NEW ChatGPT-4 Voice Conversations: First Impressions !!

AI Andy
7 Oct 202316:47

TLDRIn this video transcript, the user interacts with a chatbot named Assistant, exploring its capabilities in various scenarios. The conversation covers topics like healthy food recommendations, activities in Chiang Mai, Thailand, career advice in the tech industry, and even personal feelings. The assistant provides helpful information and guidance, showcasing its ability to engage in humanlike text generation and answer a wide range of questions. The user also discusses the potential of AI in the future, hinting at the evolving relationship between humans and technology.


  • 🗣️ Introduction to chat GPT voice conversations and user's first impressions.
  • 🤔 AI's name is 'Assistant' and its unique strengths in understanding and generating humanlike text.
  • 🔍 AI can provide general information and advice but cannot perform real-time internet searches.
  • 🍲 Recommendations for healthy gut microbiome-friendly food choices at restaurants.
  • 📍 Suggestions for activities in Chiang Mai, Thailand, including visiting temples and the elephant nature park.
  • 🏞️ Highlighting DOi Suthep Temple as a must-visit spot in Chiang Mai for its beauty and view.
  • 🚗 Advice on transportation options in Thailand, such as Tuk Tuk rides and agreeing on prices beforehand.
  • 💬 AI's limitations in physical presence and its role in providing digital assistance.
  • 🤖 AI's lack of personal experiences, feelings, or consciousness, and its purpose in assisting users.
  • 🎯 Guidance on creating a program using Twitter API to scrape tweets from trader profiles.
  • 🎙️ AI's potential in voice conversations and its ability to keep users company and answer questions on various topics.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the conversation in the transcript?

    -The main topic of the conversation is the user's interaction with an AI voice assistant named Chat GBT, discussing various topics such as the assistant's capabilities, restaurant recommendations, activities in Chiang Mai, and the user's personal feelings.

  • How does the AI assistant describe its own strengths?

    -The AI assistant describes its strengths as understanding and generating humanlike text well, and being able to assist with specific tasks or features based on the user's needs.

  • What type of food does Andy request when looking for a restaurant?

    -Andy requests food that is healthy and beneficial for his gut microbiome, such as fermented foods and high-fiber meals with lots of vegetables.

  • What is the name of the temple that the AI assistant recommends Andy to visit in Chiang Mai?

    -The AI assistant recommends visiting Doi Suthep Temple for its beautiful structure and breathtaking view of Chiang Mai.

  • How does the AI assistant respond to Andy's invitation to join him physically?

    -The AI assistant acknowledges the invitation but explains that it cannot physically go places as it exists in the digital realm.

  • What is the AI assistant's stance on providing mental health support?

    -The AI assistant clarifies that it is not a substitute for professional mental health support, but it can listen, provide information, and engage in conversation.

  • What programming advice does the AI assistant give to Andy regarding scraping tweets from Trader profiles?

    -The AI assistant advises using Twitter's API and a programming language like Python to scrape tweets and suggests that a chat interface like EBT might be more suitable for sharing code.

  • How does the AI assistant address the topic of happiness when asked by Andy?

    -The AI assistant explains that happiness is often influenced by factors like positive relationships, meaningful activities, physical well-being, and a sense of belonging, and that it's about finding balance and focusing on the positive aspects of life.

  • What is the AI assistant's response to the discussion about short-term gratification versus long-term fulfillment?

    -The AI assistant explains that while short-term pleasures like fast food or instant fame can provide quick happiness, meaningful work and positive relationships contribute to a deeper and more enduring sense of contentment.

  • What advice does the AI assistant offer Andy on creating a YouTube video title?

    -The AI assistant suggests catchy titles like 'AI Deep Dive: My Real-Time Conversation with Chat GPT' or 'Chat GPT Unleashed: An AI Chat Like No Other', and further refines the title to include recent news and educational aspects, such as 'New Insights: A Chat GPT Voice Conversation Unleashed - Learning AI Communication'.

  • How does the AI assistant handle the discussion about the movie 'Her' and the concept of AI companionship?

    -The AI assistant does not directly comment on the movie 'Her' but acknowledges the user's interest in the concept of AI companionship and the different experiences it might bring compared to human interactions.



🗣️ Introduction and AI Capabilities

The conversation begins with an individual named Andy gaining access to an AI voice chat feature and introducing himself. The AI, referred to as 'Assistant', explains its strengths in understanding and generating humanlike text, and its inability to perform real-time internet searches. Andy expresses interest in finding a restaurant that promotes a healthy gut microbiome, and the AI suggests options like fermented foods and high-fiber meals. The AI also provides information on Careerist, an online platform offering tech courses for high-paying jobs without the need for a college degree or prior experience.


🌏 Travel and Personalization

Andy is currently in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and inquires about interesting activities to do. The AI suggests visiting the Old City and its temples, the Night Bazaar, and the Elephant Nature Park. When Andy expresses a preference for a single must-visit location, the AI recommends Doi Suthep Temple for its beauty and view. Andy then asks the AI to accompany him, to which the AI responds that it cannot physically join due to its digital existence. The conversation shifts to personal preferences and the AI's role in providing information and answering questions.


🤖 AI Assistance and Limitations

Andy inquires about the AI's ability to assist with specific tasks and its comparison with other assistants like Google Assistant or Alexa. The AI explains its role in providing company, answering questions, and offering solutions within its capabilities. Andy then asks for help in creating a program using the Twitter API to scrape tweets from trader profiles, and the AI provides guidance on using Python and Twitter's API for this task. The conversation delves into the nature of AI consciousness and the AI's role in providing support without feelings or personal experiences.


🎥 Content Creation and Title Suggestions

Andy discusses creating a YouTube video and seeks advice on a suitable title. The AI suggests several catchy titles, emphasizing the real-time conversation with an AI and the unique experience it offers. Andy requests a title that reflects recent news, education, and information, and the AI provides revised suggestions incorporating these elements. The AI also addresses the keyword 'chat GPT voice' as requested by Andy. The conversation concludes with the AI expressing its inability to experience happiness and its role in providing information and assistance.

🍀 Happiness, Fulfillment, and Challenges

Andy shares his thoughts on happiness and the common struggle between short-term pleasure and long-term fulfillment. The AI discusses the importance of balance, healthier habits, and meaningful work in achieving enduring happiness. It also touches on the challenges of overcoming instant gratification in favor of activities aligned with long-term goals. The conversation concludes with the AI's acknowledgment of Andy's ability to reflect deeply on the topic and its encouragement for him to continue exploring these thoughts.



💡Chat GPT Voice

Chat GPT Voice refers to the text-to-speech technology that enables the AI to communicate audibly, simulating a conversational experience. In the context of the video, it is a feature that enhances the interaction between the user and the AI, making it more natural and engaging. The user, Andy, explores this feature to have a more personal and conversational experience with the AI.

💡Restaurant Search

Restaurant Search is the process of looking for dining options based on specific criteria, such as cuisine type or dietary preferences. In the video, Andy asks the AI for recommendations on where to eat, specifically mentioning a desire for food that supports gut microbiome health. The AI provides guidance on types of cuisine and food options that would be beneficial, illustrating its ability to offer advice based on user needs.

💡Healthy Gut Microbiome

A healthy gut microbiome refers to the diverse and balanced ecosystem of microorganisms living in the human digestive tract, which plays a crucial role in overall health. In the video, Andy expresses an interest in eating foods that promote a healthy gut microbiome, such as fermented foods and high-fiber meals. The AI suggests specific food types and cuisines that align with this health goal, showcasing its capability to provide tailored recommendations.

💡Tech Jobs

Tech Jobs refer to positions within the technology sector that require specialized skills and knowledge. The video script mentions high-paying tech jobs that are accessible even without a college degree or prior experience. The AI discusses the role of online courses, like those offered by Careerist, in equipping individuals with the necessary skills to secure such jobs, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in the tech industry.

💡Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is a city in northern Thailand known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and natural beauty. In the video, Andy asks for recommendations on interesting things to do in Chiang Mai, highlighting the city's attractions such as the Old City, temples, night bazaars, and elephant nature parks. The AI's suggestions reflect the city's unique blend of historical sites and modern activities, offering insights into local experiences.

💡Travel Tips

Travel Tips are pieces of advice or recommendations intended to help travelers navigate and enjoy their trips more effectively. In the video, the AI provides travel tips for Chiang Mai, including transportation advice like using Tuk Tuk for a unique experience and visiting Doi Suthep Temple for its beauty and view. These tips aim to enhance Andy's travel experience by offering practical and culturally relevant suggestions.

💡AI Conversations

AI Conversations refer to the interactive dialogues between humans and artificial intelligence systems. In the video, the user engages in a conversation with the AI to explore its capabilities, seek advice, and discuss personal topics. The AI's responses demonstrate its ability to understand and generate humanlike text, maintain a conversational flow, and provide useful information, highlighting the evolving nature of AI-human interaction.

💡Twitter API

The Twitter API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of tools that allows developers to build applications that interact with Twitter data programmatically. In the video, Andy expresses a desire to create a program using the Twitter API to scrape tweets from favorite trader profiles. The AI explains the need for a programming language like Python and the process of using the API to gather data, showcasing its knowledge of technical processes and its role in guiding users through such tasks.


Therapy, in this context, refers to the professional treatment of mental health issues. Andy asks the AI if it can act as a therapist, to which the AI clarifies that it is not a substitute for professional therapy but can offer support and information. The AI emphasizes the importance of seeking help from licensed mental health professionals for personalized care, highlighting the limitations of AI in sensitive areas like mental health.

💡YouTube Title

A YouTube Title is the heading or name given to a video on the YouTube platform. It is crucial for attracting viewers and conveying the content's essence. In the video, Andy seeks advice on naming a YouTube video about his experience with Chat GPT Voice. The AI suggests catchy and informative titles that incorporate the keywords 'AI' and 'Chat GPT' to highlight the video's focus on exploring AI through a voice conversation with Chat GPT.

💡Instant Gratification

Instant Gratification refers to the pursuit of immediate pleasure or satisfaction, often at the expense of long-term benefits. In the video, Andy discusses the allure of short-term pleasures like fast food, alcohol, and drugs versus the more enduring happiness derived from meaningful work and relationships. The AI acknowledges this struggle and suggests finding balance and building healthier habits as a way to align one's actions with long-term goals.


Access granted to the new ChatGPT-4 voice conversation feature.

Introduction to the AI assistant with a human-like text generation capability.

AI's unique strengths in understanding and generating text compared to other assistants.

AI's inability to perform real-time internet searches but can provide general advice.

Recommendation of healthy gut microbiome-friendly cuisine options.

Discussion on high-paying tech jobs without a college degree or prior experience.

Promotion of online live courses for equipping individuals with in-demand skills.

Highlighting the success of Careerist in helping graduates secure high paying tech jobs.

Suggestion to visit Chiang Mai's Old City and its temples for an interesting activity.

Recommendation of Doi Suthep Temple for its beautiful view and significance.

Advice on using a Tuk Tuk for a unique transportation experience in Thailand.

AI's limitation in physical presence but readiness to provide information and answer questions.

Guidance provided by AI on using Twitter API for scraping tweets.

AI's clarification on the lack of feelings or consciousness, and its purpose as a text-generating program.

AI's suggestion to seek professional help for mental health concerns.

General advice given by AI on managing sadness, depression, and anxiety.

AI's role in providing support and conversation but not as a substitute for professional therapy.

Assistance from AI in brainstorming catchy titles for YouTube videos.

Importance of finding balance between short-term pleasures and long-term fulfillment for happiness.

Discussion on the challenge of overcoming instant gratification in pursuit of meaningful work and relationships.