STUDY VLOG | med school finals week — year 2 🎧⚕️

Allie C.
20 Dec 202317:41

TLDRThe transcript follows a student's final week of their semester, highlighting their study routine, challenges, and strategies for anatomy and general content exams. The student shares their experiences with various study tools, the importance of active recall, and maintaining balance through social activities and self-care. The narrative concludes with the student's reflections on their performance and anticipation for the upcoming break, offering a relatable and inspiring glimpse into the life of a dedicated learner.


  • 📚 The speaker is not a morning person but is trying to adapt to waking up early for studying.
  • 🎓 They have two exams this semester, one in anatomy and another covering general content from the term.
  • 📈 The speaker has been keeping up with their studies and has started preparing for the finals, focusing on anatomy labs and using flashcards.
  • 🥗 They mention prepping pasta for lunch and discuss their study routine, including reviewing lectures and using a lecture tracker app to stay organized.
  • 🌧️ The speaker prefers to stay indoors due to rainy weather and talks about their study plan for the day.
  • 🕒 They mention being halfway through the third week of a seven-week study period and the importance of reviewing material.
  • 📖 The speaker discusses a virtual book club with friends and their shift in study methods for the final exams.
  • 🏃‍♀️ They take a study break to go for a run and mention the importance of exercise in maintaining a balanced routine.
  • 🧘‍♀️ The speaker finds yoga to be a great way to clear their mind before getting back to studying.
  • 🎂 There's mention of celebrating friends' birthdays and the end of the first semester of their second year.
  • 🎉 The speaker reflects on the exam experience, feeling that it went as expected, and looks forward to relaxing and seeing family.

Q & A

  • What is the speaker's general attitude towards morning study sessions?

    -The speaker is not a morning study person but decided to try studying on a Monday morning as part of their routine.

  • How many exams does the speaker have during finals week?

    -The speaker has two exams during finals week, one being anatomy and the other being general content from the term.

  • What study method does the speaker use for anatomy?

    -The speaker uses flashcards related to anatomy and studies them during the bus ride to campus.

  • What does the speaker do after going through anatomy labs?

    -After going through the anatomy labs, the speaker quizzes themselves on potential questions they could be asked.

  • How does the speaker feel about their study progress at the 3-hour mark?

    -The speaker feels not too confident and believes they need to re-review the material during the week.

  • What is the speaker's strategy for studying for the USMLE Step 1?

    -The speaker has decided to study for the USMLE Step 1 in advance during their free time, to avoid studying during clerkship and residency when they will be working long hours.

  • Which subject area does the speaker feel unprepared for in their study?

    -The speaker feels unprepared for the non-renal weeks of their exam, specifically regarding treatment guidelines, pharmacotherapy, and clinical presentations.

  • How does the speaker use technology to aid in their anatomy studies?

    -The speaker uses an app to study anatomy, which provides different system views, regional focus, and allows searching for specific muscles on a model.

  • What was the speaker's experience with the lab exam?

    -The speaker felt confident about the anatomy portion of the lab exam but was unsure about a few questions in the radiology section, relying on external and past knowledge to answer them.

  • How does the speaker plan to celebrate the end of the semester?

    -The speaker plans to celebrate by going home to see their family, deep cleaning their space, getting their nails done, and spending time with friends for drinks and early birthday celebrations.

  • What is the speaker's overall feeling about the semester's exams?

    -The speaker feels that the exams went as typically expected, with some unsure answers but overall a similar level of difficulty to regular tests. They are mainly happy that the semester is finished.



📚 Finals Week and Study Routine

The speaker discusses their approach to finals week, including their study habits and preparations for two exams: anatomy and general content. They mention that they have been proactive in their studies throughout the semester and have already begun reviewing. The speaker shares their daily routine, which includes eating a bagel, attending classes, meeting a friend to review anatomy labs, and using flashcards on the bus ride. They also talk about their challenges with sleep quality and the strategies they use to stay organized and focused, such as a lecture tracker app and time-blocking their study schedule.


🧠 Step 1 Preparation and Anatomy Study

The speaker shares their experience of studying for the Step 1 exam, which is the first part of a three-part process to get into medical school in the United States. They mention starting to study for Step 1 and the importance of using their free time efficiently. The speaker discusses their study plan, which includes focusing on renal topics due to its significant coverage in the exam and their confidence in this area from previous active recall practices. They also express concerns about other topics and their plan to study for the lab exam, which involves creating anatomy cards, practicing radiology, and working until midnight.


🏋️‍♀️ Balancing Study and Self-Care

The speaker talks about their efforts to balance studying with self-care activities like yoga and running. They mention how yoga helps them shift focus away from stress and anxiety associated with exams and back to their body's feelings. The speaker also discusses their study setup, which includes using a go-to app for anatomy studies and creating custom study sessions with flashcards. They express feelings of being overwhelmed with the amount of study left to do but remain determined to complete it. The speaker also talks about their post-exam plans, including celebrating friends' birthdays and deep cleaning their space.


🎉 Semester Completion and Reflection

The speaker reflects on the completion of the first semester of their second year. They discuss the outcome of the tests, feeling that the level of difficulty was typical and they managed to flag the same number of questions as their peers. The speaker expresses relief that the exams are over and the excitement of relaxing during the break. They share their plans to go home and see family, deep clean their space, get their nails done, and enjoy time with friends over drinks and early birthday celebrations. The speaker concludes by thanking the audience for accompanying them through the study vlog and encourages them to like and subscribe for more content in the new year.



💡morning routine

The concept of a morning routine refers to the activities or habits one performs upon waking up, which can set the tone for the rest of the day. In the video, the speaker is not typically a morning person but has decided to engage in a morning routine to prepare for their studies. This is illustrated when they mention 'not being a morning workup person' but still waking up to let's go to class, indicating an effort to adapt their routine for academic success.

💡finals week

Finals week is the period at the end of a semester when students take exams to evaluate their understanding of the course material. It is a high-stress time for students as it often determines a significant portion of their final grade. In the video, the speaker is preparing for their finals week by studying for two exams, one in anatomy and another in general content.


Anatomy is the branch of biology that deals with the structure of living organisms, including their parts, relationships between those parts, and their overall organization. In the context of the video, the speaker is studying for an anatomy exam, which involves learning about the human body's structure, such as muscles, bones, and organs.

💡study habits

Study habits refer to the methods and routines that students use to learn and retain information. These habits can significantly impact academic performance and understanding of course material. The speaker in the video discusses their study habits, such as reviewing lectures, using flashcards, and engaging in active recall to prepare for their exams.


Flashcards are a study tool that typically consists of a card with a question or prompt on one side and the answer or explanation on the other. They are used to reinforce memory and understanding of specific information through active recall. In the video, the speaker mentions using flashcards related to anatomy during their bus ride, indicating a strategy to utilize travel time effectively for studying.

💡virtual book club

A virtual book club is a group of individuals who meet online, typically via video conferencing, to discuss a book they have all read. This format allows for the exchange of ideas and opinions in a digital space, facilitating social interaction and intellectual engagement. In the video, the speaker talks about a virtual book club meeting with friends, although they admit that no one read the book, and the meeting turned into a casual catch-up instead.

💡time blocking

Time blocking is a time management technique where a schedule is divided into blocks of time, each dedicated to a specific task or activity. This method helps to increase productivity and focus by reducing multitasking and ensuring that important tasks receive adequate attention. The speaker in the video uses time blocking to organize their study schedule, aiming to review lectures and prepare for exams efficiently.

💡stress management

Stress management refers to the strategies and techniques used to deal with the physical and emotional stress that can arise from various life situations, such as academic pressure. In the video, the speaker engages in activities like yoga and running to manage stress before an exam, highlighting the importance of mental well-being alongside academic responsibilities.

💡medical licensing

Medical licensing is the process through which medical professionals obtain the necessary certification to practice medicine legally. In the United States, this involves passing a series of exams known as the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). The speaker mentions preparing for the first step of this process, indicating a long-term goal and commitment to their medical education and future career.

💡active recall

Active recall is a learning technique that involves actively trying to retrieve information from memory, rather than passively reviewing it. This method is known to strengthen memory and improve long-term retention of information. In the video, the speaker uses active recall as a study technique, particularly for topics like treatment guidelines and pharmacotherapy in preparation for their exams.

💡study vlog

A study vlog is a video blog where the content creator documents their study process, sharing their routines, challenges, and strategies with their audience. This format allows viewers to gain insights into effective study habits and provides a sense of companionship in the often solitary task of studying. The video in question is a study vlog where the speaker shares their experiences and preparations for their upcoming exams.


The individual is not a morning person but decided to start their day early for a change of pace, showing adaptability.

It's finals week, and the individual has two exams to prepare for, demonstrating their dedication to their studies.

Anatomy and General Content are the two subjects being studied, indicating a diverse academic focus.

The individual has been proactive in their studying, having started already and generally keeping up with the material.

A strategy of reviewing anatomy labs and using flashcards on the bus ride is mentioned, showing efficient use of time.

The individual is focused on studying for their anatomy exam, with a particular emphasis on lab work.

There's a mention of a virtual book club, indicating a social aspect to the individual's study routine.

The individual uses a lecture tracker to stay organized, highlighting their methodical approach to studying.

A shift in study methods is discussed, with the individual preparing for the Step 1 exam, which is part of the medical licensing process in the United States.

The individual is focusing on active recall, especially for renal-related content, showing a targeted approach to their study material.

A mention of a study break for a run indicates a balance between physical activity and academic preparation.

The individual uses a specific app for studying anatomy, demonstrating their use of technology in their learning process.

The transcript mentions a change in the expected exam content, with embryology not being tested, and the individual adjusting their study plan accordingly.

The individual practices yoga as a way to relieve stress and anxiety before exams, showcasing their understanding of the importance of mental health.

The individual's goal to finish studying by midnight is mentioned, indicating a disciplined approach to time management.

The individual expresses feeling unprepared for certain exam content, illustrating the challenges and self-doubt that can arise during intense study periods.

The transcript ends with the individual celebrating the end of their first semester of second year, highlighting the culmination of their hard work and dedication.