What Is Q*? The Leaked AGI BREAKTHROUGH That Almost Killed OpenAI

Matthew Berman
27 Nov 202335:16

TLDRThe video discusses the potential AI breakthrough known as Q*, which is speculated to have caused significant concern within OpenAI, leading to the firing of Sam Altman. The script explores various theories about Q*, suggesting it could involve advancements in mathematical reasoning, self-play and look-ahead planning akin to AlphaGo, and the creation of synthetic data. The implications of such a breakthrough range from transforming encryption methods to the potential of achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). The video also touches on the debate between AI skeptics and proponents, pondering the future of AI technology and its ethical considerations.


  • 🚨 The AI breakthrough referred to as 'Q*' or 'QAR' has caused significant concern within OpenAI, leading to internal strife and the departure of Sam Altman.
  • 🤔 Only a few individuals within OpenAI are fully aware of what QAR is, with much speculation and limited information available online.
  • 💥 The fear surrounding QAR is tied to its potential as a precursor to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and the ethical and safety implications of its capabilities.
  • 📈 QAR is rumored to have demonstrated advanced mathematical problem-solving skills, suggesting a leap in reasoning capabilities for AI.
  • 🔍 The public intrigue and speculation about QAR include theories about its ability to create mathematical proofs, synthetic datasets, and integrate self-learning techniques.
  • 📝 A leaked letter from within OpenAI hints at QAR's potential for metacognition and the ability to significantly improve the selection of optimal actions in deep Q networks.
  • 🔐 There are concerns that QAR's advancements could compromise encryption and cybersecurity, given mathematics' foundational role in these areas.
  • 🧠 The potential integration of self-play and lookahead planning, as seen in systems like AlphaGo, into large language models is a topic of discussion regarding QAR's capabilities.
  • 🌐 The ability to generate synthetic data is considered by some as a possible aspect of QAR, which could revolutionize AI training by reducing reliance on existing datasets.
  • ⚖️ The debate between AI 'doomers' and 'accelerationists' intensifies with the emergence of QAR, reflecting deep divisions over the future trajectory of AI development.
  • 🔬 Yan LeCun, a leading AI researcher, suggests that the next step for large language models is to move beyond imitating humans to planning and self-improvement, which QAR might embody.

Q & A

  • What is Q* and why is it considered a potential AGI breakthrough?

    -Q* is a leaked AI breakthrough that is speculated to be a significant step towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). It is believed to involve advancements in reasoning, logic, and the ability to create mathematical proofs, which are capabilities that closely resemble human intelligence.

  • Why was there concern within OpenAI regarding Q*?

    -There was concern because the capabilities of Q* were so advanced that they raised fears about the potential consequences of releasing such technology. This led to a letter of concern to the board and discussions about prioritizing safety over commercialization.

  • What is the significance of AI being able to solve mathematical problems?

    -The significance lies in the fact that it implies the AI has greater reasoning capabilities. Unlike language generation where there can be multiple correct answers, math has a single correct answer, indicating a higher level of understanding and logic.

  • What is the potential impact of Q* on encryption and cybersecurity?

    -If Q* enables AI to significantly improve its understanding and application of mathematics, it could potentially break encryption algorithms that secure the internet, financial transactions, and sensitive information, leading to severe cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

  • What is the 'tree of thoughts' reasoning process, and how does it relate to Q*?

    -The 'tree of thoughts' reasoning process involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable steps. It is related to Q* as it may be a part of the breakthrough that allows AI to reason through problems more effectively, similar to human thought processes.

  • What role does self-play have in the development of AI, as mentioned in the context of Q*?

    -Self-play is a technique where an AI system plays against variations of itself, allowing it to encounter a wide range of situations and improve its strategies. In the context of Q*, self-play could potentially enable AI to improve its reasoning and problem-solving skills autonomously.

  • How does the concept of synthetic data generation relate to the Q* breakthrough?

    -Synthetic data generation refers to the AI's ability to create its own training data. If Q* includes this capability, it could allow AI systems to continually improve and adapt without relying on external data sources, which could be a significant step towards AGI.

  • What is the controversy surrounding Sam Altman's departure from OpenAI?

    -Sam Altman's departure from OpenAI was controversial because it followed closely on the heels of his discussions about a major AI breakthrough and raised questions about the reasons behind his firing. It is speculated to be related to disagreements over the direction of AI development, particularly the commercialization versus the cautious approach regarding safety and ethical considerations.

  • What are process reward models (PRMs), and how do they fit into the potential capabilities of Q*?

    -Process reward models (PRMs) are systems that provide feedback for each intermediate reasoning step, rather than just the final outcome. In the context of Q*, PRMs could be used to score and refine the AI's reasoning process, leading to more reliable and complex problem-solving abilities.

  • Why is the ability to understand and create mathematical proofs significant for AI?

    -The ability to understand and create mathematical proofs is significant for AI because it indicates a deeper level of understanding and reasoning. It suggests that the AI is not just predicting the next step but comprehending the underlying logic and principles, which is a hallmark of advanced intelligence.

  • What is the potential role of AI in labeling and scoring the reasoning process?

    -AI could potentially take over the role of humans in labeling and scoring the reasoning process, allowing for the evaluation and refinement of AI reasoning at scales previously unattainable. This could significantly accelerate the development and improvement of AI systems.

  • How might Q* change the landscape for data set creation and usage in AI?

    -If Q* enables the creation of synthetic data sets, it could democratize the access to high-quality training data, reducing the reliance on large tech companies that currently control unique data sets. This could lead to more innovation and a wider distribution of AI technology.



🤖 AI Breakthrough 'QAR' and its Impact on OpenAI

The video discusses the mysterious AI breakthrough known as 'QAR', which reportedly led to internal strife at OpenAI and the firing of Sam Altman. The host explains that only a few insiders know the true nature of QAR, but it's speculated to be linked to mathematical problem-solving capabilities, potentially paving the way for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). The discussion also touches on the ethical and safety concerns that led the OpenAI board to consider shutting down the company to prevent the premature release of this technology.


🧠 Speculations on QAR's Capabilities and Self-Improvement

This segment delves into various speculations about QAR's potential capabilities, such as creating mathematical proofs, self-generating synthetic data sets, and integrating self-learning techniques akin to AlphaGo. The host references research papers and discussions that hint at QAR possibly being a self-improvement mechanism for AI, allowing it to refine its outputs through iterative reasoning, which is a significant leap from current AI models that lack true understanding and planning capabilities.


🔍 QAR's Potential for Transforming Language Models

The video explores the possibility that QAR could revolutionize large language models (LLMs) by enabling them to perform complex reasoning tasks more effectively. It discusses the concept of 'tree of thoughts' reasoning, where AI breaks down problems into smaller, more manageable steps. The host also highlights the importance of process supervision and how QAR could potentially allow AI to understand and improve its decision-making processes, which is a significant step towards more human-like intelligence.


🌐 The Implications of QAR on Encryption and Beyond

The host contemplates the far-reaching implications of QAR's capabilities, particularly in the realm of encryption. If QAR can solve complex mathematical problems, it could potentially break encryption algorithms, which would have severe consequences for internet security, banking, and national secrets. The discussion also touches on the idea that QAR might have demonstrated the ability to select optimal actions with metacognition, understanding its decision-making process, which is a significant advancement for AI.


📚 QAR and the Future of Data in AI Training

The video speculates that QAR might enable AI to create its own synthetic data sets, which would be a game-changer for AI training. With the ability to generate unlimited high-quality training data, AI models could improve drastically without reliance on existing data sets. The host also discusses the concept of self-play in AI, where an AI system plays against variations of itself to improve, drawing parallels to AlphaGo's strategy for surpassing human players.


🚀 The Quest for General AI and QAR's Role

The final paragraph discusses the ongoing pursuit of AGI and how QAR might be a step towards achieving it. The host talks about the need for AI systems to have general planning abilities, which would require a world model to predict outcomes of actions. There's skepticism about whether QAR could truly enable AI to generate new ideas and data, but the potential for self-improvement and the creation of synthetic data sets make it a compelling subject of debate between AI experts.


📨 Viewer Engagement and Open Questions

The video concludes with an invitation for viewers to share their thoughts on the nature of QAR and its potential implications. The host encourages viewers to like, subscribe, and comment on their theories, highlighting the ongoing debate between AI pessimists and optimists regarding the future of AI technology.




AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, refers to the hypothetical ability of an intelligent agent to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can. It is a central concept in the video, as the discussion revolves around a potential breakthrough that could lead to the creation of AGI. The video mentions the fear and controversy surrounding such a development, including the potential risks and the debate between those who believe in accelerating AI development and those who advocate for caution.


Q* is mentioned as a potential AI breakthrough that could have significant implications for the field of artificial intelligence. The term is surrounded by speculation and is suggested to be linked to advancements in reasoning, self-play, and synthetic data generation. Its relation to the video's theme is that it might represent a leap forward in AI capabilities, possibly paving the way towards AGI.


Self-play is a method used in machine learning where an algorithm improves its performance by playing against versions of itself. In the context of the video, self-play is discussed as a technique that could allow AI to improve its capabilities without human intervention, which is significant for the development of more advanced AI systems.

💡Synthetic Data

Synthetic data refers to data that is generated using artificial means, rather than being collected from real-world observations. The video suggests that the creation of synthetic data could be a key component of the Q* breakthrough, potentially allowing AI systems to train on vast amounts of data without reliance on existing datasets.

💡Mathematical Proofs

Mathematical proofs are rigorous demonstrations that certain statements or formulas are true. The video discusses the significance of AI's ability to understand and create mathematical proofs, which would indicate a higher level of reasoning capability and bring AI closer to human-like intelligence.


Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties. The video highlights the potential impact of advanced AI on cryptography, suggesting that if AI can solve complex mathematical problems, it could break encryption algorithms, which would have profound implications for security and privacy.

💡Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models are AI systems that are trained on vast amounts of text data to generate human-like language. The video explores the limitations and potential improvements of LLMs, particularly in the context of the Q* breakthrough, which might enable these models to reason more effectively and plan ahead.


Self-improvement in the context of AI refers to the ability of an AI system to enhance its own performance through iterative learning and feedback. The video discusses this concept in relation to Q*, suggesting that such a capability could lead to AI systems that continually improve without human input.


Transformers are a type of AI model that is particularly effective at processing sequential data such as language. The video mentions Transformers as a foundational technology for current large language models, and it speculates that Q* could represent a significant advancement beyond this technology.

💡Sam Altman

Sam Altman is the former CEO of OpenAI who was mentioned in the video in relation to the controversy and internal conflict surrounding the Q* breakthrough. His firing is speculated to be connected to disagreements over the direction and commercialization of the technology.

💡Simulation Theory

Simulation Theory is the philosophical idea that our reality might be a simulated or artificial construct. The video briefly touches on this concept when discussing the implications of advanced AI and its ability to solve complex problems, suggesting that it could support or challenge our understanding of reality.


Q* (QAR) is an AI breakthrough that led to internal concerns at OpenAI, potentially contributing to the firing of Sam Altman.

Only a few within OpenAI know the exact nature of QAR, with much speculation existing online.

Sam Altman discussed being present during a significant AI discovery, hinting at a tool or creature they've built.

The discovery of QAR seems to be related to a disagreement on commercialization and safety, leading to Altman's departure.

OpenAI was willing to forgo billions in value to ensure the safe creation of AGI, indicating the potential power of QAR.

QAR might be an advancement in AI's ability to solve mathematical problems, implying greater reasoning capabilities.

Current generative AI excels in writing and translation but lacks in reasoning with mathematical certainty.

QAR could represent an architectural breakthrough similar to Transformers, which power today's large language models.

Speculations include QAR's ability to create mathematical proofs and understand reasoning, beyond just predicting sequences.

The STAR method, a self-taught reasoning technique, could be related to QAR's capabilities.

QAR might enable AI to generate its own synthetic data sets for further training, a significant leap in AI capabilities.

Self-play and look-ahead planning from successes like AlphaGo might be integrated into large language models via QAR.

QAR could signify a shift towards AI systems that can plan and understand outcomes, akin to human conscious processing.

The ability for AI to create synthetic data could bypass the need for large, unique data sets controlled by a few companies.

QAR might be a combination of innovations, including new reasoning methods, self-training, and synthetic data creation.

The potential of QAR has sparked a debate between AI pessimists and those advocating for rapid AI development.

The implications of QAR could be vast, including advancements in cryptography and the possibility of AI understanding complex proofs.