OpenAI shocks the world yet again… Sora first look

16 Feb 202404:21

TLDROpenAI has unveiled Sora, a groundbreaking AI text-to-video model capable of creating realistic, one-minute long videos. Unlike previous models, Sora maintains coherence between frames and can render in various aspect ratios. The technology, which requires significant computing power, has potential applications in video editing and content creation, but also raises concerns about its potential misuse and the impact on certain professions. Despite its capabilities, Sora's videos may still exhibit AI-specific flaws, though improvements are expected over time.


  • 🚀 OpenAI has released Sora, a groundbreaking AI text-to-video model capable of creating realistic videos up to a minute long.
  • 📅 The announcement of Sora overshadowed Google's Gemini 1.5, which has a context window of up to 10 million tokens.
  • 🌟 Sora's videos are not only more realistic but also maintain cohesion between frames and can be rendered in different aspect ratios.
  • 💡 Sora can generate videos from a text prompt or from a starting image, bringing it to life with impressive detail.
  • 📢 Sam Altman demonstrated Sora's capabilities by taking requests and generating videos in minutes.
  • 🚫 The model is unlikely to be open-source due to its potential for misuse, and released videos will contain metadata for content tracking.
  • 💸 Developing Sora required significant computing power, with Sam Altman requesting $7 trillion for GPU purchases.
  • 🧠 Sora uses a diffusion model similar to Dolly and Stable Diffusion, starting with random noise and updating it to a coherent image.
  • 🎥 The model handles the vast amount of data in video by tokenizing visual patches that capture both visual information and motion.
  • 🌐 Sora can train on native resolution of data and output variable resolutions, unlike typical video models that crop to specific times and resolutions.
  • 🎨 This technology has the potential to revolutionize video editing and creation, making complex tasks accessible and instantaneous.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of OpenAI's release of their latest AI model?

    -OpenAI's latest AI model, named Sora, represents a significant leap in artificial intelligence capabilities. It is the first AI to create realistic videos up to a minute long, which is a substantial advancement over previous models that could only produce shorter clips. This development could revolutionize various industries by enabling the creation of highly realistic video content from text prompts or starting images.

  • How does Sora compare to other AI video models like Stable Video and Pika?

    -Sora stands out from other AI video models due to its ability to generate longer, more cohesive videos. While other models like Stable Video and Pika have their uses, Sora's capability to maintain cohesion between frames over a longer duration is a significant improvement. Additionally, Sora can render videos in different aspect ratios and can be created from either a text prompt or a starting image, offering more versatility.

  • What was the context of Google's announcement of Gemini 1.5?

    -Google's announcement of Gemini 1.5, which has a context window up to 10 million tokens, was an impressive achievement in the field of AI. However, its impact was quickly overshadowed by the unveiling of Sora by OpenAI. Gemini 1.5 represents a step forward in language models, but the excitement was redirected towards the potential of Sora in the realm of video generation.

  • How did Sam Altman demonstrate the capabilities of Sora?

    -Sam Altman showcased the capabilities of Sora by taking requests from the crowd on Twitter and generating video examples within minutes. This interactive demonstration allowed people to see the AI in action, creating videos based on various prompts, such as a golden retriever doing a podcast on top of a mountain or a scenario involving a company transformation.

  • What are the potential risks associated with making Sora available to the public?

    -The potential risks of releasing a powerful model like Sora to the public include the possibility of misuse. Such a tool could be exploited to create misleading or harmful content. To mitigate these risks, it's suggested that any released videos will include c2p metadata, which is a form of surveillance that records the origin and modifications of the content.

  • How does Sora's computational process differ from previous AI models?

    -Sora, like other diffusion models, starts with random noise and updates it to create a coherent image. However, it operates on a much larger scale due to the high volume of data points in video content. Sora also tokenizes visual patches rather than text, capturing both visual information and motion across frames. This approach allows for the generation of videos at their native resolution and variable output resolutions, which is a departure from typical video models that crop their training data and outputs to a specific time and resolution.

  • What was the public's reaction to Sam Altman's request for $7 trillion for GPU purchases?

    -Sam Altman's request for $7 trillion to purchase GPUs, which is necessary for scaling up video models like Sora, was met with skepticism and humor. Some, like Jensen Wong, pointed out that the actual cost should be around $2 trillion, indicating that the initial figure might have been an exaggeration.

  • How could Sora impact the future of video editing and content creation?

    -Sora has the potential to greatly impact video editing and content creation by allowing for rapid generation and modification of video content. For instance, it could enable quick changes to background scenery in a video or simulate artificial movement in Minecraft. This could lead to a more efficient and accessible content creation process, though it may also disrupt traditional career paths in these fields.

  • What limitations are present in the videos generated by Sora?

    -Despite the impressive capabilities of Sora, the generated videos still have some noticeable limitations. They may exhibit a subtle but distinctive 'AI look' and do not perfectly model physics or humanoid interactions. These flaws are a sign that while the technology is advanced, it still requires further development to fully match the intricacies of real-world video content.

  • How might the technology behind Sora influence the art and film industry?

    -The technology behind Sora could significantly influence the art and film industry by enabling the creation of indie films or animations with the visual quality of Pixar movies. AI could potentially 'steal' the artwork of talented humans to generate high-quality content, although this raises ethical considerations about originality and the use of human creativity.

  • What is the main takeaway from the Code Report's discussion on Sora?

    -The main takeaway from the Code Report's discussion on Sora is the recognition of the rapid advancements in AI and their potential to transform various aspects of culture and industry. While the technology is impressive and offers new possibilities, it also raises concerns about the impact on traditional jobs and the cultural implications of AI-generated content.



🤖 Introduction to OpenAI's Sora and Its Impact

This paragraph introduces the unveiling of OpenAI's latest AI model, Sora, which has surpassed expectations by creating realistic videos up to a minute long. It highlights the significance of this achievement by comparing it to previous milestones in AI video models and emphasizes the potential for existential crises due to the rapid advancements in AI. The paragraph also mentions the announcement of Google's Gemini 1.5, which was quickly overshadowed by Sora's reveal. The video's purpose is to explore the capabilities of Sora, understand its inner workings, and reflect on the implications of such technology for humanity.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is the driving force behind the creation of advanced video models, such as OpenAI's Sora, which is capable of generating realistic videos from text prompts. The video discusses the significant leap in AI capabilities and its potential impact on various industries and human creativity.


OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research lab that aims to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity. In the video, OpenAI is highlighted for its release of Sora, a new AI model that surpasses previous models in generating realistic and coherent video content. The organization's role in pushing the boundaries of AI technology is emphasized, as well as the ethical considerations surrounding the release of such powerful tools.


Sora is an AI-driven text-to-video model developed by OpenAI, named after the Japanese word for 'sky,' symbolizing its groundbreaking nature. It represents a significant leap in AI video generation, being able to create realistic videos up to a minute long from text prompts or starting images. The model's capabilities are showcased in the video, highlighting its potential to revolutionize content creation and its implications for various industries.

💡Text-to-Video Model

A text-to-video model is an AI system that converts textual descriptions into video content. These models have the ability to interpret and visualize textual information, creating dynamic video outputs based on the input they receive. In the video, Sora is an example of such a model, which can generate videos with high realism and maintain cohesion between frames, marking a significant advancement in AI's capability to understand and produce complex visual narratives.

💡Realistic Video Generation

Realistic video generation refers to the AI's ability to create video content that closely resembles real-life scenarios or events. This involves the AI's capacity to understand and replicate complex visual elements, movements, and interactions with a high degree of accuracy and believability. The video emphasizes the advancements in this area, particularly with Sora's ability to generate videos that are not only realistic but also maintain a logical flow and coherence over time.

💡Cohesion between Frames

Cohesion between frames refers to the smooth and logical transition of visual elements from one frame to the next in a video, creating a continuous and coherent narrative. This is crucial for video generation models like Sora, as it ensures that the output is not just realistic but also maintains a sense of continuity and flow, making the generated content more engaging and believable.

💡Aspect Ratios

Aspect ratios in video refer to the proportional relationship between the width and height of the video frame. Different aspect ratios can affect how content is displayed and perceived by the viewer. In the context of the video, Sora's ability to render videos in different aspect ratios demonstrates its flexibility and adaptability to various video formats and viewer preferences.

💡Computing Power

Computing power refers to the ability of a computer or system to perform operations quickly and efficiently. In the context of AI video models like Sora, a significant amount of computing power is required to handle the complex calculations involved in generating realistic and dynamic video content. The video discusses the immense computational resources needed to scale up these models and the potential costs associated with such infrastructure.

💡Data Points

Data points refer to individual pieces of data or values within a dataset. In the context of video generation, each pixel and its color information in a frame can be considered a data point. The video emphasizes the vast number of data points involved in creating even a short video, highlighting the complexity and scale of the task that AI models like Sora undertake.


Tokenization is the process of breaking down a larger piece of data, such as text or images, into smaller, more manageable units or tokens. In the context of the video, Sora uses a similar approach to large language models by tokenizing visual patches instead of text. These patches capture both the visual content and the movement across frames, allowing the AI to generate dynamic and coherent video sequences.

💡AI Ethics

AI Ethics refers to the moral principles and guidelines that govern the development and use of artificial intelligence systems. The video discusses the potential risks and ethical considerations associated with releasing powerful AI models like Sora into the public domain, including the possibility of misuse and the impact on human creativity and employment.

💡Content Creation

Content creation involves the production of various forms of content, such as videos, images, and text, for the purpose of communication, entertainment, or marketing. The video highlights the transformative potential of AI models like Sora in the content creation industry, suggesting that they could significantly streamline and democratize the process of generating high-quality video content.


OpenAI unleashed their latest AI, Sora, marking a significant leap in artificial intelligence capabilities.

Sora is the first AI to create realistic videos up to a minute long, surpassing previous expectations.

The introduction of Sora quickly overshadowed Google's announcement of Gemini 1.5 with a context window up to 10 million tokens.

Sora's videos maintain cohesion between frames and can be rendered in different aspect ratios.

The AI can generate videos from a text prompt or from a starting image that gets brought to life.

Sam Altman demonstrated Sora's capabilities by taking requests and generating videos within minutes.

Sora's videos show impressive detail, such as a golden retriever doing a podcast on top of a mountain.

The technology may never be open-source due to the potential misuse if given to the general public.

Sora requires a massive amount of computing power, with Sam Altman asking for $7 trillion for GPU acquisition.

Sora is a diffusion model, similar to Dolly and Stable Diffusion, starting with random noise and updating it to a coherent image.

The model uses visual patches, which are small compressed chunks of images that capture both visual details and motion through time.

Unlike other video models, Sora can train data on its native resolution and output variable resolutions.

The technology could revolutionize video editing, making complex tasks as simple as editing a photo with AI tools.

Sora has the potential to simulate artificial movement in Minecraft, turning ideas into a Minecraft world in seconds.

AI could make directing an indie Pixar movie possible by generating artwork, though current limitations exist in modeling physics and interactions.

Despite the impressive capabilities, Sora's generated videos can still be identified by a subtle but distinctive AI look and imperfections.

The demonstration of Sora signifies a monumental shift in AI's impact on human culture and creativity.