and offensive.

  • How did Newsmax initially respond to Trump's speech?

    -Newsmax initially responded by publishing an article on Twitter that fact-checked Trump's claims, including his characterization of migrants and the rates of crime associated with them.

  • What was the public's reaction to Newsmax's fact-checking?

    -The public reaction was mixed, with some criticizing Newsmax for spreading what they perceived as lies, while others appreciated the fact-checking. However, Newsmax faced backlash and was accused of not being trustworthy.

  • What changes did Newsmax make after the backlash?

    -After the backlash, Newsmax backed off from their initial stance. They heavily edited the article, removed some of the fact-checking, and altered the references in the caption.

  • What was the original source of the article that Newsmax shared?

    -The original source of the article was likely a newswire service, as suggested by the critical caption that probably wasn't written by Newsmax itself.

  • What was the speaker's opinion on Newsmax's handling of the situation?

    -The speaker found Newsmax's response to be embarrassing and criticized them for ignoring the truth in favor of maintaining their audience and adhering to their business model.

  • How did Fox News handle the Trans Day of Visibility compared to Newsmax?

    -Fox News was shown to have previously acknowledged and celebrated Trans Day of Visibility, but later edited out a portion of a video where this acknowledgment was made, which the speaker found to be cowardly.

  • What was the speaker's general view on the role of media in shaping public perception?

    -The speaker expressed concern about media outlets spreading fear and misinformation, and the impact this has on public perception, leading to a need for fact-checking and truth in reporting.

  • What is the 'Damage Report' mentioned in the transcript?

    -The 'Damage Report' is a podcast hosted by the speaker, where they discuss news, stories, and interview guests, aiming to provide insights and analysis on current events.

  • What action did the speaker suggest for dealing with misinformation?

    -The speaker suggested that there is a need to 'take down' misinformation and edit or correct false narratives to prevent the spread of fear and potential harm to society.

  • What was the speaker's final message regarding the role of media and public perception?

    -The speaker's final message emphasized the importance of truth in media, the dangers of misinformation, and the need for vigilance to ensure that fear-mongering narratives do not go unchallenged.



🤔 Criticism of Dehumanizing Language and Newsmax's Response

The paragraph discusses the backlash that Donald Trump faced for using dehumanizing language to refer to migrants as animals. It highlights the role of Newsmax, a right-wing news outlet, which initially criticized Trump's rhetoric but later backed off from their stance after facing criticism from their audience. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of standing by the facts and criticizes Newsmax for caving to pressure, suggesting that they prioritize their business model and ideological purity over truth. It also touches on the broader issue of media outlets ignoring the truth for the sake of clout and audience appeal.


🙄 Fox News' Hypocrisy on Trans Visibility Day

This paragraph focuses on the hypocrisy exhibited by Fox News in their coverage of Trans Visibility Day. It contrasts their previous acknowledgment and celebration of the day with their recent attempts to portray it as a controversial issue, implying a political agenda behind the change in stance. The speaker expresses disbelief and disappointment at Fox News' manipulation of information, particularly in editing out a portion of a video that acknowledged their past support for Trans Visibility Day. The paragraph concludes with a call to action to challenge such fear-mongering tactics and to hold media outlets accountable for their narratives.



💡Dehumanizing language

The term 'dehumanizing language' refers to the act of denying or degrading the human qualities of a group of people, often by comparing them to animals or objects. In the context of the video, it is used to criticize Donald Trump's rhetoric towards migrants, which is seen as an attempt to strip them of their humanity and dignity. This is highlighted when the speaker talks about Trump referring to migrants as 'animals' and the impact such language has on public perception and treatment of these individuals.


Newsmax is a right-wing news outlet, similar to other news channels, that came under scrutiny in the video for its initial stance on a particular issue. The video discusses how Newsmax initially criticized Trump's degrading language towards migrants but later appeared to backtrack on this position after facing backlash from their audience. This highlights the challenges faced by media outlets when balancing factual reporting with maintaining alignment with their target audience's political beliefs.


Fact-checking is the process of verifying the accuracy of statements made by public figures, organizations, or in the media. In the video, fact-checking is discussed as a crucial aspect of journalistic integrity, where Newsmax initially engaged in it by challenging some of Trump's claims regarding crime rates and the impact of migration. However, the video criticizes Newsmax for not maintaining their commitment to fact-checking in the face of public pressure, suggesting a compromise of journalistic standards.

💡Crime rates

Crime rates refer to the frequency of criminal activities within a population or geographic area. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses how claims about crime rates, particularly those associating migrants with an increase in violent crime, are often unfounded and serve to perpetuate stereotypes and fear. The video emphasizes the importance of challenging such claims with accurate data and analysis to counter misinformation.

💡Media bias

Media bias refers to the presence of partiality or prejudice in the reporting of news by favoring one political viewpoint over others. The video discusses how media outlets like Newsmax and Fox News have been accused of bias, particularly in their coverage of issues related to migration and political ideologies. The speaker criticizes these outlets for prioritizing their ideological stance over factual reporting, which can lead to the spread of misinformation and a skewed public perception.

💡Ideological purity

Ideological purity refers to the adherence to a set of beliefs or principles without compromise. In the video, this concept is discussed in the context of media outlets and their audiences demanding strict adherence to a particular political ideology, even when it conflicts with factual accuracy. The speaker criticizes this approach, suggesting that it can lead to the suppression of truth and the promotion of harmful narratives.

💡Trans Visibility Day

Trans Visibility Day is an annual event that aims to celebrate and raise awareness of the contributions and lives of transgender individuals. In the video, the speaker discusses how Fox News initially acknowledged and celebrated this day but later appeared to edit out acknowledgment of it in their coverage, which is criticized as a display of media bias and inconsistency.


Misinformation refers to false or inaccurate information that is spread intentionally or unintentionally. In the context of the video, misinformation is a central issue, with the speaker criticizing media outlets for perpetuating false narratives about migrants and crime rates, as well as political ideologies. The video emphasizes the harm that misinformation can cause to public understanding and discourse.

💡Journalistic integrity

Journalistic integrity refers to the ethical principles and professional standards that journalists and media outlets are expected to uphold, including accuracy, fairness, and truthfulness in reporting. The video discusses the importance of journalistic integrity and criticizes media outlets that appear to compromise these principles for the sake of political alignment or audience approval.

💡Public perception

Public perception refers to the collective beliefs, attitudes, and interpretations that the general public holds about a particular issue or group of people. In the video, the speaker discusses how media outlets can shape public perception through their reporting, often by focusing on specific narratives or selectively presenting information. The video criticizes this practice, arguing that it can lead to misunderstandings and fear, particularly in relation to the portrayal of migrants and crime rates.


Fear-mongering is the act of deliberately using fear, often of a vague or exaggerated threat, to influence public opinion or behavior. In the video, the speaker accuses certain media outlets of engaging in fear-mongering by promoting narratives about migrants and crime, which can lead to a climate of fear and hostility. The video argues that such tactics are harmful and irresponsible, as they can distort reality and manipulate people's emotions.


Donald Trump was criticized for using dehumanizing language to refer to migrants as animals.

Newsmax, a right-wing news outlet, received backlash for accurately reporting on Trump's speech.

The article by Newsmax fact-checked claims about crime rates among native-born citizens and migrants.

It was noted that right-wing individuals often refuse to accept fact-checks that challenge their beliefs.

Trump's claim that migrants cause a spike in violent crime was fact-checked and found to be without evidence.

The conspiracy theory that nations are sending migrants was addressed as false.

The backlash against Newsmax for acknowledging facts was intense and led to them editing the article.

It was suggested that Newsmax backed off from their original stance due to pressure from their audience.

The original article was likely not written by Newsmax but was spread from a newswire.

The incident highlighted the struggle between facts and ideology in news reporting.

The need for a saying to bridge the gap between facts and feelings was discussed.

Newsmax and other outlets were criticized for prioritizing audience clout over truth.

Fox News was called out for changing their stance on Trans Visibility Day and editing a video to remove acknowledgment of it.

The manipulation of news by Fox News was seen as cowardly and a disregard for truth.

The fear-mongering tactics used by certain news outlets were discussed, with a call to challenge them.

The importance of keeping one's doors unlocked to not be controlled by fear was mentioned as a metaphor.

The need to edit and challenge false narratives was emphasized to ensure survival.