Ollama does Windows?!?

Matt Williams
15 Feb 202403:32

TLDRThe video introduces the installation and use of O Lama on a Windows operating system, highlighting its native compatibility and ease of use. The narrator guides viewers through the process of obtaining the installer, ensuring proper GPU drivers, and running the application. They demonstrate O Lama's functionality by asking questions and exploring the file structure, comparing its performance to Linux and Mac versions. The video ends with an invitation for viewers to share their thoughts on Windows front ends for O Lama and to engage in further discussion on Discord.


  • 🚀 O Lama is now available natively on Windows, not just through WSL.
  • 📦 To get started, download the installer from either the GitHub repo or the official website.
  • 💻 Ensure that your NVIDIA drivers are installed; AMD support may be coming soon.
  • 🔄 Once installed, access the O Lama tray icon to quit or navigate to logs and other options.
  • 📱 Users can now enjoy the same functionalities on Windows as they have on Mac and Linux.
  • 🌐 Open a terminal or command prompt to run AMA and Mistol commands, such as querying 'why is the sky blue?'
  • 🔍 The installation process is quick and easy, with the software being ready to use in a short time.
  • 📚 The file structure of the ama folder, models, and manifest folders are consistent across platforms.
  • 📈 Performance on Windows appears to be comparable to that of Linux, as demonstrated on the OBM site.
  • 🔧 There may be minor differences in file naming conventions due to platform-specific requirements.
  • 🌟 The video creator is looking forward to seeing various Windows front ends for O Lama and encourages feedback.
  • 🤖 For further questions or discussions, the audience is directed to join the Discord community.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the installation and usage of O Lama on a Windows native environment.

  • Where can one find the O Lama installer?

    -The O Lama installer can be found on the GitHub repository or the official ama.com website under the releases section.

  • What are the prerequisites for running the O Lama installer on Windows?

    -Before running the O Lama installer on Windows, one must have NVIDIA drivers installed. AMD drivers may also be available soon.

  • What can you do after installing O Lama on Windows?

    -After installing O Lama on Windows, you can access the system tray icon to quit O Lama or navigate to the logs folder, and use the command prompt to run O Lama and interact with it.

  • What command was used to run O Lama in the terminal?

    -The command used to run O Lama in the terminal was 'AMA run mistol slet verbose' followed by a question like 'why is the sky blue'.

  • Which AI model was demonstrated in the video?

    -The video demonstrated the 'mixol' model, which took some time to download but functioned well once started.

  • What hardware was the machine running on?

    -The machine was running on a Tesla T4 card, which is noted because it's the only GPU the creator could get running on their GCP account.

  • How is the file structure of O Lama on Windows different from that on Linux?

    -The file structure of O Lama on Windows is similar to Linux, with a 'models' folder and a 'manifest' folder. However, the 'blob' file names use dashes on Windows instead of colons due to file naming validity on Windows.

  • What is the performance comparison between Windows and Linux for O Lama?

    -The performance of O Lama on Windows appears to be comparable to that on Linux, as demonstrated by the creator's OBM site comparison.

  • What is the creator's future plan related to O Lama and GPUs?

    -The creator has a solution for running different GPUs on their GCP account coming up in another video, which they describe as 'super cool'.

  • How can viewers engage with the creator for further questions or preferences?

    -Viewers can engage with the creator by leaving comments on the video and asking questions or sharing their favorite Windows front ends for O Lama. They can also join the Discord server at discord.gg/olama.



🚀 Introduction to O Lama on Windows

The paragraph introduces the O Lama application running natively on Windows, marking a significant development as it was previously only available on WSL. The speaker guides the audience through the installation process, emphasizing the need for NVIDIA drivers with a mention of potential AMD support in the future. The installation is described as straightforward, and the completion is swift. Post-installation, users can access familiar features such as the O Lama tray icon, logs folder, and the ability to run commands via terminal or command prompt. The paragraph also touches on the performance aspect, comparing the Windows machine's performance to a T4 machine running Linux and highlighting the similarities in functionality across different platforms.



💡O Lama

O Lama appears to be the subject of the video, likely a software or application that is being demonstrated. It is mentioned as being available natively on Windows, which is a significant development for its users. The term is used to introduce the main topic of the video and is central to the discussion of its installation and functionality.


The installer refers to the software utility that is used to install O Lama on a Windows system. It is a crucial step in the process of setting up the application, as it guides users through the necessary steps to ensure proper installation and configuration. The term is important as it indicates the ease of use and accessibility of O Lama on Windows.

💡NVIDIA drivers

NVIDIA drivers are software components that enable the operating system to interact with NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs). In the context of the video, having these drivers installed is a prerequisite for running O Lama, suggesting that the application may leverage GPU acceleration for improved performance.

💡GitHub repo

GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using Git, and a 'repo' or repository is where projects are stored and shared. In the video, the GitHub repo is mentioned as a potential source for finding the O Lama installer, highlighting the importance of open-source platforms in software distribution and community engagement.

💡ama.com website

ama.com is mentioned as another potential source for finding the O Lama installer. This indicates that the official website for the application is also a resource for users to obtain the necessary software, suggesting that it serves as a central hub for information and downloads related to O Lama.

💡Ama or navigate to the logs folder

Ama is likely an abbreviation or a term related to O Lama, and the logs folder is where the application stores its log files. These log files are essential for troubleshooting and understanding the application's performance. The script mentions this to show users how to access these resources after installation, emphasizing the importance of post-installation support and user management.

💡Terminal or Command Prompt

Terminal and Command Prompt are command-line interfaces that allow users to interact with the operating system by typing commands. In the context of the video, these tools are used to run O Lama and perform actions such as asking questions or executing commands, showcasing the versatility and accessibility of the application through different input methods.

💡Mistol slet verbose

Mistol slet verbose seems to be a command or a set of commands used within the terminal to run O Lama with verbose output, which provides detailed information about the application's operations. This is likely used for debugging or understanding the inner workings of the software, and its mention in the script indicates a level of transparency and control offered to users.

💡Tesla T4 card

The Tesla T4 card is a GPU produced by NVIDIA, designed for deep learning and AI applications. In the video, it is mentioned as the hardware used to run O Lama, indicating the computational requirements of the application and its capability to leverage GPU resources for performance.

💡ama folder and models folder

The ama folder and models folder are likely directories where O Lama stores its core components and machine learning models. These folders are important as they contain the necessary files for the application to function, and their structure is similar across different platforms, indicating consistency in the software's design.

💡Manifest folder with manifest

The manifest folder containing a manifest file is a part of the software's structure that likely holds metadata or configuration details about the models or components used by O Lama. The manifest file is mentioned to have a specific format, which is important for the software to recognize and utilize the included models correctly.


O Lama is now available natively on Windows, not just through WSL.

To install O Lama on Windows, users need to have NVIDIA drivers installed; AMD support may be available soon.

The O Lama installer is easy to use and completes quickly.

Once installed, users can access the O Lama tray icon for various functions like quitting or accessing logs.

O Lama allows users to open a terminal or command prompt and run commands, just like on Mac and Linux.

An example command showcased was 'AMA run mistol slet verbose' followed by a question 'why is the sky blue?'

The video also demonstrated the use of 'mixol', which took some time to download.

The machine used in the demonstration runs on a Tesla T4 card, which was the only GPU available on the presenter's GCP account.

The interface and functionality of O Lama on Windows are very similar to its counterparts on Mac and Linux.

The 'ama' folder structure on Windows is consistent with other platforms, including a 'models' and 'manifest' folder.

The 'blobs' directory in Windows uses a dash instead of a colon, likely to accommodate Windows file naming conventions.

Debug mode seems to be enabled, although it may be turned off in the final release for performance reasons.

Performance on Windows is comparable to that on Linux, as demonstrated on the presenter's OBM site.

The presenter is looking forward to seeing various Windows front ends for O Lama and is open to recommendations.

The video encourages viewers to share their thoughts in the comments or on Discord, and to ask any further questions.