Quillbot paraphrased and rephrased human writing versus Turnitin AI detection

28 May 202303:21

TLDRIn this video, the creator tests whether Turnitin will identify paraphrased writing as AI-generated using Quillbot. The experiment involves paraphrasing three texts - a scholarly article, a student's paper, and an article by a non-native English speaker - and then submitting them to Turnitin for analysis. Despite extensive paraphrasing, Turnitin does not detect any AI content in the paraphrased texts. The video demonstrates that Quillbot's paraphrasing capabilities can successfully alter the original text without being flagged by plagiarism detection software.


  • 😀 The video conducts an experiment to see if Turnitin flags paraphrased content as AI-generated when using QuillBot.
  • 📝 The experiment involves paraphrasing both academic and non-academic texts with over 2000 words each.
  • 🤖 No AI-generated content was detected by Turnitin in the paraphrased documents, indicating QuillBot's outputs are not flagged.
  • 🔍 Three different texts were tested: a published scholarly article, a student's paper, and a paper written by a non-native English speaker.
  • 🛠 QuillBot was used to paraphrase the texts, focusing on fluency and converting them to UK English.
  • ✅ The original texts, which were not paraphrased, showed a 0% AI detection rate in Turnitin, as expected.
  • 🔄 One of the texts was not only paraphrased but also rephrased to see if more extensive modifications would trigger AI detection.
  • 📊 Results after paraphrasing and rephrasing showed that Turnitin still did not identify any AI-generated content.
  • 👀 This experiment suggests that QuillBot's paraphrasing tool is effective in modifying texts without being flagged as AI by Turnitin.
  • 🎓 The video aims to provide clarity on the effectiveness of AI paraphrasing tools in academic settings and their detectability by plagiarism detection software.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the test conducted in the video?

    -The test is conducted to determine whether Turnitin classifies paraphrased writing, which has been altered using QuillBot, as AI-generated content.

  • What tools were used in the video to paraphrase the texts?

    -QuillBot was used to paraphrase the texts. The settings adjusted during paraphrasing included choosing 'fluency' and setting the language to UK English.

  • What types of documents were used in the test?

    -Three types of documents were used: a scholarly article published in a journal, a student-derived paper from years ago, and another article written by a non-native English speaker.

  • How many words were in each of the documents used for the test?

    -Each of the documents used in the test was well over 2,000 words.

  • Did Turnitin identify any of the paraphrased texts as AI-generated?

    -No, Turnitin did not identify any of the paraphrased texts as AI-generated. All the paraphrased versions showed an AI detection percentage of zero.

  • Was there any significant difference in the word count after paraphrasing the texts?

    -Yes, after paraphrasing, the word count of the texts was reduced to almost 2,000 words, indicating a reduction in length due to paraphrasing.

  • What additional modification was tested apart from paraphrasing?

    -Apart from paraphrasing, the video also tested rephrasing one of the documents to see if there would be a difference in how Turnitin detected AI content.

  • What was the result of paraphrasing and rephrasing in terms of AI detection by Turnitin?

    -Even with both paraphrasing and rephrasing, Turnitin did not detect any AI-generated content in the documents.

  • Why did the presenter choose to use QuillBot for this experiment?

    -QuillBot was likely chosen for its ability to extensively alter the phrasing of texts while maintaining the fluency and integrity of the original meaning, which makes it a relevant tool for testing Turnitin's AI detection capabilities.

  • What implications does this experiment have for academic integrity?

    -The experiment highlights the challenges in detecting AI-assisted paraphrasing in academic submissions, suggesting that current tools like Turnitin might need further development to catch such modifications, thereby impacting discussions on academic integrity.



🔍 Testing Turnitin's AI Detection with Quillbot Paraphrasing

The video aims to test whether Turnitin, an academic plagiarism detection software, can identify content paraphrased using Quillbot as AI-generated. The experiment involves taking original texts, including a scholarly article, a student's paper, and an article by a non-native English speaker, and paraphrasing them with Quillbot. The settings used for paraphrasing include fluency and UK English. The paraphrased texts are then submitted to Turnitin to see if they are classified as AI-derived. The video also includes a demonstration of the paraphrasing process and the results from Turnitin, which show no AI content detected even after extensive paraphrasing and rephrasing.




Quillbot is an online tool designed to paraphrase and rephrase written text. In the context of the video, it is used to modify the original text in a way that retains the original meaning but changes the wording to avoid duplication. This is significant as it tests whether the paraphrased text can be detected as AI-generated by Turnitin.


Turnitin is a plagiarism detection software used by educational institutions to check the originality of student's work. The video aims to determine if Turnitin can identify text paraphrased by Quillbot as AI-generated, which would be a concern for academic integrity.


To paraphrase means to restate or reword a text, usually to achieve clarity or to present the information in a different way while maintaining the original meaning. In the video, the author uses Quillbot to paraphrase several texts to see if Turnitin can detect the AI's influence.

💡AI Detection

AI Detection refers to the ability of a system, like Turnitin, to identify content that may have been generated or significantly altered by artificial intelligence. The video is centered around testing this capability with texts that have been paraphrased by an AI tool.

💡Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct encompasses various unethical practices in academia, such as plagiarism, cheating, and the use of AI to generate academic work. The video provides a disclaimer against promoting such behavior and instead aims to understand the limitations of AI detection in academic work.

💡Scholarly Format

Scholarly format refers to the structured and formal way of writing that is typically used in academic and professional publications. The video includes a test with a text that is over 2,000 words and written in a scholarly format to evaluate the effectiveness of Quillbot and Turnitin.


In the context of text paraphrasing, fluency refers to the smooth and natural flow of the rewritten text. The video mentions setting Quillbot to prioritize fluency, which is important for ensuring that the paraphrased text reads well and is understandable.

💡UK English

UK English is a variant of the English language that is characterized by the use of certain vocabulary, spelling, and grammar conventions specific to the United Kingdom. The video specifies that the paraphrased text settings are set to UK English to maintain consistency with the original text's linguistic style.

💡Word Count

Word count refers to the total number of words in a document or text. In the video, the word count is mentioned to emphasize the length and complexity of the texts being paraphrased and tested on Turnitin, with each text being over 2,000 words.

💡Public Domain

Public domain indicates that a work is not protected by copyright and is freely available for use by the public. The video discusses an article that is published in the public domain, which is used as one of the texts to be paraphrased and tested.


Rephrasing is similar to paraphrasing but often involves a more significant change in the structure and wording of the original text. The video also tests the results of using Quillbot to not only paraphrase but also rephrase a text to see if Turnitin can detect AI involvement.


A test is conducted to see if Turnitin can detect AI-generated paraphrasing using Quillbot.

The original text and a friend's text are paraphrased using Quillbot and then uploaded to Turnitin for analysis.

The test aims to determine if Turnitin classifies Quillbot's paraphrasing as AI-generated content.

The first article used in the test is a scholarly, publicly published piece over 2000 words.

The second text is a student-derived paper, previously authored by the video creator.

The third article is written by a non-native English speaker, also over 2000 words.

Quillbot settings used include fluency and UK English.

Significant changes are observed in the paraphrased text, even in professionally edited articles.

One of the articles is also rephrased to see the effects.

All articles were submitted to Turnitin for analysis.

Original texts are expected to show no AI percentage as they are human-written.

The first paraphrased version shows an AI percentage of zero on Turnitin.

The second paraphrased text also has an AI percentage of zero.

The third test, after paraphrasing, shows no AI content detected by Turnitin.

Even with extensive paraphrasing and rephrasing, Turnitin does not identify AI-generated content.

The video concludes that Turnitin does not flag Quillbot's paraphrasing as AI-generated.

The test results are helpful for understanding how Turnitin interacts with paraphrased content.

The video provides insights into academic integrity and the use of AI in writing assistance tools.