Quillbot vs Turnitin. Can Turnitin detect plagiarized work if it is paraphrased by Quillbot?

24 Jun 202304:46

TLDRThe video explores the effectiveness of Turnitin in detecting plagiarism when text is paraphrased using Quillbot. The experiment involved submitting a plagiarized article to Turnitin, which accurately identified it as copied with a 94% similarity index. The same text was then paraphrased using Quillbot and resubmitted to Turnitin, which significantly reduced the similarity index to 31%. Further, the video demonstrates that after rephrasing the text with Quillbot, Turnitin failed to identify the original source, highlighting a potential loophole in academic integrity. The video emphasizes the need for new strategies to address this issue, as relying solely on Turnitin may not be sufficient to prevent academic misconduct.


  • 🚫 **Academic Misconduct Warning**: The video does not promote or support academic misconduct.
  • 📄 **Original Article Submission**: A plagiarized article was submitted to Turnitin to test its plagiarism detection capabilities.
  • 🔍 **Turnitin Detection**: Turnitin accurately identified the copied article with a similarity index of 94%.
  • 🤖 **Quillbot Paraphrasing**: The same article was paraphrased using Quillbot to see if Turnitin could still detect plagiarism.
  • 📉 **Reduced Similarity**: After paraphrasing with Quillbot, Turnitin reported a significantly lower similarity index of 31%.
  • 🔄 **Rephrasing with Quillbot**: The text was further rephrased using Quillbot to test Turnitin's detection limits.
  • 🤔 **Turnitin's Limitation**: Turnitin failed to identify the original source after the text was heavily paraphrased and rephrased.
  • 📚 **Academic Concern**: The video raises concerns about the potential for academic misconduct through the use of paraphrasing tools.
  • 🔑 **Originality Burden**: It suggests that the onus may fall on original authors to prove their work's authenticity if plagiarism detection tools fail.
  • 💡 **Need for New Strategies**: The video highlights the need for new strategies to combat the misuse of paraphrasing tools in academic and educational contexts.
  • 🙏 **Ecofriendly Commitment**: The video's creator emphasizes that they do not condone plagiarism and is merely demonstrating a potential issue.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video is to demonstrate whether Turnitin can detect plagiarized work that has been paraphrased using Quillbot, and to highlight the limitations of Turnitin in detecting such instances.

  • What is considered academic misconduct in the context of this video?

    -Submitting work that was copied from someone else is considered academic misconduct in the context of this video.

  • What is the initial similarity index when the plagiarized article is submitted to Turnitin?

    -The initial similarity index when the plagiarized article is submitted to Turnitin is 94%, indicating that the article was copied directly from a journal.

  • How does Quillbot's paraphrasing tool affect the similarity index when resubmitted to Turnitin?

    -After paraphrasing the text with Quillbot and resubmitting it to Turnitin, the similarity index is reduced to 31%.

  • What happens when the text is both paraphrased and rephrased using Quillbot and then submitted to Turnitin?

    -When the text is both paraphrased and rephrased using Quillbot and then submitted to Turnitin, the original source is no longer picked up by Turnitin.

  • What is the concern raised by the video regarding the use of Turnitin and Quillbot?

    -The concern raised is that it is difficult to determine the original source of the work when Turnitin fails to pick it up after paraphrasing and rephrasing with Quillbot, which could lead to the submission of copied work as original.

  • What does the video suggest needs to be developed to address the issue?

    -The video suggests that new strategies need to be developed to deal with the problem of detecting plagiarized work that has been paraphrased.

  • Why is it a significant problem if Turnitin cannot detect the original source of a paraphrased article?

    -It is a significant problem because it undermines the integrity of academic work, allowing individuals to potentially copy and submit others' work as their own without detection.

  • What is the stance of the video's creator regarding the use of Quillbot to paraphrase academic work?

    -The video's creator does not promote the use of Quillbot for paraphrasing academic work to avoid plagiarism detection. Instead, they are demonstrating the limitations of Turnitin.

  • How does the video demonstrate the limitations of Turnitin?

    -The video demonstrates the limitations of Turnitin by showing how a plagiarized article's similarity index can be significantly reduced or even the original source not detected after paraphrasing and rephrasing with Quillbot.

  • What is the ethical implication of the video's findings?

    -The ethical implication is that academic integrity could be compromised if individuals use tools like Quillbot to paraphrase and rephrase work, making it difficult for plagiarism detection systems to identify copied content.

  • What is the role of the original writer in this scenario?

    -The original writer may have to prove the originality of their work if it has been copied, paraphrased, and rephrased by someone else, as the plagiarism detection system may not identify the copied content.



📝 Demonstrating Plagiarism Detection Limitations

The video begins with a disclaimer that the creator does not support academic misconduct. The main theme is to demonstrate the limitations of plagiarism detection software, specifically Turnitin. The video shows the process of submitting a plagiarized article to Turnitin, which accurately identifies it as copied. The same text is then paraphrased using Quillbot, and resubmitted to Turnitin, resulting in a significantly reduced similarity index. The purpose is to test whether Turnitin can still detect plagiarism after paraphrasing. The video concludes by expressing concern over the implications this has for education and academia, where original work could be copied, paraphrased, and resubmitted as new, potentially undetected by plagiarism detection systems.




Quillbot is an online paraphrasing tool that can rephrase text to reduce similarity with the original source. In the video, it is used to demonstrate how the tool can take plagiarized content and rephrase it to such an extent that plagiarism detection software like Turnitin may not identify it as copied work.


Turnitin is a plagiarism detection software widely used in academic institutions to check for originality in students' submissions. The video tests Turnitin's ability to detect plagiarism in text that has been paraphrased by Quillbot, highlighting the limitations of such software in detecting rephrased content.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper credit and presenting them as one's own. The video discusses the issue of plagiarism in the context of academic writing and how tools like Quillbot can potentially be misused to commit academic misconduct.

💡Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct refers to the violation of academic integrity, such as cheating, plagiarism, and other dishonest practices. The video emphasizes that submitting plagiarized work, even if paraphrased, is considered academic misconduct and is not being promoted but rather demonstrated to show the limitations of plagiarism detection tools.


To paraphrase means to restate or reword a text, passage, or idea in a different way while maintaining the original meaning. In the context of the video, paraphrasing is used to alter the original text to reduce its similarity to the source, which can affect the detection by plagiarism checkers.

💡Similarity Index

The similarity index is a measure used by plagiarism detection software like Turnitin to indicate the percentage of text that matches or is similar to content in its database. The video shows how the similarity index changes after the text is paraphrased by Quillbot, from a high percentage indicating plagiarism to a lower percentage.


Rephrasing is a process similar to paraphrasing, where the original text is expressed in a new way. In the video, the term 'rephrase' is used in conjunction with 'paraphrase' to describe a further step taken by the presenter to alter the text after initial paraphrasing, which affects Turnitin's ability to detect the original source.

💡Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the ethical standard within academia that requires honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. The video touches upon the importance of academic integrity and how the misuse of paraphrasing tools can undermine it.


A journal refers to a scholarly publication that contains articles written by researchers and experts in a particular field. In the video, the term is used to denote the original source of the plagiarized content that is being tested for detection by Turnitin after being paraphrased.


Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and habits. The video discusses the implications of plagiarism detection limitations on the education system, particularly in how it may affect the assessment of students' original work.


Academia refers to the world of higher education and research. The video highlights the potential issues that can arise in academia due to the misuse of paraphrasing tools, which could lead to the submission of rephrased work as original, undermining the integrity of academic research.


The video does not promote or support academic misconduct.

A completely plagiarized article is submitted to Turnitin for testing.

Turnitin accurately identifies the plagiarized article with a 94% similarity index.

Quillbot is used to paraphrase the exact same plagiarized text.

After paraphrasing with Quillbot, Turnitin's similarity index drops to 31%.

Turnitin no longer highlights all sections of the text as plagiarized.

The video demonstrates the limitations of Turnitin in detecting paraphrased plagiarism.

Quillbot's paraphrasing tool significantly reduces the similarity index from 99 to 31.

The original academic work's source is not picked up by Turnitin after paraphrasing and rephrasing.

The video raises concerns about the potential for academic dishonesty in education and academia.

Turnitin fails to identify the original source after the text is paraphrased and rephrased.

The video suggests that new strategies are needed to address the issue of paraphrased plagiarism.

Ecological Time, the video's creator, does not condone the misuse of Quillbot for academic dishonesty.

The video is a demonstration of how plagiarism can be masked, not an endorsement of such actions.

The reliance on platforms like Turnitin to detect plagiarism is questioned due to its limitations.

The video concludes by emphasizing the need for better tools to detect paraphrased plagiarism.

The implications of Turnitin's inability to detect original sources post-paraphrase are discussed.

The video serves as a cautionary example of the challenges in maintaining academic integrity.