Poe - Trigger Happy Jack (official video)

3 Feb 201103:38

TLDRThe video 'Trigger Happy Jack' by Poe narrates a complex relationship with a volatile individual who is portrayed as a 'trigger happy' psycho. The lyrics describe the struggle of dealing with someone who is both terrifying and fascinating, with imagery of the person's head spinning like in 'The Exorcist' and waving a pistol. The protagonist is caught in a cycle of fear and attraction, grappling with the challenge of understanding and loving someone who is mentally unstable. The song captures the tension and the emotional turmoil of being in a relationship with someone unpredictable and potentially dangerous.


  • 😨 The character is easily scared and this triggers anger, leading to a dramatic reaction.
  • 🎥 The head-spinning reference to 'The Exorcist' suggests extreme behavior and emotional turmoil.
  • 🤔 The narrator finds it hard to resist the cries, indicating a complex and possibly conflicted relationship.
  • 🔫 The infant waving a pistol symbolizes innocence corrupted by violence.
  • 🧐 The narrator is underestimated by the psycho, who tries to manipulate their mind.
  • 🤯 The psycho is perceived as potentially not entirely dead, adding a layer of mystery and fear.
  • 🗣️ Communication with the psycho is compared to an impossible task, highlighting the difficulty of the interaction.
  • 💥 The song's title 'Trigger Happy Jack' foreshadows explosive and unpredictable behavior.
  • 😌 The psycho momentarily calms down, creating a false sense of peace.
  • 🚗 The 'drive-by' metaphor and 'Jedi Mind Tricks' reference suggest manipulation and deceit.
  • 🛤️ The road collision analogy conveys the feeling of being trapped and helpless in the situation.
  • 🤯 The narrator's self-loathing and attraction to the psycho create a complex emotional dynamic.
  • 🤔 The final lines question the narrator's sanity, suggesting they might be as 'crazy' as the psycho they are describing.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the song 'Trigger Happy Jack'?

    -The main theme of the song revolves around the tumultuous relationship with a person who is described as 'trigger happy', suggesting a volatile and potentially dangerous character.

  • How does the song describe the person's reaction to being scared?

    -The song describes the person's reaction as anger, with their head spinning around like in the movie 'The Exorcist', indicating a dramatic and intense response.

  • What is the singer's attitude towards the person's cries?

    -The singer finds it hard to resist the person's cries, suggesting a sense of empathy or a strong emotional connection despite the person's aggressive behavior.

  • What is the significance of the 'pistol' in the lyrics?

    -The 'pistol' symbolizes the threat and danger that the person poses, as they wave it in the singer's face, demanding submission and control.

  • How does the singer perceive the person's mind games?

    -The singer is aware that the person is 'messing with my head', indicating an understanding of the psychological manipulation taking place.

  • What does the term 'Jedi Mind Tricks' refer to in the context of the song?

    -The term 'Jedi Mind Tricks' is used metaphorically to describe the person's attempts to manipulate and control the singer's thoughts and actions.

  • What is the singer's strategy to deal with the person's aggressive behavior?

    -The singer plans to 'get all before you go', suggesting a proactive approach to confront or outsmart the person before they can cause further harm.

  • How does the song describe the singer's emotional state?

    -The singer expresses a complex emotional state, feeling both attraction and repulsion towards the person, and questioning their own sanity for being drawn to someone so dangerous.

  • What is the metaphor used to describe the singer's feelings towards the end of the song?

    -The metaphor of 'road kill' is used to describe the singer's feelings of being emotionally battered and left behind by the person's actions.

  • Why does the singer find it difficult to communicate with the person?

    -The singer finds it difficult to communicate with the person because they are described as a 'psycho', indicating that normal human interaction is not possible with someone who exhibits such extreme behavior.

  • What is the overall tone of the song 'Trigger Happy Jack'?

    -The overall tone of the song is intense and dramatic, reflecting the chaotic and dangerous nature of the relationship being described.



😈 Emotional Turmoil and Psychological Manipulation

The first paragraph describes a complex and intense emotional interaction between two individuals. It portrays a scenario where one person is easily angered and exhibits extreme behavior, such as having their head spin around like in the 'Exorcist'. The narrator struggles with the temptation to give in to the other's demands and feels conflicted about their relationship. The theme of manipulation is evident, with references to 'Jedi Mind Tricks' and the narrator's realization that they cannot treat the other person as they would a normal human being. The paragraph also includes a song or music lyrics that add to the emotional depth and complexity of the situation.



💡Trigger Happy Jack

The term 'Trigger Happy Jack' is the title of the video and likely refers to a character or persona that is quick to anger and potentially violent, as the name suggests someone who is eager to pull the trigger of a gun. In the context of the video, it could symbolize a volatile and unpredictable individual, as seen in the lyrics where the character's head spins around and waves a pistol, indicating a dramatic and dangerous behavior.


The 'Exorcist' refers to the 1973 horror film about demonic possession, which is used here metaphorically to describe the character's head spinning around. This term helps to set a dramatic and supernatural tone for the character's extreme reactions, adding a layer of horror and intensity to the narrative of the video.


'Cries' in this context refers to the pleas or shouts of the character described as 'Trigger Happy Jack'. It signifies a desperate and emotional appeal that the speaker finds hard to resist. The use of 'cries' in the script suggests a complex emotional dynamic between the characters, where the speaker is torn between the desire to help and the fear of the violent outbursts.


The term 'sistic' seems to be a typographical error or a slang term not commonly recognized. However, if we interpret it as a play on 'sadistic', it would imply deriving pleasure from the suffering of others. In the video's context, it could be used to describe the character's enjoyment in exerting power and control over the speaker, as seen when he waves his pistol in the speaker's face.

💡Messing with my head

The phrase 'messing with my head' is used to describe the psychological manipulation or mind games that one character is playing on another. In the script, it indicates that 'Trigger Happy Jack' is intentionally causing emotional turmoil and confusion for the speaker, which is a central theme in understanding the power dynamics and psychological warfare present in the video.

💡Jedi Mind Tricks

'Jedi Mind Tricks' is a reference to the mind control abilities often associated with Jedi characters from the Star Wars franchise. Here, it is used to describe the manipulative tactics that 'Trigger Happy Jack' uses to influence and control the speaker's thoughts and actions, suggesting a battle of wits and wills between the characters.

💡Road kill

'Road kill' is a term used to describe an animal that has been hit and killed by a vehicle on the road. In the context of the video, it metaphorically describes how the speaker feels after the encounter with 'Trigger Happy Jack' – like they have been emotionally or psychologically run over and left devastated on the side of the metaphorical road.


The term 'psycho' is used to describe someone who is mentally unstable or exhibits erratic and irrational behavior. In the video, it is used to characterize 'Trigger Happy Jack', emphasizing his unpredictable and potentially dangerous nature. The speaker's struggle to communicate with him as one would with a 'normal human being' highlights the disconnect and fear caused by his mental state.


'Crazy' is used to describe a state of mental instability or extreme, irrational behavior. In the script, the speaker reflects on their own mental state, questioning whether they are 'crazy enough to love him', which suggests a complex and conflicted emotional relationship with 'Trigger Happy Jack'. It adds depth to the theme of love and attraction despite the presence of danger and instability.

💡Get off

The phrase 'get off' can have multiple meanings, but in the context of the video, it likely refers to deriving a sense of excitement or pleasure from a situation. The speaker mentions hating the character enough to 'get off', which could imply a twisted form of enjoyment from the chaotic and tumultuous relationship with 'Trigger Happy Jack'.


He scares easily, which makes him angry at me.

His head spins around like the Exorcist.

It's hard to resist his cries.

An infant waving his pistol in my face.

He wants me down on my knees, crumbling in disgrace.

I know he's messing with my head.

Only weakness is I can't believe the guy could be entirely dead.

Can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being.

Trier happy Jack, you're going to blow.

I'm going to get all before you go.

Trigger Happy Jack, just the drive-by.

He calms down and looks at me like a prince.

I better bite the bullet 'cuz it's just another one of his Jedi Mind Tricks.

This ain't no head CHP honey, this is a collision on the road.

You got me feeling just like roadkill.

Can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being.

Why do you got to be such a GI?

I feel and I hate myself just enough to want him.

I hate him just enough to get off.

Maybe I'm crazy enough to love him.

Can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being.