The Amity Affliction - The Gifthorse [Lyrics on screen]

3 Sept 201803:23

TLDRThe video script appears to be a poetic and abstract narrative, possibly inspired by music or a visual art piece. It weaves together themes of darkness, sadness, and the ephemeral nature of life, symbolized by 'ships in the night' and 'the dark side of the moon.' The script suggests a journey of introspection and memory, with references to hearing sounds when closing one's eyes and the feeling of a brother's presence through song. The use of applause indicates that this may be a performance, with the audience's reaction integrated into the script. The overall tone is introspective and evocative, inviting viewers to delve into the depths of the human experience and the mysteries of the 'dark side.'


  • 🎶 The script seems to reference a song or musical piece, possibly with a theme of darkness or sadness, indicated by phrases like 'Stark's I darkside our sadness later'.
  • 🚢 'Ships in the night' could symbolize fleeting moments or transient relationships.
  • 🎵 'Susan' might be a character or a metaphor within the song, adding a personal touch to the narrative.
  • 👑 The line 'I came a crown' suggests a theme of achievement or royalty, perhaps indicating a rise to power or a significant accomplishment.
  • 👀 'If I close my eyes, now I can still hear the sound' implies a strong sense of nostalgia or the lasting impact of a memory.
  • 🦌 'Like a deer the side' could be a poetic way of describing a sense of vulnerability or alertness.
  • 🎶 The repetition of 'stuck on the Dark Side of the Moon' might be a central motif or a metaphor for feeling trapped or in a state of limbo.
  • 🌌 'Your silence I hear I go in in the ether' suggests a deep connection with another, possibly beyond words.
  • 🎤 'Like you're singing next to me a brother' conveys a sense of companionship or solidarity.
  • 🎵 'I finally found some peace' indicates a resolution or a moment of tranquility within the narrative.
  • 👏 The presence of applause suggests that the script might be from a live performance or a segment that elicits audience engagement.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'Stark's I darkside our sadness later'?

    -This phrase seems to be a poetic expression that might refer to the contrast between the bright and the dark aspects of life, or the transition from a period of sorrow to a time of reflection and understanding.

  • What could 'ships in the night' symbolize in this context?

    -'Ships in the night' is a metaphor often used to describe brief encounters or relationships that pass by quickly, leaving a lasting impression or memory.

  • How does the mention of 'Susan' relate to the overall theme of the script?

    -Susan could be a character or a symbol representing a significant person or moment in the narrative, contributing to the emotional depth of the story.

  • What is the significance of the ocean in this script?

    -The ocean can symbolize the vastness of life's experiences, the depth of emotions, or the journey one undertakes. It may also represent the subconscious or the unknown.

  • What does 'I came a crown' imply?

    -This phrase could suggest a moment of triumph, achievement, or ascension to a position of power or authority. It might also refer to a personal realization or self-discovery.

  • Why might the script mention 'if I close my eyes, now I can still hear the sound'?

    -This line suggests the enduring power of memory and the ability to mentally revisit past experiences through sensory recall, even when they are not physically present.

  • What is the significance of the recurring motif of 'dark side' in the script?

    -The 'dark side' is a recurring theme that could represent the challenges, fears, or the less visible aspects of life or a person's character. It might also be a metaphor for personal struggles or societal issues.

  • What could 'like Jared for life the ocean with' mean?

    -This phrase might be an allusion to a character named Jared who has a deep connection with the ocean, possibly symbolizing a life journey or a significant life change.

  • How does the phrase 'stuck on the Dark Side of the Moon' contribute to the overall narrative?

    -This phrase might suggest a state of being trapped or caught in a difficult situation, with 'the Dark Side of the Moon' representing a place of isolation or hidden struggles.

  • What is the significance of 'your silence I hear'?

    -This line could imply the ability to sense or understand unspoken emotions or thoughts, suggesting a deep level of empathy or connection between characters.

  • What might 'I finally found some peace' indicate?

    -This statement suggests a resolution or a moment of clarity and tranquility after a period of struggle or introspection. It could represent personal growth or the achievement of inner peace.



🎶 Musical Reflections on Life's Journey

The first paragraph of the script appears to be a poetic and abstract narrative, interwoven with musical elements, suggesting a deep and emotional journey. It begins with a reference to 'Stark's I darkside our sadness later,' which could be a metaphor for the darker aspects of life or a specific reference to a piece of music or literature. The mention of 'ships in the night Susan' might symbolize fleeting moments or relationships. The repeated use of '[Music]' indicates a strong auditory component, perhaps suggesting that the paragraph is part of a soundtrack or a musical performance. The phrases 'like Jared for life the ocean with' and 'I came a crown' seem to be poetic expressions of personal growth and achievement. The paragraph concludes with a reflection on being 'stuck on the dark side dark side,' which might represent a struggle or a place of introspection.




The term 'Darkside' in the context of the script appears to be a metaphor for a range of emotions or experiences, possibly indicating a darker or more somber aspect of life or feelings. It is used to convey a sense of introspection and depth, as seen in the line 'Stark's I darkside our sadness later'. The concept is likely related to the main theme of the video, which seems to explore emotional complexity and the duality of human experience.


The word 'ships' in the script could symbolize a journey or a passage of time. It might represent the idea of moving from one place or state of mind to another. In the context of the video, it could be illustrating a transition or a voyage through emotional landscapes, as suggested by the phrase 'ships in the night Susan', which implies a fleeting or transient nature of experiences.


The 'ocean' is often used as a metaphor for the vastness and depth of emotions, the subconscious, or life's challenges. In the script, the mention of the 'ocean' alongside 'life' might suggest a reflection on the enormity and mystery of existence. It could also be a symbol of the emotional journey the speaker is undertaking, as they navigate through their feelings and experiences.


A 'crown' typically represents authority, sovereignty, or achievement. In the script, the phrase 'I came a crown' could imply a personal triumph or the attainment of a significant emotional or mental state. It might also be a metaphor for self-respect or inner strength, suggesting that the speaker has reached a point of self-acceptance or empowerment.


The 'eyes' are often associated with perception, insight, and emotional expression. The script's repeated reference to closing the eyes, as in 'if I close my eyes', might indicate a desire to look inward, to access memories, or to seek solace in one's inner world. This action could symbolize introspection or a retreat from the external world to a more personal and intimate space.


The 'sound' in the script seems to represent a sensory memory or an auditory cue that triggers emotions or recollections. It might be a metaphor for the lingering impact of past experiences or the power of music to evoke feelings. The line 'now I can still hear the sound' suggests that certain auditory experiences have a lasting resonance, allowing the speaker to reconnect with past moments or emotions.


The 'deer' mentioned in the script could symbolize various qualities such as grace, innocence, or natural beauty. It might also represent a connection to nature or a longing for simplicity and purity. The reference to 'a deer the side' could be an evocative image that adds a layer of depth to the narrative, possibly suggesting a moment of vulnerability or a fleeting encounter with something wild and untamed.


In a poetic or metaphorical sense, 'ether' can refer to the space or atmosphere that surrounds and permeates everything, often associated with the spiritual or the unseen. In the script, 'in in the ether' might suggest a journey through the intangible aspects of existence or a search for meaning in the unseen forces that shape our lives. It could also imply a sense of being lost or disconnected from reality.


The concept of 'silence' in the script can be interpreted as a form of communication or a space for reflection and introspection. It might represent the unspoken or the things that are left unsaid, which can often be more powerful than words. The line 'your silence I hear' suggests that the speaker is attuned to the quiet, the subtleties of non-verbal communication, and the depth of understanding that can come from stillness.


The word 'repeat' in the script could signify the cyclical nature of time, the recurrence of certain patterns or experiences, and the idea of being stuck in a loop. It might relate to the main theme by illustrating the persistence of certain memories or emotions that keep coming back. The phrase 'everyone repeat stuck' could be a commentary on the human tendency to get caught in repetitive behaviors or thought patterns.


The term 'applause' in the script likely represents recognition, appreciation, or a positive response from an audience or listener. It could symbolize the validation or affirmation that one seeks after sharing their story or creative expression. In the context of the video, 'applause' might be a metaphor for the support and encouragement that can help someone move forward or overcome challenges.


Stark's I darkside our sadness later

ships in the night Susan

like Jared for life the ocean with

I came a crown and if I close my eyes

now I can still hear the sound like a deer the side

see ya

I find out forever everyone repeat stuck

on the Dark Side of the Moon

your silence I hear I go in in the ether

if I close my eyes I can hear

like you're singing next to me a brother

I finally found some pee

start side

stuck on the dark side dark side
