Stable Cascade in ComfyUI with Updated Method and Custom Workflows

How Do?
5 Mar 202423:10

TLDRIn this informative video, the presenter introduces an updated method for utilizing Stable Cascade in ComfyUI, complete with custom workflows. The tutorial guides viewers through downloading specific checkpoints from the ComfyUI repository, explains the process of text-to-image and image-to-image workflows, and offers tips for improving the quality of generated images. The presenter also shares personal methods for refining the噪点 and achieving higher resolution images, providing a comprehensive guide for users to enhance their Stable Cascade experience in ComfyUI.


  • 🔍 The video introduces an updated method for using Stable Cascade in Comfort UI with custom workflows.
  • 📚 Download specific checkpoints for Comfort UI from the Stable Cascade examples page in the comfy UI repo.
  • 📱 For users with the portable Windows version, checkpoints should be placed in the 'comy UI/models/checkpoints' folder.
  • 🌟 The text-to-image workflow is explained, highlighting the process from text encoding to image generation through stages C, B, and A.
  • 🎨 The image-to-image workflow is demonstrated, showing how to convert an image into latents and then enhance it using Stable Cascade.
  • 💡 The video creator shares two custom methods to improve the quality of Stable Cascade images, addressing issues like noise and oversharpening.
  • 🛠️ The first custom method is a high-resolution fix, which involves a two-pass Stable Cascade process with upscaling and denoising.
  • 🔄 The second method combines Stable Cascade with an XD XL model, using a two-stage control net to maintain composition and improve image quality.
  • 🔎 A third workflow is presented for creating high-quality widescreen wallpapers with a triple pass Stable Cascade at different resolutions.
  • 🌐 The importance of maintaining aspect ratio and experimenting with compression and denoising values for optimal image quality is emphasized.
  • 🎥 The video concludes with a recommendation to experiment with both custom methods to determine which works best for different scenarios.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the updated method for using Stable Cascade in ComfyUI, including an overview of the workflows provided by Comfy Anonymous and the introduction of some custom workflows.

  • Where can the checkpoints for ComfyUI be downloaded from?

    -The checkpoints for ComfyUI can be downloaded from the Stable Cascade examples page in the ComfyUI repo.

  • What are the two models that need to be downloaded for using Stable Cascade with ComfyUI?

    -The specific models to be downloaded are not named in the script, but they can be found on the Hugging Face repo under the provided links at the top of the examples page.

  • How does one update ComfyUI to work with the new nodes?

    -To update ComfyUI, one needs to have the ComfyUI manager installed. Then, they should go to the manager, click on 'update comy', wait for a few seconds, exit the command prompt, and restart ComfyUI.

  • What is the purpose of the new node for generating latent images in the Stable Cascade workflow?

    -The new node for generating latent images is used specifically for the Stable Cascade models. It allows users to pick the width and height for the final image and set a compression factor to compress the latency for the first stage of the generation process.

  • What is the recommended compression factor for the Stage C of the Stable Cascade generation process?

    -The recommended compression factor for Stage C is 42, which works well with a resolution of 1024 by 1024.

  • How does the text to image workflow function in the video?

    -The text to image workflow starts by loading the Stage C model, creating a text encoding, feeding it into a sampler, and then running the latents through special Cascade conditioning into Stage B and Stage A, resulting in the final image.

  • What is the difference between the image to image workflow and the text to image workflow?

    -The main difference is that the image to image workflow uses a node for converting images into latents specifically for the Stable Cascade models, whereas the text to image workflow starts with creating an empty latent.

  • What aesthetic issue does the video address with Stable Cascade images?

    -The video addresses the overbaked or oversharpened look of Stable Cascade images, and the particular noise that appears in textures like grass and gravel, which the creator finds less appealing.

  • How does the highres fix method improve the quality of Stable Cascade images?

    -The highres fix method improves the image quality by doing a two-pass Stable Cascade process. The first pass generates the initial image, which is then upscaled and denoised before being passed through Stable Cascade again. This helps reduce noise and the overbaked look.

  • What are the custom nodes used in the video for the Stable Cascade to XD XL workflow?

    -The custom nodes used in the video for the Stable Cascade to XD XL workflow include the Control Net Ore Ox, which provides pre-processors and models for better image composition and detail.



🖼️ Introduction to Stable Cascade and Comfy UI Workflows

The video begins by introducing the viewer to an updated method for using Stable Cascade in Comfy UI. The host plans to demonstrate workflows from the Comfy UI repository and share custom workflows. The first step involves downloading checkpoints from the Comfy UI repo, specifically those designed for the platform. The host provides instructions on where to find and download these models and where to store them, depending on the user's setup. The video then moves on to explain the text-to-image workflow, highlighting the process of creating a text encoding and feeding it into a sampler. The host also emphasizes the importance of updating Comfy UI to ensure compatibility with the new workflows.


🌐 Text-to-Image Workflow and Stable Cascade Execution

In this paragraph, the host runs a text-to-image workflow using the Stable Cascade method. They explain the process of generating an image based on a provided prompt, which includes loading checkpoints and going through various stages of the workflow. The host also discusses the resulting image, noting the unique characteristics of Stable Cascade models, such as their tendency to produce a particular noise in textures like grass and gravel. The paragraph concludes with the host suggesting two methods to address these issues and promising to share them in the video.


🔍 High-Res Fix Method for Stable Cascade

The host introduces a high-resolution fix method for Stable Cascade, which involves a two-pass process. The first pass is similar to the text-to-image workflow, but with the addition of upscaling the generated image by 1.5 times and converting it back into latents. The second pass involves denoising with a recommended value range of 0.2 to 0.6, depending on the image. The host demonstrates the effectiveness of this method by showing an improved text clarity and reduced noise in the final image, thus enhancing the overall quality.


🎨 Stable Cascade to SDXL Workflow and Custom Nodes

The host presents a workflow that transitions from Stable Cascade to SDXL, using custom nodes and models. The workflow aims to maintain the composition quality from Stable Cascade while improving the visual aesthetics. The host explains the process of converting the initial image into latents with a reduced compression factor and then running it through a two-stage control net. They also mention the installation of specific custom nodes and models required for this workflow. The video shows the results of this method, highlighting the improved image quality and adherence to the original prompt.


🌟 Triple Pass Workflow for Enhanced Image Quality

The final paragraph discusses an extension of the high-res fix method, involving a triple pass for even higher image quality. The host sets custom resolutions for each pass, emphasizing the importance of maintaining aspect ratios and using multiples of 64 for optimal results. The video demonstrates the process, showing how each pass refines the image and reduces noise. The host concludes by comparing the initial and final images, showcasing the significant improvements in detail and overall visual appeal. The paragraph ends with the host's personal preference for this method and a suggestion to use it for creating wallpapers.



💡Stable Cascade

Stable Cascade is a method used in image generation models, specifically within the context of the video, it refers to a technique for creating images using the latest updates in ComfyUI. It involves a series of stages (A, B, C) where each stage refines the image, starting from text or another image input. The video discusses using this method with the updated ComfyUI and custom workflows for enhanced image generation.


ComfyUI is a user interface or platform that is used for image generation tasks, particularly with models like Stable Cascade. It provides a repository of workflows and models that users can utilize and customize for their specific needs. The video instructs viewers on how to update their ComfyUI and use it for Stable Cascade image generation.


Checkpoints in the context of the video refer to specific points in the training of machine learning models where the model's state is saved. These checkpoints are used to resume training or to initialize models for image generation tasks in ComfyUI. The video emphasizes the importance of downloading the correct checkpoints for Stable Cascade in ComfyUI.


Workflows are a series of steps or procedures that are followed in a particular order to achieve a certain outcome, such as generating images using Stable Cascade in ComfyUI. The video shares custom workflows that the creator has developed, as well as those provided by ComfyUI, to guide users through the process of text-to-image and image-to-image generation.


Text-to-Image is a process in which textual descriptions are used as input to generate corresponding images. In the video, this concept is applied using the Stable Cascade method within ComfyUI, where a text prompt is converted into an image through a series of stages, each refining the output to produce a final visual representation of the text.


Image-to-Image is a process where an existing image is used as a starting point or reference to generate a new image, often with modifications or enhancements. In the video, this is shown by using the Stable Cascade method in ComfyUI to transform an initial image according to a text prompt, with the output image reflecting the described changes.

💡Latent Images

Latent images refer to the intermediate representations of images that are used in the image generation process, particularly in the context of generative models like Stable Cascade. These latents capture the underlying structure or features of the image before it is fully rendered. The video discusses generating latent images for Stable Cascade models in ComfyUI as part of the image generation workflow.

💡Compression Factor

Compression factor is a parameter used in image generation models to control the level of compression applied to latent images. A higher compression factor results in more compressed latents, which can affect the quality and detail of the final image. The video provides guidance on adjusting the compression factor for different resolutions and image types in the context of Stable Cascade in ComfyUI.


Denoising is a process used in image generation to reduce or eliminate noise, which can manifest as unwanted artifacts or graininess in the image. In the video, denoising is applied as part of the Stable Cascade highres fix method to improve the quality of the generated images by reducing noise and enhancing details.

💡Two-Stage Control Net

Two-Stage Control Net is a technique used in image generation where an initial image generated by one model is passed through another model for further refinement. This is done to maintain the composition and details from the initial image while improving the visual quality. The video discusses using a two-stage control net to process images generated by Stable Cascade before applying an XD XL model for a specific aesthetic.

💡Highres Fix

Highres Fix is a method described in the video to improve the quality of images generated by the Stable Cascade process. It involves upscaling the initial image, converting it back into latents, and then running it through the Stable Cascade process again with denoising applied. This technique aims to reduce noise and enhance the overall detail and sharpness of the final image.


Updated method for using Stable Cascade in Comfort UI

Custom workflows for Stable Cascade in Comfort UI

Downloading checkpoints specifically made for Comfort UI

Explaining the workflow of Text to Image conversion

Using Stage C model for text encoding and sampler

The importance of updating Comfy UI for new features

Generating latent images for Stable Cascade models

Adjusting compression factor for different resolutions

Exploring Image to Image workflow for Stable Cascade

Converting images into latents for Stable Cascade models

Highres fix method for Stable Cascade to improve image quality

Two-pass Stable Cascade for enhanced text and composition

Using XD XL models for a specific aesthetic look

Cascade to SDXL workflow for maintaining composition

Installing custom nodes for Control Netore Ox

Triple pass Stable Cascade for detailed wallpapers

Adjusting denoising value for composition and detail balance

Upscaling and final pass for high-quality images