9 astuces pour réussir sa lettre de motivation Parcoursup ! (2022)

28 Feb 202214:51

TLDRThe video script offers a comprehensive guide on crafting a compelling motivation letter for higher education applications, emphasizing the importance of a well-structured and concise letter within a 1500-character limit. It highlights the need for a formal tone, clear plan, and personalization based on the program and institution. The script provides practical tips, such as using anecdotes and showcasing relevant skills, and encourages multiple revisions to ensure a polished final draft. The goal is to convince the reader of the applicant's suitability and enthusiasm for the chosen program and institution.


  • 📄 A well-crafted motivation letter is crucial for applications, as it can outweigh other criteria for certain programs.
  • 📝 Maintain a limit of 1500 characters for the motivation letter to ensure conciseness and readability.
  • 🖋️ Use formal language appropriate for a professional setting, avoiding casual or informal tones.
  • 📈 Start with a neutral and encompassing introduction, such as 'Madame, Monsieur' to address the reader respectfully.
  • 🔍 Research the program's expectations and requirements to tailor the letter and demonstrate a match with the candidate's profile.
  • 💡 Use personal experiences and anecdotes to showcase personality and relevant skills, making the letter more engaging.
  • 🎯 Highlight why the applicant is a good fit for the program, aligning personal strengths with the program's demands.
  • 🏫 Explain the choice of the specific institution, emphasizing factors that make it the ideal environment for the applicant's studies.
  • 📚 Consider future plans and how the program fits into the applicant's long-term goals, showing ambition and foresight.
  • 👀 Avoid negative phrasing and focus on positive aspects, even when discussing potential weaknesses or areas for improvement.
  • ✍️ Proofread the letter multiple times and let it rest before finalizing, ensuring there are no errors in spelling, grammar, or formatting.

Q & A

  • Why is the process of applying to higher education in France, known as 'Parcoursup', often stressful for students?

    -The process of applying to higher education in France, known as 'Parcoursup', can be stressful for students due to several reasons, one of which is the construction of their application dossier, notably including the writing of a motivation letter. It is important to write each letter with attention as it is a crucial criterion for having a good or excellent dossier, which is necessary for being considered for certain formations.

  • What is the significance of the motivation letter in the application process?

    -The motivation letter plays a significant role in the application process as it can carry more weight than other elements of the application. It serves as a tool for the applicant to express their interest in a particular formation and to convince the examiner that they are the ideal candidate.

  • What is the recommended length for a motivation letter?

    -The recommended length for a motivation letter is not to exceed 1500 characters. This constraint requires the applicant to be precise and thoughtful in what they choose to include in their letter.

  • How can an applicant ensure their motivation letter is well-structured and visually appealing?

    -An applicant can ensure their motivation letter is well-structured and visually appealing by using proper formatting, such as clear paragraphs and appropriate language. They should also consider using tools like Google Docs to keep track of the character count and to easily share the document for review and feedback.

  • What are some key elements to include in the introduction of a motivation letter?

    -In the introduction of a motivation letter, it is important to present the candidate's application for a specific formation and explain why they are interested in it. The introduction should be engaging and set the tone for the rest of the letter.

  • How can an applicant demonstrate that they are an ideal candidate for the chosen formation?

    -An applicant can demonstrate that they are an ideal candidate by researching the expected skills and qualities for the chosen formation and then providing examples from their own experiences that align with these expectations. This can include showcasing personal projects, relevant coursework, or extracurricular activities.

  • Why is it important to choose the right establishment for a specific formation?

    -Choosing the right establishment for a specific formation is important because it allows the applicant to tailor their education and training to the particular environment and resources offered by that institution. It also demonstrates to the examiner that the applicant has a clear understanding of their educational and professional goals.

  • What should an applicant consider when discussing their future plans in the motivation letter?

    -When discussing future plans in the motivation letter, an applicant should consider how the chosen formation fits into their long-term career goals. They should also mention any specific aspirations or projects that are relevant to the field of study, showing that their motivation extends beyond the immediate interest in the formation.

  • How can an applicant effectively end their motivation letter?

    -An applicant can effectively end their motivation letter by expressing respect and gratitude to the examiner through a polite closing formula. This leaves a positive final impression and reinforces the applicant's professionalism and sincerity.

  • What is the importance of reviewing and editing the motivation letter before submission?

    -Reviewing and editing the motivation letter before submission is crucial to ensure there are no errors in spelling, grammar, or formatting. It also allows the applicant to refine their message and make sure the letter accurately represents their skills, experiences, and goals.

  • What resources are available for applicants seeking assistance with their motivation letters?

    -Applicants can seek assistance with their motivation letters through various resources, such as online platforms dedicated to higher education guidance, where they can find examples, tips, and even request feedback from members who have experience in the application process.



📄 Crafting a Compelling Motivation Letter

This paragraph discusses the importance of writing a well-structured motivation letter as part of the application process for various programs. It emphasizes the need to focus on both content and form, adhering to conventions while showcasing originality. The paragraph outlines key points to consider when writing a motivation letter, such as explaining why the applicant is interested in the program, highlighting personal qualities and experiences, and justifying the choice of the specific institution. It also provides practical tips like keeping the letter under 1500 characters and using tools like Google Docs for drafting and sharing the letter for feedback.


🎯 Presenting Your Ideal Candidate Profile

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of demonstrating one's suitability for the chosen program. It advises applicants to research the expectations and requirements of the program to effectively highlight their relevant skills and experiences. The summary provides examples of how to articulate one's qualifications, such as showcasing creativity, ambition, and organizational skills. It also underscores the importance of personalizing the letter to align with the program's expectations and using personal anecdotes or experiences to add credibility and depth to the application.


🏛️ Choosing the Right Institution

This paragraph focuses on justifying the choice of the particular institution for the applicant's studies. It encourages the applicant to consider their future goals and how the institution aligns with those aspirations. The summary highlights the strategy of turning potential weaknesses into strengths and emphasizes the benefits of the institution's location, resources, and opportunities for professional development. It also encourages projecting future plans to demonstrate a long-term commitment to the field, and suggests researching the institution's offerings to ensure the motivation letter is well-informed and persuasive.



💡Motivation Letter

A motivation letter is a critical document in the application process for educational programs or jobs. It is a personalized and formal written communication where the applicant expresses their interest in a specific program or position and explains why they are an ideal candidate. In the video, the focus is on writing a motivation letter for educational programs, emphasizing the importance of being concise, clear, and compelling within a 1500-character limit.

💡Application Process

The application process refers to the series of steps an individual must go through to apply for a program or job. It often includes submitting various documents such as a motivation letter, CV, and academic transcripts. In the context of the video, the application process is specifically related to applying for higher education programs, with an emphasis on the stress and challenges of preparing a strong application dossier, particularly the motivation letter.

💡Personal Qualities

Personal qualities refer to the traits, characteristics, and attributes that define an individual's identity and behavior. In the video, personal qualities are discussed as essential elements to highlight in a motivation letter to demonstrate why the applicant is a good fit for the program. These qualities might include creativity, ambition, organizational skills, and a passion for the field of study.

💡Program Selection

Program selection refers to the process of choosing a specific educational program to apply for. It involves researching different programs, understanding their requirements, and aligning the applicant's interests and qualifications with the program's focus. In the video, the speaker advises on how to articulate the reasons for choosing a particular program in the motivation letter, making it clear why the applicant is interested and why they believe they are a suitable candidate.

💡Formal Language

Formal language is a mode of communication characterized by structured, polite, and standardized expressions. It is typically used in professional or academic settings, such as in writing motivation letters, where a level of formality is required to show respect and professionalism. The video emphasizes the importance of using appropriate language in a motivation letter, avoiding colloquialisms and maintaining a formal tone throughout.

💡Character Limit

A character limit is a restriction on the number of characters that can be used in a piece of writing. In the context of the video, it is mentioned that a motivation letter should not exceed 1500 characters, which necessitates concise and strategic writing to effectively communicate the applicant's motivation and qualifications within the given constraints.


Structure refers to the organization and arrangement of content within a written document. In the video, the structure of a motivation letter is emphasized as crucial for its effectiveness. A well-structured letter typically includes an introduction, body, and conclusion, each serving a specific purpose in presenting the applicant's case in a logical and coherent manner.


Originality refers to the quality of being unique, creative, and novel. In the context of the video, originality is important in the motivation letter as it helps the applicant stand out from others. While adhering to formal conventions, the applicant is encouraged to express their personality and motivations in an original way to capture the attention of the admissions committee.

💡Institutional Choice

Institutional choice refers to the decision-making process behind selecting a specific educational institution for further studies. This choice is influenced by various factors such as the institution's reputation, program offerings, and alignment with the applicant's career goals. In the video, the speaker advises on how to justify the choice of a particular institution in the motivation letter, highlighting aspects like the program's specificity, the institution's values, or its location.

💡Future Projections

Future projections involve envisioning and planning for one's career or educational path ahead. In the context of a motivation letter, it is important to articulate how the chosen program fits into the applicant's long-term goals and aspirations. This demonstrates to the admissions committee that the applicant has a clear direction and is serious about their studies and future.


Proofreading is the process of carefully reviewing written text to detect and correct errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall clarity. In the video, proofreading is stressed as a critical step in the letter-writing process to ensure that the motivation letter is polished and professional. It is important to avoid mistakes that could negatively impact the applicant's chances of being accepted into the program.


The importance of crafting a compelling motivation letter as part of one's application dossier, emphasizing that it should not be overlooked in the pursuit of an excellent application file.

The necessity of paying attention to both the content and form of the motivation letter, adhering to conventions to demonstrate rigor and respect for rules while allowing room for originality.

The recommended length for a motivation letter is 1500 characters, suggesting brevity and precision in conveying one's message.

The suggestion to use Google Docs for drafting the motivation letter to easily track the character count and facilitate sharing for feedback.

The importance of starting the motivation letter with a formal and neutral salutation, such as 'Madame, Monsieur', to ensure proper formality.

The need to construct a plan for the motivation letter, focusing on convincing the reader of the candidate's suitability for the chosen program and their alignment with the program's requirements.

The strategy of introducing the motivation letter with a brief anecdote or personal story to capture the reader's attention and showcase elements of one's personality.

The importance of researching the expectations and requirements of the program to tailor the letter and provide relevant examples of personal experiences that align with these expectations.

The advice to personalize each motivation letter based on the specific program and institution, using personal experiences to substantiate claims of one's qualifications.

The suggestion to avoid negative phrasing and focus on positive aspects of one's experiences and qualifications, even when discussing potential weaknesses.

The recommendation to project oneself into the future when discussing program choice, showing a clear and forward-looking motivation that extends beyond immediate interests.

The emphasis on the critical nature of proofreading and revising the motivation letter to ensure it is free from typographical and grammatical errors before submission.

The provision of a dedicated server for orientation where one can seek assistance in refining their motivation letter, offering a supportive community resource.

The inclusion of a summary table with numerous ideas and arguments that can be used to enrich the motivation letter, providing a valuable resource for applicants.

The encouragement to seek out information about the chosen program and institution to present a well-informed and credible application.

The reminder that the motivation letter is a crucial document that can significantly impact one's future, underscoring the importance of careful preparation and thoughtful content.