Real-Time AI Eye Correction with Casablanca Software (First Look)

Brighton West Video
12 Jan 202405:18

TLDRThe video script offers a first-hand review of Casa Blanca software, a beta program designed to enhance eye contact during video communication. The software works by altering camera feed to make users appear directly at the camera, thus improving the virtual interaction experience. Despite minor issues with processing delay and contrast sensitivity, the reviewer is optimistic about the software's potential and foresees its integration into major video conferencing platforms, possibly replacing traditional teleprompters.


  • 👁️ The Casablanca software is designed to correct gaze and facilitate eye contact during video calls by making it appear as if users are looking directly into the camera.
  • 🔍 The software is in its beta testing phase and was accessed through a Kickstarter campaign.
  • 📸 Casablanca works as a virtual camera, taking feed from an actual camera, like a MacBook Pro's built-in FaceTime camera, and then modifies it for use in video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Team, or Skype.
  • 👀 The software adjusts the angle of the eyes and can open them to simulate direct eye contact with the camera lens.
  • 🖱️ Users can set their eyeline and move their eyes on the screen using their mouse, and also adjust the head position with the right mouse button.
  • 🕒 There is a slight delay in processing the gaze correction, which can cause a lag in real-time actions like clapping.
  • 🌗 The software may have difficulty processing images with high contrast, such as areas of darkness and brightness.
  • 💡 Despite being beta, the software provides a natural gaze correction without the unnatural staring effect seen in earlier versions.
  • 📈 The reviewer anticipates significant improvements in the software by the end of 2024 and speculates about its potential integration into mainstream video conferencing platforms.
  • 🚀 The technology could potentially disrupt the teleprompter market due to its convincing gaze correction capabilities, even in its current beta state.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the software being discussed in the transcript?

    -The software being discussed is called Casa Blanca.

  • How did the speaker become involved with Casa Blanca software?

    -The speaker became involved with Casa Blanca by purchasing a beta testing program through a Kickstarter campaign.

  • What primary function does Casa Blanca serve?

    -Casa Blanca is designed to correct gaze, making it easier for users to maintain eye contact with the person they are speaking to, even when looking at a camera lens.

  • How does Casa Blanca software modify the camera feed?

    -Casa Blanca takes the feed from the user's camera, modifies it to adjust the angle of the eyes and potentially the head position, and then sends the modified feed to the video conferencing software like Zoom, Team, or Skype.

  • What feature of Casa Blanca allows users to adjust their eyeline?

    -Users can adjust their eyeline using their mouse, with the left mouse button moving the eyes and the right mouse button moving the head.

  • What are some of the challenges the speaker noticed while using Casa Blanca?

    -The speaker noticed a slight delay in processing, issues with high contrast environments, and potential for an unnatural look if the head or eyes are moved too far out of place.

  • How does Casa Blanca handle natural breaks in conversation?

    -Casa Blanca corrects gaze changes naturally, avoiding the unnatural staring feel that some earlier versions of eye correction software had.

  • What does the speaker predict for Casa Blanca in the future?

    -The speaker predicts that by the end of 2024, Casa Blanca will have improved significantly and may be integrated into popular video conferencing platforms as an optional feature.

  • How might Casa Blanca impact the teleprompter market?

    -The speaker believes that Casa Blanca could potentially reduce the need for teleprompters, as the software is convincing in maintaining eye contact even when looking away from the camera.

  • What is the current status of Casa Blanca according to the speaker?

    -According to the speaker, Casa Blanca is in its beta stage and is already promising, with the expectation that it will continue to improve over time.



👁️ Introduction to Casa Blanca Software

The first paragraph introduces Casa Blanca, a software designed to improve eye contact during video communication. The speaker is a beta tester who purchased access through a Kickstarter campaign. The software works by taking the feed from a camera, such as the built-in FaceTime camera on a MacBook Pro, and modifies it to make it appear as though the user is looking directly into the camera lens. This is achieved by adjusting the gaze digitally, creating a more natural and engaging experience for the viewer. The software allows users to select their camera source and offers the ability to adjust the eyeline and head position using mouse controls. Despite some minor issues with delay and contrast sensitivity, the speaker finds the software promising and anticipates its integration into popular video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Teams in the future.


🌟 Potential Impact and Future of Casa Blanca

In the second paragraph, the speaker discusses the potential impact of Casa Blanca on the market, particularly for teleprompter technology. The software's ability to convincingly simulate eye contact could reduce the need for traditional teleprompters. The speaker praises the software, even in its beta stage, for its effectiveness and natural feel, noting that it avoids the unnatural staring present in earlier eye correction technologies. The speaker also shares their thoughts on the software's future development, predicting significant improvements by the end of 2024 and the possibility of it being acquired by major video conferencing companies to be integrated as an optional feature.



💡Casa Blanca software

Casa Blanca is described as software designed to correct the user's gaze during video calls, making it appear as though they are making direct eye contact with the camera, even when looking at the screen. This technology, still in beta as mentioned, aims to enhance virtual communication by creating a more engaging and personal connection between participants. The person reviewing it is a beta tester, having joined through a Kickstarter campaign, indicating the software is in its developmental phase and soliciting user feedback for improvements.

💡Beta testing

Beta testing refers to the second phase of software testing where a product, not yet finalized, is distributed to a select group of users to identify bugs or potential improvements. The transcript mentions the reviewer's participation in the beta testing of Casa Blanca software, emphasizing their firsthand experience with its features and performance. This process is crucial for developers to gather user feedback and make necessary adjustments before the official release.

💡Virtual camera

A virtual camera, in the context of the Casa Blanca software, acts as an intermediary that takes the video feed from a physical camera (like a MacBook's FaceTime camera) and processes it to apply certain modifications—such as gaze correction—before outputting it to video communication applications. This concept is fundamental to understanding how Casa Blanca operates, modifying the video feed in real-time to enhance eye contact during video calls.

💡Gaze correction

Gaze correction technology aims to simulate eye contact in video communications by adjusting the direction and openness of the user's eyes in the video feed. In the Casa Blanca software, this feature is highlighted as a key function, making participants appear as if they're looking directly at the camera lens, thereby enhancing the natural feel of the conversation. This is achieved through real-time video manipulation to alter the perceived gaze direction of the user.

💡Eye contact

Eye contact is a critical aspect of non-verbal communication, indicating engagement, confidence, and sincerity. In the context of the video, the Casa Blanca software's aim to correct the user's gaze to simulate eye contact addresses the common issue in video calls where looking at the screen to see the other person often results in a lack of direct eye contact, potentially reducing the effectiveness of the communication.

💡User interface

The user interface of Casa Blanca software is described through its functionality, such as selecting camera sources and manipulating eye and head positioning using the mouse. This interface allows users to control how their video appears to others, adjusting for more natural-looking eye contact and head positioning. The review demonstrates how these features can be customized, reflecting the software's focus on user control and customization to improve virtual interaction.

💡Real-time processing

Real-time processing is crucial for the Casa Blanca software, as it manipulates the video feed live to adjust the user's gaze and head position. However, the reviewer notes a slight delay (e.g., when clapping) as a drawback, highlighting the challenges in processing video input instantly without noticeable lag. This concept underscores the technological demands of gaze correction software and its impact on user experience.

💡Natural interaction

Natural interaction in video communication is a significant theme of the Casa Blanca software review. The software aims to correct and adjust the user's gaze and head position to mimic natural eye contact and movements, enhancing the sense of presence and engagement during video calls. The reviewer's emphasis on the software's ability to avoid an 'unnatural staring feel' and to accommodate natural gestures like looking away briefly points to the importance of realism in digital interactions.

💡Software potential

The reviewer speculates on the future potential of Casa Blanca software, suggesting that its innovative features could lead to its acquisition by major platforms like Zoom or Teams. This reflects the perceived value of gaze correction technology in enhancing video communication and its possible integration into existing platforms to improve user experience with features such as background filters.

💡Teleprompter market impact

The mention of the teleprompter market towards the end of the review suggests that gaze correction software like Casa Blanca could disrupt traditional methods used to maintain eye contact with the camera, especially in professional or broadcast settings. By providing a more natural and accessible solution to simulate eye contact, Casa Blanca is positioned as a potential alternative to teleprompters, which are often used to ensure speakers look directly at the lens while reading scripted material.


The Casablanca software is designed to correct gaze and facilitate eye contact during video communication.

The software is currently in beta testing, with the user having bought into the Beta Testing program through a Kickstarter campaign.

Casablanca works as a virtual camera, taking feed from a source like a built-in FaceTime camera and modifying it for use in video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Team, or Skype.

The software adjusts the angle of the eyes, making it appear as if the user is looking directly into the camera lens, thus maintaining eye contact with the person they are speaking with.

The user can adjust the eyeline using their mouse, which allows for precise control over where the gaze appears to be directed.

In addition to eye movement, the software also enables the user to adjust the position of the head using the right mouse button.

The software is designed to look natural, avoiding the unnatural staring feel of some earlier versions of eye correction technology.

There is a slight delay in processing, which can cause a lag when making quick movements like clapping.

The software may have trouble with high contrast situations, such as dark on one side and bright on the other.

Despite being beta software, Casablanca shows promise in improving video communication by making eye contact appear more genuine.

The user predicts that by the end of 2024, the software will have significantly improved and may be integrated into mainstream video conferencing platforms.

Casablanca has the potential to disrupt the teleprompter market due to its convincing gaze correction capabilities.

The software is expected to be available as an optional feature, similar to background filters in video conferencing platforms.

This review serves as an early look into the potential and development trajectory of the Casablanca software.