I Spectated A Bronze Aimbotting Mercy in Overwatch 2

12 Jun 202316:19

TLDRIn this intriguing video, the narrator discusses witnessing a Mercy player in the game Overwatch 2 who appears to be using an aimbot in a Bronze-ranked match. The video captures the player's gameplay, which initially seems normal with Mercy's standard abilities, but then transitions into suspicious behavior with rapid and unnatural aiming, particularly when using Valkyrie. The player is observed to have high sensitivity settings, which may contribute to the erratic mouse movements. The video also humorously highlights the stark contrast between the player's regular Bronze gameplay and the moments when they seemingly switch to a more aggressive, aimbot-assisted style, creating a bizarre and amusing spectacle for viewers.


  • 🎮 The video discusses an unusual experience of spectating a Bronze-ranked Mercy player in Overwatch 2 who is suspected of cheating.
  • 👀 The player initially seems to exhibit normal gameplay for a Bronze-ranked Mercy, including damage boosting and attempting to play on high ground.
  • 🤔 There are moments of confusion as the player's aim appears to 'snap' to targets in a way that is unnatural but not definitively indicative of cheating.
  • 🚀 The Mercy player demonstrates knowledge of advanced techniques like super jumping, suggesting some level of skill.
  • 🔥 However, there are instances where the player's aim locks onto targets with a high degree of precision, which is atypical for a Bronze-ranked player.
  • 🤯 The video describes the player's aim as 'diabolical' and 'snappy', with movements that are janky and difficult to watch.
  • 🎯 The suspicion of cheating intensifies when the Mercy player switches to a sidearm (Glock) and displays extremely accurate aim.
  • 😱 The player's aim is described as 'constantly pulling back to center mass', which is highly suspicious in a game setting.
  • 🤨 There is speculation that the player might be a Mercy main who resorts to cheating when they feel their team's DPS is lacking.
  • 😅 The video also humorously points out the dramatic change in the player's behavior when they switch to the sidearm, as if a different person takes over.
  • 🏆 Despite the cheating allegations, the team with the cheating Mercy player nearly loses, highlighting the unpredictable nature of the game.

Q & A

  • What is the title of the video?

    -The title of the video is 'I Spectated A Bronze Aimbotting Mercy in Overwatch 2'.

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the observation and discussion of a player using an aimbot while playing as Mercy in a Bronze match of Overwatch 2.

  • What did the narrator initially think about the gameplay?

    -Initially, the narrator thought the gameplay seemed like normal Mercy gameplay, with the player mostly doing damage boosting and not exhibiting any obvious signs of cheating.

  • How did the narrator describe the player's movement sensitivity?

    -The narrator described the player's movement sensitivity as very high, possibly even higher than 15 sensitivity 800 DPI, which made the movement appear janky.

  • What was the unusual behavior observed by the narrator?

    -The unusual behavior observed by the narrator was the player's ability to 'snap' onto targets and consistently hit them, which is not typical for a Bronze-ranked Mercy player.

  • What is the term used to describe the player's suspected cheating method?

    -The term used to describe the player's suspected cheating method is 'Aimbotting'.

  • What was the narrator's reaction to the player's ability to nearly win the match despite cheating?

    -The narrator expressed that it was sad that the cheating player nearly won the match, indicating a mix of disbelief and disappointment.

  • What did the narrator speculate about the player's possible motivations for cheating?

    -The narrator speculated that the player might be a stuck Bronze Mercy player who resorted to cheating to win, or someone who plays Mercy normally but pulls out the Glock and Valkyrie to secure a win when needed.

  • What was the narrator's opinion on the cheating player's Mercy gameplay?

    -The narrator stated that despite the cheating, the Mercy gameplay was not the worst they had ever seen, as the player seemed to have some knowledge of the game mechanics.

  • How did the narrator describe the cheating player's use of the Valkyrie ultimate ability?

    -The narrator described the cheating player's use of the Valkyrie ultimate ability as 'snappy' and 'unnatural', with the player locking onto targets with high sensitivity.

  • What was the narrator's final conclusion about the cheating player?

    -The narrator concluded that the player was indeed cheating, as evidenced by the unnatural and suspicious gameplay, particularly when the player switched to using the Glock and Valkyrie.



😲 Witnessing Cheating in Bronze Rank - Mercy's Unusual Gameplay

The speaker begins by addressing the unexpected presence of a cheater in a bronze-ranked game, expressing surprise at encountering such behavior. The focus is on a Mercy player who initially appears to be playing normally, with some skill in super jumping and high ground positioning. However, odd moments of snapping onto targets and unusual aiming are observed, leading to speculation about the use of an aimbot. The speaker questions the logic behind cheating at such a low rank and humorously describes the Mercy player's gameplay as 'not the worst' they've seen, despite the clear signs of cheating.


🎮 Mercy's Transformation into a Cheating Phenomenon

The narrative continues with the Mercy player's tactics, suggesting that they switch to a more aggressive playstyle when necessary, using a Glock to secure wins. The speaker describes moments of highly suspicious gameplay, including rapid and unnatural aiming behavior, which they nickname 'the hurricane.' The summary highlights the stark contrast between the player's regular Mercy gameplay and the sudden, jarring moments of apparent aimbot use, which seem to take over the player's actions entirely.


🤔 Analyzing the Motives Behind Cheating as Mercy

The speaker ponders the reasons behind a Mercy player resorting to cheating, hypothesizing that it could be due to frustration from being stuck in the bronze rank. They discuss the player's apparent knowledge of Mercy's mechanics, such as super jumping, despite poor positioning. The summary delves into the paradox of a Mercy player who seems to have some skill but resorts to cheating to win. It also touches on the idea that the cheating might not be obvious at a high sensitivity or in real-time gameplay, making it harder to detect.


😱 The Dramatic Shift in Mercy's Gameplay and Its Impact

The final paragraph focuses on the dramatic shift in the Mercy player's behavior, where they quickly switch to using a Valkyrie and a Glock, displaying an entirely different level of skill. The speaker is astounded by the player's ability to switch between a casual bronze-ranked Mercy player and a cheater with pinpoint accuracy. The summary captures the essence of the gameplay transformation and the speaker's amazement at the rapid change in the player's performance, emphasizing the comical and bizarre nature of the situation.




In the context of competitive online gaming, 'Bronze' often refers to the lowest or one of the lower skill levels in a ranking system. In the video, it is used to describe the skill level of the players in the match where the Mercy character is observed to be cheating.


Aimbotting refers to the use of software that automatically aims a player's in-game weapon for them, giving an unfair advantage. In the video, the term is used to describe the cheating method employed by the Mercy character.


Mercy is a character in the game Overwatch, known for her healing abilities. In the video, she is the focus as the player is observed to be cheating, which is unusual given her support role in the game.


Cheating in a video game involves using unauthorized methods to gain an advantage over other players. The video discusses the observation of a player cheating in a match of Overwatch 2.

💡Damage Boosting

This term refers to a form of cheating where a player's damage output is artificially increased. In the context of the video, it is suggested that the Mercy player may also be damage boosting in addition to aimbotting.

💡Super Jump

A term used in Overwatch to describe a technique that allows characters to leap higher than normal. The video mentions that the Mercy player knows how to perform a super jump, which is a part of normal gameplay for the character.

💡High Ground

Refers to positioning oneself at a higher elevation during gameplay, which can provide a tactical advantage. The Mercy player in the video is said to be attempting to play on the high ground.


The Glock is a weapon that Mercy can use in Overwatch. In the video, it is mentioned that the Mercy player unexpectedly switches to the Glock, which is unusual for a support character and suggests cheating.


Valkyrie is an ultimate ability used by Mercy in Overwatch that enhances her own combat abilities. The video discusses the Mercy player's use of Valkyrie in conjunction with apparent cheating.


In gaming, a projectile refers to any object that is thrown or launched, such as a gun's bullets. The video script mentions Mercy's shots being projectile, which is relevant to how the aimbot software is suspected to be working.

💡Spawn Door

The spawn door is the location in a game where players re-enter the game after being eliminated. The video describes a situation where the cheating Mercy player is holding the spawn door, preventing other players from entering the game.


The video is a spectator's account of a Mercy player using an aimbot in a bronze match of Overwatch 2.

The Mercy player is suspected of cheating due to their unusually accurate aiming.

The Mercy player's gameplay initially appears normal, with no signs of cheating.

The player is observed to have a very high sensitivity and DPI settings, contributing to janky movement.

Despite the suspicion of cheating, the Mercy player demonstrates knowledge of advanced techniques like super jumping.

The video captures moments where the Mercy player's aim appears to snap to targets, indicative of an aimbot.

There are instances where the Mercy player switches to a sidearm, the Glock, and displays exceptional aim.

The Mercy player's aimbot seems to activate in specific, high-pressure moments of the game.

The video includes a slow-motion analysis of the Mercy player's suspicious aiming behavior.

The Mercy player's aimbot is speculated to be a projectile-based system that targets center mass.

The video discusses the possibility of the Mercy player being a frustrated, skilled player resorting to cheating to win.

The narrator humorously describes the Mercy player's dramatic switch to the Glock as 'Here Comes The Hurricane'.

The video concludes with the Mercy player's team holding the spawn door, an unusual strategy in a bronze match.

The Mercy player's name in the game is 'Penetrator', adding to the suspicion of cheating.

The video ends with the Mercy player pulling out the Glock in a last-ditch effort to win the match.

The narrator expresses amazement at the Mercy player's ability to switch between normal gameplay and cheating.

The video serves as a cautionary tale about the impact of cheating in online gaming.