Seriously Shocking First Impressions of INDIA 🇮🇳

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20 Apr 202417:39

TLDRIn this exhilarating travel vlog, the narrators embark on a journey through the bustling streets of Kolkata, India. After shipping their van Trudy, they arrive in the city and are immediately struck by its vibrant culture and chaotic charm. The video takes viewers on a raw walking tour, where they explore local markets filled with colorful flowers and fruits, witness the art adorning the city walls, and navigate the lively streets with ease thanks to Uber. They also experience the city's famous Howrah Bridge and indulge in the local cuisine, particularly the renowned biryani, which leaves a lasting impression. The vlog captures the essence of Kolkata's energy and the travelers' awe, promising more exciting adventures to come as they anticipate driving Trudy across India.


  • 🌍 The author has arrived in Kolkata, India, and is eager to explore the city while waiting for their van, Trudy.
  • 🚗 They find Uber to be a convenient way to navigate the busy streets of Kolkata, despite the chaotic driving conditions.
  • 📸 Marianne becomes an instant tourist attraction, with locals wanting to take photos with her.
  • 🌸 They visit one of India's largest flower markets, which is bustling even late in the morning.
  • 🍗 For lunch, they try a famous biryani dish, which is highly recommended and leaves a strong impression.
  • 🏰 The city's downtown area is filled with vibrant markets, colorful buses, and impressive architecture.
  • 🚴‍♂️ There is a notable skill in carrying items on one's head, a common sight in the markets.
  • 🌾 The flower market is so large that it's easy to get lost, and the experience is heightened by the strong smell of pollen.
  • 🍛 The biryani served in Kolkata is different from what they're used to in the UK, being more moist and flavorful.
  • 🚦 Traffic in Kolkata is intense, and crossing the road requires a certain level of fearlessness.
  • 📚 The author highlights the importance of experiencing a place like a local, opting for a self-guided exploration over a structured tour.

Q & A

  • What is the first impression of the narrator upon arriving in Kolkata?

    -The narrator feels like they've woken up on another planet, describing Kolkata as an Indian mega city that is the fifth most densely populated city in the world.

  • How does the narrator describe the driving experience in Kolkata?

    -The narrator describes the driving experience as interesting, with a lot of honking that's akin to mobile Morse code.

  • What mode of transportation do the travelers use to get around Kolkata while waiting for their van?

    -The travelers use an Uber to get around Kolkata.

  • What is the significance of the bridge that the narrator mentions?

    -The bridge is one of the famous structures in Kolkata that the narrator and Marianne decide to explore.

  • How does the narrator describe the flower market in Kolkata?

    -The flower market is described as one of India's largest and a crazy place. It is massive, chaotic, and filled with a variety of flowers, including fake ones for people with allergies.

  • What is the name of the van that the travelers are waiting for?

    -The van's name is Trudy.

  • What is the narrator's reaction to the local food in Kolkata?

    -The narrator is very positive about the local food, particularly the biryani and dhal, stating it's the best they've ever had.

  • How does the narrator describe the city's market stalls and the general atmosphere?

    -The narrator describes the market stalls as colorful and chaotic, with a variety of goods from flowers to fruits, and the atmosphere as lively and overwhelming.

  • What is the narrator's advice for someone who is new to the city?

    -The narrator advises taking a minute to adjust to the overwhelming environment and to be cautious while crossing the roads due to the busy traffic.

  • What is the narrator's impression of the local transportation system in Kolkata?

    -The narrator finds the local transportation system, including Uber, to be convenient and efficient, especially for navigating through the heavy traffic.

  • What is the narrator's experience with the local people in Kolkata?

    -The narrator experiences a warm welcome from the local people, who are eager to take photos with them and interact, making them feel like a tourist attraction.

  • What is the narrator's plan for the next part of their journey?

    -The narrator is looking forward to driving their van, Trudy, across India and exploring more of the country.



🚗 Exploring Kolkata: Arrival and Initial Impressions

The narrator describes their arrival in Kolkata, India, after shipping their van, Trudy, and flying in. They express amazement at the city's density and anticipate a fascinating exploration while Trudy is in transit. The narrator and Marianne decide to take an Uber into the city center for an authentic experience. They note the bustling traffic, the use of horns as a form of communication, and the vibrant market stalls. They also mention an encounter with a local barber and a flower market, emphasizing the city's lively atmosphere and colorful appearance.


🌸 Flower Market and Local Transport Observations

The script continues with the narrator's experiences at one of India's largest flower markets. They note the market's size and the early morning as the best time to visit. The narrator humorously comments on the pollen and the potential for a sneezing fit, contrasting the market with Covent Garden in London. They observe the locals carrying items on their heads, the trimming of rose heads, and the sale of both real and artificial flowers. After navigating through the market, they decide to explore side streets and encounter a tour group, reflecting on the benefits of self-guided exploration.


🍛 Local Cuisine and Street Market Experience

The narrator discusses the local food and market scene in Kolkata. They mention various street vendors selling items like chickpeas and drinks, and the use of water on the streets for washing. The narrator also talks about the strength of the people carrying heavy loads and the quietness of the side streets devoid of traffic. They explore a bazaar area, noting the continuous market activity and the variety of goods available. The narrator and Marianne then decide to have lunch at a recommended restaurant known for its biryani, a local delicacy, and share their excitement about the meal.


🍛 Lunch at a Renowned Biryani Restaurant

The final paragraph details their lunch experience at a restaurant with an impressive 7,000 Google reviews. The narrator praises the biryani, noting its moist and flavorful rice, and the garlic naan's fluffiness. They compare the dish favorably to versions they've had in England and emphasize the dish's standalone appeal without the need for additional curries. The meal concludes with the narrator reflecting on the day's adventures and teasing the upcoming challenge of driving Trudy across India.




Kolkata, formerly known as Calcutta, is a major city in India known for its rich history, culture, and dense population. In the video, Kolkata serves as the primary setting where the narrators explore its vibrant streets and markets. The city's chaotic, colorful atmosphere and its role as a cultural and economic hub are highlighted as the narrators navigate through its busy streets and interact with locals.


In the video, 'Trudy' refers to the van used by the narrators for their journey. It is personified and treated almost as a character in their adventure. The van's absence, as it is being shipped, sets the stage for the narrators' exploration of Kolkata on foot and by taxi, which adds a layer of adventure and spontaneity to their travel narrative.

💡Flower market

The flower market in Kolkata is described as one of India's largest, and it provides a sensory overload with vibrant visuals and intense scents, especially of pollen. The market is a key point of interest in the video, representing the local commerce and cultural significance of flowers in Indian society. The narrators' visit there encapsulates the bustling, vibrant nature of Kolkata's street life.


Biryani is a popular Indian rice dish that the narrators decide to try in Kolkata. The video uses their experience of tasting biryani to contrast culinary practices in India with those back in the UK, emphasizing the authenticity and rich flavors found in local Indian cuisine. Their meal highlights the cultural immersion aspect of their journey.


The term 'selfie' in the video highlights a moment where the narrators become an attraction themselves, reflecting on the interaction between tourists and locals. This moment underscores the themes of cultural exchange and the personal connections that travel can foster, as well as the modern global phenomenon of sharing moments through selfies.


Uber is used in the video as a means of transportation around Kolkata. The narrators discuss its convenience and safety, providing insights into how modern technology interfaces with the travel experiences in a densely populated, chaotic city like Kolkata. It illustrates the blend of traditional and modern elements present in contemporary urban India.

💡Hay fever

Hay fever is mentioned in relation to the intense scents of the flower market, specifically the pollen that could trigger allergies. This detail adds a personal touch to the narrative, showing how the physical environment can directly affect the travelers. It serves as a reminder of the natural challenges one might face in such vibrant and diverse markets.

💡Tourist attraction

This concept is explored when Marianne becomes the center of attention for locals wanting to take photos with her. It reflects on the dynamics of being a tourist in a place where visitors might also be viewed as novelties. This theme is relevant throughout the video as it explores the interactions between the visitors and the locals.

💡Culture shock

Culture shock is implicit in the narrators' frequent expressions of astonishment and sensory overload, such as their reaction to the traffic, the markets, and the general pace of life in Kolkata. The video uses these reactions to convey the profound impact of encountering a culture very different from one's own, highlighting the transformative power of travel.


The mosquito incident in the video, while minor, is used to draw a humorous comparison to the challenges faced by the travelers. It introduces a moment of levity and also illustrates the everyday realities of traveling in tropical climates, where dealing with insects is a common challenge.


The World Drive continues with a journey to Kolkata, India, described as an eye-opening experience.

Kolkata is the fifth most densely populated city in the world, promising a unique exploration.

The city's vibrant and chaotic atmosphere is immediately apparent upon arrival.

Using Uber is an efficient way to navigate the bustling streets of Kolkata.

Local transportation is characterized by a lot of honking, likened to mobile Morse code.

The downtown area is lively with market stalls and selfie opportunities with locals.

The city's architecture and public transport are colorful and artistically adorned.

A local barber provides shaves in the open, showcasing a glimpse of daily life.

The flower market is a sensory explosion, despite visiting outside its peak hours.

The flower market is one of India's largest, offering a sea of flowers and unique sights.

The experience of the flower market is intensified by the strong scent of pollen.

The market is a bustling hub of activity, even in the quieter times of day.

Local food, such as biryani, offers a distinct flavor profile compared to what is known in the UK.

The restaurant with 7,000 Google reviews is chosen for its reputation and quality of food.

Biryani in Kolkata is praised for its moist and flavorful rice, a contrast to drier versions in England.

The garlic naan is so fluffy and flavorful that it needs no accompaniment.

The overall experience of Kolkata is summed up as 'great', with a hint of exhaustion from the sensory overload.

The anticipation of driving their van, Trudy, across India is met with excitement and a touch of apprehension.