Quillbot paraphrased and rephrased human writing versus Turnitin AI detection

28 May 202303:21

TLDRThe video explores whether Turnitin, a plagiarism detection tool, identifies Quillbot-paraphrased text as AI-generated. The test involves paraphrasing three different articles using Quillbot, then submitting them to Turnitin. None of the paraphrased or rephrased texts are flagged as AI-generated, suggesting that Turnitin does not classify Quillbot's paraphrasing as AI-derived content.


  • 😀 The video explores whether Turnitin can identify paraphrased content as AI-generated when using QuillBot for paraphrasing.
  • 📝 The experiment involved paraphrasing texts from three different sources: a published scholarly article, a student paper, and a paper written by a non-native English speaker, all exceeding 2,000 words.
  • 🤖 QuillBot was used to paraphrase and rephrase these texts, applying settings for fluency in UK English.
  • 📊 After uploading the paraphrased texts to Turnitin, none of the submissions were identified as AI-generated, showing a 0% AI detection rate.
  • 🔍 The test included different types of texts to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of QuillBot’s paraphrasing capabilities against Turnitin’s AI detection algorithms.
  • 📑 The original texts used in the experiment were not paraphrased initially, serving as a control to compare against the paraphrased versions.
  • 🛠 One of the texts was also rephrased by QuillBot in addition to being paraphrased to see if deeper alterations would trigger AI detection.
  • 🔢 The results indicate that even significant paraphrasing and rephrasing by QuillBot did not lead Turnitin to classify the text as AI-generated.
  • 👀 The video provides a detailed walkthrough of the experimental process, settings used in QuillBot, and the subsequent results in Turnitin.
  • 📝 This experiment highlights the potential for students and academics to use paraphrasing tools like QuillBot without triggering AI plagiarism detectors like Turnitin.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the test conducted in the video?

    -The purpose of the test is to determine if Turnitin will classify paraphrased writing done using Quillbot as AI-generated content.

  • How many texts were taken for the test and what are their characteristics?

    -Three texts were taken for the test. The first one is a scholarly article published in a journal, the second is a student-derived paper from many years ago, and the third is an article written by a non-first language English speaker.

  • What tool was used to paraphrase the texts?

    -Quillbot was used to paraphrase the texts.

  • What were the settings used in Quillbot for paraphrasing?

    -The settings used in Quillbot were fluency and UK English.

  • How many words were the original texts?

    -All the original texts were over 2000 words.

  • What was the result of the Turnitin test for the original texts?

    -The original texts, which were human-written and not paraphrased, showed an AI percentage of zero on Turnitin.

  • What was the outcome of the Turnitin test for the paraphrased versions of the texts?

    -The paraphrased versions of the texts also showed an AI percentage of zero, indicating that Turnitin did not classify them as AI-generated.

  • Was there any instance where Turnitin detected AI-generated content after paraphrasing and rephrasing with Quillbot?

    -No, even after paraphrasing and rephrasing with Quillbot, Turnitin did not pick up any AI-generated content.

  • What does the video suggest about the effectiveness of Quillbot's paraphrasing in avoiding AI detection by Turnitin?

    -The video suggests that Quillbot's paraphrasing and rephrasing are effective in avoiding AI detection by Turnitin.

  • What is the significance of the word count after paraphrasing the second text?

    -The significance is that even though the word count was reduced to almost 2000 words after paraphrasing, Turnitin still did not detect any AI content.

  • How does the video conclude regarding the use of Quillbot for paraphrasing scholarly texts?

    -The video concludes that using Quillbot for paraphrasing scholarly texts does not result in those texts being classified as AI-generated by Turnitin.

  • What is the disclaimer provided at the beginning of the video?

    -The disclaimer states that the video does not promote or support academic misconduct.

  • What is the potential implication of the video's findings for students and scholars?

    -The implication is that tools like Quillbot can be used to paraphrase texts effectively without being flagged as AI-generated by plagiarism detection software like Turnitin, which could be useful for rewriting and presenting content in a different way while maintaining originality.



🧪 Testing Turnitin's Detection of AI-Paraphrased Content

The video explores whether Turnitin can detect text paraphrased by the AI tool QuillBot as AI-generated. The presenter uses three distinct texts: a published scholarly article, an old student paper, and an article by a non-native English speaker, each over 2,000 words. After paraphrasing these texts with QuillBot set to 'fluency' in UK English, they were submitted to Turnitin. The experiment aimed to compare the detection of AI in the original human-written texts and their QuillBot-paraphrased versions. Surprisingly, Turnitin did not identify any of the paraphrased texts as AI-generated, including a text that was both paraphrased and rephrased, showing zero AI content across all tests.




Turnitin is a widely used plagiarism detection tool that checks texts against its vast database to identify instances of copied content. In the video, Turnitin's AI detection capabilities are tested to see if it can distinguish between human-written text and AI-generated text after being paraphrased by QuillBot. The test involves comparing original human-authored texts and their paraphrased versions uploaded to Turnitin to check for AI-generated content detection.


QuillBot is an AI-driven tool designed to paraphrase and rephrase text to improve fluency, clarity, or to avoid plagiarism. In the video, the narrator uses QuillBot to paraphrase scholarly articles and personal papers to then evaluate whether Turnitin identifies these as AI-generated, illustrating its capacity to alter texts significantly while maintaining the essence of the original content.


To paraphrase means to rewrite a text using different words and structure while retaining the original meaning. The video explores the effectiveness of QuillBot in paraphrasing texts of over 2000 words, including a scholarly article and a student paper, to test if Turnitin classifies these as AI-generated. The result shows that extensive paraphrasing does not trigger AI detection in Turnitin.


Rephrasing involves changing the wording of a text while keeping the original intent and often the structure similar. The video further experiments with not only paraphrasing but also rephrasing to see if these modifications by QuillBot are detected by Turnitin as AI-generated. The findings suggest that even significant rephrasing is not recognized as AI content by Turnitin.


AI-generated refers to content created by artificial intelligence algorithms, as opposed to being written by humans. The video tests whether Turnitin can identify text that has been paraphrased by the AI tool QuillBot as AI-generated. The tests reveal that Turnitin does not recognize the paraphrased and rephrased texts as originating from AI, indicating a limitation in its AI detection capabilities.

💡scholarly article

A scholarly article is a paper published in academic journals that discusses original research or reviews existing research in a scholarly manner. In the video, one of the texts used for the Turnitin test is a published scholarly article. This establishes a baseline for testing the paraphrasing capabilities of QuillBot and the AI detection efficacy of Turnitin.

💡student paper

A student paper typically refers to an essay or research paper written by a student. In the video, the narrator uses their own old student paper to test how well QuillBot can paraphrase it and whether Turnitin can detect any AI-derived content in the paraphrased version. The test contributes to understanding the practical implications of using AI tools in academic settings.


In the context of language, fluency refers to the smoothness, ease, and efficiency with which text is written or spoken. QuillBot was set to prioritize 'fluency' during the paraphrasing process in the video, aiming to produce text that reads naturally in UK English. This setting helps evaluate if fluid, natural-sounding paraphrasing by an AI affects Turnitin's detection algorithms.

💡UK English

UK English refers to the variant of the English language spoken and written in the United Kingdom. In the video, the QuillBot's settings are adjusted to use UK English for paraphrasing, which affects certain spelling and stylistic choices in the text. This is important to see if the regional language setting influences Turnitin's analysis.

💡academic misconduct

Academic misconduct involves cheating, plagiarism, or any other form of unethical behavior intended to gain unfair academic advantage. The video opens with a disclaimer that the content is not promoting academic misconduct but is rather exploring the technological capabilities and limitations of tools like QuillBot and Turnitin in detecting AI-generated text.


A test is conducted to see if Turnitin will classify paraphrased writing as AI-generated using Quillbot.

The author takes their own text and a friend's text to paraphrase with Quillbot.

The texts are uploaded to Turnitin to check for AI classification.

The first article is over 2000 words and published in a scholarly journal.

The second text is a student paper authored by the speaker many years ago.

The third article is written by a non-first language English speaker.

Quillbot is used to paraphrase the articles with settings for fluency and UK English.

Paraphrased text shows significant changes even in professionally edited articles.

One of the articles is also rephrased to observe the effects.

All articles were submitted to Turnitin without any AI writing detected.

Original texts are expected to show no AI percentage as they are human-written.

Turnitin shows zero AI percentage for the paraphrased scholarly article.

The second paraphrased text also shows zero AI percentage despite a reduced word count.

The third paraphrased test shows no AI content detected by Turnitin.

Even with extensive paraphrasing and rephrasing, Turnitin does not identify AI-generated content.

The video aims to provide helpful insights into the effectiveness of Quillbot against Turnitin's AI detection.

The results suggest that Turnitin does not flag Quillbot's paraphrasing and rephrasing as AI-generated.

The video concludes with a thank you message for watching.