Overwatch 2 - EVERY HERO CHANGE for April Fools Patch 2024

1 Apr 202413:34

TLDRThe April Fools' event introduces a series of whimsical and outlandish updates to the game. Heroes experience exaggerated changes to their abilities, such as increased charge swapping, reversed mechanics, and altered ultimates. The patch also brings new moves like Wrecking Ball transforming into a crab and Zarya's bubbles growing significantly. The changes are designed to offer a week of fun and unconventional gameplay in arcade mode.


  • 🎉 The April Fools' event introduces a googly-eyed, balance patch with numerous changes to heroes and their abilities.
  • 🔄 When switching heroes, the maximum charge preservation is increased from 15% to 49%, encouraging more counter swaps.
  • 🚀 Mech's boosters can now move backwards, and crouch cancelling reduces the cooldown to 1.5 seconds in the first four seconds.
  • 💥 Self-destruct knockback is increased by 900%, significantly altering the dynamics of certain heroes' ultimate abilities.
  • 🌪️ Orisa's base armor is increased by 125, and her annihilation ultimate is now moved to her regular ability, allowing for more frequent use.
  • 🔥 Roadhog's Pig Pen speed is drastically increased to 80 m/s, and the projectile damage is set to 40, enabling new strategies.
  • 🧬 Winston's Tesla Cannon secondary fire now chains between enemies, and his Primal Rage causes lightning to chain as well.
  • 🤖 Wrecking Ball's sideways movement speed is increased by 55%, and his quad cannons deal more damage when walking sideways.
  • 🏹 Hanzo's Storm Arrows number of projectiles per shot is increased from 1 to 5, though each projectile's damage is reduced by 78%.
  • 🚀 Baptiste's EXO boots now launch him forward instead of upward, and his Amplification Matrix increases projectile speed by 200%.
  • 🛸 Symmetra's teleporter now only places an exit, and any ally can use the teleporter regardless of their location, though the duration is reduced.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the April Fools' event update described in the transcript?

    -The main theme of the April Fools' event update is a series of humorous and exaggerated balance changes to various heroes in the game, with the intent of creating a fun and lighthearted gameplay experience for the event duration.

  • How is the maximum all charge preserved when switching heroes in the patch?

    -The maximum all charge is preserved by increasing the charge preservation from 15% to 49% when switching heroes, allowing players to retain a significant portion of their ultimate ability charge.

  • What new ability does Roadhog gain in the patch?

    -Roadhog gains a new ability called 'Pig Pen Giga', which increases the speed of his projectile from 26 m/s to 80 m/s and increases the projectile damage from 0 to 40, allowing him to 'dunk' people with it.

  • What change is made to Zarya's bubbles in the patch?

    -The size of Zarya's bubbles is increased by 1.75 times, making them massive and more noticeable in the game.

  • How does the patch modify the gameplay of Winston's Tesla Cannon and Primal Rage?

    -The patch modifies Winston's Tesla Cannon and Primal Rage by allowing them to chain between enemies, making them more effective in combat.

  • What is the new ultimate ability for Ratanha in the patch?

    -Ratanha's new ultimate ability is 'Annihilation', which is moved from the other ultimate to Ability One, allowing it to be used more frequently without pausing its duration while dealing damage.

  • What change is made to the gameplay of Junkrat and his Frag Launcher projectiles?

    -Junkrat can now detonate his Frag Launcher projectiles with secondary fire, giving him more control over when they explode.

  • What new ability does Mercy gain in the patch?

    -Mercy gains a new ability called 'Damage Staff', which replaces her damage boost beam with a staff that fires projectiles, and has a smaller size but increases in size during the ultimate.

  • How does the patch alter the gameplay of Symmetra's Teleporter?

    -The patch alters Symmetra's Teleporter by allowing any ally to use the exit teleporter regardless of their location, but the teleporter duration is decreased from 10 to 4 seconds.

  • What change is made to the gameplay of Brigitte and her Shield Barrier?

    -Brigitte's Shield Barrier HP is increased from 250 to 700, and it always uses the larger size. Additionally, her 'Rally' ability refreshes the Shield Bash cooldown and increases the movement speed bonus from 1.15 to 1.3 times.

  • What new gameplay mechanic is introduced for Genji in the patch?

    -Genji is introduced with a 'Parry' mechanic on his deflect, where pressing primary fire while deflecting at the perfect time can critically deflect the projectile.



🎉 April Fools' Event Updates

The April Fools' Event introduces a series of humorous and whimsical changes to the game. Notable updates include a significant boost in the counter swap ability, allowing players to switch heroes with a 49% increase in charge. The Mech's boosters can now move backward, and the self-destruct knockback is amplified by 900%. Other adjustments include changes to hero abilities, such as Doomfist's power block and Empower, as well as movement speed modifiers for Quick Melee. The script also mentions a variety of other tweaks, like the reversal of Junker Queen's Jagged Blade and the adjustment of cooldowns and abilities for heroes like Roadhog, Zarya, and Torbjorn. These updates are designed to bring a playful twist to the gameplay, enhancing the entertainment factor of the event.


🤠 Cassidy's Cowboy Adventure

Cassidy, the cowboy, has picked up a new job where marking an enemy and killing them grants 50 Health, though this effect resets upon death. The focus beam's damage multiplier is also adjusted, allowing close targets to take increased damage. The script introduces a new ultimate for Echo, the duplicate ability, which now dups allies and has an increased shield health and charge rate. Genji's deflect mechanic is enhanced with a critical deflect feature, and Hanzo's storm arrows gain additional ricochets and increased projectile numbers. These changes are part of the April Fools' patch, aiming to inject more fun and excitement into the game dynamics.


🚀 Mayze's Avalanche and New Abilities

Mayze receives a new ability called Avalanche, which creates a large ice pillar when activated in the air. The script also introduces Jet Land, allowing players to dash towards the ground from a crouching position in mid-air. Justice's RS and ER can now control both shotguns independently, and Sojin's disruptor shot gains a pulling effect. The changes continue with Sombra's virus becoming more contagious and Symmetra's teleporter being accessible to all allies regardless of location. Torbjorn's turret can now stick to allies, and Tracer's recall sends players to different dimensions. These updates are part of the April Fools' Event, bringing creative and amusing alterations to the game.



💡April Fools' Event

The term 'April Fools' Event' refers to a special occasion that takes place on April 1st, which is traditionally known for playing pranks and jokes. In the context of the video, it appears to be an in-game event with various updates and changes that are humorously exaggerated or absurd, reflecting the spirit of April Fools' Day. For example, the script mentions 'googly eyes' and 'balance patch,' which are likely playful and unconventional additions to the game.

💡Counter Swap

Counter Swap refers to a strategic move in a game where players switch characters or tactics to counter the opponent's strategy effectively. In the video, this term is used to describe an enhanced game mechanic where players can now more easily switch their characters, taking advantage of the increased charge preservation.


Boosters in gaming context usually provide temporary enhancements or abilities to characters. In the script, the mention of boosters that can now move backwards and have crouch cancellation implies that these in-game items or abilities have been updated to allow for more dynamic and strategic gameplay.

💡Self-Destruct Knockback

The term 'Self-Destruct Knockback' refers to a game mechanic where a character or object, upon self-destruction, causes an area of effect that affects other characters or objects by knocking them back. In the video, it is mentioned that this effect has been significantly increased, suggesting a more dramatic and impactful gameplay experience.


Empower in the context of the video game refers to an ability or status that enhances a character's attributes or abilities. The script mentions 'Empower' in relation to a character's Quick Melee, indicating that this ability has been enhanced or modified for the April Fools' Event.

💡Junker Queen

Junker Queen is likely a character or class within the game, and the script describes specific changes to her abilities. For instance, her 'Jagged Blade' ability has been reversed, and the cooldown mechanics have been altered, which would significantly change the gameplay dynamics and strategies involving this character.


Orisa is a character in the game, and the script mentions updates to her abilities. The 'Energy Javelin' and 'Ricochet' are abilities that have been modified, with changes to their mechanics such as increased ricochet capabilities and explosive properties, which would affect how players use these abilities in the game.

💡Wrecking Ball

Wrecking Ball is a character in the game that has undergone significant changes according to the script. The character is now described as a 'crab,' with increased movement speed and altered attack mechanics, suggesting a shift in playstyle and tactics when using this character.


Zarya is another character in the game, and the script describes her abilities 'Nemesis Form' and 'Pummel' as being enhanced or altered. The changes to her ultimate ability and the damage and range of her 'Pummel' attack indicate a rebalance or thematic update for this character during the April Fools' Event.


Roadhog is a character in the game with a 'Pig Pen' ability, which has been updated to have increased speed and projectile damage. These changes are likely intended to create a more dynamic and potentially more powerful gameplay experience with this character.


Sigma is a character in the game with an 'accretion' ability. The script indicates that this ability has been adjusted, with changes to projectile speed and gravity, suggesting a shift in how this ability functions and impacts gameplay.


The maximum all charge preserved when switching Heroes is increased from 15% to 49%, allowing for more effective counter swaps.

Mech's boosters can now move backwards, with the ability to cancel the movement by using crouch.

The self-destruct knockback for mechs has been increased by 900%, leading to more dynamic and impactful gameplay.

Empower your next regular Quick Melee with a power block movement speed modifier increase from 65 times to 1.25 times.

Junker Queen's Jagged Blade now magnetizes her to the knife when the secondary fire is active, changing the ability's dynamics.

Ratra's base armor has been increased by 125, and his ultimate Annihilation is now moved to Ability one, allowing for more frequent use.

The Nemesis form of Ratra always has Annihilation active, fully healing him on use and increasing his Pummel punch damage from 60 to 75.

Roadhog's Pig Pen speed is increased to 80 m/s, and the projectile damage is now 40, allowing for a more impactful ability.

Sigma's accretion The Rock now travels slower, with a decreased projectile speed and gravity, but can be crashed down immediately for additional damage and stun.

Wrecking Ball's sideways movement speed is increased by 55%, and he now deals increased damage with his quad cannons while walking sideways.

Zarya's bubbles size is increased by 1.75 times, and her new ability bound on Mouse scroll or weapon Swap calls Fred in for a knockup.

Bastion's configurations are altered, with the assault form now being the default and having 150 ammo with crit damage adjusted.

McCree's new ability, 2 in the morning, targets enemies closer than 8 m of echo, dealing damage as if they're under half Health from focusing beam.

Echo's duplicate ultimate now dups allies and increases the duplicate's Health and Shield health, along with the bonus Al charge gain rate.

Genji's deflect mechanic now allows for a critical deflect if primary fire is pressed at the perfect time.

Hanzo's storm arrows now have a Ricochet increase from 1 to three times, and the number of projectiles per shot is increased from 1 to five.

Junkrat can now detonate his frag launcher projectiles with secondary fire, providing more control over his abilities.

Mayze's new ability, Avalanche launch, creates a large ice pillar under her when activated in the air, offering new gameplay possibilities.

Justice's RS, from the ground ER, can now control both shotguns, with the left click or primary fire for one shotgun and secondary fire for the other.

Sojin's name is Viven Chase, and her disruptor shot now pulls enemies in on deploy, offering a new way to engage opponents.

Symmetra's teleporter now only places an exit teleporter, and any ally can use it regardless of their location, with a decreased duration.

Torbjorn's turret now sticks to walls, ceilings, and allies, opening up new strategic possibilities for placement.

Tracer's recall sends her to two different dimensions, the past or the future, each with unique projectile behaviors.

Widowmaker's grappling hook now has three charges, and critical hits with her secondary fire replenish one charge of the ability.

Baptist's EXO boots launch him forward rather than upward, and the amplification Matrix increases the speed of projectiles shot through it by 200%.

Brig's scale has been increased by 1.5 times, her armor increased from 50 to 150, and her Shield barrier HP increased from 250 to 700.

Mercy's damage boost beam is replaced with the damage staff, which fires projectiles with increased size during the ultimate.

Mora's biotic grass primary fire now deals damage instead of healing, and the biotic grasp secondary fire heals instead of doing damage.

Zenyatta's orbs of Destruction ammo increased from 25 to 32, with a faster charge time and increased projectile speed.