Tesla FSD 12.3.4 - First Impressions

Black Tesla
11 Apr 202410:12

TLDRIn this video, the reviewer provides an in-depth analysis of Tesla's FSD version 12.3.4, focusing on its performance in terms of handling curves, maintaining safe distances, and making consistent decisions. The reviewer notes improvements in curve visualization and auto offset, but raises concerns about the system's proximity to obstacles and occasional unpredictability. Despite minor issues, the overall assessment is positive, with high scores for comfort, confidence, and safety, emphasizing the importance of consistency for mass adoption.


  • 🚗 The video discusses the first impressions of Tesla's FSD (Full Self-Driving) version 12.3.4, focusing on potential regressions and improvements.
  • 🔍 The main areas of focus are the car's handling of curves, speeds, and any lingering issues with lane selection and proximity.
  • 📊 The reviewer notes that curves seem more pronounced in the visualization, which could potentially indicate improvements in handling.
  • 🚧 The issue of cars 'curbing their rims' is highlighted as a significant problem that Tesla needs to address.
  • 🎯 The importance of consistency and predictability in FSD behavior is emphasized for mass adoption and user comfort.
  • 🌐 The reviewer conducted a 'regression test path' to assess the system's performance under various driving conditions.
  • 🚦 The FSD's performance on an unprotected left turn is praised, showing competence and good decision-making.
  • 📌 The reviewer flags some instances where the car's proximity to other vehicles or objects was uncomfortably close.
  • 🅿️ Auto offset functionality is noted to have improved since its initial rollout, performing well during the test.
  • 🤖 The FSD's decision-making, while generally good, showed some deviations from expected behavior, introducing a bit of unpredictability.
  • 📈 The reviewer gives the FSD a high score for comfort (9/10) and confidence (9/10), but slightly lower for decision-making (8/10) and safety (8/10) due to the mentioned proximity issues.

Q & A

  • What version of Tesla's FSD is being discussed in the video?

    -The video discusses Tesla's FSD version 12.3.4.

  • What are the main aspects the reviewer is focusing on in this version?

    -The reviewer is focusing on regressions, progress in proximity to curves, speeds, and any lingering issues related to lane selection and indecisiveness.

  • What issue has been a significant problem for Tesla车主 according to the script?

    -Curbing wheels has been a significant problem that Tesla needs to address.

  • How does the reviewer describe the visualization of curves in FSD 12.3.4?

    -The reviewer describes the curves as being more pronounced and crisper in the visualization.

  • What is the reviewer's opinion on the performance of the 'Auto offset' feature?

    -The reviewer states that the 'Auto offset' feature is performing well and has improved since its initial rollout.

  • What is the key metric the reviewer is looking for in the FSD's performance?

    -The key metric the reviewer is looking for is consistency and predictability in the FSD's performance.

  • How does the reviewer feel about the overall drive with FSD 12.3.4?

    -The reviewer feels very comfortable and confident with the overall drive, but notes some concerns with close proximity to other cars and the need for more predictable decision-making.

  • What scores does the reviewer give for comfort, confidence, and decision-making?

    -The reviewer gives a score of nine for both comfort and confidence, and an eight for decision-making.

  • What is the reviewer's main concern with the safety aspect of FSD 12.3.4?

    -The reviewer's main concern is the lack of a buffer when the car gets too close to other vehicles or objects, leaving little room for reaction or adjustment.

  • How does the reviewer summarize the performance of FSD 12.3.4 compared to previous versions?

    -The reviewer summarizes that there are no major regressions, and the performance is still comparable to previous version 12 tests, but notes some deviations in behavior and decision-making.



🚗 FSD 1.2.34: Regression Testing and Curve Proximity

The video begins with the host welcoming viewers back to the channel and expressing gratitude for their continued support. The primary focus of the video is to test the FSD (Full Self-Driving) version 1.2.34 for any regressions and to evaluate the system's performance in terms of proximity to curves, speeds, and lane selection. The host highlights the importance of consistency and predictability in FSD's behavior, emphasizing that it should perform reliably and avoid actions like running over curbs or crashing into objects. The first part of the test involves navigating a challenging route, where the FSD successfully avoids potholes and manhole covers, manages the first turn, and maintains a safe distance from other vehicles. The host notes improvements in the auto offset feature and flags a few instances where the FSD's proximity to objects was uncomfortably close. The segment concludes with a discussion on the need for a comfortable and human-like ride experience that is most importantly safe and predictable.


🚦 Lane Selection and Decision-Making in FSD 1.2.34

In the second paragraph, the host continues to analyze the FSD's performance, particularly focusing on its lane selection and decision-making capabilities. The host notes that the FSD correctly uses turn signals and stages lanes when changing directions, although there is a slight deviation from the expected behavior, which introduces a bit of unpredictability. The host expresses satisfaction with the overall smoothness and competence of the FSD, but also points out specific instances where the car got too close for comfort, such as when passing a parked car or approaching a turn. The host emphasizes the importance of predictability in FSD's actions for building trust and comfort among users. The video also touches on the impact of different conditions, such as varying lighting, on FSD's performance. The host concludes this part of the test by providing scores for comfort, confidence in decision-making, and safety, noting that while there were no major regressions, there were some unexpected decisions that warrant further observation.


📝 Viewer Engagement and Final Thoughts on FSD 1.2.34

The final paragraph of the script shifts focus from the technical analysis to viewer engagement. The host invites viewers to share their thoughts and scores based on the video's content, acknowledging that while viewers may not experience the ride firsthand, they can still form opinions based on the observations presented. The host reiterates that despite some inconsistencies and unpredictable behaviors, the FSD 1.2.34 still performed well without any major regressions. The host encourages viewers to comment with their scores and thoughts, fostering a sense of community and ongoing dialogue. The video ends on a positive note, with the host wishing viewers a pleasant day and reminding them to enjoy their Tesla experience.




FSD stands for Full Self-Driving, which is an autonomous driving system developed by Tesla. It represents the main theme of the video, as the reviewer is assessing the performance of this system in the latest version 12.3.4. The script discusses various aspects of FSD, such as its handling of curves, lane selection, and decision-making capabilities, to evaluate its progress and any potential issues.


Regressions in this context refer to the potential deterioration or loss of previously acquired skills or features in the FSD software. The reviewer is looking for any regressions in the new version, which could indicate that the system is not improving or even getting worse at certain tasks. This is crucial for understanding the overall progress and reliability of the FSD system.

💡Proximity to curves

Proximity to curves is a critical aspect of autonomous driving that the script discusses. It refers to how close the vehicle gets to the edge of the road or any obstacles while navigating turns. The reviewer notes that the FSD system seems to have improved in this area, as it is maintaining a safer distance from curbs and managing turns more effectively.

💡Lane selection

Lane selection is the process by which the FSD system chooses the appropriate lane for the vehicle to travel in. The script mentions that the system has been indecisive in the past, and the reviewer is looking for improvements in this area. A good lane selection process should be predictable and consistent, ensuring the vehicle stays in its lane and makes safe, strategic decisions when changing lanes or navigating through traffic.

💡Auto offset

Auto offset refers to the FSD system's ability to automatically adjust the vehicle's position within its lane, maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles. The reviewer observes that the system is performing well in this regard, which is essential for comfortable and safe driving, as it prevents too-close interactions with other cars and provides a buffer for reaction time in case of sudden changes.

💡Unprotected left turn

An unprotected left turn is a driving maneuver where a vehicle turns left across oncoming traffic without the aid of a traffic signal or other protective measures. The script discusses the FSD system's handling of such turns, noting that it is successfully navigating these challenging situations without any major issues, which is a positive sign of the system's competence in real-world driving scenarios.


Consistency in the context of the FSD system means that it performs the same actions in similar situations repeatedly. The reviewer emphasizes the importance of consistency for building trust and comfort in the system's performance. A consistent system is predictable, which is crucial for safety and for the mass adoption of autonomous driving technology.


Predictability refers to the ability to anticipate the FSD system's actions based on its past behavior. The reviewer is looking for a system that behaves in a way that is easy to foresee and understand, as this is key to ensuring safety and building user confidence. Predictability is closely tied to consistency, as both are necessary for users to trust that the system will not engage in unexpected or dangerous actions.


Safety is a paramount concern when evaluating the FSD system. The script discusses the system's proximity to objects, its decision-making in traffic, and its overall performance in ensuring a safe driving experience. The reviewer assigns a safety score based on the system's ability to avoid potential hazards and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles and obstacles.


Decision-making in the context of the FSD system involves the choices the system makes while driving, such as when to change lanes, how to navigate turns, and how to react to other vehicles and pedestrians. The reviewer notes some deviations in the system's decision-making, which could indicate a lack of consistency. Effective decision-making is critical for the system to be reliable and trustworthy.

💡Mass adoption

Mass adoption refers to the widespread acceptance and use of a technology by the general public. In the context of the FSD system, the reviewer discusses the importance of a comfortable, humanlike, and most importantly, predictable and consistent driving experience for the technology to be adopted by the masses. The goal is for users to feel as secure and confident in the FSD system as they would with a human driver.


Review of Tesla FSD 12.3.4 focusing on potential regressions and improvements.

Increased prominence and crispness observed in the visualization of curves.

Successful navigation through a limit test with a pothole and a manhole cover.

Auto offset feature showing improvement and performing well in the test.

Approaching curves at a reduced speed of 11 miles per hour with good proximity.

Cameras used for close-up shots, but the reviewer finds the distance too close for comfort.

Effective handling of cones, maintaining a safe distance without visualizing them.

Unprotected left turn executed competently with a good acceleration.

The car's proximity to the lane and other vehicles引发 some concerns for the reviewer.

The FSD's decision-making appears less predictable in certain situations.

The reviewer emphasizes the importance of a consistent and predictable FSD performance.

The car's handling of a car backing up in front is deemed satisfactory.

The FSD's proximity to the curb and other cars is still a point of concern.

The FSD's overall performance is smooth and confidence-inspiring.

The reviewer rates the comfort level at 9, confidence at 9, and decision-making at 8.

No major regressions observed, but some new elements introduced in different conditions.

The car's unexpected turn instead of pulling over is noted as unpredictable.

The reviewer provides an overall positive assessment, but highlights the need for better safety margins.