Supervised FSD v12.3.3 - First Impressions Drive - Zero Disengagments.

Chuck Cook
31 Mar 202437:05

TLDRIn this detailed review, the user shares their first impressions of Tesla's FSD supervised 12.3.3, highlighting the software's improved speed control, smooth driving experience, and ability to handle various traffic scenarios, including unprotected left turns and narrow roads. Despite some ongoing challenges with high-speed cross traffic and anticipation of other drivers' decisions, the user is impressed with the progress and overall performance of the FSD system.


  • 🚗 FSD Beta version 12.3.3 was released with improvements over previous versions, showing smoother and more confident driving behavior.
  • 🌟 The term 'beta' has been removed from the FSD controls, aligning with Elon Musk's previous statement about the future of FSD naming.
  • 🛣️ The driver experienced a first impressions drive with the new version on a Sunday afternoon, encountering light to medium traffic conditions.
  • 📈 The new version showed better decision-making and handling of unprotected left-hand turns, U-turns, and navigating narrow roads.
  • 🚦 The FSD system's speed control has been improved, with more comfortable and appropriate speed adjustments on various road types.
  • 🅿️ Auto Park was successfully tested on a Tesla with ultrasonic sensors, showcasing the capability even without the latest high-definition sensors.
  • 👀 The system's ability to recognize and yield to pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles was demonstrated effectively throughout the drive.
  • 🚨 Despite some uncertainty in trajectory plotting, the overall confidence and performance of the FSD system seemed to be enhanced.
  • 📊 The driver noted a reduction in 'nags' for steering wheel contact as long as attention was being paid to the road.
  • 🚫 The script mentioned some challenges with traffic circles and the need for future improvements in anticipating and handling incorrect decisions made by other drivers.
  • 🔄 The importance of constant iteration and testing was highlighted, with the expectation that future versions will continue to refine and enhance the driving experience.

Q & A

  • What is the version of FSD mentioned in the transcript?

    -The version of FSD mentioned in the transcript is 12.3.3.

  • What change was made to the terminology regarding the FSD in the new version?

    -In the new version, the term 'beta' has been removed from the controls, and 'FSD supervised' is now the terminology used.

  • What feature was added to the Tesla Vision family in this version?

    -Auto Park was added to the Tesla Vision family in this version.

  • How did the new FSD version handle unprotected left-hand turns?

    -The new FSD version handled unprotected left-hand turns smoothly, making decisions confidently and executing the turns without any issues.

  • What was the driver's reaction to the U-turn performed by the FSD?

    -The driver was impressed by how the FSD caught the U-turn, noting that it was done more aggressively and confidently than in the previous version.

  • How does the FSD version 12.3.3 handle speed changes on the road?

    -The FSD version 12.3.3 appears to handle speed changes more effectively, providing a comfortable driving experience without feeling too slow or jerky in its adjustments.

  • What is the driver's opinion on the 'supervised' term in 'FSD supervised'?

    -The driver acknowledges the addition of 'supervised' to clarify that the FSD is not fully autonomous, but wishes it was placed earlier in the term for better flow.

  • How did the FSD perform during the drive in terms of interventions and disengagements?

    -The FSD performed with zero interventions and zero disengagements during the drive, handling various scenarios effectively.

  • What type of roads and scenarios were encountered during the drive?

    -The drive included various scenarios such as unprotected left turns, U-turns, narrow roads, speed bumps, railroad tracks, and busy city streets with traffic circles.

  • What is the driver's overall impression of the FSD version 12.3.3?

    -The driver is very impressed with the smooth performance of FSD version 12.3.3, noting significant improvements in speed control and overall driving experience.



🚗 First Impressions of FSD Supervised 12.3.3

The paragraph discusses the initial experience with the new FSD supervised version 12.3.3, highlighting the rapid release of versions following Elon Musk's tweet about a 30-day free trial. The script covers the update from a 2023 build to 2024 310, noting the removal of the term 'beta' and the introduction of the term 'FSD supervised'. The user shares their observations while driving a Tesla Model Y with hardware 3 and ultrasonic sensors, discussing features such as auto park and the performance of the software during an unprotected left-hand turn, a U-turn, and handling traffic scenarios. The user expresses pride in the software's ability to make confident decisions and its improved trajectory plot compared to previous versions.


🛣️ Navigating Narrow Roads and Speed Bumps

This section details the vehicle's performance on narrow roads and when encountering speed bumps. The user tests the car's ability to stay within the speed limit, react to speed changes, and handle a car in front of it on a narrow road. The discussion includes the car's reaction to a speed bump, the need for a steering wheel nag, and the overall comfort and smoothness of the ride. The user also comments on the car's rendering of the environment, including the accurate depiction of a biker and the anticipation of a U-turn. The paragraph concludes with the user's positive impression of the car's decision-making and smooth handling of various road situations.


🚦 Observing Traffic Circles and Intersections

The user provides insights into the vehicle's interaction with traffic circles and intersections. It notes the car's correct decision to yield for other vehicles already in the circle and the smooth navigation through the traffic scenario. The user also discusses the car's handling of a protected left turn, its reaction to a flashing yellow light, and the anticipation of a right turn. The paragraph highlights the car's ability to maintain a safe and comfortable speed, its correct yield at a stop sign, and the user's anticipation of the car's performance in school zones and high-speed highway merges.


🅿️ Testing Auto Parking and Parking Lot Maneuvers

This segment focuses on the car's auto parking capabilities and its behavior in parking lots. The user tests the car's ability to park without the new hardware stack and notes its success in finding a spot and parking effectively. The user discusses the car's decision-making process when encountering other parked cars and its cautious approach to leaving the parking spot. The paragraph also covers the car's reaction to obstacles like manholes and its handling of traffic situations in the parking lot. The user expresses satisfaction with the car's performance and suggests potential improvements for future versions.


🚨 Evaluating Pedestrian Interactions and Decision-Making

The user evaluates the car's interactions with pedestrians and its decision-making abilities. The script describes the car's correct rendering of pedestrians and its appropriate response to a stop sign. It also covers the car's reaction to a cyclist and its cautious approach to a flashing yellow light. The user notes the car's smooth driving experience and its ability to handle various road scenarios, including school zones and traffic circles. The paragraph concludes with the user's overall positive impression of the car's performance and its anticipation of future improvements in handling high-speed traffic and complex scenarios.


🎥 Reflecting on the Drive and Future Expectations

In this final section, the user reflects on the overall driving experience with FSD supervised 12.3.3. The user notes the absence of disengagements and interventions, the car's successful auto parking, and its smooth handling of city streets and traffic scenarios. The discussion includes the car's reaction to a protected left turn, its anticipation of a forward-facing left turn, and its performance in a high-speed driving environment. The user expresses pride in the progress made by Tesla AI and looks forward to future updates and improvements, particularly in parking lots and garages, as well as the car's ability to learn and adapt to new environments.



💡FSD beta

FSD beta refers to the Full Self-Driving beta software developed by Tesla, which is an advanced driver assistance system that includes features like autonomous navigation on highways and automatic parking. In the context of the video, the narrator discusses the new version of FSD beta, highlighting its improvements and testing its capabilities on various driving scenarios.

💡30-day free trial

The 30-day free trial is a promotional offer mentioned by Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, which allows potential customers to experience the Full Self-Driving software without any cost for a month. This trial period is designed to give users a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities and performance of the FSD system.

💡Auto Park

Auto Park is a feature of Tesla's FSD software that enables the vehicle to park itself with minimal or no input from the driver. It uses the car's sensors and cameras to identify suitable parking spots and execute the parking maneuver autonomously.

💡Hardware 3

Hardware 3 is the third generation of Tesla's self-driving hardware, which includes a more powerful computer and advanced sensors designed to improve the capabilities of Tesla's autonomous driving system. It is a crucial component for the performance of FSD features.

💡unprotected left-hand turn

An unprotected left-hand turn is a driving maneuver where a driver must turn left across oncoming traffic without the aid of a traffic signal or stop sign to control the opposing flow. It requires careful judgment of traffic speed and gap sizes, as well as the ability to safely execute the turn.


A U-turn is a driving maneuver where a driver turns the vehicle around 180 degrees, usually in a single lane of traffic, to head in the opposite direction. It involves careful observation of oncoming traffic and requires a clear understanding of the road layout.

💡narrow road scenario

A narrow road scenario refers to a driving situation where the available road width is limited, often requiring careful navigation and precise control of the vehicle to avoid obstacles or encroaching on the wrong side of the road.

💡speed bumps

Speed bumps are raised sections of a road surface designed to reduce vehicle speed by creating an uncomfortable ride if drivers exceed the recommended speed limit. They are a common traffic calming measure found in many neighborhoods and public areas.

💡railroad tracks

Railroad tracks are the metal rails on which trains run and are a critical part of the railway infrastructure. For drivers, crossing railroad tracks requires caution to avoid damage to the vehicle or accidents, especially when the tracks are not clearly marked or visible.


Pedestrians are individuals who travel on foot, typically within urban or suburban areas. In the context of autonomous driving, the ability to accurately detect, recognize, and respond to pedestrians is a critical safety feature, ensuring that the vehicle can navigate shared spaces without endangering vulnerable road users.

💡traffic circles

Traffic circles, also known as roundabouts, are circular intersections designed to manage the flow of traffic without the need for traffic lights. They require drivers to merge, navigate, and exit in a specific sequence, often involving yielding to circulating traffic.


Chuck experiences the new FSD version 12.3.3, noting the removal of the 'beta' term and the introduction of 'FSD supervised'.

The new FSD version was rapidly developed in response to Elon Musk's tweet about a 30-day free trial and demo drives on every car.

Chuck's car is a hardware 3 Model Y with ultrasonic sensors, and he notes that Auto Park has been added to the Tesla Vision family.

In the first impressions drive, Chuck observes improved behavior in the car's unprotected left-hand turns and its decision-making process.

The new software handles U-turns more aggressively and confidently than previous versions, which Chuck appreciates.

There is still some uncertainty with the trajectory plot, but the car's confidence has increased compared to earlier versions.

Chuck notes that the car's speed control has improved, with more comfortable acceleration and deceleration.

The car successfully navigates narrow roads, speed bumps, railroad tracks, and suicide lanes without issue.

The car's Auto Park feature works well, even without the high-definition Auto Park system available in newer cars.

Chuck discusses the importance of the car's ability to handle high-speed cross traffic and its decision-making capabilities in such scenarios.

The car's rendering of pedestrians and other objects on the road is accurate, improving safety and driving experience.

Chuck observes that the car's 'pay attention' alerts are less frequent when the driver is actively engaged and looking at the road.

The car handles traffic circles and yields correctly, even if other drivers make incorrect decisions.

Chuck notes that the car's speed and handling on the road feel comfortable and smooth, even at slightly higher speeds.

The car successfully navigates a complex city driving scenario with multiple stoplights, turns, and interactions with other vehicles.

Chuck concludes that the new FSD version has significantly improved from previous iterations, with zero disengagements or interventions during his test drive.

The car's ability to handle school zones and flashing lights is highlighted, showing its understanding of traffic rules and signs.

Chuck expresses his excitement for the future of FSD, suggesting that with continued improvements, it could be ready for more complex tasks like pulling into driveways.