Stable Cascade ComfyUI Workflow For Img2Img and Clip Vision (Tutorial Guide)

Future Thinker @Benji
23 Feb 202404:32

TLDRThis tutorial guide demonstrates how to utilize Stable Cascade's image-to-image and Clip Vision features within ComfyUI. It builds upon a previous text-to-image workflow, introducing the use of Stable Cascade's stage C models with a VAE encode for loading images. The guide shows how to adjust denoising strength for image generation, integrate prompts for realism, and use Clip Visions as an IP adapter for style transfer. The process is showcased with examples, highlighting the compatibility with upscaling models and the ease of connecting multiple image references for style variation. The tutorial encourages exploration of Stable Cascade's capabilities and anticipates future updates for enhanced control and extensions.


  • 🎨 The tutorial introduces the use of Stable Cascade for image-to-image tasks, expanding on the previously discussed text-to-image workflow.
  • 🌟 The built-in CLIP Vision feature in Stable Cascade models can be utilized as an IP adapter, enhancing the image generation process.
  • 🔍 Lowering the denoising strength to 0.35 in the Stable Cascade Stage C VAE enCOde can yield a similar image from a reference image.
  • 🖌️ The workflow is quick and doesn't take long to load, providing a fast way to generate images.
  • 🔎 The generated images closely resemble the reference image in both style and content.
  • 🎭 Compatibility with upscaling models like face upscaling and sharpening is mentioned, improving the quality of the generated images.
  • 📚 Reference is made to a previous tutorial for Stable Cascade text-to-image, which provides detailed explanations on using different sampling stages and models.
  • 🔗 The tutorial suggests using two Stable Cascade models, Stage C and Stage B, for optimal results.
  • 🚀 Anticipation is expressed for future updates to Stable Cascade, including features like control net and Lara support, as well as potential extensions.
  • 👋 The tutorial concludes with an encouragement for viewers to explore their creativity with Stable Cascade and promises more content in upcoming videos.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of this tutorial?

    -The main focus of this tutorial is to guide users through the process of using Stable Cascade for image to image and clip vision tasks, building upon the previously discussed text to image workflow.

  • How does the Stable Cascade Stage C model work in image to image tasks?

    -The Stable Cascade Stage C model works by using a VAE (Variational Autoencoder) encode for loading images. Users can generate images using a reference image, and by adjusting parameters such as lowering the denoising strength, they can achieve different results.

  • What is the significance of the denoising strength in the workflow?

    -The denoising strength is a parameter that affects the generation process. Lowering the denoising strength, for example to 0.35, can result in images that are more similar to the source or reference image.

  • Can the Stable Cascade workflow be used with upscaling models?

    -Yes, the workflow is compatible with upscaling models. The tutorial mentions using a face upscaler and sharpening the face, indicating that users can enhance their images further after generation.

  • How does the built-in CLIP Vision feature function in Stable Cascade?

    -The built-in CLIP Vision feature acts as an IP adapter, allowing users to mix multiple images as reference for generating new AI images. This enables the creation of images with styles from different sources.

  • What is the purpose of connecting multiple CLIP Vision nodes?

    -Connecting multiple CLIP Vision nodes allows users to incorporate more reference images into their generation process. Each additional node can take in a different image, which the model will then use to create a new image that blends styles from all the references.

  • What is the role of the UN clip conditioning in the workflow?

    -The UN clip conditioning is used to connect the CLIP Vision references with the text conditioning. This integration ensures that the generated image not only reflects the styles from the reference images but also adheres to the textual description provided by the user.

  • How can users find more information about Stable Cascade text to image if they missed it?

    -If users missed the previous tutorial about Stable Cascade text to image, they can go back and check it out. The tutorial provides detailed explanations on how to use Stable Cascade in different sampling stages and models.

  • What are the requirements for running the Stable Cascade workflow?

    -To run the Stable Cascade workflow, users need to install two of the Stable Cascade models: Stage C and Stage B. With these models installed, users can run the workflow without any issues.

  • What future updates are anticipated for Stable Cascade?

    -The tutorial expresses hope for more new updates about Stable Cascade, such as control net, Lara support, and other extensions based on Stable Cascade. These updates would enhance the capabilities and versatility of the tool.



🎨 Introduction to Stable Cascade for Image-to-Image and Clip Vision

This paragraph introduces the viewers to a tutorial focused on utilizing Stable Cascade for image-to-image transformations and incorporating Clip Vision features. It builds upon a previous tutorial about text-to-image using Stable Cascade, and now shifts the focus to image-based transformations. The speaker explains how Stable Cascade's Stage C models include built-in Clip Vision capabilities that can be used as an IP adapter, enhancing the generative process with reference images and additional prompts for realism. The paragraph also touches on the compatibility of this workflow with upscaling models and encourages viewers to revisit previous content for a deeper understanding of Stable Cascade's various sampling stages and models.



💡Stable Cascade

Stable Cascade is a term used in the context of AI and machine learning, referring to a specific model or algorithm designed for image generation and manipulation. In the video, it is the primary tool discussed for creating images from text or other images. It is highlighted for its ability to adapt and transform inputs into desired outputs, such as generating images from textual descriptions or enhancing existing images based on reference images.


Img2Img, short for image to image, is a process where an AI model takes one image as input and generates a new image as output. This is often used for tasks such as image editing, enhancement, or creating variations of a given image. In the video, the author demonstrates how to use Stable Cascade for Img2Img tasks, showing how to transform a source image into a new version with different styles or features, based on a reference image.

💡Clip Vision

Clip Vision is a feature within the Stable Cascade model that allows users to input multiple images and have the AI generate a new image that incorporates elements from the input images. This is akin to using an IP adapter in the context of image generation, where the AI learns from the styles and elements of the input images to create a unique output. The video tutorial shows how to utilize Clip Vision to mix styles and elements from different reference images to create a new, stylized image.


A workflow refers to the sequence of steps taken to complete a particular task or process. In the context of the video, the workflow for image generation using Stable Cascade is detailed, including the steps for setting up the environment, selecting the appropriate models, and configuring the settings for image to image conversion. The workflow is designed to be efficient and user-friendly, allowing for the creation of images with desired characteristics and styles.

💡Denoising Strength

Denoising strength is a parameter in AI image generation models that controls the level of noise reduction applied to the generated images. A lower denoising strength value, such as 0.35 mentioned in the video, results in images that retain more of the 'noise' or random variations, which can sometimes lead to more creative or realistic outputs. In the video, adjusting the denoising strength is part of the process of fine-tuning the image generation to achieve the desired look and feel.

💡Reference Image

A reference image is a source image used as a guide or inspiration for the AI to generate a new image. It provides the visual context and style that the AI model will attempt to replicate or adapt in the output image. In the video, the author uses a reference image to guide the Stable Cascade model in creating a new image with similar features and style, demonstrating how the model can learn from and respond to visual cues.


An upscaler is a tool or technique used to increase the resolution of an image without losing quality or introducing artifacts. In the context of the video, the author mentions using an upscaler with Stable Cascade models to enhance the detail and sharpness of the generated images, particularly the face. This process is part of the image post-processing and can significantly improve the final output's visual appeal.


ComfyUI refers to a user interface designed for comfort and ease of use. In the video, it is mentioned as the platform or software where the Stable Cascade models are run for image generation tasks. The interface is likely to be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing users to easily navigate through the workflow and settings for creating images.

💡Stage C Models

Stage C models in the context of the video refer to a specific set of AI models within the Stable Cascade framework that are used for image generation tasks. These models are likely to have advanced features and capabilities that allow for more nuanced and detailed image creation. The video tutorial focuses on using these Stage C models to demonstrate the potential of Stable Cascade for image manipulation and generation.

💡IP Adapter

In the context of the video, an IP adapter is a metaphorical term used to describe the function of Clip Vision within the Stable Cascade model. Just as a network adapter connects devices to a network, the 'IP adapter' in this case connects and integrates multiple image inputs to guide the AI in generating a new image. This feature allows users to blend styles and elements from different images, creating a unique output that reflects the combined visual characteristics of the input images.

💡Text Prom Conditioning

Text conditioning is a process in AI image generation where the output image is influenced by textual descriptions or prompts. This technique is used to guide the AI model in creating an image that aligns with the specified textual content. In the video, text conditioning is mentioned as one of the methods to refine the output of the Stable Cascade model, allowing users to incorporate their desired themes, styles, or characteristics into the generated images.


This tutorial guides users through using Stable Cascade for image to image and clip vision tasks.

The workflow is based on the previously discussed text to image workflow.

Stable Cascade's built-in clip Vision features can be utilized in stage C models.

The built-in clip Visions act as an IP adapter, enhancing the generative process.

Denoising strength can be adjusted for different styles and effects in image generation.

The tutorial demonstrates using a reference image for generating a similar output.

The process is fast and efficient, with minimal loading times.

Compatibility with upscaling models like face upscaler is showcased.

Instructions on using Stable Cascade for text to image are available for reference.

Multiple images can be used as references with clip Visions for style transfer.

The tutorial explains how to connect nodes for various clip Visions images.

The output showcases the successful integration of reference image styles and clothing.

Stable Cascade's built-in IP adapter-like features simplify the generative process.

The tutorial encourages users to explore Stable Cascade's potential with its models and extensions.

Anticipation for future updates and extensions of Stable Cascade is expressed.

The video aims to inspire users with the ease and capabilities of Stable Cascade.